Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Founder of Large Catholic Broadcaster "Excommunicated" for Criticizing Pope

Jose Galat, Founder, President and Director of Teleamiga, one of the largest Catholic broadcasters, has been
declared "excommunicated" because of his criticism of the pope and declaration of latae sententiae excommunication.
(Bogota) In the coming September, a visit to Pope Francis is planned in Colombia, which is casting its shadows. A few days ago there was a serious conflict between the Colombian Bishops' Conference and one of the largest Catholic television channels. At the center of the conflict is a well-known researcher and media entrepreneur who has hitherto been regarded as a faithful Catholic - with a "defect": he dares criticize the office of Pope Francis and even accuses him of not being the "legitimate" successor of Peter, "because he is denying truths of the Faith." The bishop's conference declared him a few days ago to be a "schismatic" and de facto excommunicated.

José Galat: Presidential Consultant, Consul General, University Rector

José Galat Noumer is a well-known man not only in Colombia, but throughout the Spanish-speaking world. He was born in 1928 in Sagomaso (then Diocese of Tunja), a region that is nowadays known for its cyclists. He studied Law in Colombia, Political Science and Sociology in Paris and Philosophy in Barcelona. In Colombia, he was initially active within the framework of the International Association of Christian Entrepreneurs (UNIAPAC). In his working life, he devoted himself not only the social sciences, but also to the establishment of educational institutions and the cooperative system. From 1966-1974 he was a consultant to Colombian President Carlos Lleras Restrepo and Misael Pastrana Borrero, a member of the Colombian People's Bank, and in the 1970s, he was also a Colombian Consul General in Paris.

José Galat, former university professor

In 1951 he was given the first assistant position, followed by lectures and professorships at various universities in Colombia. From 1981 to July 17, 2017 he was rector of the University of La Gran Columbia. In this function, too, a special emphasis was laid on the promotion of the cooperative system, which, on the basis of the Catholic social doctrine, he regarded as a particularly suitable instrument for the promotion of the economy, independence and human dignity. More than 250,000 people are now employed in the cooperatives established and supported by the company.
Galat has published 22 books dealing primarily with Colombia, economic questions, cooperative society, but also theological and philosophical issues.

Teleamiga - Catholic television station with millions of viewers

At an early stage, he has dealt with mass communications. In the 1970s, he developed the idea of ​​a weekly broadcasting of the country's president. In 1999, he and his friend Diego Arango Osorio founded Teleamiga , which is now available in HD quality in Colombian cities via cable, otherwise via satellite in all Latin America, the USA, Europe and North Africa. The aim of the two founders was to create, besides the state and private radio broadcasting, a broadcaster devoted to the value and not to commerce. The station belongs to a non-profit foundation of the University of La Gran Columbia, whose president is Galat.
In 2010, he applied to be nominated as a Presidential candidate for the Conservative Party of Colombia. As such, he wanted to succeed Alvaro Uribe, the "vanquisher of the FARC", who was not allowed to stand for two term periods. The party, however, opted for another candidate.
Galat, now 88 years old, still makes the weekly program "Un Cafe de Galat," which, according to the ratings, is one of the most watched TV shows on Teleamiga .

Papal Criticism and Colombian Bishops

Criticism of the Pope is a delicate matter in the Church. The historian Roberto de Mattei, in his recent book, "Defense of Tradition", points out that papal infallibility defined in 1870 by the First Vatican Council, is not only misunderstood by opponents of the Church, but is misunderstood by Catholics themselves.

Teleamiga, broadcasting since 1999 

There are specific factors that come into play in Colombia. In the autumn, the country's bishops' conference and Pope Francis delivered a variety of recommendations in the referendum on the peace plan of President Santos. While the pope was for the peace plan with the Marxist guerrilla organization FARC, this was rejected by the bishops. The majority of the Colombian voters followed the bishops.The FARC had bled the country dry for half a century. Many Colombians do not see why, as they are defeated, that they should be politically revalued and recognized as negotiating partners.
Pope Francis coupled his visit to Colombia to the outcome of popular vote. It took more patient talks to resolve the disagreements in connection, so that the Pope's visit can nevertheless be held with some delay.

"Constant criticism of Pope Francis"

The bishops are therefore not interested in any "disturbances" of ecclesial peace. This is one of the reasons for the sharp reaction that has taken place over the past few days for a Catholic personality so celebrated in the past as Professor Jose Galat.
Galat is an energetic man, as his CV proves. But he is also a man of clear language. The contradictions in the pontificate of Pope Francis, he does not conceal. Criticism was exercised by Galat mainly in connection with the family synod and the controversial post-synodal letter Amoris laetitia. At the same time, the second episcopal synod coinciding with revelations about Cardinal Danneels had decisively altered Galat's attitude. His critics speak of an "increasing radicalization."
Galat's television station reaches up to 50 million viewers, according to InfoVaticana. This is a media power which is not ignored, either by the bishops or by Rome.
In February 2016, the Colombian Bishops' Conference spoke for the first time in a statement about the "trouble" concerning the "constant criticism" by José Galat "upon the person of Pope Francis." The bishops had been alarmed by the news of Teleamiga that "a group of bishops were against Pope Francis." This assertion was "decidedly rejected" and the "unanimous communion with the Holy Father" was emphasized.
In the same month there was an exchange of views between representatives of the Episcopal Conference and the Directorate of Teleamiga, including Galat.

Francis could "open the door of the one world government to the antichrist"

Break between friends Arango (left)

The background is a surprise for the public. After 17 years of cooperation and an even longer friendship, Galat separated from Diego Arango Osorio, with whom he had founded Teleamiga. Galat accused Arango of being against the "doctrine of the Catholic Church." Arango said in an interview with El Spectator that Galat considered it "possible" that Pope Francis could be a "false pope." For this reason, he saw the danger that Francis is "opening the door to the church to the antichrist", "to install a one world government." Arango continues,
"Many people can not understand such theological and dogmatic positions and in a broadcaster that is seen by so many citizens, many are concerned when they listen to Don José expound these theories. I do not share this position of Don José. I am convinced that the Pope, like all the Popes, is elected by the Holy Spirit."
Galat announced the contract with his former partner because of "irreconcilable disagreements".
The next problem took place in autumn 2016. The bishops were anxious to convey the impression of a "complete agreement" between the Pope and the bishops, despite the manifest differences of opinion about the peace process in the country.

Danneel's revelations on the "Mafia of Saint Gallen"

The conflict between Galat and the bishops is, however, not related to domestic politics, but internal to the Church, in its nature. Since October 2015, Galat has repeatedly reported on the background of the election of the European Parliament in his "Un Café con Galat," especially the obscure secrets of Sankt Gallen. The reason is the revelations of Cardinal Godfried Danneels and his biographer on the existence of this secret group in the Church. In the autumn of 2015, Danneels candidly announced his membership in the group of the highest church representatives, founded by Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini SJ in the 1990s, who agreed with a progressive attitude and a rejection of the "restoration" of John Paul II. Danneels revealed the purpose of the secret group to boycott the pontificate of John Paul II and to prepare for the election of a progressive successor.
With this intention, however, the group failed in 2005 to prevent Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, who was elected Pope Benedict XVI. Already in 2005 Cardinal Bergoglio was a candidate for this group. In 2013, after the surprise of Benedict XVI, who crashed the Church into an unexpected leadership vacuum, the group, which was the only one organized in the conclave, was successful in its second run. Cardinal Walter Kasper, next to Danneels, Lehmann and Murphy O'Connor, one of the key figures of the secret circle, warned the resigned Benedict XVI. early March 2013 in sharp tone, not to interfere in the choice of its successor.

Galat: "Election not legitimate" - "excommunication" by the Episcopal Conference

Jose Galat put these facts on the table, which were revealed by a few Catholic media, and raised the question of the legitimacy of the election of Pope Francis. While the Vatican expert Antonio Socci, who voiced the first doubts about the legality of the election, backed down again from this position, responded to Galat's question with increasing clarity, with No. He also asserted that "Pope Francis falsified many fundamental aspects of the doctrine of the Catholic Church," said Maike Hickson of OnePeterFive, who paid particular attention to the Galat case. Galat calls him a "heretic".

Statement of the Conference

On July 25, 2017, a month and a half before the Pope's visit, the red line was crossed for the bishops. The Colombian Bishops' Conference who published a statement by which it distanced itself from Teleamiga, "especially from the program, 'Un Café con Galat'," signed by Archbishop Oscar Urbina Ortega, President, Archbishop Ricardo Tobon Restrepo, Deputy President, and Auxiliary Bishop Elkin Fernando Alvarez Botero, Secretary General of the Episcopal Conference.
The bishops accuse Galat that Teleamiga "does not reflect the doctrine of the Catholic Church" and deny that the broadcaster is "Catholic." What reproach do the bishops make concretely? Referring to canon 751 of the Church right, they denounce Galat for the "refusal of subordination to the pope." This is a serious violation of the community of the Church, which means "a schism." Through his TV channel Galat also leads others to the schism.
One had in the past "years sought a discussion." A Catholic broadcaster had to serve evangelization and not to create "confusion in the believing people" through "wrong thinking."

Priests must end cooperation - prohibited broadcast of Mass

"All priests and religious people" were asked to end "any form of cooperation" with the broadcaster to avert "damage to reputation." Those who do not adhere to it, commit  "manifest disobedience" (Can. 754, 1373).
The bishops also forbade the transmission of Holy Mass by the broadcaster and the storage of the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar at the station's headquarters. The Daily Mass celebration is the core of the Teleamiga's programming, with which hits the broadcaster on its nerve.
The faithful, who are among the spectators of Teleamiga, are called by the bishops to "distcern the spirits" and should "reject everything that opposes unity with the Pope and the Church."
At the same time, the bishops' conference emphasized that they had intervened in no way with the state broadcasting authority (ANTV), in order to withdraw Teleamiga 's sending license.
The bishops called on the Catholic people to be "like a family", who is seriously believing in faith, and is prepared to receive Pope Francis with joy and happiness at his approaching visit of our country as Father."

Canon Lawyer on Twitter: Galat "excluded from the Church"

On the day after the declaration by the bishops, Monsignor Pedro Mercado, President of the Bogota Church Court on Twitter,
"Because of persistent disobedience against the Pope, Jose Galat himself has been expelled from the fellowship of the Church. He must not receive any sacraments."

Twitter: "Galat outside the Church"

Among the dozens of reactions on Twitter there was no one who agreed with Monsignor Mercado. "What heresy has José Galat spread?"  "Why is there not such a hard hand against heretics?" These and the like were among numerous questions to the prelate. On the same day, he posted a photo of himself and Pope Francis with the words "I am Catholic and I am in the community!"
The 88-year-old José Galat, in the case of his probably not too distant death, would no longer be buried ecclesiastically. Whether Galat was actually excommunicated is not quite clear. The Bishops' Conference is not competent as a collective body even if it also has Galat's Bishop as a member. Doubts about excommunication were provided by Auxiliary Bishop Elkin Alvarez, who had signed the public declaration as Secretary General of the Bishops' Conference. On the day after their publication, on July 26, he said in an interview with Coracol Radio:
"I do not rule out the possibility that the Archdiocese of Bogota may issue a decree which states that the Eucharist can not be celebrated at Teleamiga."
When asked whether Galat was "excommunicated," Auxiliary Bishop Alvarez said that no explanation of excommunication was "necessary" if "someone deviated from the sound doctrine, because this fact implies a break with the Church." In this sense, Alvarez stated, "that Galat is outside the Catholic Church," reports Radio Coracol.
Monsignor Mercado, who is also Secretary of the Bishops' Conferences for relations with the state, declared to the news agency ACIPrensa:
"It is painful for me to see that Dr. Galat, who has served the Church faithfully for many years, has ended his days in such a mentally miserable situation."

Galat: "Bishops have not responded to my criticism"

The reasons which led Galat to criticize Pope Francis were not mentioned by the Colombian Church representatives. Neither the Bishop's Conference nor Monsignor Mercado have responded to his criticism of Pope Francis, the Founder and Director of Teleamiga.
Galat himself replied to the bishops on July 25 on Facebook. In a statement that was shorter than that of the bishops, he repeated his fundamental criticism to Francis.
"To the successor of the apostle Peter, every Catholic is bound in love and attachment, not a man chosen by God but of men, and even worse of a mafia of cardinals, a cynical expression which was publicly used by a leading representative, Cardinal Godfried Danneels."
Referring to Cardinal Danneel's testimony, which Galat documented with numerous sources on Facebook, he reiterated the assertion that the election "of Francis was non-canonical" and therefore "undoubtedly illegitimate."
In addition, Galat accused Pope Francis of spreading teachings "in contradiction to the Catholic faith":
  • A theory of the doctrine of the salvation of all beings, which "openly opposes the word of the Lord, Matthew 22:14";
  • The assertion that proselytizing is a "stupidity," which contradicts the maxim of Matthew 28:19
  • The reception of communion for adulterers, against which the Apostle Paul turns in 1 Cor. 11: 27.
"There are many more examples that have been shown in the various programs of Teleamiga," Galat said, ending his answer with a question:
"Why do you persecute those who defend the faith of the Church?"
In an interview with El Spectator on July 28, Galat confirmed his accusations. The fact that the election of Pope Francis by a "cardinal mafia" was not mentioned, but he did mention Cardinal Danneels, "one of the leaders of this conspiracy."
El Spectator: Why do you say that Pope Francis is harmful?
José Galat: He is a heretic and denies the truths of faith. Benedict XVI should come to Colombia, for he is the real pope. There is a great ignorance, which is not just me. The Prophet Hosea says, "My people are perishing because they lack knowledge", and people can be condemned for this.

Galat: Francis "is a heretic"

Particularly hard is that the criticism of Galat's attitude came not from the progressive side or from church opponents, who - at least in Colombia - have taken note of the "fraternal quarrel" with some satisfaction, but from previous, inner-Church companions. To be exact, from Catholic voices and media, the criticism of Pope Francis is completely or largely avoid, but still driven by the concern to fall into disgrace with Francis and his circle.
Whether and what future Teleamiga can have, in view of the prohibitions of the Episcopal Conference, is currently unclear. The program continues to run as before. Galat continues to produce his show "Un Café con Galat." Also on the Facebook page of the bishop's conference there was only isolated agreement to the bishops' declaration. The great majority expressed their disapproval.
Don José Galat, as he is called in Colombia, shows no intention of remaining silent. In Colombia it is assumed that he could strengthen his media criticism of Pope Francis.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Photo: Facebook / Teleamiga / CEC / Twitter (Screenshots)
Trans: Tancred


Anonymous said...

Meanwhile in Rome, drug fueled sodomite orgy but they're all in good standing with the Church.

Anonymous said...

...but the Jews, the deniers of Christ, the very people who rejected The Logos and handed our Lord over to the Romans with wicked hands, they are perfectly fine. In fact, they can continue to practice their religion which is an affront to God, as He made clear by sending His Son to be the fulfillment of the Law and it's all fine to Francis. The muslims? Yes, also ok to Francis. Faithful Catholics? No, they are just so much trash that he needs to sweep away.

Peter W said...

This fellow chose to move outside the Church as all sede-vacantists do. He and those like him are incapable of distinguishing the Pope and their personal contempt for him.

Anonymous said...

Well, I just want to say that from 2013 many times over has been proved that prophet Maria Divine Mercy was right. She is a true prophet and Bergoglio is a false pope. Situation of prof. Galat match exactly that prophecy of hers: "Anyone, who opposes him, will be criticised and considered a heretic.

All such souls, accused of being heretics, will be cast aside and fed to the dogs.

All Truth, regarding My Teachings, will be twisted. Everything will be a lie. Persecution will evolve slowly and be subtle at first.

My true sacred servants will have to say Mass privately, and in many cases, not in a Catholic Church. They will have to offer Masses in refuges. Children when this happens you must not lose hope. This will be over within a short period of time."

Anonymous said...

Peter W, you are willfully blind. Just wait, this will be the tactic from now on. Anyone who will not accept sodomy and adultery...pffft! They are out of the church! Don't kid yourself, this was done for a reason. It's a shot across the bow, if you will.

Peter W said...

The issue is not sodomy, adultery or any sexual aberration, it is the legitimacy Francis' election as Pope. Neither the Cardinal electors nor abdicated Benedict call that into question.
Conspiracy and slippery slope theories are for the deluded ideologues.

Anonymous said...

Those running the Vatican are judaizers. What do I mean by that? Like the Jews, they want Christ on their terms. If He has a teaching they don't like, they will invent the Talmud (Amoris Laetitia) and in their vanity attempt to circumvent the clear teaching of God, as Our Lord said. Also, what do they say about those who truly believe and follow Christ, the same thing the Jews said that if anyone believed that Jesus was the Messiah they would be thrown out of the synagogue. Voila! They are judaizers plain and simple.

Tancred said...

It's not much of a conspiracy if the conspirators admit to an excommunicable offense that actually invalidates the election.

Ana Milan said...

So a man that tries to uphold the faith of our fathers is a heretic, while the present holder of the Papal Office who calls a notorius abortionist a 'forgotten great' & closes his eyes to sodomy in all it forms within the priesthood (especially a drug-fueled orgy in the Vatican itself) isn't. This 'successor of St. Peter' who lauds Martin Luther, says there is no Hell (as that would go against the Gospels), Atheists can get to Heaven, there is no Catholic God (is this upholding the True Faith), supports the Islamic invasion of Europe, surrounds himself with pro-abort population activists, does nothing to silence priests & Bishops who are pro LGBGTQ activity & Gay Masses, fills the Hierarchy with Liberal supporters while firing the more conservative one, wants to re-write the Ten Commandments as they are too rigid for the present time, etc. etc. isn't. What a farce!

Hopefully the 'excommunication' of José Galat will open peoples eyes to the fact that the CC is in schism - even PF alluded to the fact he could be accused of starting it. Catholics/Christians are called to uphold God's Word (not PF's word), to preach Scripture are it is written, to keep the Ten Commandments (as God has written them for all people & for all time) & to keep holy the Sabbath Day. José Galat is NOT a heretic but undoubtedly PF IS.

jac said...

"Rome is losing the Faith and is becoming the seat of the Antichrist" (La Salette)

JBQ said...

This is evolutionary Christianity. If the pontiff states that the Mass is a "memorial" and not a sacrifice, then he has destroyed the link to Judaism and Moses and Elijah who were present at the Transfiguration. --- You can't get excited. One needs to keep their head screwed on. There is still basic morality and its denial by an erstwhile pope will be corrected in due time by a higher power.

Anonymous said...

VIETATO LAMENTARSI, did you read this? No complaining, nisi mecum, contra me, who are you to judge? No sede vacante, only the worst pope we could have, may be the one we deserve.

Barona said...

This is absolute nonsense. Schism implies the establishment of a church that has broken unity with Rome. This requires a bishop. A priest, let alone a layman can hardly commit a formal schismatic act.

Anonymous said...

What legitimate critics of Francis do distinguish is the complete separation of Francis from the Catholic Faith he is elected to uphold and nourish in its integrity. To have contempt for a declared heretic like Francis (he declares his hatred of faithful Catholics almost on a daily basis and of the Faith itself often) is not a vice but a virtue. The contemptible deserve contempt---as Christ showed us by example when dealing with Pharisees and advising that when the truth is not received we should dust our sandals and move on: quite a statement of contempt for those who bring it upon themselves. To cast this terrible reality of the Church in terms of sedevacantism is the dishonest red herring, as if the legitimate occupancy of the Chair of Peter today by Francis were the only or main issue for those defending the Faith. Peter W shows the shallow thinking and hypocrisy of the lukewarm, whom Christ said he vomited out of His mouth. May God bless Dr. Galet and grant him at the hour of his death all the graces he needs for the salvation of his soul, independent of clericalist intimidation. It is clericalism that has in our time facilitated the destruction of the Church.

Anonymous said...

The only delusional ideologue I detect in this exchange is Peter W---his uncatholic papolatry is sheer, and dangerous, error disguised as fidelity to the Vicar of Christ.

Anonymous said...

The above by JBQ is strange: it sounds as if he is both upholding the Faith and recommending that take a sip from a demi-tasse as the Church is destroyed all around us. I remember a sacrament that calls us and makes us "soldiers of Christ." It is called confirmation. RCC

Anonymous said...

A true Catholic attitude these should be to consider the words and actions of heretical papolators as having the same practical use as toilet paper, for when the occasion requires it. Lucy

Anonymous said...

Exactly, Barona. This action against Dr. Galet is only one more example of clerical intimidation. Only the weak-kneed and the deluded worshipers of popes (a novel anti-Catholic doctrine) are affected by it.

Anonymous said...

Barona... spiritual schism already exists... It will manifest soon by the bishops action fed up with heresies of Bergoglio!

Anonymous said...

AUGUST 2, 2017

Pope Francis is in specific doctrinal heresy knowingly or unknowingly and Jose Galat must show him his error

María Ferraz said...

Dubia-Cardinals, what are you waiting for?

susan said...

it's the same MO as the odious Rosica, and the horrible intimidation he tried to break Vox with. The best thing to do with these bullies is shine the light on them and ridicule...the proud bullies can't stand it.

The good Galat is no more 'excommunicated' than Lefebvre was...they both stood for the Faith against thieves, brigands, and rapists (spiritual and otherwise); there is no crime in that.

Peter W said...

Tancred quit the contrived theatrics of indignation about sectional interest groups preparing themselves for a Conclave. It's been common practise in the Church since Gregrory VI. And do you think for a moment that people like Burke, Cipriani & Co are not hard at work doing the sotto voce lobbying and bean counting? Wake up to yourself.

John C said...

Lefebvre died excommunicate outside the Church. Galet has chosen to excommunicate himself by puplic statements of sedevacantism. Me may yet come to his senses and accept Francis as Pope regardless of whether he approves of him or not.

Tancred said...

You might stop with the theatrics and address the point.

Anonymous said...

Why does someone who signs as "anonymous" always bring up the Jews? What do the Jews have to do with the great man Galat, and his courage for standing up for the Truth of the Catholic Faith, and for broadcasting and speaking out what Pope Francis really illegitimate Pope. I hope millions follow Galat, and not the bishops. These clowns who "excommunicated" Galat made a big mistake, because he and his Catholic station are very popular....and probably now more will side with Galat....I hope.
Politically he might be on shaky ground....but with regards to Francis, Galat is 100% spot on. I hope he and many others denounce Francis both before, during, and after his trip to Colombia.....which everyone should notice has nothing to to with the Catholic Faith or even religion. It's politics. That's the only thing Bergoglio is interested in.
Damian Malliapalli

Peter W said...

The point is Tancred that Galat has freely chosen, by reason of his sede-vacantism, to step outside the communion of the Catholic Church. He draws attention to himself because he has a media megaphone unlike the minnow sede-vacantists who shoal around harmlessly in blogdom.

Thomas A said...

You assert that Pope Francis is in doctrinal error. When are you going to delate him to the CDF. Keep us notified.

Blotto said...

My guess is:

1. Benedict XVI to stop speaking in code and say something unambiguous.
2. The pope to have a Damascene Moment.
3. Divine intervention.
4. Christmas (not sure if that's 2017 or maybe 2018....or 2019....).
5. One of Fatboy Kim's ICBMs to 'veer off course' and land in Seoul or Tokyo.

Not that straightforward to put those in strict order of likelihood but No.5 looks a live runner.

Tancred said...

Don't tell me what the point is, you condescending degenerate. The point is that a known criminally negligent pedo-protector, Daneels, is not only part of Bergoglio's inner-circle, but incurred the penalty of excommunication latae sententiae by his own admission, for conspiring to get the Argentine modernist elected in the Conclave.

Tancred said...

Because he's counterintelpro?

Peter W said...

As usual, the complimentary deflective ad hominem sideswipe to obfuscate. The point of the article is the sede-vacantist Galat freely choosing to leave the communion of the Church.
As for your free association vent against Daneels, that's your issue so report him to the CDF and don't forget to let us know how you fared.

Anonymous said...

Merely publicly voicing the opinion that someone is not truly the pope does not put one outside the communion of the Catholic Church.

During the Great Western Schism, there were hundreds of thousands of Catholics, some of whom have been canonized, who did not believe that the one who claimed to be pope was actually the pope.

They lived, and died, as Catholics in good standing.


Anonymous said...

Your ideas are belied by the history of the Catholic Church. Mr. Galat apparently does not believe Pope Francis' election was valid.

During the Great Western Schism, hundreds of thousands of Catholics said the same thing about Pope Urban VI.

In fact, every cardinal alive at the time repudiated his election, and they were the ones who elected him.

When another person claimed the papacy, and then a third, there were saints who backed each of the different candidates.

The miracle worker Saint Vincent Ferrer did not believe Urban VI was pope and did not acknowledge him as such.

Did Saint Vincent choose to "move outside the Church" by refusing to acknowledge the reigning pontiff?


Anonymous said...

As the great and saintly Archbishop Lefebvre's "excommunication" was a grave injustice and therefore invalid, he did not die outside the Church. John Paul II, the excommunicator, on the other hand may (I wrote MAY) have died outside the Church after placing the True Faith of Christ on the same level as pagan, heretical and schismatic religions at Assis. DJR is totally correct: the opinion of sedevacantism (to which I do not adhere though I am often tempted by the Clown in the Vatican) is not a doctrinal matter but a juridical one. At worst, it is a prudential error and therefore not the ground for excommunication. As someone has said above, this is one more example of a cross Catholics have had to carry for long time in recent centuries (and recently only): papolatry, a ridiculous and infantile worship that dishonors the sublime office of Peter and degrades the True Church to the level of a laughable cult of blind followers following a cult leader. John Paul II did much, being the frustrated actor he was, to promote this putrid cult of personality. By doing so, he did untold damage to the Petrine office and the Church. I pray God forgave him as I do not think he was, wich is clearly the case with Francis, a malevolent man. Lucy

John C said...

Pope Francis is not 'claiming' to be have been validly elected. He was. The Cardinal electors, the abdicated Benedict XVI and even the irregular SSPX don't dispute the validity of the election.
Those who persist in claiming the opposite are sede-vacantists. They are not thinking or acting 'sentire cum ecclesia' therefore they are not longer members of the Catholic Church.

Anonymous said...

No need for delatation, Papolator Thomas A. Francis makes his loss of Catholic Faith evident every day at every step. He is a very unhappy man, and his sour, desolate facial expressions are likely a clear sign of the condition of his soul. He was known in Buenos Aires for cruelty against anyone who disagreed with him. My Argentinian cousins have many stories to tell about this.RCC

Anonymous said...

So declares the Grand Inquisitor John C (also known as Thomas A and Peter W above), papolator par excellence. It is you, pope worshiper, who are outside the True Church by putting allegiance to a wicked man before allegiance to the Faith and Church of Christ.

Anonymous said...

John C

Pope Francis is not 'claiming' to be have been validly elected. He was.

Pope Formosus was also validly elected, yet two of his successors ruled that he was an antipope and annulled all his acts.

Pope Urban VI was also validly elected, yet hundreds of thousands of Catholics in good standing denied that he was pope. One of them was the miracle worker Vincent Ferrer, later canonized.

Was he outside the communion of the Church for refusing to believe that Urban VI was a legitimate pope?

St. Vincent Ferrer believed that Benedict XIII was pope.

Sergius III took the papacy by force of arms and deposed a reigning pope.

Was Sergius a valid pope when he was elected? How?

There are many anomalies in the history of the papacy.

Merely voicing an opinion that we are currently living through one of them does not put a person outside the communion of the Church.

That's idiocy and ahistorical.

If that were true, then Saint Vincent Ferrer was outside the Church also, and several others at the time who have been canonized.


JEFF KLUMP said...

The simple fact is, a sitting pope can not resign, because he doesn't want to do it anymore. Being pope is not a civil serviice job, like working at the post office. On top of that, as Father Paul Kramer has repeatedly stated, the resignation was invalid, because of the attepmt by Benedict to only resign the administrative duties. Everyone knows Bergoglio was not cononically elected, but, the point is, Benedict never ceased being pope. Case Closed!

Thomas A said...

Assertions, second hand guess work and the utterly predictable gossip from 'Argentinian cousins' don't prove anything.
Sounds like a Damian copycat.

Thomas A said...

Benedict, supported by his secretary Ganswein, deny that there was coercion of any kind in his decision to abdicate. Draw your own conclusions about Kramer.

Anonymous said...

What if Francis is actually the anti-Christ? He fits the description. The only good thing about it is that all the descriptions/prophecies about the anti-Christ, including that of St.Francis of Assisi say that his term will be brief, followed by a great housecleaning of the garbage and a return of a purified Catholic Faith. His term will be brief. Seems to me Francis term is already too long....and has been for about 3 yrs. ;)
Damian Malliapalli
Damian Malliapalli

JBQ said...

"Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes". You just have to stay calm and keep the powder dry and use it at the proper time. Now is not the proper time.

John C said...

The mortician makes a comeback.

susan said...

HEY...John C, Peter W, feybriel are a fool. There is SO much evidence of violation of canon law on MULTIPLE levels pointing to and evincing the invalidity of bergoglio's 'election' that the mind reels. The amount of heresy and horsecoprophagy that's been vomited from the mouth of the argentinian toad is actually becoming comical...there is utterly NO charism of the Holy Spirit regarding Truth, about him. But no amount of evidence will convince a fool with an agenda. You don't even know the definition of one in this thread is saying that the seat is vacant, dumbass. you are truly the Jim Acosta of commenters.

To be excommunicated by an ontological Lutheran, who doesn't even believe in the divinity of Christ (if he even believes in Christ at all), is NO excommunication, but rather a gift to lay at the feet of the King at one's Particular Judgment. You, however, will have the idolatry and sycophantic worship of the rapist-in-chief of the Church to lay at the august Feet. Good luck with that.....dumbass.

susan said...

hey Tancred...feybriel's a pretty easy spot; especially when he's in his first-name-single-last-initial mode....real clever Rosica-wannabe that one.

hey fey, how'bout Jack fits.

susan said...

How 'bout Ganswein saying that Benedict intended to bifurcate the papacy into a 2-headed hydra?...guess that one doesn't count, eh?


John C said...

Charming as usual.

Thomas A said...

The thoroughly understandable cry to daddy for help.
There, there, Petal.

s said...

stoooopit as usual.

susan said...

eeeeeezy to spot...just like every other snake in the garden.

Thomas A said...

All talk and no trousers.

Anonymous said...

I said they are judaizers because they are. They are acting as the Pharisees acted as the Sanhedrin acted. Get it? Do you follow? Good grief,counterintelpro? Really? The Gospel of St John calls those who reject Christ "the Jews". Hence, judaizers.

jac said...

The declarations of Mgr Gänswein are worthless. Gänswein has jumped in the Bergoglio's train and Jorge made him the chief of the papal household WHILE still remaining Benedict's secretary thus becoming the Moscow's eye on the emeritus pope.
We know for certain that Benedict resigned under huge (enormi) pressures thanks to the testimonial of Mgr Negri. The collapse of the SWIFT banking system in the Vatican for one full day a few days before Benedict resigned is one among many other pressures exerted against him.
Be not deceived: The gun remains on Benedict's temple. When he declares that "he resigned freely" he still stays under threat.
We hade a small taste of the malignity of the blackmailers when the german paedophile scandal in Regensburg, which his brother could be involved in, was revealed just 2 days after Benedict wrote about the "Church on the verge of capsizing" in a comment for the funerals of cardinal Meisner.
Benedict's resignation was invalid. That is obvious.
Bergoglio made a big mistake when he accepted to keep him as a "Pope emeritus" in the Vatican instead of sending him forever in a remote monastery.
"Ubi papam, ubi Ecclesiam".
There is no sedevacantism.
Benedict is in the same situation as Pius VII whe he was captive of Napoleon: He couldn't speak or write but he was the TRUE POPE.

LeonG said...

Hasn't Francis excommunicated himself?

Tancred said...

Sign your posts.

Anonymous said...

For doing this it needs to be a true Pope, not a Bishop of Rome. Agree with Jac, ditto.

susan said...

facts and reason have no place in your life. multiple anonymi gave you solid facts above and your response is (always) nonresponse (other than your sub-sophmoric spew, only entertaining to the other 12 year old bronies). you're a slimy, miserable, narcissistic troll, who enjoys regularly projecting your infected spittle all over the Face of Christ. like I said, good luck with that when you're face to Face.

Ganswein said it; in a rare moment of truth and candor...and no matter how much you want to erase it, you can't. like every other piece of fact (and healthy normalcy, in fact) you can't handle it..."it buuuurns!"

and much like Ganswein, you outed yourself a few months ago....was able to track down your URL, hitting multiple hundred times on this story....

oooohhhh faybriel...tell you what; I'll bake the cake for the nuptials....I just wouldn't eat it if I were you.

Anonymous said...

I believe Galat is 100% correct in his analysis and have thought so now for the last few months.
It is refreshing to hear voices like his and he is not the only person with such views.
That the credible criticisms concerning the roman catholic papacy are not addressed speaks volumes.

Anonymous said...

What all catholics must understand is that in the past, whilst another pope was still living , catholic cardinals in conclave actually elected anti popes.
Two examples are Clement V11 and Anacletus 11.
It is totally anti historical to consider the very very real possibility the Bergoglio is an anti pope.

Anonymous said...

There is the question of what is termed a "Pontificate of Exception" i.e. where all the normal rules are suspended.
Benedict xv1 may be operating such a pontificate and he needs our prayers.
The catholic papacy is in a very very dire place.
However catholics can remain 100% certain about the validity of Pope Benedicts election to the papacy.

There is no such certainty concerning the papal conclave of 2013 and its appalling outcome.

Catholics have a right to certainty as to who is the bishop of Rome and certainty concerning fundamental doctrines of the faith.

Certainty concerning doctrine has been heavily attacked and undermined by Jorge Bergoglio.
Certainty concerning the validity of the 2013 conclave has been
weakened by the revelations of the St Gallen "mafia"
Certainty concerning the alleged resignation of Pope Benedict has been gravely weakened by his conduct in maintaining many emblems and symbols of a continuing pontificate verified by ambiguous veiled statements from his spokesperson.

Anonymous said...

There is the question of what is termed a "Pontificate of Exception" i.e. where all the normal rules are suspended.
Benedict xv1 may be operating such a pontificate and he needs our prayers.
The catholic papacy is in a very very dire place.
However catholics can remain 100% certain about the validity of Pope Benedicts election to the papacy.

There is no such certainty concerning the papal conclave of 2013 and its appalling outcome.

Catholics have a right to certainty as to who is the bishop of Rome and certainty concerning fundamental doctrines of the faith.

Certainty concerning doctrine has been heavily attacked and undermined by Jorge Bergoglio.
Certainty concerning the validity of the 2013 conclave has been
weakened by the revelations of the St Gallen "mafia"
Certainty concerning the alleged resignation of Pope Benedict has been gravely weakened by his conduct in maintaining many emblems and symbols of a continuing pontificate verified by ambiguous veiled statements from his spokesperson.

Anonymous said...

I agree, Galat is 100% correct. One proof of this is the immediate condemnation of the Colombian bishops and their fake "excommunication" of Galat. Galat revealed the truth about the election of Bergoglio (something many,many people already acknowledge happened), and also called him out as preparing the way for the anti-Christ(if Bergoglio isn't already the one and only anti-Christ already).
The fact that the Colombian bishops and other "catholics" reacted so quick and in such a panic mode is proof Galat is right.
Kepp at it Jose Galat....keep telling the truth about Francis. Stuff like this, if spread around the wold like it should be, could bring him and his people down.
I hope the rebellion against Francis grows. Bring him down and out...and all his people.
Damian Malliapalli

Tancred said...

John W, how do you live with yourself? Constantly, habitually lying?

Galat is not a sedevacantist.

Tancred said...

Next time, I'll just delete.

Thomas A said...


susan said...


Tancred said...

Thomas isn't able to post without being displaying his contemptible habit of condescension and personal abuse.

Like the demons who drive him, he can't stand the people of God discerning their legion of enemies.

Thomas A said...

Tancred, look in the mirror and you will see the person you have described.

Anonymous said...

My Argentinian cousins are real, as is the documented tyrannical rule of the megalomaniac who sits on the Throne of Peter. Whether you believe it or not is not important---it is clear that "Thomas A", as a reprobate apologist for Francis the Heretic, will not believe anything contrary to the fantasy narratives that fit his ideology---classic liberalism, classic liberal pathology.

Anonymous said...

"John C" you should know about morticians, as you are as spiritually as they come. Slither back to your whitened sepulcher, ghostly snake.

Thomas A said...

So is Tobit's dog a source of dispassionate, objective assessment just like your Argentinian cousins

Unknown said...

So would he be allowed in an SSPX chapel?

Anonymous said...

Oh, such charming juvenile sarcasm: it drips with the sadness and joylessness of your miserable life. My Argentinian cousins, unlike you, are authentic men and women and inhabit a real world. They do not have time or interest in malevolent fantasies as you do. Pray hard, pope-worshiping heretic, for it will not go easy on Judgment Day on deniers of truth and collaborators with evil---not even rancid juvenile sarcasm demeaning in adults will excuse them, I fear.

Thomas A said...

Another live one!

Anonymous said...

Better than being the walking dead: seemingly still living but dead as a door nail inside. Crawl back to your whitened sepulcher, heretic.

Anonymous said...

Maria Divine Mercy (Irish PR lady Mary McGovern Carberry) is a heretic and a fraud! Her phony ‘messages’ have been rejected by her local bishop in Dublin as being in violation of Church Doctrines! The MDM Cult website closed down along with their Facebook page in 2015 and several of her doomsday end times ‘Prophesies’ have failed to come true. She is a FRAUD and LIAR!