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Pope Francis sat in the crypt of Milan Cathedral before the Most Blessed Sacrament: "He did not kneel, sat, not once did he remove his pileolous and assume an attitude of prayer" |
(Milan) In the context of his visit to Milan today and the meeting with the clergy of the Archdiocese in the Cathedral of Milan, Pope Franziskus spent some time before the Blessed Sacrament. "He does not kneel, but sits down on a beautiful chair surrounded by other prelates who stand ..." Thus, Antonio Socci criticized the scene, which provoked criticism from different sides.
The traditional page Messa in latino added some comments. Its author criticized Francis' attitude before the Blessed Sacrament, as had not yet been voiced by him in the four years of this pontificate.
"The Pope did not visit the Blessed Sacrament on the main altar (which would have been a good and proper opportunity to provide visibility to the worthy worship of God, the climax of the liturgy and the cult), but in the crypt, almost as if it were a private act that is made in secret and in a hurry.
A prie dieu was not even provided. That is, the master of ceremonies of the cathedral had instructions not to set him one up at all. The pope does not want to use the prie dieu and apparently does not even have one on hand.
Francis did not even remove the white pileolus on his head before the Blessed Sacrament. It was once named Soli Deo because it is only removed for God in the Sacrament.
Expression and body language, the folded hands, indicate that the pope is not taking a prayerful disposition before the Lord in prayer and worship, but just as if he were in a program and had to make an intermediate stop in the crypt which had annoyed him. The look seems apathetic as if he did not see God in the Most Blessed Sacrament.
Francis before the Most Blessed Sacrament: "Apathetic look, no disposition of prayer"
Pope Francis does not seem to have the intention of wishing to foster acts of worshiping God, as they are only due to God. He does not kneel down, as is known (he suffers, it is said, but not officially). But he sits instead of not taking the pileolus off and not to fold his hands? No, I believe he does not believe in the real presence!
On Holy Thursday we will see it.
It is pointless: I am told that I must love and respect this pope. I just do not succeed in loving him. It is hard for me to respect him.
He is Pope by right, but he does not sanctify and teach it in his office. Perhaps he is pope only in government (Therewith, to place the Franciscans of the Immaculate under provisional administration and to dismiss bishops, to protect homosexual priests, and to promote worker priests).
Christian Caritas is merited when it comes out of love for Christ. Without Christ, it is only atheistic social aid."
Text / translation: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Vatican.va (screenshot)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
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The first time I observed this pope at Mass I noticed he did not genuflect. There was something about bad knees but those bad knees have not prevented him from kneeling before muslim prisoners to kiss and wash their feet, "bad knees" have not prevented him from kneeling to receive a blessing from a pentacostal, etc. Take from this what you will but if my parish priest--and I have seen this--did these things, I would conclude he did not believe in the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist. Would he even have the intent at the time of consecration???
Of course his apologists will use the sciatica excuse. Only problem with that is he kneels down every Holy Thursday to kiss the feet of Mohammedans.
I do not love, honor, or respect Francis as Pope. I never did. I think he was elected by campaign (which is against Canon Law), and I think Benedict XVI was pressured to quit to make way for someone like Francis...which is also against Canon Law.
Some of my friends who are also good Catholics used to laugh at my comment that perhaps Francis actually IS the anti-Christ fortold in writings of the earliest learned theologians and saints...one of the most famous being St. Francis of Assisi...who predicted the reign of the anti-Christ, but also said his reign would be brief.
The posture, the attitude, the look of irritation/annoyance , disrespect and even a cold hatred visible on Francis' sunken face is shocking. Only a non-believer would look like that. The contempt of Francis face is telling. He does not want to be there.
I think this picture will outrage millions of Italian Catholics, not to mention the people of Milan. That the accompanying priests didn't kneel either is also a terrible scandal and insult to God. They were probably instructed not to.
Lastly, look at Francis face. Not only does he look seriously unwell (sunken, etc), but pure evil. Contempt of Jesus present before him in the Blessed Sacrament.
The sooner the Catholic Church is rid of this man and we have a Catholic Pope, the better.
In a way though, I;m glad he did this. This will create so much outrage and dislike for the man in Italy and elsewhere, that it's worth more than his rants and ravings.
He had time for poor Muslim families in the slums of Milan yesterday, but no time to kneel before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament today.
He is scum. Plain and simple.
Damian Malliapalli
Really a bad sign. He is a Marxist and out to destroy the Church and to create a new one "out of the ashes".
Christ tells us to, "Judge what is in no mans heart for only God knows what is in his heart" but scripture also says, "Judge the spirits". What are we to make of a Pope who in 4 years will not kneel before his Creator? For the sake of Bergoglios eternal salvation instead of scandalizing the faithful he should give a clarification. Maybe one day he will or maybe not. He could have a good reason or he could be the Anti-Christ.
Damian.Once again i agree with you about this Lout Bergoglio!One only has to see his visage ,his facial in-expression, to see his Hatred for Holy Mother Church.
I'm over this guy.
"No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other." - Cf. Mt. 6:24 (RSVCE)
It ought to be absolutely clear who the pope loves and serves, and it is NOT the LORD.
I have to admit to having the same apathetic, bored, so-what, don't-let-the-door-hit-ya-on-the-way-out look when I see El Francisco
If we are true followers of Christ, we ought to love even our enemies and persecutors.
If PF is a Marxist then he cannot be a Catholic which is the most essential requirement of the successor to St.Peter. It would definitely mean that PF isn't a true pope & that the four Cardinals & their silent supporters must quickly act in unison to impeach him.
Cardinal Arinze recently stated when asked about the possibility of an African Pope: “I don’t think it’s relevant where the pope comes from. The most important thing is that the pope can deliver the goods,” he said.
“If he doesn’t deliver the goods, what do we gain even if he comes from my own village? For me, it’s not important. What matters is that he’s a Catholic!”
Oh, this is more proof that he DOES believe in the Real Presence - and he REFUSES to adore God. Period.
wewjudesaid:March 23, 2017 at 6:06 pm
Either Bergoglio’s demonic “papacy” is expunged or 1930 years of Catholic Tradition is expunged. Catholics “can’t have their cake and eat it too” by simultaneously holding onto the doctrine of Papal supremacy and a Bergoglian “papacy”.
As the great doctor St. Thomas Aquinas would’ve taught…A simply cannot and never can equal B! End the madness or go join the Orthodox Church since our Catholic teaching on the papacy (as was dogmatically defined) no longer exists and can never exist as long as Bergoglio is considered a valid Pope.
I hope it's not because he thinks adoration is a promethean neo-pelagian thing that he doesn't want to be seen doing?!
Even IF his "knees" were bad, he could make it clear he is worshiping the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. He makes no such effort, not even for the sake of the Catholics who are watching, so as to set a good example. If 90% of our communication is non-verbal (body language), his body language is telegraphing anything but an attitude of worship and love.
It is a scandal that neither he nor the other priests kneel. A total scandal.
It goes beyond indifference, it is public disdain.
We have the Church of the Marxist Social Worker, focused on material goods for material people.
May God send the remedy soon.
I'll go further, on a tangential topic. His decision to beatify the Fatima seers Francisco and Jacinta doesn't sit right with me either. How convenient, just when he is going to Fatima! Ugh, everything he involves himself with annoys me.
Then we must love him because is both.
I hope the pope doesn't think that adoration is a promethean neo-pelagian thing, that he doesn't wan't to be seen doing?! I'm confused.
I strongly suggest that you read True or False Pope? A Refutation of Sedevacantism and Other Errors by John Salza and Robert Siscoe www.trueorfalsepope.com. This book is essential reading for avoiding the Scylla of Sedevacantism and the Charybdis of papolatry.
Great insight.
Why can't he explain his explanation? Why doesn't anyone ask him , Why???
Never going to happen, the NWO chose poorly again, the guy is sneaky but not nearly charismatic enough to pull off a one world church, he can't even get people to show up when he's on the balcony giving an address.
I think it is worse than him not believing in the Real Presence. I think he just might. And now analyze his actions. I don't know his soul, obviously, so I must think the best. But it doesn't look good.
Even demons bow before Our Lord. Bergoglio knows something many in the Novus Ordo church do not: He is not present.
"That in the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those that are in heaven, on earth, and under the earth:" Philippians 2:10
Protestants say the same thing.
Oh, I think he believes in the Real Presence alright . . . and refuses to worship. Which is much graver.
Given, form, matter, intention, and a validly ordained priest Our Lord is indeed present at the Novus Ordo. That in fact is the problem, it was not lawful to invent a new mass (let alone the mass "innovations")per Quo Primum.
If Our Lord were not present, it would be nothing more to worry about than any Lutheran communion service.
I will save $45 and 700 plus pages of reading.
Instead of Tax Atty Salza,I will read the Deharbe Catechism and the Holy Bible.
They are not validly ordained nor do they have the intention. The former suffices for the latter to be a non-issue.
Dear Anonymous @ 5:24 pm, Please elaborate and explain, calmly, rationally and with citations from Catholic Magisterium, the "Scylla of Sedevacantism."
GMUA locuta...
There is no sedevacantism.
But we know through the recent interview of Mr Luigi Negri, the archbp of Ferrara, a friend of Benedict XVI, that there were huge pressures exerted against the Pope to oblige him resigning.
Therefore his resignation is invalid and the election of Francis is null.
The true Pope is Benedict. When we pray for the Pope, we pray for Benedict XVI, not for Cardinal Bergoglio.
Mr? If you want to post here, you better start using their correct titles.
Amen, good sir. The only love I have for him is the tough kind that longs to see his Marxist, banana republic butt get some grace - inspiring toasting from a thunderbolt. He is practically a walking, talking anathema.
Bergoglio's body language is screaming.
Guess what.
The Holy Spirit chooses the Pope, not the NWO.
But of course. Can you imagine what a scandal it would cause if the main stream media photographed him kneeling before the Blessed Sacrament?
Pray for him. It is Christian and our duty. If he converts, we have won our father back. If he doesn't, we are blameless and red hot coals have been heaped upon his head.
Papa Benedicto XVI: «la incapacidad de arrodillarse aparece, como la esencia de lo que es diabólico»
Santo Tomas de Aquino: “La expresión exterior tiende a manifestar lo que se cree en el corazón”
Protestants are like broken clocks.
Both can be right at least twice a day.
I'm probably wrong, but if you zoom in on photo and look at his left hand, is he hiding the Texas Longhorn football hand sign or,,,,
It’s an Italian curse gesture, no?
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