Friday, July 28, 2017

Rorate Mentioned by Irish Press

July 28 2017 12:27 PM

An international catholic blog has launched a scathing attack on Francis Brennan's latest RTE show over a segment that included an Irish priest performing a drag act as Shirley Bassey.

'Francis Brennan's Tour of Vietnam' features 12 travellers, including Fr. Richard Geoghegan, touring the Asian country under the hotelier's guidance.

In Sunday's episode Fr Geoghegan - a parish priest in Carrick on Suir, Co Tipperary - is seen donning a dress, lipstick and a blonde wig before miming a Shirley Bassey hit.

His fellow travellers are bowled over by the performance and Fr Geoghegan later explains: "If you have a talent, why not use that talent because we suppress our talents.

"God himself said 'I've given you the talent, now go forth and use them.' So I think I did that and achieved it."



  1. I'm going to take the charitable view on this one and say that the bishop who gave Fr. Geoghegan leave to take part in this series and travel to Vietnam did so in the fervent hope that this priest's antics would make him such a celebrity in Asia that he'd decide to stay over there and never darken Bishop Cullinan's door again.

    If however, that post-Christian state called Ireland does have to accept this sacerdotal omadhaun back on its shores, I fully expect Varadkar the Fairy (wasn't he a character in Lord of the Rings?) to welcome him back with a tickertape parade down O'Connell Street followed by an official reception in Leinster House (for the Diabolically Deluded).

    1. So, tell us how you really feel. P. Francis will then invite you to tea as laced as it might well be.

    2. No tea invites on the horizon, JBQ, but the Libyan coast sure is for as I type, Francis is standing proudly at the front of a dhow just 12 nautical miles from Tripoli where he has arranged to collect and smuggle into Italy seven moslem migrants to prove once and for all that there's never been a pope like him. The whole escapade is going to be made into a documentary entitled 'Francis: He steered it his way'. (Whether that's the dhow or the Barque of Peter or even both, I'm not exactly sure).

    3. The cruiser on which I served was even closer to Tripli in '75 than 12 miles. We were sent into the bee hive to stir things up. Khadafi sent out four fighters to welcome us. We locked our radar on two and all four turned tail and ran.---I'm betting that those seven were hand picked by ISIS and Francis believes that they are all misunderstood and not "the magnificent seven" who are out to infiltrate and destroy.

    4. You're a regular Chuck Norris.

  2. These counterfeit presbyters no longer understand the true signification of The Gospel accounts and Our Blessed Lord's teaching. This is because they are not truly ordained into the true Faith and the truth is hidden from their eyes.

    1. "You will know them by their fruits"
      Look at the history of the Novus Ordo post 1967.
      I agree with you and judging by "their fruits" there is a MAJOR MASSIVE doubt regarding the validity of Holy Orders post June 1968.

  3. The Irish, whether clerics/religious or people themselves, when they lose their Catholic faith become a really despicable lot.

    1. The Irish haven't lost their faith. They have long lost confidence and trust in the overbearing, authoritarian and moralising bishops who have failed in their mission to be effective leaders of their people and to be animators of the Faith.

    2. If they haven't lost it they certainly have not one bit of tolerance to speak of such things. From the Irish younger people I have spoken with, if you bring out the faith the reaction you get is a seething disdain. The bishops are bad everywhere, here where I am too but nothing these louts do could ever make me have a seething disdain for the Church. I was chased around a Catholic summer camp as a ten year old by one of these homos, thank God nothing happened and I got out of there. Does that make me despise the Church? Not at all, I don't even associate that creep with the Church. Yet ask most any younger Irish person (and not just Irish people, most any young people nowadays) and they have nothing but disdain for the Church and based on what the faith USED to be in Ireland, that's a pathetic shame.

    3. And Collins..darn those "moralising bishops".. we want the faith on OUR terms according to how WE want it. LOL, that's exactly what Satan said.

      Then in the next breath you'll say "oh well it was all those abuses of children back in the day"..
      It's all bullshit, no Bishop or priest can make you turn your back on the faith and or disdain the faith, you choose to do it yourself.

      But, I have no fear for the faith there or here or anywhere because when the sh*t goes down, the food disappears and civil unrest, diseases, epidemics, and war make folks drop like flies they'll turn back to the faith pretty quickly.

    4. The problem most Catholics in the developed West have is not with 'the Church'- we are 'the Church' or with 'the Faith' - it's our Faith, it's with the dysfunctional, primitive governance of the bishops. Too many of them were and continue to be occupied primarily with their social status, entitlements and privileges. I think that Jesus Christ shares little in common with the majority of these characters.

    5. Sadly I believe you are correct there but since Vatican II this has been the trajectory. We had an extremely lousy bishop here who was caught paying off his boyfriend hush money, was caught on holiday vacations with his gay boyfriends and spent the money on a lavish home. Bishops like that are a plague but had no change on my faith, I just drove an hour to the next diocese to find a Latin Mass. The bishop is garbage, you just make adjustments and move around them.

    6. @Anonymous: Just "where" is here? Are we talking Ireland or America?

    7. They're not receiving valid sacraments thus,no sanctifying grace.
      Pray the Irish start attending SSPX and Sedevacantist chapels so they can receive valid sacraments.
      Until that happens the situation will continue to implode,slowly but surely.

    8. Anonymous 10:45 AM speaks as a good Donatist would. Congratulations, you come under the category of world protected exotic species.

    9. God bless you enjoy the Novus ordo.

    10. In fairness I think that applies to anyone who looses their faith............or are you saying that Americans, Germans or English who lose their faith aren't too bad.......I'm thinking Hefner, Hitler and Henry viii, to name but a few.

    11. The idea that Jews are the enemies of the Church didn't exactly come into being at the Edict of Toleration.

  4. This all goes back to Vatican II.

    1. 1951 Easter Vigil being changed (mutilated) & the immemorial after midnight Holy Commnion fast being reduced to 3 hours in 1953.
      Those 2 years are when the official trouble started.
      Vatican 2 simply finished up the job that Pius XII started from 1951-1958.
      We Catholics must start fasting after midnight for Holy Commnion!!!

    2. The Pope has absolute, supreme authority in the Church. He is at liberty to change the way the Sacraments of the Church are celebrated. "What every you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven." Remember?

    3. Cool,I will avoid novus ordo "sacraments" and you can enjoy them much as you prefer brother.
      God bless you!

  5. Oh? I didn't know that VII approved and authorized drag acts by priests.

  6. @Fr Collins. I think most Irish still believe in God. But have turned their backs on a,stand for nothing, milk and water Church. One of the products of this is the council of ' Priests'. You will be most familiar with this. Just part of a massive problem with sub-optimal clergy, and not just in Ireland.People are not fooled by half-believing Clergy, most of whom on a good day would make a poor Angican.

  7. The spiritual formation directors are to blame. How can any credible spiritual formation direction authorise the ordination of a homosexual in to the Catholic Church? It is the responsibility of the spiritual formation director to monitor the behaviour and character of seminarians under his charge. The person is that TV programme should never have been ordained as a priest in the church - and the blame for that resides with the bishop who ordained that person and the spiritual formation director who decreed that this person was fit for ordination.

    1. Nice comment, kindly sign it so we can distinguish you from other posters.

  8. The Novus Ordo is counterfeit masonic-talmudic anti-Catholicism. Our Blessed Lord upbraided a similar enemy on His mission.

    1. The Novus Ordo is an authentic and ordinary form of the Roman Rite. The onus is on you to prove that it represents 'counterfeit masonic-Talmudic anti-Catholicism.'

    2. Read nostra aetate there is your proof.

  9. The smoke of Satan has enteted into the Temple of God.
