Friday, June 30, 2017

Pope Bergoglio Finally Fires Cardinal Mueller

(Rome) Cardinal Gerhard Müller was dismissed by Pope Francis as a Prefect of the Roman Congregation for Doctrine and the Faith.

Müller, previously Bishop of Regensburg, was appointed in June 2012 by Pope Benedict XVI. to the Roman Curia to take over the central task as the guardian of the Orthodoxy. On 2 July 2012, he took office. Between Pope Francis and the German Cardinal the relationship was always clearly chilly. In the conflict over the bishops' synod about the family and the post-synodal letter Amoris Laetitia it sank to the zero point. The Cardinal was vehemently opposed to a change in Catholic marriage and morality, without directly criticizing the Pope. In the past there had been an increasing speculation about an imminent dismissal.
Because of his defense of the traditional teachings he was criticized as an "antagonist of the pope" 
The more clearly Pope Francis and his immediate circle, to which Cardinal Miiller never belonged, succeeded toward the admission of remarried divorced persons to Communion, the more vehemently the German Cardinal asserted that no one could alter Jesus' teachings, not even the Pope. The fact that he read Amoris Laetitia in the light of the traditional teachings, sufficed to place him under the title of "pope's antagonist."

At the beginning of the Second Episcopal Synod over the family, Cardinal Müller belonged to the 13 Cardinals, who sent a spectacular protest letter to Pope Francis. They protested against the Synods, which wanted to assign them the role of mere extras, while the results seemed to be fixed in advance.
Since then the door of Francis was closed to the Prefect of the Faith. Not because the Cardinal had been wrong, but because the letter had stifled the strategy of the papal entourage. 
An increasingly severe conflict 
With the dismissal, Francis waited exactly for the expiration of the term of office, which was limited to five years. The dismissal could have already taken place in March 2013, because with the election of a new pope all Curial Offices expire. Francis, however, initially shied away from radical interventions and confirmed the bulk of his work, as is the custom of the Vatican. Gradually, he exchanged leading Curial representatives. The first heads that rolled were "Ratzingerians", such as Cardinal Piacenza, Prefect of the Congregation of Clergy, Cardinal Secretary of State Bertone, Cardinal Canizares, Prefect of the Congregation of the Worship and Cardinal Burke, prefect of the Supreme Court of the Apostolic Signature. 
The tiny formalism that left Cardinal Müller in office for a full term of office and now, so to speak, to use the legitimate possibility of a new appointment, can not blind us to the radicality of the intervention in an ever harder struggle for the orientation of the Church.
With the dismissal of the Prefect of Faith, the equilibria in the Vatican, in which Pope Francis has repeatedly intervened, are massively slipping, with initially unpredictable consequences.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Trans: Tancred


susan said...


is this verified?

Clinton R. said...

Pope Francis continues to remake
a church in his own image.

Tom A. said...

How on earth can anyone still consider Bergolio as Pope? The man teaches heresy. Mueller shouldve stood up to his false doctrine.

James said...

I wonder who will take his place. Probably the lackey Cardinal Schönborn.

JBQ said...

Conjecture has been there some time for a Philippine cardinal.

JBQ said...

"Kitty bar the door". When Judas kissed Jesus, the Lord exclaimed "it is done".

Torquemada said...

Oh, your crocodile tears. Remembering this blog in 2012:

"Heterodox, Hostile to Tradition. Regensburg Bishop to CDF?"

"Orthodoxy Averse Bishop of Regensburg is Campaigning for CDF"

Anon said...

Cardinal Sarah will be appointed for sure.

Tancred said...

Yep, he's changed a lot. He was also a fervent exponent of Liberation Theology.

Anonymous said...

There's a silver lining to this grey cloud. For one thing, the tops names that have been batted about as successors to Mueller are all within 2-3 years of 75 themselves, which means they'll have to submit their resignations possibly(probably) to a new Pope (unless he sacks them first).
Second of all, their terms would be 5 the end of which Francis will more than likely have been gone to his reward.
Third, and most importantly, whatever Francis does, the next Pope (if he's actually a tradition minded Catholic with a functioning/discerning brain), can undo....and probably will.
Damian Malliapalli

Anonymous said...

Bring out your dead.

Anonymous said...

What is now left of true Catholic Faith in Rome ..... if anything at all

James P said...

Poor judgment by Nardi back then; hysteria and manufactured hype now.

Anonymous said...

Go down the list and check what applies:

The visible Church is led by one of these now.

Tancred said...

That wasn't Nardi, moron.

James P said...

Then you were the delusional fool. Good one, Tancred.

Unknown said...

Hahaha! I vote for Bishop Fernandez (aka Smoochy) --Bergoglio's ghost writer and author of Heal Me with Your Mouth: the Art of Kissing.

I wish SNL would spoof the Vatican.

Does anyone actually believe this is a valid and legitimate hierarchy? Raise your hand..

Seattle kim

Anonymous said...

No. It isn't. One of my neighbors who is 92, and has been a daily Mass goer for years and reads a lot about the Church (and other things of course), said that this Pope, and his people, are the devil's workers. This from an elderly woman originally from Italy who has diabetes and needs a walker to get around. She know enough about the Church. Her grandchildren taught her how to use the computer/Internet. Like her, I think millions and millions of faithful Catholics, and also many working in the Vatican...are beginning to think this of Francis and his people. If anyone saw the poor turnout for the creation of Francis' 5 new Cardinals in St. Peter's, you'll see what's happening in Rome. CHairs set up and no one there! HAHAHAHA.
They hate him in Rome.
Damian Malliapalli

Anon said...

Mr Hyperbole is at it again:
"They hate him in Rome." Who are "they", Damian?

Anonymous said...

More serious issues Susan!
JULY 1, 2017
Solemn Tridentine Rite Mass tomorrow with manifest sacrilege

Unknown said...

Frank has appointed a fellow Jesuit, "Archbishop" Ferrer, to lead the CDF.

Anonymous said...

La junta es completa, hasta luego compañeros jesuitas........women priests the soonest is possible.....

Anonymous said...

Archbishop Ferrer also served as Secretary to Cardinal Muller in the Congregation.

Anonymous said...

Nope. Archbishop Ferrer.

Anonymous said...

Yep.... by appointing Cardinal Muller's Secretary.

Tancred said...

That maybe so Gaybriel, but Müller has changed since he came in from Regensburg where kreuznet frequently described his heresies and irrational hostility to the Society, they referred to him as the Garden Goat, considering his destrictiveness to the one true faith without which no one at all, not even an evil man like yourself, can be saved.

Anonymous said...

Yahudi faction wins again

Anonymous said...

Much of Rome, many priests (younger priests) in Rome, many religious...most of the people of Castel Gandolfo, and a very big percentage of Italy. I can speak and read Italian, and scroll thru a lot more websites than just a few USA Catholic sites. I read secular and religious websites from Italy...and very often there's reports of growing dislike for Pope Francis among the general faithful in Italy.
Look, if he was well liked in Italy, that Mass this weel for his 5 precious new Cardinals would have been well wasn't. His Jubilee Year of Mercy wpuld have been a huge was a flop. No one would be plastering Rome and other parts of Italy with anti-Pope Francis they're still doing. Seminary enrollemnts in Rome would be bursting, not drying up....only 10 new priests for Rome this year under Francis. John Paul II averaged 35-50 each year, Benedict XVI around 30-40....Francis, 10 this year.
And his Jesuit Order is collapsing faster since his election, not stabilizing or growing (15,741 members 2017).
Mass attendance in the USA before Francis was a little over 25% my Philly area about 20%. Now USA wide since Francis it's 22%, and about 15% in Philly.
Countries in Europe, down since 2013-14 to 3-5% in some places.
Yeah, Francis is really liked and appreciated. To use an old Yiddish expression "You can die from such a man!"
Damian Malliapalli

James P said...

Tancred, the fact that you have been caught out badly in the Mueller reporting over the past few years highlights demonstrates just how supine you really are before the ‘magisterium’ of the toxic kreutznet and the muddled thinking of Nardi. They almost always opt for lazy mindedness and tabloid hysterics and you buy it all. If you are as smart as you think you are then you would be better served challenging your own assumptions and prejudices against the faith and practice of 99% of participating Catholic men and women.
By the way, who on earth is Gaybriel?

Tancred said...

You're an idiot, Feybriel.

Elias said...

Jesus was a Jew, so too his Mother, so too his disciples and, to cap it all off, Jesus' Father is known as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
How's that, Heinrich?

Anon said...

You want him dead real badly, don't you, Damian?
Guess what, there will be another just like him followed by another even more like him and so on.
The 40 years' deep freeze under JP II and Ratzinger/Benedict is thawing.

Anonymous said...

Jesus Christ is God in the flesh,son of God,second person of the Holy Trinity,our divine God,Lord,and Savior who will send us to Heaven or Hell for eternity on Judgment Day!
He was sentenced to brutal torture and a painful death for rebuking Judaism and the traditions of Men.(i.e. The Talmud)
The Blessed Mother is the bearer of the new Covenant.
Our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ, the apostles,and Catholics in Judea were murdered for transgressing Judaic Law, proclaiming the Gospel,and fulfilling the old testament prophecies.
The true Jews before the resurrection and Catholics after the resurrection belong to the same,one,true,eternal faith of God.
Jews living after the resurrection of our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ belong to a false idolatrous cult.

Anonymous said...

JP2 and Benedict were/are ecumenical non-catholics.
You should look into their extremely heretical actions and written material.
Nostae Aetate "the Jews are correct in awaiting on their messiah and the old covenant still stands."
That one sentence renders null /void the death/resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Catholic faith.
This "crisis" has been active since Nov.1964.
P.S. There is not a crisis in the Church.There is a crisis outside the Church.Catholics keeping the true faith alive have been reduced to a remnant.
The Good Lord willing,Holy Mother Church will,in due time,reclaim what she lost in the 1950's and 1960's.

Anonymous said...

Cardinal Sarah will, for sure, be re-appointed to Guinea. He'll like it there.

Elias said...

Very poor catechesis on this one, Marcion.

Tancred said...

The "Jews" rejected Christ and have based an entire religion upon it.

"I have not found such faith in all of Israel."

Anonymous said...

Spoken like a true Catholic, Tancred.

Anonymous said...

Yes he is; selected by the Holy Spirit through the College of Cardinals

Elias said...

Poor catechesis and biblical fundamentalism continue to flourish....

James P said...

Who's Feybriel?

Anon said...

Clinging to the corpse of Nostalgia won't help you in the least.
Deal with it; it's all over.

Anonymous said...

I will do that soon as you stop thinking like a typical effeminate Westernized wimp.
"Deal with it" (Bro stop using terms like this,I'm giving you good advice)
Learn how to talk like a man.

Anonymous said...

Correct my "poor Catechesis" asap.

Anonymous said...

Same comment as last week Elias? You're like a broken record here parroting your ignorance every week. The Jewish faith of 2,0000 years ago doesn't exist and well it shouldn't for our Lord changed everything. Do you still see jews offering turtle doves at the temple for sacrifice? No, rather they celebrate their talmud which indeed is an entire book written in rejection of Christ.

Anon said...

Then man up and deal with it.

Anonymous said...

Typo, 2k years ago, everyone knows what I meant.

Anonymous said...

Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, Anonymous above, sheer blasphemy for which you will answer. The Holy Ghost does not elect heretics who destroy the Church; clerical traitors and feeble-minded cardinals do.

Tancred said...

Elias probabaly has a shrine to Bibi.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Tancred, as well as another to Mammon, their true god.