Saturday, July 15, 2017

Pope Benedict Warns Church is in Collapse

July 15, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) – Pope Benedict XVI sent a sobering message at the funeral of Cardinal Joachim Meisner today, saying he was moved at the dubia cardinal's ability to "live out of a deep conviction that the Lord does not abandon His Church, even when the boat has taken on so much water as to be on the verge of capsizing."
The Church "stands in particularly pressing need of convincing shepherds who can resist the dictatorship of the spirit of the age and who live and think the faith with determination," Pope Benedict said in a message read by Archbishop Georg Gänswein, his personal secretary and head of the papal household. Because of this "pressing need," Meisner "found it difficult to leave his post." 
"What moved me all the more was that, in this last period of his life, he learned to let go and to live out of a deep conviction that the Lord does not abandon His Church, even when the boat has taken on so much water as to be on the verge of capsizing," the pope emeritus concluded.



  1. The Barque is taking on lots of water and is in danger of collapse because its captain jumped overboard and another took his place.

    1. Remove the high level pedophile Jesuits and Tell the people the truth.that the church been hijacked by Jesuit Francis and all the pedophile Cardinals,tell the damn truth how a homosexual satanic orgy was busted up by the police in rome.their false god is Molech/Satan

    2. Robby, The Church was hijacked at Vatican II and ALL the post Conciliar Popes have changed as much as they could in their time. Bergoglio is but the latest installment. The Triumph of the Immaculate Heart is the ONLY corrective for the situation.

    3. Has the Immaculate Heart, the spinning sun or the third secret of Fatima ever changed a major thing in world history?

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. "The Barque is taking on lots of water and is in danger of collapse because its captain jumped overboard and another took his place."

    100% Correct. But to be fair, I think benedict XVI is now regretting his resignation, so I'd give him alittle slack. The guilt must be hard to live with, especially at 90. He also has said that he wished he had been harder when he was Pope, more the "God's Rotweiller" that we expected. Instead he was a jellyfish, even appointing people who thought like Francis.
    But I read on two other Catholic sites which both interpret this letter in part as a slap in the face to Francis. Good. It's about time, Benedict. I wish he would rise up and side with the 3 remaining Cardinals who presented the Dubia to tribute to his courageous friend Cardinal Meisner if for no other reason. If he did that, Francis's papacy would be ruined, and he would be a lame duck Pope, until he either wuit or died.
    Damian Malliapalli

    1. JP II and B XVI attempted to scuttle the Barque and then transferred to a cruise ship. The Barque didn't sink but the cruise ship, Lollipop has.

    2. "On the Good Ship Lollipop", well sung by the little Shirley Temple. She was an innocent in a previous innocent age.

    3. Based on the orgy arrest and talk of coprophagia, I don't think they use "lollipops".

  4. Benedict and Francis
    Their Ministry as Successors to Peter

    1. @OjzeNasz3: I have noted this book on the Sophia website. It equates Benedict and Francis. I'd rather read Hans Christian Anderson, the Brothers Grimm, or Aesop.

    2. @JBQ: The reason I posted it, was to bring to attention, the mind of Cardinal Muller, who is a 'modernist'.......

    3. @OjczeNasz3: Good point. However, I really don't think that he was a modernist but instead intimidated intellectually by modernists.

    4. @JBQ.....please, check this out.....

  5. Pope or no pope! That is. the question! Isn't there any true authoritative answer to the ???

  6. there has been a mutiny.
    the captain is detained in the brig.
    the pirates are intentionally sinking the barque.

    1. This is true too. .Francis and his pirate crew are intentionally trying to sink the ship,,,which is the Church. The emeritus Captain may step in to help save things, or the intervening hand of God might choose to take the Pirate King off to his enteral reward (Francis that is) in a few months....much to the shock of his crew who were planning for many more years
      Damian Malliapalli

    2. Damian, Tubby, you can't...just...really...I can't.....

    3. Tubby? Don't think so.
      But maybe Im soft on Pope Benny, only because he at least dressed and acted like a Pope. He encouraged Catholic tradition and the Latin Mass. I never read deeply about his Vatican II misdeeds from that era, but I do know he had a reputation as a radical back then. But, from his time in the CDF till his last days as Pope, he did nothing but anger his former rad pals.....and he threw out more from the Vatican as Pope...exiled some (who a.h. Pope Fran brought back to favor).
      But Pope Benedict XVI had the Papal aura that had been lacking since the days of Pius XII. I make a mistake in overlooking his major flaws because I liked his Papal style. He looked like a real Pope. Pope Fran looks like so many old retired men I see sitting in the park near my home, feeding birds or schlepping over to Downey's Pub for lunch and a few beers. He has no papal class, style at all. And no respect for all the Papal things Benedict tried to bring back. That's why I like Pope Benny, despite his darker faults.
      Tubby I'm not....just so you know :)
      Damian Malliapalli

  7. His input at Vat 2 helped the collapse along.

    Seattle kim

    1. Bingo!
      Muack. Heehee.

    2. I said as much but Colonel Klink used his eraser.

    3. But he regretted it later....that redeems him somewhat.
      Damian Malliapalli

    4. Haha---Col. Klink!!

      Seattle kim

    5. Damian....I can't.....just

  8. The barque is "taking on water" because Francis wants it to. Actually, he is creating a more inclusive Church. He is destroying in order to rebuild it as a strength in a modern age. The problem is that the cocaine party in the CDF with the gay orgy sends an entirely different message.

    1. "The Barque is taking on water because Francis wants it to" apparently because he wants to build a more inclusive Church. So The Church Our Lord created was not good enough for him.
      The cocaine and the sex orgies in the CDF are simply symptoms of a very much larger problem.
      Also JBQ thinks the modern age can be tamed with a modernist Church. That comment demonstrates just how obscure you really are

    2. @Geoff Kiernan: I'm relating the mind set of Francis. Didn't say that I agree. His premise is wrong but his logic is right on target.---Thank you for the slight. Doesn't bother me in the least.

  9. So the pirates finally succeed in taking over the helm, have hoisted the Jolly Roger and are busy throwing overboard all those with a genuine concern for the survival of the vessel, which they are attempting to hole below the water line.

    Meanwhile, the former skipper is in his berth, occasionally making muted observations about what is unfolding, but taking care at the same time not to let anything interfere with his scrimshaw.

    No wonder Queequeg is hard at work building that coffin.

  10. @Blotto: There you go reading those classics again.

    1. @JBQ Maybe You Know Who could benefit from 3 days inside a white whale. Could concentrate the mind wonderfully...

  11. In all fairness did we need the Pope Emeritus to tell us this. Is this not just stating the flipping obvious. Sorry just fed up of this nonsense of whenever someone in the hierarchy sneezes everyone runs around flapping like aul hens. Im living through this apostasy as a person of faith. Our priests Bishops and even our Popes need to man up and start shouting the truth out regardless of consequences. Take a leaf out of the great Pius the xii's book. No need to wait to do it at a homily at a funeral either.

  12. No barque Christ is in will sink,it may be battered by storms and attacked by pirates ,but Christ can put an end to that whenever He wills.we just say with the Apostles Lord save us ,lest we perish to which He may reply "O ye of little Faith"

  13. How do we know if the message is from POPE Benedict? Sorry, Bergoglio and the ski instructor are BIG FAT LIARS and I don't believe a words that comes from their mouths.

  14. Catholic political parties must teach Catholics the faith which is not being taught by religious due to political pressure
    It is the politial parties which need to educate Catholics since Fr.Antonio Spadero s.j and La Civilita Cattolics will not do so. Milita Christi and Forza Nuova in Italy must in some way reiterate basic Catholic teaching.They must affirm all magisterial documents.But endorse them with the theology of Feeneyism and not irrational Cushingism.

    On this point they cannot follow the present popes, cardinals and bishops who have aligned themselves with the political Left.They choose Cushingism instead of Feeneyism.Their agenda is a one world religion headed by Satan with a false and new image of Jesus and the Church. They even permit the Tridentine Rite Mass to be offered today but with a a false ideology.
    The political parties, which affirm the Social Reign of Christ the King, over all political legislation, must not ony begin their events and daily programs with prayer but also reiterate Catholic teaching interpreted without the common false premise ( invisible people are visible).
    So it is not enough to proclaim the Nicene Creed together.It is also necessary to point out briefly in some way that outside the Church there is no salvation and there are no practical exceptions.We do not know any one in particular who is saved outside the Church even if the popes and cardinals say they are.
    We can expect to create new laws to obstruct the proclamation of Catholic truth. However it must be clear among Catholic political workers, that there is exclusive salvation in only the Catholic Church and everybody needs to be a formal member of the Catholic Church to avoid Hell. This is Vatican Council II( AG 7, LG 14) and it is magisterial (Catechism of the Catholic Church( Feeneyite), Nicene Creed( Feeneyite) etc).It is not from pre-Vatican Council II times.
    Catholics must also be made aware of philosphical errors in Vatican Council II which cannot be the work of the Holy Spirit.
    However for the common good it should be affirmed in public and taught to Catholics that outside the Church there is no salvation according to Vatican Council II.Now for political reasons it is not being done by religious sisters and priests during catechism, evangelisation and religion classes in schools and the parishes.So political parties which support the non separation of Church and State must help Catholics reject the leftist theology,which is Cushingite and says there is salvation outside the Church.Cushingism is heretical and irrational.
    Cardinal Richard Cushing was a supporter of the Masons and the Jewish Left in Boston and he used his ecclesiastical office to change theology in the Church.He was later supported by Cardinal Ratzinger when he was the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
    Political groups like Militia Christi and Forza Nuova which conduct political awareness programs for its members, must extend them to Catholics in general through the faith.The faith is also the means of communication.
    There is now ' a false church' within the true Church, the Mystical Body of Jesus.Cushingite theology is part of the new Church within the Catholic Church.This has become possible since the present magisterium has rebelled and is not affirming magisterial documents, interpreted with the rational and traditional theology.Ecclesiastics have their own political agenda.This must be countered with the simple truths of the faith,which is their only in the Catholic Church.-Lionel Andrades

  15. In these times we should form lobby groups and slap posters on walls and draw out protest groups to shout down heretics and modernists when they start insult traditional groups, both in local parishes and up to Vatican City. An angry mob as in the middle ages run out Popes and bishops from their sees, could scare ruling clergy into reality

    1. Burning them at the stake is not nearly as kind enough.


  17. Indeed. All liberal modernists and their popes are responsible for this catastrophic situation.

  18. I found this on another blog. It was so good that I had to repost it:

    5 days ago
    From the archives :
    Demolition Authorities

    “My mind always reverts to the events of our own days when so many of the beautiful edifices erected by our zealous ancestors are either destroyed, defaced or used for worldly, if not wicked purposes.”

    Ven. Anne Catherine Emerick,
    -Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ

    The modernistic theologic snakes did crawl away and hide,
    When the great St. Pius X condemned, their teachings far and wide.
    The Church was then most vigilant against a poisoned creed,
    Liberalism was weeded out and exposed its devilish deed.

    But after wars have scourged the world and weakened Church resolve,
    Snakes came out from where they hide and poisoned that resolve.
    Along with truth they blend their lies so both will have an equal place.
    A Council called then they took charge with fast and liberal pace.

    Time bombs they placed so cunningly in every Council decree
    Enough to blow the Church apart from sea to shining sea.
    Pope John’s Aggiornamento update of what Catholics believed and known
    Has stripped away its very flesh right down to the very bone.

    No more are seminarians taught the theology of the Saints
    The Modernist’s took over and stifled all complaints.
    Along with this they punished those who dared to take a stand
    Outcasted them from every place except their New Church built on sand.

    The hierarchy of the “counciliar church” are in charge of the wrecking crew.
    Those reckless demolition authorities tear down the Church we knew.
    Nothing’s sacred anymore, no cathedral or church is spared.
    But a remnant few to their Bishops gave an “in your face” they dared.

    The authorities destroyed the real estate
    And forbade the timeless Mass;
    Our Holy Faith they can not take away
    Until the end of the time the Catholic Church will last.
