(Brussels) Pope Francis "personally gave the assent to the request of the Congregation of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to give an ultimatum to the Broeders van Liefde (Brothers of Love). Since 27 April 2017, the order has been offering euthanasia to mentally ill patients in hospitals located in the county. The killing on request has been legally permitted in Belgium since 2002. Since then, the "people's circle" has been widened by "improvements", which can have access to legal euthanasia. This includes the euthanasia of children, which can be carried out at the parents' request.
The decision of the Belgian branch of the Catholic Hospital led to a wave of indignation in the Catholic world. René Stockmann, the Father General of the Order, publicly expressed his disapproval and urged his Belgian confreres to respect the right of life "absolutely."
Adaptation to applicable, state law: Collaboration with the culture of death
About a dozen patients of hospitals belonging to the order had asked for euthanasia in the weeks before the euthanasia decision was announced. This led to the decision to submit to the state-sanctioned culture of death. The Belgian Provincial of the Order justified the new line with the Belgian legislation, which the order merely accommodates.

The "strict conditions" under which the Order intends to carry out euthanasia are only valid on paper in Belgium. As studies have shown, the control mechanisms provided by law have never worked. They were regarded as a main argument for the legalization of euthanasia. Critics say that neither the legislature nor the executive or judiciary in Belgium want a real control. Therefore, there is a great deal of room for abuse.
The Catholic Church, in principle, rejects suicide and euthanasia; it considers a human life as sacred from procreation to natural death. Only God, according to ecclesiastical understanding, is master of life and death.
Already in April, the question arose as to whether Pope Francis would intervene. Now, with his consent, an intervention has taken place. The Belgian branch of the Broeders van Liefde was given an ultimatum to dissociate itself from euthanasia by 31 August; otherwise, steps would be taken against the Order in canon law.
The Order's Father General, René Stockmann, informed Catholic News Service that Pope Francis personally endorsed the action of the CDF. "The Holy Father was formally informed by them and also about the next steps," says Stockmann in an e-mail of 8 August.
The provincial government must sign a joint declaration
The members of the Provincial Council of the Belgian Broeders van Liefde must sign a joint declaration by which they submit "unreservedly" to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church,
"which has always taught that human life must be absolutely respected and protected from generation to natural death."
A canonical procedure has been initiated against those who are not to sign the document. Those Belgian Broeders van Liefde refusing to sign could be threatened with excommunication. The recognition of the Belgian order could be withdrawn as a Catholic order. By the entanglement in euthanasia, says Stockmann, "the Catholic identity of the Order is endangered". The Catholic columnist, Francisco Fernandez de la Cigoña, explained that it is unacceptable for Catholic religious to promote euthanasia and collaborate with the culture of death and thereby oppose ecclesiastical doctrine.
According to the Catholic News Service, the Belgian Broeders van Liefde had asked for the approval of their new euthanasia system. When the Belgian bishops and the then prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Gerhard Cardinal Müller, spoke out against this, the hospital order ignored it.
To the hospital of the Broeders van Liefde (Brothers of Love) see the second essay by Ferdinand Boischot:
- The "Broeders van Liefde" from Belgium: from the charitable congregation to the social group
- The "Broeders van Liefde" from Belgium: the main cariatative order of Belgium
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Photo: La Cigüeña de la Torre / InfoVaticana
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Photo: La Cigüeña de la Torre / InfoVaticana
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Well, we finally found something in the New Church that is important enough get someone excommunicated - killing people!
"to dissociate itself from euthanasia by 31 August." So UNTIl August 31 they can kill as much as they want? Why not to "cease murdering people immediately"?
Please. could you translate this post?
"Already in April, the question arose as to whether Pope Francis would intervene. Now, with his consent, an intervention has taken place." What say ye now PF bashers of this site? Is he wrong in this too?
SERIOUSLY???...you want a gold star for this????
He's known about it for how long now...at least since April, and now, finally, he says, "yeeeaahhhh, you guys really need to knock it off, so how 'bout we give you till the end of August to STOP KILLING PEOPLE"!!!!!!!!!
you can't make this crap up....hey anon, how about he answer the dubia?...what's it been, a year and a half now?...I'll give you a bronze star for that. You can pin it on his white polyester dress....right next to the big crucifix-on-a-hammer-and-sickle medallion he was so giddy to accept.
Herman Van Rompuy from the delamennaisian CD&V party has responded to the Roman ultimatum on his Twitter account, saying that the time of "Roma locuta, causa finita" is already long past. He is a member of the board of direction that made the murderous decision regarding the hospitals of the Brothers of Charity. As a typical slave of European Jacobinism, he attempts to sustain the triumph of delamennaisian liberal-catholicism in the Belgian Church, and to obstruct any resurgences of the 'ultramontanism' and 'clericalism' (read: authentic Catholicism) of our noble fathers ancestors.
There is growing grassroots resistance to the danneelsian status quo in Belgian ecclesiastical life, expressing itself, for example, through the website of the "Catholic Forum" ("Katholiek Forum").
Please pray that there may be a powerful resurgence of the Catholic militantism of Monseigneur Xavier de Mérode and Joseph de Hemptinne in Belgian Gaul, so that my people may again know that to be a true Belgian is to be a devout Catholic, like our mediaeval fathers were. For we, too, are of the race of Chlodovech, who was baptised at Rheims, and of Charlemagne, Emperor of the Franks. Gesta Dei per Francos!
Benjamin Van Dyck.
In all seriouness, when this order ignored the CDF, they were doing EXACTLY as Pope Francis suggested early in his pontificate.
This Pope is both the Pope of Yes, and the Pope of No. And no one can tell what his Yes or No even means.
oh, you can tell; go for the most heterodox, leftist, soul killing interpretation.....that's his 'yes!'.
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