Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Is a Fraternal Correction Being Planned for a Papal Audience?

(Rome) "The words of the Cardinals are full of respect. It may be assumed that it is their intention, through a direct conversation in a personal audience, to better "distinguish" the intentions and plans of Pope Francis, and possibly to make a fraternal correction in camera caritatis."
These words of the historian Roberto de Mattei confirm that the four cardinals were to confront Pope Francis in an audience about the situation of the Church and, if need be, more fraternally. This is probably the reason why Francis has denied them an audience and thus exacerbates the scarcely more tolerable state which he provoked by his post-synodal letter Amoris laetitia. The Cardinals had presented their Dubia (doubts) to him in September of the previous year . They asked him to clarify ambiguous passages in the papal document. Francis has refused to answer the questions of the Cardinals for nine months.
Cardinal Raymond Burke had said last March :
"We will continue to insist that these serious questions be answered."
Already in January he had confirmed :
"Fraternal correction will come if the refusal of St. Francis continues," because it would be "devastating" not to clarify the questions.
In the middle of April, the Cardinal said in an interview with InfoVaticana that the ruling confusion was "very dangerous," because "with the confusion are the divisions: priests against priests" because of disagreements about whether those who are in a non-valid marriage or another irrational relationship that can receive sacraments.
On this occasion he also took a stand on the fraternal punishment. Whether it would be a public and formal punishment of the Pope "is not yet clear," the Cardinal said at the time. Before such a step, the Pope would be "personally confronted" and he would say to the public that "the situation is so serious that we must correct it". The Cardinal expressed the assumption that the Holy Father would react "at this moment" at the latest.
With the request for an audience, an attempt was made to enter into conversation about the Dubia with t silent pope. As de Mattei suggests, the intentions of the pope should be clarified and, if necessary, a fraternal correction of the Church's head should take place.
Pope Francis withdrew from this confrontation by not giving an audience to the cardinals or responding to their audience's request at all. How long will Francis be able to continue this refusal?
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Photo: MiL
Trans: Tancred


M. Prodigal said...

He will continue to refuse and also he will not clarify what he means because he cannot 'officially' declare heresy. unofficially or through others or by silence, yes, but not 'officially'.

Matt Burrill said...

St. Francis? Wait till he's dead at the very least.

susan said...

He's already canonized himself, don't you remember? was the big ceremony right after he taught that the Blessed Mother doubted, despaired, and screamed at God the Father at the base of the cross, "Lies, I've been deceived!"

JBQ said...

Paul VI stated just before his death that "the smoke of Satan had entered the Vatican".

JBQ said...

@susan: Well said. "Do unto me according to thy word".

John Collins said...

An even more weighty conundrum is how on earth these four Cardinals were given passes in theology during their seminary years.
They are clearly know nothing of St Thomas' tract on Prudentia in Pars III which is one of the foundations of the Church's Moral Theology.
I suggest that they are just colorful show boats putting on a regatta for the easily entertained.

JBQ said...

@John Collins: Methinks that you have had one too many Tom Collins. Someone has to put a damper on "Mad Max".

TLM said...

I tend to agree with you John. This 'Dubia' should have been taken care of months ago. I have found myself thinking: "Is this just for show? Because CLEARLY they are dragging their feet!"

Unknown said...

Paulette vi blew the smoke in himself.

Seattle kim

Anonymous said...

TLM: You clearly misread "John Collins." He is, like the heretic he is, scoffing at the four cardinals for even presenting the dubia and hiding his spite under false, non-existent posturing about knowing moral theology. He is by no means protesting the cardinals dragging their feet; he is insulting them for presenting the dubia to Apostate Bergoglio to begin with. Wise up if you are going to deal with these modernist vipers. RC

Anonymous said...

Slimeballs like Pope Francis can only get away with his false teachings and agenda and plans for only so long, before confronted by the true Catholics and corrected. He isn't answering because he's in a corner and there's no way out. His best and last defense is to say nothing...which is what he's doing.
Francis' heretical teachings and radical agenda remind me of the story about two years ago about a little boy who was tormenting a sea lion at a zoo. He had a bag of peanuts and pulled it away form the sea lion every time it got close. Finally the animal just lunged at the kid and chewed off his arm. Horrible thing, but the kid had it coming to him.
Same with Francis. He lives, says and does things totally the opposite of the past 10 popes (and maybe many more). He teaches opposite to Catholic teaching. He can only take that crap so far before he gets smacked down. Which I hope is soon....and so forcefully that he'll never open his mouth with his warped ideas again.
Damian Malliapalli

Thomas A said...

You have become what you hate. Get help.

James said...

Please God, deliver us from Pope Francis as soon as possible.

Anonymous said...

And you, "Thomas A", have always been what you show yourself to be: a reptilian traitor to the True Faith and God.

Anonymous said...

Paulina, took the name of his boyfriend Paolo Carlinii, Lord help us.

Carl said...

The crowing of the dim, projecting their own denied inversion.

Anonymous said...

Get your feelings hurt Carl, sounds like you need to worry about your closeted inversion.

Jack said...

A "punishment" of the Pope ? How this would be possible since the Holy Inquisition Court no longer exists ?

Anonymous said...

Who is "Thomas A"? I wrote the truth in my post buddy man. I hope you aren't lumping Francis in with the True Church and True Catholics. There are tons of Catholics truer in every way than me, a lot holier than me, better smarts than me. But I see Francis for what he is, and I'm not afraid to call him out as a heretic. He's ruined the faith of millions...including in my own family. I read about him every day, and he just appointed not only a pro-abort Protestant to the Pontifical Council for Life, but also a nutjob priest who allied himself with and supports the idea of euthanasia by starving people to death. This is our Pope, and I hope he's gone soon. I'm not even middle aged yet, but thanks to Francis, I think it might take till I'm 50 to see the real Catholic Faith again....that's if we're lucky and get good Popes in the true mold of a Pope when Bergoglio croaks or is thrown out. For the people he appointed to the Pontifical Council for Life, I hope more rise up against him and he is thrown out. Look to Francis to label someone reptilian or a traitor. That's what he is.
Damian Malliapalli

James P said...

I think that the Cardinals will most probably elect a successor to Pope Francis who is firmly committed to his reform agenda and who will then himself choose Cardinals who will continue this work.

Anonymous said...

Some are being consumed by hatred and resentment over what is going on in their spiritual lives and Pope Francis, Vatican II and the Novus Ordo are not the root cause, I think.

Anonymous said...

Vatican might not be the root cause, the Novus Ordo is. In my old job/current job (I juggle 2 jobs) I was fortunate enough to travel the world 5-6x a year for 2 1/2 years full time. I was just about never home. Missed my folks but saw a lot of eye-opening things when I went to Mass in different countries. No respect for the Blessed Sacrament, people wandering in and out during Mass, eating during Mass, dancing during Mass, nearlt naked women liturgical dancers during Mass, Muslims welcomes to offer prayers at Mass, a pizza and beer Mass (host=pizza, Beer substituting for the wine at Mass, etc. etc.
In most churches it was 75% empty for Mass (Italy,France, Ireland, Spain, Germany,Japan, Peru, USA, Belgium, Britian, etc. Only in Poland and Mexico were the churches nearly filled.
But if you saw what I saw in barely 2 1/2 years...gan you imaging the rest of the rot over the last 50?
I think it's a combo of both Vatican II, bad teaching after it, the NOvus Ordo in and of itself, and people like Francis, who are not really Catholics at all, but pass themselves as Catholics.
His actions and agenda give him away.
Damian Malliapalli

James said...

Please God, free us from Pope Francis the terrible.

N.D. said...

I wonder what our Holy Father, Benedict XVI thinks about the Dubia?

Anonymous said...

He would think the same as his appointee to the CDF, Cardinal Mueller, that Amoris Laetitia and the Synods 2014-15 are in harmony with the standard Catholic theology and pastoral practice which have been in place for over 800 years.
He probably thinks too that the four Cardinals might be better off on the missions in places like Chad, Mali, Burkina Faso etc.

Anonymous said...

True to form, I think Benedict XVI really approves of the Dubia and the four Cardinals, but is too much of a wimp, jellyfish, and outright coward to say anything. He was a good Pope considering his 4 predecessors, but he caved in the face of liberal opposition of a lot of things, most especially he caved and quit. Francis and his sh-- has gone on for 4 years now and Benedict has said nothing. Don't expect him to say anything now. If he did break his silence and stand up for the Cardinals and the true Faith, Francis would have to quit in disgrace. And that probably wont happen. Benedict XVI is too much of a gentleman. Which is nice in some ways...but not now.
Damian Malliapalli

Anonymous said...

And you, Modernist pharisee, of course know the spiritual condition of people you do not even know. The one clearly consumed by hatred of the Church of the Ages and her immemorial and unreformable teaching is you. What a burden it must be to pretend to be in a church to which you clearly do not belong---a Church founded by Christ and invincible, even when afflicted by the assault of Modernist cockroaches like Anonymous (June 22 at 5:41) above. What tawdry poverty---not loving the immense riches of Catholic Tradition!

Anonymous said...

Dream on, James P. Your prostituted "church", founded in 1965 by a rogue council, is not the Church of Christ. You cannot truly enjoy your ephemeral victory as you know the Bergoglian sect is pure fakery and in God's good time will be demolished as the infernal creation it is; and surely deep down you know this. God will not be mocked, says Holy Writ, and therefore neither can Catholic tradition and orthodoxy be mocked by malevolent light-weights like Francis the Ignoramus and his groupies.

Unknown said...

I don't think Benny cares. He just wants to pet cats and play piano these days.

Seattle kim

Unknown said...

Beer?! Substituted for wine?!!!!! Whoah!

Seattle kim

Anonymous said...

Sadly, I agree with you, Susan. I once respected Benedict XVI, but no more. What he did to the Church in resigning is not only an act of cowardice but also of treachery as he knew the sharks circling the waters. Shame on him.

Unknown said...

Ratzinger was one of the architects of Vat 2.

Anon said...

From 1968, however, Ratzinger, later B XVI, did his utmost to retro-interpret Vatican II out of existence.
In '68 he lost his nerve then later regained it but finally lost it completely in 2013. He's a broken man with a cat and a dopey secretary.

Anon said...

The beer and pizza stories are just fabrications. Many people love this kind of nonsense. It saves thinking.

Jack said...

Benedict knew well what was to happen once elected. During his first homily as Pope, he said: "Pray for me that I may not flee for fear of the wolves"
We didn't pray enough and Benedict fled.
It is a shame to accuse him lacking courage. Possibly we would have fled too if we were in his position.
Not everyone is courageous enough for martyrdom.
One thing is certain: The wolves have taken the power in the Church.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the wolves have taken over the Church, in large measure because of the attitude of those who like Mr. Dumon above call a "shame" to state the obvious. I guess the same "shame" is attributable to Our Lord when He said: "Let your yea be yea, and your nay nay." Wimpish attitudes, often shamefully indeed posing as restrain and charity, are at the root of the destruction of the Faith today and the near-total victory of the heretics. A pope is to give his life for the flock---if he felt that he did not have the mettle for the extreme sacrifice of martyrdom (to which indeed not everyone is called) then he should not have accepted the office. A cardinal elected pope can decline the office, and some have. Cardinal Ratzinger (who indeed had many means at his disposal of battling for the Faith and the flock entrusted to him against the wolves he recognized, including disclosure of plotters and enemies, who cannot survive the limelight of exposure, not to speak of excommunication) should have contributed to the prayers he asked for with a bit of manly fortitude of his own. He was then the Vicar of Christ, and if I recall the red vestments of cardinals symbolize their willingness to shed their blood, if need be, for the Faith and the Faithful. No, shame on you, Mr. Dumon, for denying a reality which affects the spiritual well-being of more than a billion souls around the world. Cowardly collaboration takes many forms. Edward B.

JBQ said...

Enter as JPIIs Rottweiler. Exit with one meow and then perpetual silence. You have to ask just what "broke" him. There had to be some type of blackmail to make him quit and then slink away.

Anonymous said...

"Slink away" is the precise term to describe Benedict's cowering before the bullies who are destroying the Church. He knew who they were and what they intended to do.

susan said...

enthusiastic and extended golf-clap for Edward B. Boo-ya!

Unknown said...

To Anon--you can't retro-re-interpret Vat 2. There is no hermeneutic of continuity. It says what it says. But perhaps the fake re-interpretation was Benedict's mea culpa for the damage he on part inflicted.

Seattle kim

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