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Christ Child in Rainbow Flag |
Upon taking up his position in Bologna, Msgr. Zuppi, committed himself to build mosques. The anger of the well-known Spanish Catholic columnist and blogger, Francisco Fernandez de la Cigoña, the Archbishop moved himself to do a "stupid" gesture for Christmas.
Zuppi, together with other appointees, is reckoned, among the shepherds "with the smell of the sheep," which Pope Francis several times suggested of model shepherds.
De la Cigoña, well-known for his blunt language, described Msgr. Zuppi as "a fool who we shall soon see as a cardinal." De la Cigoña's anger was aroused by a Holy Mass celebrated by Archbishop Zuppi with the Jesus Child in a crib on a rainbow flag.
"Symbols are not meant to be playthings. The crib for the Jesus child can also not be adorned with a swastika or a communist flag or a Coca-Cola flag. It can't even be a gay flag, or the flag of a soccer club.
Perhaps in the future we will also see a Jesus child with a condom, or with the portrait of Donald Trump. With such 'original' bishops, everything is possible."
When De la Cigoña was made aware that in Italy the rainbow flag, is almost identical to the aberrosexual flag, is a symbol of the Christian peace movement, he took it into his "foolish head" and apologized to Archbishop Zuppi.
However, what de la Cigoña has written also applies to the peace movement: the crib of the Jesus child should not be draped with the flag of a peace movement.
The jury is still out on the use of a symbol that is similar to the other. There is no doubt that the aberro-movement has for the time being has carried through with the flag conflict and has usurped the rainbow, symbolizing the "covenant" with God in the Old Testament. That the Christian peace movement in Italy has continued to use the rainbow colors, although it could be confused with the gay movement, as De la Cigoña did, gives proof that has to do with the fact that this peace movement is supported mainly by the left Catholic circles who usually have no problems with the aberrosexual flag. The potential confusion is obviously accepted.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: InfoVaticana
Image: InfoVaticana
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
This flag is no better than the flag of Bolshevism or Nazism. This disgraceful Matteo Maria Zuppi needs the laity to turn on him in his cathedral and throw eggs at him or kick him in the arse. Men like him are never held to account. He should be thrown out of the priesthood because he supports the gay agenda.
Zuppi is looking to do one better and smell like sheep, shit.
It IS the flag of communism because it's the Jewish element pushing sodomy on people just as they did the red rag.
He got dizzy from the smoke of Satan, poor fellow.
There was no mistake. There was no misunderstanding. It was intentional. The current climate inside the Vatican is very accepting of homosexuality. Pope Francis acknowledges a gay lobby. They gathered behind Francis and supported his papacy.
If the next pope is not a phony and a fraud like Bergoglio, one of his first acts should be to defrock this satanic "bishop".
"It IS the flag of communism because it's the Jewish element pushing sodomy on people just as they did the red rag."
This is warped to blame the Jewish people. That sounds like something the Nazi's would say.
More likely, unfortunately, it's women who are pushing this. I don't say it out of anti-female attitude, and I'm not gay. It's that at least on USA TV, I never hear anyone speaking about gay rights, or LGBTQ issues unless they are female. Hillary Clinton in her failed and disasterous campaign had tens of thousands of gays, mostly lesbian women and "transgender" (there really is no such thing) men among her most vocal supporters. "Gay marriage" in the USA was pushed mostly by lesbians. That's all I ever saw on TV on the news screaming for it. Also the media pushes this agenda....and they're not run by Jewish people anymore. In the 1950's-early 1960's yes...just like the movie studios in the 1920's thru the early 1960's when the studio system was trashed.
But not now.
So to blame the Jewish people is sick.
Hillary Clinton and her campaign, and similar groups across the USA and Europe...people of like mind..are to blame.
And they aren't dominiated by Jews.
Damian Malliapalli
Regarding Zuppi, he's probably gay himself to do this...and so ,probably, are those priests standing smirking in the photo. Andy real Catholic priest would pull that flag out, and either burn it right there, or trash it.
I wouldn't be surprised if Beergoglio himself isn't secretly gay.
Saul Alinsky, Hillary's mentor,Marx and Engels,the Frankfurt school,Trotsky,Kaganoff,Freud...ringing a bell?
Did I say every single individual Jew is doing it? This hysterical reaction to when people notice that many,many Jews are part of the vanguard to destroy Christian morality just shows what a job they have done of training people like Pavlov's dog to ignore reality.
The German National Socialist Party 1920's -1945 is in no way as satanic, evil,genocidal,anti-family,anti-Catholic,and Antichrist as the Soviet Union.
I used to believe the swastika was as bad as the Hammer & Sickle too.The "Nazis" were simply fighting for & defending their homeland from (((Bolshevik Communists))) and the social engineering that tool place after WW1 up until 1933.
Do yourself a favor and watch the documentary called "HELLSTORM" on YouTube or Vimeo,its free.
I'm not a neo-Nazi.I say this because I realize we have not been taught the truth in elementary & high school,college,even in Graduate school.If anyone at any time challenges the textbook narrative of the last 70 years,that person is usually accused of being a "Nazi" "antisemitism" etc..Heck even WW1 history books in the West are not true.
Did you know General Patton wanted to put American uniforms on all Nazi POW's,train them briefly,and use them to kick the (((Soviets))) out of East Europe & back to Moscow?Gen.Patton,during the occupation of Germany,stated in his diary that we fought the wrong enemy.
Feminism,Sodomite/Lesbian Marriage,inflated Usury,
no fault $200 divorce,no prayer or Catholicism in Schools,Courts,Govt,the Workplace,and comlplete manipulation of the public via Social engineering.
The masterminds of the Satanic 20th century were,for the most part,Jewish.(Yes they had help from select Shabbos Goy)
You're correct in recognizing women (not all women) are now radical leftists who support the Antichrist agenda.
This is called social engineering & its produced by the media,govt, courts,schools,and churches,all of which have been infiltrated subverted and infected with Jewish money and philosophy.
Germany experienced this from 1918-1933 and from 1945-Present Day.
To point this out doesn't mean we hate Jews nor do is it mean all Jews are part of this plan.Its simply pointing out the key players & reasons for the collapse of the former Western Catholic hemisphere pre-1913.
Agree 100% except on Jorge being a Homo.He encourages abominable mortally sinful behavior & lifestyles like any good communist.
Why would he do this you ask?The degenerate,perverse,and lustful societies are easier to control manipulate and conquer.
If he were Gay it would be obvious at his age.
Without saying names I can think of "Cardinals" & "Bishops" who scream Homo Queen.Jorge isn't one of them but I could be wrong.
The real enemy to Christianity and which aims to destroy it is ISLAM. Period. The Jewish people never as a group effort tired to hurt or destroy anything of Christianity. ISLAM hasm 90 years ago, and even more recent times, the 1560's under the Ottoman Turks and their Sultan Suleiman (given the title "The Magnificent"). Only ISLAM even today attempts to kill and destroy Christianity. The Orthodox Church was wiped off the map in the Middle East by Islam. Sudan was an Orthodox Christian country until the 13th century when it was overrun by Islam. The Coptic Christians in Egypt are continually persecuted by Islam in their land....their main Catherdral in Cairo was just blown up by ISLAM. Islamic Jihad aim is to destroy Christianity. Christianity is nearly extinct (Catholic and Orthodox....Protestantism was/is so insignificant that it doesn't matter) in Israel...which is the fault of the Muslim Palestinians...not the Israeli Jews.
Because certain authors, commentators, political zealots or agitators were in the past Jewish doesn't mean Jews are a threat as a group. Put the blame where it belongs. ISLAM. And also on the people who constantly come running to the aid of these Islamic "refugees".....Francis.
Islam could overrun Italy, and he would still say how wonderful they are!
Damian Malliapalli
No surprise. Bologna in general is a hotbed of extreme liberalism.
Are you kidding? Read the bible. Read Church history. The jews who rejected Christ have always been at the forefront of attacks upon Christianity and the Catholic Church and the undermining of Christian values - from the very beginning. The Church of the middle ages knew this and this was why she passed laws against the Jews. I suggest you read the well researched book by E Michael Jones: The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its impact upon world history. It is chock full of well resourced material.
Just look at the way Jewish entertainers and producers habitually ridicule Christianity with impunity.
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