Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Cardinal Brandmüller: "Luther Was a Heretic"

In the year of the Reformation, opinions are divided on Martin Luther. For the historian Cardinal Walter Brandmüller it is clear that the exclusion of Luther from the Church was correct.Ecumenism | Stuttgart - 11.04.2017

In the view of the German Cardinal Walter Brandmüller, the reformer Martin Luther was wrong. "Naturally I regard him as a heretic, he was rightly excluded from the Church," said Brandmüller in an interview for the ARD documentary thriller "The Luther Matrix".

Luther was, on the one hand, highly intelligent and ingenious, but suffered great mental problems on the other hand. "I do not believe he was able to question himself," said the former head of the Pontifical Commission of Historians.

Cardinal Müller: "Selling indulgences was a fraud"

The German Curial Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller also commented in an interview for Luther's television production. The reformer had been right with his criticism of indulgences. "The indulgence trade was a fraud against the faithful," said the Prefect of the Roman Congregation for the Faith.

The Church had made the mistake of having excommunicated Luther without addressing his concerns. "It would have been more critical to distinguish what he really wanted," said Müller.

In "The Luther Matrix", director Tom Oeckers combines a fictitious crime drama about a whistleblower in the Federal Chancellery with expert interviews. The SWR production will be shown in the ARD on Tuesday at 11 pm. (Rom / KNA)

Trans: Tancred


  1. Luther was hardly intelligent. He was unable to understand scholastic theology and philosophy so he for the most part resorted to insults.

    1. I think it was more out of wickedness and an unwillingness to apply himself, like others who, though highly intelligent, despise scholasticism.

  2. “The German Curial Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller also commented in an interview for Luther's television production. The reformer had been right with his criticism of indulgences. "The indulgence trade was a fraud against the faithful," said the Prefect of the Roman Congregation for the Faith.”

    Well DUH Sherlock! did the Church condemn it (always has and always will)…

    “The Church had made the mistake of having excommunicated Luther without addressing his concerns. "It would have been more critical to distinguish what it really wanted," said Müller.”

    Seriously? these guys not have to take even ONE Church History course in seminary? The Church bent over backwards trying not to excommunicate luther, but in his rabidness all he wanted was to take Her down. Ever hear what he had to say about the Mass?...
    "Take away the Mass, destroy the Church.” and this gem…
    “The Mass is the greatest blasphemy of God, and the highest idolatry upon earth, an abomination the like of which has never been in Christendom since the time of the Apostles.” aaand this pip…
    "As for me, the die is cast: I despise alike the favor and fury of Rome; I do not wish to be reconciled with her, or ever to hold any communion with her. Let her condemn and burn my books; I, in turn, unless I can find no fire, will condemn and publicly burn the whole pontifical law, that swamp of heresies" (De Wette, op. cit., 466).

    Lest we forget, here are a very few other winners from bergoglio’s ‘true messenger of the Gospel’…

    Hey Muller….why don’t you spend your time and effort in publicly and FORMALLY answering the Dubia instead of trying to resuscitate the stinking, fetid, rotten corpse of luther?...oh yeah, that;s right; your boss is bowing down to it.
