Saturday, February 4, 2017

Posters Appear in Rome Denouncing Pope Bergoglio's Modernist Autocracy

Edit: here's a brief edited google translation of Marco Tossatti's report:

[Marco Tosatti] In Rome every now and again there appear posters without permission on the walls; ie posters that do not follow the regular procedure for the City. A modern and updated version of the bills that the Romans unhappily hung at Pasquino, the mutilated statue at Piazza Navona, to protest against injustices and to express their displeasure.

The last case of putting up posters - irregular - and mocking,  concerned the Minister of Education, Valeria Fedeli, a few months ago. But that the walls of Rome are now covered up with dozens of posters against the Pontiff is certainly a big news.

It happened today, and the news broke broke at ADN Kronos in these terms:

"There appeared dozens of posters this morning throughout Rome, hung on the walls of the city, of protest against Pope Francis and his work. The picture across the board shows the image of the pontiff which is particularly darkened and frowning. Below, on the bottom in purple, written with Romansh font: 'In Francis, you police congregations, removed priests, decapitated the Order of Malta and the Franciscans of the Immaculate, ignored Cardinals ...  is this your mercy? ' . The poster is anonymous, does not report acronyms or symbols, but is easily attributable to the conservative circles who increasingly expressed their opposition to the Magisterium, measures and the pontifical line of  Pope Bergoglio. "

See also: and Rorate.



Anonymous said...

I think I told everynone here a few times that a friend ofmine who is a young nun in Rome in a traditional Order told me how much Francis is hated in Rome, and in Italy. FINALLY these great peopledid something!!! I hope it spreads, to the point where the sob Bergoglio and his people have to turn tail and head into hiding.
I wish the Cardina;s would stand up to this rot and tell him to "stand down, quit, resign etc."
It's no joke and I'm not exaggerating my friends' story. No one had ever seen the likes of it before in Italy
Francis is absolutely hated. Pray that it spreads and that he is gone!
Damian Malliapalli

Robbie said...

God bless those is Rome willing to make this statement against the tyrannical Bergoglio. Unfortunately, tyrants usually don't respond well when the masses begin to express their disapproval. Ratzinger should realize that much of this is his fault for stupidly resigning.

Ana Milan said...

Similar posters should appear throughout the world denouncing what has been happening in the CC & calling for the Dubia to be answered or else the resignation of PF. With the terrible outcome of the German Bishops' Council allowing Holy Communion for adulterers as a result of AL following on Malta & the disgraceful handling of the KofM over the head of Cardinal Burke, the patience of the faithful has finally broken. Make it sharp & sweet by more such posters being displayed globally.

M. Prodigal said...

Yep!I pray for his conversion or for a new and holy pope, one that is actually Catholic and will defend the teachings of Christ and His holy Church.

Anonymous said...

He won't experience a conversion. Yje good people of Rome, and all faithful Catholics must take up the challenge and spread this objection to Pope Francis until he is brought down and out.

Take him down!
Damian Malliapalli

Anonymous said...

This guy will end up in the Tiber, count on it.

Anonymous said...

He was threatened and or coerced, pray for him.
he is the pope. If you doubt this, go ahead and look at minute 34:58 of this video where the handsome, intelligent ski instructor turned bishop flashes an old man the mason hand sign so that Pope Benedict knows to flash the mason hand sign. Looks like brainwashing to me and all so everyone knows they've got control of the top but it's not real control if he's brainwashed into doing such a thing. An old man can be manipulated by despicable people such as bergoglio and the ski instructor.

Anonymous said...

Agreed, Catholic need to demand this FRAUD step down. It's 20017, chastisement is coming so one way or another Bergoglio will hit the road

LeonG said...

Francis was only made possible by the previous modernist popes.

Anonymous said...

Good for the Romans. I hope they put up lots more of those posters every day.

Anonymous said...

I know that in some Middle Eastern countries, to express your dislike, or even hatred for someone, you throw your shoes at them. Comical as it sounds,it was done to "W" (President Bush) in 2008 shortly before he left office when he visited Iraq (I think he visited Iraq...sorry if I got the country wrong).
But it would be not surprising if someone threw rotten tomatos, or trash, or garbage at Francis.
Apparently, as fast as some idiots around the Vatican and other places tried to pull the posters down, they went back up, and spread elsewhere until the whole city had them. HAHAHAHAHa.
One of Francis' associates Twittered that despite the posters, Francis remains popular. I wouldn't bet on it if I were you, Francis cheerleader priest.

Damian Malliapalli

PaxTecum77 said...

I never imagined something like this. Its a perfect response! I wonder what the thoughts of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVl are? Perhaps relief that Bergoglio was given the message loud and clear. I also wonder what the Grand Chancellor who went condom wild thinks now? I hope and PRAY there will be many copycats around the world.

Tony said...

Sono porci questi Romani as they say in Naples!

Anonymous said...

After all it was delightful a new Pasquino is back, even the Italian television said it was a poster written by dirty traddies, illegal and covered.......but the ugly face remains uncovered.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I hope the momentum does spread, not just a one shot deal. Pray that thousands more protest this Pope, and not only in Italy. So much so that it will be an enormous embarrassment to the Vatican , and a humbling, crushing experience for Francis.
I hope the movement grows enough to force the bum and his associates out.
Damian Malliapalli

Jerzy said...

I am astonished by the attacks on the Pope. Here we have someone who is a true follower of Christ and shows love and compassion to his flock. It's time the Church was not stuck in the middle ages - or look at ISIS (unreformed Islam !)

Anonymous said...

Agreed, love Pope Benedict, may he live long.

PaxTecum77 said...

Jerzy, You are astonished at the attacks on the Pope? They are not attacks, they are Catholics defending Christ and The Church. Were you among the ones who attacked Pope Benedict XVl and made being Pope a nightmare for him? This Bergoglio is not a true follower of Christ, he's been reinterpreting and correcting Jesus Christ for almost 4 years. That is what is called an Anti-Christ. We want Bergoglio merely to step aside, leave, begone and let Christ reign again. Welcome to the 21st Century, the satanic Modernist heresy is on its deathbed, Traditional Catholicism is back! Or shall we say Jesus is making a comeback into the Church He founded, out of which there is no salvation. Get used to it!

Anonymous said...

Someone should make up a poster of Our Lady crushing Bergoglio's face for his blasphemies against her most Holy Rosary.

Now THAT would be a suitable postage stamp to issue in 2017!

the boy

Anonymous said...

What is great about this is that the blasphemous thug Bergoglio can't do very much about it.
The tide is turning for this serpent. 2017 will be his comeuppance.

Roseanne said...

St Theresa said that when someone exasperated you to the point of making you angry, the way to regain your peace of soul is to immediately pray for that person and ask God to bless him for allowing you to suffer.

Anonymous said...

Or his blasphemies against our lady such as when he said she thought "I was cheated".
What kind of a scumbag would say such a thing?

Anonymous said...

The final destruction of the Church lies at the feet of Ratzinger: there was never anything wrong with his health (many of these Germans have great genes and seem to live in good health forever) and I said so the day of his resignation. He is a coward who did exactly what he prayed he would not do: run from the wolves. He made the Bergoglian nightmare possible.

Anonymous said...

Jerzy, better to be stuck in the Catholic Middle Ages than in the pagan sixties, as you seem to be---and as the heretic Bergoglio certainly is.

Jerzy said...

Firstly, in reply to Pax Tecum - I never attacked, or otherwise commented on any Pope. I am new to this website - but who/what does it represent ? What I'm reading here is almost frightening , intolerance raised to the n-th power (as a mathematically inclined Christian might have put it). Love to you all ( why are some contributors Anonymous, if truth is supposwed to be on their side ?)

Anonymous said...

What is truly frightening, Jerzy, is your naive complicity with the destroyers of the Church whom you would shield with your false charity. That sugary piety is exactly what made the way ample and smooth for the enemies of Christ to destroy the Church from within. Our Lord chastised the Pharisees with very strong, even harsh words; he even spoke firmly to His Blessed Mother at the wedding at Caana when she asked him to intervene before his accorded time; and He used physical force to expel those who desecrated the holy temple. Would you counsel, Jerzy, a correction to Our Lord according to the sentimental false charity so prevalent in our times that our enemies have used to subdue and eventually destroy us? Perhaps you would have such audacity.

PS---Using a name or not is totally not the issue but a red herring (anyone can use a made-up name on the Internet)---a besides-the-point that makes me wonder, just wonder, whether "Jerzy" is your real name and whether you are a Modernist troll such as we have known in this site intent on causing confusion and consternation: the very specialty of liberals.

Jerzy said...

Jerzy is my real name (it's Polish - so a very catholic country of origin). Still, I don't know what this website is about . Someone suggested he/she would prefer to be stuck in the middle ages Catholicism than the current one. So, shall we have The Holy Inquisition ? Wasn't the previous pope before his elevation running the office which is the successor to the Inquisition ? Great ! (At least there was no Inquisition in Poland and Copernicus survived with his theories).

Tancred said...

Nothing wrong with Holy Inquisition. Bring it back!

Anonymous said...

Jerzy, you are a very confused person, one in need of sound catechesis and many lessons in church history. You sound like the victim of the heretics who have occupied for half a century chancery office and catechetical positions in the Church since the fetid Vatican Council II. You have drunk the kool-aid of modernism. I hope you try to find a good, faithful and traditional priest to learn the joy and glories of the Catholic Faith rather than the lies of Protestants (that includes the perfidious Modernists) who have distorted both church doctrine and history to you. I suggest you begin with Dr. William Walsh's great history of the Holy Inquisition, an unbiased and truly Catholic account of both the necessity and rightness of the Inquisition---malgre the excesses of the state in Spain---and its many great contributions to jurisprudence, particularly from the Roman Inquisition, recognized even by unbiased historians not of the Faith. Leave the Judeo/Masonic/Protestant propaganda to our enemies and be a Catholic.

Jerzy said...

My level of astonishment at reading this is simply overflowing ! So, the Inquisition was, on balance a good thing !! I cannot believe that anybody - even extreme masochists - would approve . Still, the Church has been known to refuse to come to terms with modernity - it took 300 years to acknowledge that Galileo was right ! At this rate ,shall we also deny that the Holocaust existed ?
Reformation was necessary - how interesting that science flourished in England following the Reformation as the Protestant church didn't oppose natural sciences. One could give many more examples. Please,can somebody tell me,at last, what the "mission (not in a religious context!!)statement" of this website is ?

Tancred said...

The goal of this website is to restore the Inqusution and repel the darkness and ignorance spread by pompous individuals like yourself.

Anonymous said...

Well said, Tancred. If this "Jerzy" (who assures us rather unconvincingly that that is her/his real Polish name, although I have doubts) admires so much the Protestant Revolt (it was no reformation), what is holding her from apostasy and leaving the One, True Church, one wonders! Science,Jerzy, did not flourish with Protestantism, but rather this satanic rebellion brought in discord, war, persecutions and tortures (in England especially) more brutal than any by the much maligned Spanish Inquisition. It also brought to formerly prosperous England after the abolition of the monasteries that had for centuries cared for the less fortunate (read the Anglican William Cobbett's honest and pointed treatment of the ravages of Protestantism in "The History of the Reformation in England, Ireland and Scotland"---a great work of historical accuracy by a non-Catholic about the ravages of Protestantism). The True Church, as opposed to the Protestant sects, has not only not opposed science but been her patron. The Church was right, as the great Dr. Bellarmine pointed out to Galileo, that he lacked the competence to dabble in theological matters; he was condemned because of his pertinacious errors regarding Genesis and not because of his mathematical and physics calculations: a Catholic Polish priest (if you are Polish, you should know) proposed way before Galileo the same helio-centric theory and not only did not get in trouble with the Church but was invited by the Pope of his time to come to the Vatican to give lectures on it. Before you go on pontificating with your Protestant lies and Masonic distortions of history, learn a thing or two about history and about the truth and about the most civilizing institution the world has ever known: the Catholic Church founded by Christ. By the way, try to also learn proper diction: one who inflicts pain is not a "masochist," as you say above but a "sadist"; a "masochist" is one who enjoys receiving pain, as would be the case of someone who enjoys reading your ridiculous, ahistorical ramblings. Just a little note that points to a tell-tale sign of a mind clouded by error and propaganda.

Anonymous said...

Jerzy: "mission statements" is part of the blather of bureaucratic liberals when they need to fill a page for some useless project or justify a job---as they usually have nothing to offer. Put down the boring manuals, dear, and pick up some real Catholic literature or at the very least the Holy Scriptures and the writings of the Church Fathers: your intellect, sentence structure, and vocabulary are bound to improve exponentially; your mind may even be enlightened!

Anonymous said...

Can any contributors to this blog recommend a detoxification center for those afflicted with Modernism so Jerzy can check in for a while with the hope that she/he may recover or receive for the first time the holy Catholic Faith?

Jerzy said...

Just for your edification "Jerzy" is very much a Polish name - similar to other Slavonic equivalents : Yuri - Russ., Jiry - Czech; it is also a masculine noun (note the "J" is pronounced as in German "Ja"=Yes) ! And, yes, I DID mean "masochist" in reply to your friend's (Tancred) comment who wants to see the return of the Inquisition - probably to enjoy receiving their tortures, or - you may be right - he is a sadist to apply them ! Kinky ,either way.
Copernicus, to whom I presume you are referring, had great doubts and fears to publish his work on the heliocentric system and had to be persuaded to do so as it was thought he might have been close to death.
If the Church knew it all why did they acknowledge the true workings of the solar system?
It is widely acknowledged, and condemned what the so called Puritans did in England and the Restoration was more than welcome. But the Puritans may have been against the Catholics, but their religious doctrine was very much what you seem to advocate as you hate the Pope who loves all humans - even those with closed minds like you included.