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Pater Giovani Cavalcoli: "There is a lot of disinformation. The signs of a confused Church. It appears there is a masonic maneuver against Radio Maria in process." |
The Catholic online daily La Fede Quotidiana (LFQ) spoke to the 75-year-old priest about the criticism from the Vatican. The moralist found clear words of disapproval for the Vatican's approach. The Secretariat of State publicly "contradicted" him and the Vatican media prepared the spreading of blame against him worldwide.
Father Cavalcoli had not used public criticism of Pope Francis in the past. Rather, he has defended Pope Francis against a "too quick" criticism, which "goes astray in some Catholic circles." Nevertheless, he became a victim of his faithfulness to ecclesiastical wretchedness.
"I confirm everything I said about the earthquake. What should I apologize for? If anyone needs to correct themselves, and to ask for forgiveness, it is they who should ask for forgiveness for their valorization of the heretic, Luther. "
LFQ: Father Cavalcoli, do you regret it?
Father Giovanni Cavalcoli: No. To me, many have rushed at me with wild methods, including many journalists, and this proves how great the disinformation and the ignorance of theology, doctrine, and catechism are. We are at the point where whoever observes these categories, causes commotion and outrage. Signs of a confused Church.
"No one is authorized to change the teaching and the Scripture."
LFQ: Does God send punishments or not?
Father Giovanni Cavalcoli: The Catechism, the Holy Scripture and the Doctrine are clear, and no one is authorized to change them. God sends penalties, and the earthquake stands like our catastrophe before our eyes. The punishment of God is a response to the action of man. A simple example: If I drink ten liters of liqueur and then die, I have to attribute the blame to myself, that is my punishment. The Holy Scriptures are full of God's punishments. "
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Interview with Father Cavalcoli |
LFQ: You have spoken of civil unions (gay marriage) ...
Father Giovanni Cavalcoli: I was misunderstood, or perhaps I expressed myself incorrectly. I have not referred to this law in the narrower sense. An explicit connection with a particular action can never be produced with ultimate certainty. But it involves vice and sinful and disordered behavior like homosexuality. God sends punishment to him who sins and knows what he is doing, consciously acting against the law of God.
LFQ: The State Secretariat, on the other hand, is in revolt ...
Father Giovanni Cavalcoli: I worked there myself. I see with bitterness that today everything is different. And there are also Masonic infiltrations there.
"Freemasonry maneuvers against Radio Maria"
LFQ: This is where your reflections are called pagan ...
Father Giovanni Cavalcoli: The true heathens are those who attack me. I am of the opinion that there is a masonic maneuver underway against Radio Maria, which is disturbing, and the station is probably at risk. Satan has long since penetrated into the Church and also into the Vatican. The pope is not heretical, but he surrounds himself with false friends and bad advisors like Kasper, Ravasi, Bianchi, Ronchi and Cantalamessa.
"Perhaps to apologize to those who have recently revaluated Luther"
LFQ: Will you correct yourself or apologize?
Father Giovanni Cavalcoli: I do not think of it, and confirm everything I said. In actuality they should apologize, those Catholics who had lately valorized Luther, who may have done good, but is a heretic, and thus have caused much confusion. I am a serious Dominican with a straight backbone and not a bootlicker.
LFQ: And if Radio Maria should finally dismiss you?
Father Giovanni Cavalcoli: Then I will draw my conclusions from it. But I do not think so. I will not change my orthodoxy. The point is that a humanitarianism and a "misericordism" are being spread, but justice is neglected. This is a disservice. God is infinitely good, but He desires repentance and punishes us if that does not happen. The mercy as a scatter gun principle, of which they are telling us, is really a deceit of a Lutheran manufacture. I do not think they will attack me any further, or put me on the sidelines. I have wide shoulders. They'll think twice about that.
Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Conventosandomenico.org/La Fede quotidiana (Screenshots)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
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Marvellous! If only all our clergy had the same backbone & wide shoulders. His remark about not being a bootlicker makes him the leader we badly need & greatly desire.
He should be elected Pope at the next conclave.
Its awesome to hear a Catholic voice in these strange days.
Dio benedica e prottega questo vero pastore di anime.
God bless and protect this true pastor of souls.
"Page 117, of the pope's book, On Heaven and Earth, in regards to same-sex unions
“If there is a union of a PRIVATE NATURE, THERE IS NEITHER A THIRD PARTY NOR IS SOCIETY AFFECTED. Now, if this union is given the category of marriage and they are given adoption rights, there could be children affected. Every person needs a male father and female mother that can help them shape their identity." -Jorge Mario Bergoglio
Approval of same-sex sexual unions is approval of same-sex sexual acts.
To deny the Sanctity of the marital act, is to deny that God Is The Author of Love, of Life, and of Marriage.
When we deny that God Is The Author of Love, of Life, and of Marriage, and render onto Caesar, what belongs to God, we deny The Divinity of The Most Holy and Undivided Blessed Trinity and thus we deny Salvational Love, God's Gift of Grace and Mercy.
Denying The Divinity of The Most Holy and Undivided Blessed Trinity, is apostasy.
God reward this man, this priest!
"Birds of a feather flock together". Isn't that what the rhyme taught? You know a man by the friends who gather around him. Isn't that what your mother taught you? That is exactly what what my deceased Irish mother taught me.
Actually, Francis is heretical and the people surrounding him - chosen by Francis himself - only serve as his mouthpieces for the more heretical statements that he doesn't dare to make directly. Notice that he never contradicts or denies any of them.
He's not a smart or well-educated man, just an elderly left-wing ideologue who has called up all the other mediocrities who have been nesting out there and is using them to advance his dim-witted, anti-Catholic agenda.
Mother Angelica lives!
My mother used to say, "Be careful, you can tell a lot about people by the friends they choose."
What didn't Jorge Mario Bergoglio learn?
His friends are his friends.
That is it in a nutshell.
No need to do a doctoral thesis on the current conundrum. Really, it just stinks.
Agree Elizabeth, he is heretical, that is based only on what he has said and done, his actions. I judge the actions not the man. I agree he's not smart but he is cunning and has guile which he of course uses to subvert and undermine.
Remember Saint Francis's prophecy speaks of a "a man, not canonically elected, will be raised to the Pontificate, who, by his cunning, will endeavour to draw many into error and death."
This wasn't just invented to fit the man, you can find books from the 1800's that have this prophecy from Saint Francis. I'm convinced who Saint Francis was trying to warn us of.
You have summed it up perfectly, Elizabeth. We do not have a Holy Father in Rome, but rather a dottering, cruel Stepfather who never ceases of endangering the Faith of those he is called to protect. The fact that Francis has not been publicly and forcefully denounced, the way his heresies richly deserve, is evidence that the True Church is no longer in the holy city of Rome. What a pity that half the American people had the guts to do something about the leftist threat in their midst .I realize fully the difference of circumstances and institutions, but the cowardice of both clergy and lay people in general are the proof in the pudding of the poisonous nature of all that preaching about cult-like obedience (the greatest tool the Modernist have been given by us to destroy our Faith and Christian culture) and effeminate "charity." And most Catholics have sat in their pews and taken it, like the fools and cult-like members that they are.
I maintain that since Francis is a world public figure we, especially Catholics, are entitled to know of his past, particularly his doings since ordination. A study---sober and accurate---must be made so we can understand better where this wolf is coming from. I bet my last penny that much that is pathological, cruel and unsavory would be uncovered.
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