Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Pope Bergoglio Not Answering Cardinals -- Devastating Critique by Sandro Magister of Pope's Banana Republic

[Rorate] You will not believe the ridiculousness of it all, but Bergoglioland has finally reached full Banana Republic status. Pope Francis, the Anastasio Somoza of Adultery, the Papa Doc of Sinful Cohabitation, has under him now a Secret "Police", the Osservatorio per l'Attuazione della Riforma della Chiesa di Papa Francesco (OARCPF - Observatory for the Implementation of the Church Reform of Pope Francis) sending our e-mail letters of official tone to professors in Roman institutions demanding them to teach Amoris Laetitia according to the mind of the Pope (that is, Holy Communion to public adulterers and fornicators) -- or (the threat is obviously implied) to face expulsion.


Pope fails to address Cardinals...



Tony V said...

From Rorate:"Sodalitium Franciscanum", in reference to the "Sodalitium Pianum" (SP) St. Pius X supposedly established as an underground network to find Modernists infiltrated in the Church. The main difference, of course, is that the supposed "SP" tried to do a good thing (that is, avoid the spread of errors and novelties that attempted against the Faith and Morals the Church has always professed), while the Pope's new Banana-Gestapo (like the actual Gestapo or the KGB) tries to do a bad thing...

This is nonsense. Pius X's nutty witch-hunt against 'modernists' was just as hare-brained as Francis's (alleged) paranoid machinations. Sauce for the goose.

Tancred said...

Thanks for playing Mr. CTA.

susan said...

....aka 'gaybriel'.

man, evil NEVER stops. He's like an ugly fey'd-up terminator.

Unknown said...

A friend in Rome is saying that the letter was sent as a joke. It is not serious .There is no OARCPF.

Unknown said...

Surely this Communion umbrella plan includes homosexualists, pan-sexual it's and zoophilics as well. Wouldn't they also fall under the vague category of "irregular situations" ?

Seattle Kim

Tony V said...

My point is simply that if you're serious about being a traditionalist, then you need to reject not only Vatican II but Vatican I as well. The Ultramontane folly that was foisted on the church in the last days of the Papal States is unhistorical and uncatholic. Just as we lost a lot of good people after Vatican II (have you noticed all those empty pews), we lost good people after Vatican I--Döllinger, Tyrrell, et al.

romar said...

Please everyone calm down. Can't you tell a recognise a hoax when you see one?
There is no "OARCPF". The email is anonymous. The contents are idiotic.
It's just some sick jester pushing your buttons - and you go along, like so many 5yo?

Anonymous said...

Pray for him and offer up personal sacrifice's for his soul.