Saturday, August 5, 2017

New York Times Cites This Blog -- Evil Jesuit Firing Shots Across the Bow of Catholic Armada?

Edit: over the past few days, we've been getting a little bit of traffic, a trickle really, from the dispenser of fake news, the Old Gray Lady, which is the company paper of a Mexican globalist.  We've talked about them before when they acted as an instrument of Attorney Jeff Anderson's attack on the Catholic Church in the sex abuse crisis.  Their distortions and omissions should be familiar to those who study the news in these dark times.

Now they are issuing threats to faithful Catholics on behalf of the evil editor of the La Civiltà Cattolica, the decadent leftist Jesuit, Spadaro, the mouthpiece of Sauron himself, describing his own hit piece as a "shot across the bow." In their article, they refer to Church Militant, whose article we cited, as a "fringe" organization. Is that the same as being on the "margins" that the Holy Father talks about so often? Don't bet on it, them's not the kind of margins he's talking about. While they have time to threaten faithful Catholics, these are hard times for the Times, which has greater problems to deal with as it continues its own downward spiral to economic and cultural irrelevance. Perhaps now is the time that Church Militant will admit that we have a big problem in the Holy See?



Anonymous said...

Yahudis getting uppity again?

Slinging mud at Steve Bannon to Cardinal Burke to Church Militant and seeing what sticks? Really?

Thus no Catholic is to disagree civilly in our own Church? Only one sided discussion is allowed and that is the Yahudi voice?

Signs of desperation from the Old Grey Lady.

Anonymous said...

CMTV also has another problem.

AUGUST 6, 2017

CMTV's Men's Conference supports an irrational theology at Catechism and RCIA in Detroit - out of fear of the Archbishop

Blotto said...

On November 8th 2016, the liberal body politic suffered a serious flesh wound. It's been suppurating ever since and the only way all those ill liberals and abortion supporters and facilitators can find to cope with their routing is by endless sniping at anyone and everyone who's not on board with their beloved Culture of Death. Who knows, give it another couple of years and the wound may even turn gangrenous...

As an aside, I think the reason James Thurber was never on the staff of the New York Times was because his flights of fancy were light-hearted, funny and highly readable whereas the NYT's fantasies are just dull, predictable and laced with 70% proof bitterness.

JBQ said...

"Church Militant" is now emerging as a viable critic of reform. Every other source appears to have been intimidated. Before his death in 1999, Malachi Martin was spot on as a critic. There are radicals who believe that he was murdered when his wheelchair was pushed down some stairs. Michael Voris has now emerged on the scene and I would hope that he brings along a "food taster" on his many trips.

Perry Dane said...

"Yahudi"? Why do the moderators allow that sort of anti-Semitic drivel?

Tancred said...

Same reason I tolerate your inane, schoolmarmish blathering.

Thomas A said...

No Tancred, he's putting the inconvenient question about your behaviour in enabling anti-Jewish sentiments. The latter is highly predictable given that Nostra Aetate is held in contempt.
Don't be so coy!

Tancred said...

Nostra Aetate is dead letter. It was naive, perhaps cynical, to begin with, connived at by anti-Catholic pressure groups who were bribing and blackmailing Church Fathers to boot. Nowadays, it's laughably out of touch with the real experience of today's people of God.

Like the music of Marty Haugen and Michael Joncas, it's stuck in the 60s.

James said...

Or a wig tester.

Thomas A said...

Nostra Aetate is the official doctrine of an Ecumenical Council of the Catholic Church. The issue for you is that you can't handle that so would categories you what George Weigel describes as 'cafeteria Catholic lite.'

susan said...

What'd you have to say about Trent, feybriel, you wormtongue windbag?

Tom A said...

Vatican II completed what Trent did not have the nerve to do.
BTW, who is feybriel?

Anonymous said...
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Tancred said...

Most clergy these days ignores Vatican II, but it is, after all, only a non-binding, pastoral council which some dishonest commentators like yourself, want to make into a super council, ignoring all that has come before it. Liturgical and Theilogical vandals like to have it both ways, even Suennens admits that.

Besides, the interference of Jewish pressure groups like JAC, effectively invalidate the council.

Thomas A said...

The line that Vatican II is just a pastoral council and can be regarded as non-binding goes back to the rat pack of Ottaviani and his Curial pals. Vatican II was a teaching Council just as much as any other that solemnly taught theologies of Church, its place in human history, Christology, the dignity of the human person, human freedom, the primacy of conscience among others which had been either under stressed or buried by the clumsy categories and self-referential syllogisms of Scholastic theology. The Council solemnly taught authoritatively doctrine on liturgy, ecclesiology, the value of non-Christian religious traditions which grate against what had been in possession for centuries. Vatican II was a 'super council' in the sense taught by both JP II and Benedict that it contains, preserves and hands on the teaching of all previous councils.
You and your pals take the easy, lazy way out by attempting to present it as a sideshow pantomime. And the utter rubbish out Jewish plots behind Vatican II reveals as plainly as the day is long just how deeply the minds of many particularly traditionalists have been warped by the psychosis of anti-Semitism.

Tancred said...

So the Church was psychotic for two thousand years until the Jewish American Committee extorted Nostra Aetate out of the Council Fathers?

Thomas A said...

The Church was side tracked when Constantine made it the sacral arm of the State. The Church has been schizophrenic for seventeen hundred years.

Jesus and his Gospel were never there and every time authentic Christianity has threated to reappear, Constantine reasserts himself. Vatican II gave him the boot and its still trying to.

Tancred said...

Once again, you don't address my question.

The idea that Jews are the enemies of the Church didn't exactly come into being at the Edict of Toleration.


Thomas A said...

Tancred, "the Jews" are the people to whom belonged Jesus Christ, his family, his friends, the Apostles and the first disciples for three hundred years. That there was a an acrimonious parting of the ways between Christianity and Judaism in the first century is one thing, the hyped up patristic hatred and vilification of 'the Jews' in absolute terms is another and has nothing in common with Christ or his Gospel. Read Paul's laments over Judaism's rejection of the Gospel. He never wiped them off as Chrysostom and others did.
The authentic instinct of sound Catholic theology is that it is impossible to understand Jesus or his message or the origins of the Church and its mission adequately if Christians don't understand Judaism.

Unknown said...

One of the reasons I personally rejected the Novus Ordo Mass was that it contained a section that is almost straight out of the Talmud (one of the most anti-Christian books ever written.) The deletion of the prayers for the conversion of the Jews on Good Friday was another factor. Vatican 2 is most definitely a Jesus optional document.

Seattle kim

Tancred said...

Paul refers to them as the Synagogue of Satan.

Have they apologized for stoning Saint Stephen?

Tancred said...

Thanks for your valuable personal anecdotes. They're so conclusive and convincing!

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

Tancred you're an ass.

Constantine said...

The "Jews" do not exist as a group. They are all broken down into different sects. For some, the Talmud is disgarded and replaced with Saul Alinsky "Socialist Justice", still waiting for the "Messiah".They are just lost and scattered and embittered full of rancor. What "Thomas A"needs to acknowledge is that there is no such thing as "Judiasm". They can no longer offer sacrifice for their sins, and no way to adequately expiate their personal sins, because they have no priests anymore. The Jewish priesthood disappeared at Masada, 70 AD. And this was not the first time they lost their temple and priesthood and "High Priest"(aka Pope). So to compensate, most "religious" Jews await the Priesthood which the "Messiah" will restore. And they acknowledge, by their own Law, that the reason they no longer have a priesthood, is that, like before, God is punishing them is because they were disobedient to God with their sin. This is THEIR orthodox jewish explanation in the Talmud. They, THEMSELVES acknowledge some sin committed by them so grave that they have been deprived of their temple, their Papacy, priesthood. Not to forget, Caiphas was the High priest at the time of the Crucifixion. At that time in history, Greek was the international language of the philosopers and intellectuals. Caiphas chose his name and is a corrupted slang form of the greek word "Rock". A corrupted "Rock". And Peter, the true rock, by contrast.

Tancred said...

That's the first time you've been right about anything.

Tancred said...

The Jews were just as divided at Christ's coming as they are now.

Anonymous said...

“And Isaias crieth out concerning Israel: If the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved.”..... (Romans 9, v27). The Church is Israel God's Promises Fulfilled

...excerpts from magazine by E. Michael Jones “Is St. John (the Apostle) an Anti-Semite?”
‘The first coming of Christ brought the messianic expectations of the Jews to a crisis. The Jews define themselves by their relationship to the man, who claims to be the ‘Son of Man’, or the ‘Messiah’. Those who rejected Christ (and still do), and for the Jews and non-Jews who believed in Him as the Messiah. The term ‘Jew’ appears 71 times, in the Gospel of St. John. Who then are ‘the Jews’ that are mentioned 71 times in his gospel? .....the context gets increasing specific and increasingly hostile as the Gospel narrative progresses, leading ultimately to a break between ‘the Jews’ and Jesus that will lead to His death. St. John achieves the portraying of Jews at all levels ‘both in the form of the spontaneous Mob as well as in the form of the political religious leadership......”as murderers, assassins and killers”.......even the Jews who believed in Jesus (John 8:33), “insofar as they wanted to remain Jews” have to hear themselves denounced as “children of the Devil.” “Why don’t you understand what I am saying? Because you can’t hear my word. The Devil is your father, and you prefer to do what your father wants. He was a murderer from the start and was never grounded in the truth; there is no truth in him at all.”
“He who is of God hears the words of God. The reason why you do not hear is that you are not of God....” (St. John 8:31-34, 37, 47).



“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, ye Hypocrites! Liars! Vipers! Murderers! Your house is forsaken and desolate. Your father is the Devil. How will you flee from the judgment of hell!” Jesus assails Jews who plotted his murder......You blind fools!......hypocrites! (St. Matt. 23: 1,2,4,13, 14, 25, 28, 33).

‘So long as Jews remain Jews, a Jewish problem exists and will continue to should stay away from the harmful moral influence of Jews, keep away from their anti-Christian culture, and especially boycott the Jewish press and demoralizing Jewish publications’.........Augustine Cardinal Hlond, Primate of Poland, ‘Pastoral Letter, 1936, quoted by E. Michael Jones, ‘the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and its impact on world history.’

susan said...

The Catholic Church is the New Israel....the Jews were the OT type of the Church to come, revealed and fulfilled in Christ; the Bl. Mother was a Jew become a Christian; St. Paul was a Jew become a Christian; the Apostles, Mary Magdalene, the disciples were Jews BECOME Christians. The Jewish 'religion' of today (pharisaic and an empty envelope) is a different animal from the one God established, which had of NECESSITY at its core, a sacrifice....geeee, I wonder where that line continues? This is Cat 101. It is our DUTY and necessity to evangelize the Jews (look up Alphonse Ratisbonne; read "Honey From the Rock")....they are our brothers in darkness, and this usurping toad on Peter's Throne denies them salvation. I can't think of a more wicked act done under the guise of 'meeeerrrrcy'.

And your post at 2:54 totally outs you, you snake....YOU'RE the sedevacantist. So there was no Church, no Charism of Truth, no magisterial validity from Constantine thru Vat II?'re an ASS. I used to joke about it before, but I really do think you're Rosica, or one of his butt buddies...certainly a rainbow chasuble'd freak, doing his best (worst) to bring down Christ's Church; regarding which you've quite ably shown to have not one whit of understanding.

Slither back under your rock...too much light here.

Anonymous said...

....excerpts from an article “Salvation is from the Jews’ by Robert Sungenis:

“There are Jewish converts who are not content to be inconspicuously assimilated into the Catholic Church, they want to lead her, accuse her tradition of erroneous doctrine and prejudices, and ultimately once again make the Jewish people the central focus of the divine plan as they were in the OT.
First attacks aim at the traditional teaching of supersessionism, which is the doctrine that the old Covenant has been superseded by the New Covenant…...such denial is the grievous error, and one of the most insidious. St. Paul is clear that the Old Covenant has been made null and void by the New Covenant.
...we read in Hebrews 7:18-19 that “the former commandment is set aside because of its weakness and uselessness, for the law made nothing perfect.”
...Hebrews 8:13 says; “In speaking of a new covenant he treats the first as obsolete”; Hebrews 10:9 adds: “He abolishes the first in order to establish the second” see also…Ephesians 2:15 and Colosians 2:14. Also confirming this Scriptural truth, Catholic councils and papal decrees made it clear that the Old Covenant has, indeed been superseded.
Council of Florence: “It firmly believes, professes, and teaches that the matter pertaining to the law of the OT, of the Mosaic law….all, therefore, who after that time observe circumcision and the Sabbath and the other requirements of the law, it declares alien to the Christian faith and not in the least fit to participate in eternal salvation…” (Denz. 712).
Five hundred years later, Pius XII said it again: “and first of all…the New Testament took the place of the Old Law which had been abolished….On the Gibbet of His death Jesus made void the Law with its decrees and fastened the handwriting of the OT to the Cross….On the Cross then the Old Law died…in order to give way to the New Testament.” (Mystici Corporis, 29-30).
Some argue that in Matt 5:17-18 Jesus said that not one jot or tittle would pass from the law until all was fulfilled, Pius XII assures us above, as does Scripture itself, that the Old Covenant was, indeed, fulfilled in the New Covenant and thus Jesus’ word are satisfied (Heb. 10:16-18); 2 Cor. 3:6-14).

Anonymous said...

The only things that survive from the Old Covenant are its ethical principles, and thus whatever was good among them was incorporated into the New Covenant by the Church’s decision (cf. Rom. 13:9-10, 1 Cor. 9:9).
To fail to recognize that THE CHURCH ALONE IS THE ‘ISRAEL’ OF OLD TESTAMENT PROPHECY!!! The ‘Israel’ that the agnostic people who currently occupy is a piece of real estate in Palestine. As Vatican II states: “THE NEW ISRAEL…IS CALLED THE CHURCH OF CHRIST” (Lumen Gentium: On the People of God, II,9). Or as Ad Gentes puts it: “THUS THE APOSTLES WERE THE SEEDS OF THE NEW ISRAEL” (1,5).
As Saint Paul teaches in Romans 11:29, “for the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable,”.....which means God will still offer to save the Jew despite the Jew’s past and constant rejection of God. God will do so because He promised Abraham (cf. Lk. 1:73-74). The ‘gifts and calling’ do not refer to the nation-state of Israel, the Old Covenant, or anything to do with the Jewish ethnicity. The very reason Romans 11 was written is that, after God rejected and decimated the Jews in the 1st century, the question of whether any Jew could still be saved came to the fore, which is the very reason St. Paul opens the chapter with: “Has God forsake the Jew?” God will still save the Jew, and Paul cites himself as living proof (Rom. 11:1-5). Notice that the answer has to do with ‘individual salvation,’ NOT national restoration. But when Jews are saved, they, as St. Paul said in Phil. 3:7 ‘are supposed to assimilate humbly into the Church, neither rejecting two thousand years of Church teaching as an ‘error’ nor seeking to make the New Covenant dependent on Jewish participation for its ultimate fulfillment.
In fact, we Catholics could make the claim that “Salvation is from the Gentiles,” since St. Paul’s whole argument against the Judaizers was that Abraham received his justification and the divine promises while he was ‘an uncircumcised Gentile’ (cr., Rom. 4:10; Gal. 3:6-8)! But we know that advancing Gentile or Jewish causes is not what Christianity is all about. In conclusion, today’s Jewish converts should remember not to take Jesus’ words out of context; and that, as St. Paul and the Catholic Church teach, salvation is no longer from the Jews, “SINCE THERE IS NO LONGER JEW NOR GREEK, FOR WE ARE ALL ONE CHRIST JESUS’’ (Gal. 3:28). AMEN!

Anonymous said...

....they are our brothers in darkness, and this usurping toad on Peter's Throne denies them salvation. I can't think of a more wicked act done under the guise of 'meeeerrrrcy'......

By rejecting the Son of God and impious plotting of His death, they were driven from their country, delivered up to perpetual bondage, and scattered far and wide over the face of the earth.....until 1947!, in spite of taking in violence and murder of Palestine people, for which they will never know ‘peace’...they brought hardship and persecution down upon themselves, and unfortunately, upon all the Jewish people.....blindness for the ‘stiff neck’ and 'hardened hearts’......the ‘toad’ on Peter’s Throne is a very obedient pupil of his predecessors.....of the ‘revolution.’

Let this be a lesson for us Catholics (true Christians) ‘chosen in Christ’.....for the Hand of God has fallen on us.....for to whom much was given, and much was (is) squandered........Ave Maria!

In 1980, during the trip to Germany, John Paul II stated to the representatives of the Jewish community in Mainz: “In the declaration on the relations of the Church with Judaism of April this year, the bishops of West-Germany have broken new ground with their statement ‘whoever meets Jesus Christ, meets Judaism.’ I wish to make those words mine as well.......” (‘Peter Lovest Thou Me’ by Abbe Daniel Le Roux).
What Does It Mean to be "the Elder Brother"?

Jim P said...

Why on earth would a former fag-hag and current sede-vacantist care about anything remotely to do with Catholicism.

Anonymous said...

Whilst on the cross, and just before His death , Jesus gave the sorrowful Virgin Mary to us: all humanity as our spiritual mother. She implores us to pray the Rosary daily, go to the seat of mercy ;confession regularly ; Mass and Holy communion at least on Sunday, pray for the Pope and be as the littlest of children before the Lord. Today ,also , she has given us a great gift in The Marion Movement Of Priests. Pope John Paul11 was a son of predeliction of hers. Sound too simple- Well it's God who saves through His Grace; Be people of good will : She is the Prophetess of our times. Lack of discipline and confusion reign out there.