Saturday, November 5, 2016

Cowardly Archbishop and Staff Frantically Deny Christ in San Diego

Edit: the Reuter's headline isn't true, but look at the denials being frantically issued by the Judases at the Archdiocese.

[Reuters] The Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego denounced one of its parishes on Friday after its worshippers were told that voting for Democrats is a "mortal sin" that could lead to an eternity in hell.
The Diocese said the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in the neighborhood of Old Town made the statement in an insert to a weekly leaflet given to churchgoers on Oct. 16, calling abortion, same-sex marriage, euthanasia and other political issues "non-negotiables."

"It is a mortal sin to vote Democrat," the insert read, with the words underlined and bolded. "If your bishop, priest, deacon or other parishioners tell you to do so, you must walk away from them. Your immortal soul and your salvation are at stake."


  1. GOD BLESS the good and holy shepherds of Immaculate Conception....WELL DONE!!!

    As for the judas one expected anything more than betrayal of Christ from him. He has his reward; and one day he will face the consequences.

  2. I wonder if the American bishops have ever considered the alternative of protecting their Tax-Exempt status by staying out of politics? I don't see it as the only strategy. Imagine how influential the Church could really become in society if it just went ahead and paid taxes.

    1. Unfortunately, it would also mean that Catholic hospitals (almost the only source of ethical healthcare in the US) would close.

      Vote for Trump and he will get rid of the law that gags churches.

  3. Immaculate Conception (Old Town San Diego) is the very site of the landing of Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo in 1542 on September 28. He brought three Carmelite priests with him. Two days later, the first Mass was said in the New World. Spain claimed the new land for God and Spain.

  4. If only they had the nerve to reply "Dear , Jews, we don't care what you think of us as Catholics. What we've written, we've written." We know that (((they ))) were the spoon stirring the pot anyhow.

  5. WOW!!! Whoever wrote that should be made a Knight of St. Gregory the Great.

  6. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that voting for Democrats is mortal sin. For those who do vote democrat, God will most certainly hold them personally liable for every abortion, same sex marriage and death by euthanasia that they will have enabled.

  7. We think we only have two choices, the abortionist Hilary and the man with a serious psychosis who is Donald Trump. We would probably be just as guilty if we voted for a madman. We have more choices. from what I hear there is a Republican running as an independent and he holds up the values we seek.

    1. And who said he has "a serious psychosis"? Clinton? The Clinton campaign? The mass media? Ha!

    2. Who said he has a psychosis? Is it not obvious? Even his own party have called him a devastation to our Nation if elected. "Good (Trump)"?? give some examples.

  8. No. You do only have 2 choices. Good (Trump) or Evil (Hilary). Voting for some irrelevant 3rd party who has no hope of getting in is equivalent to not voting at all. This is allowing evil and supporting Hillary by proxy.

    1. Mass voting for a third party (Whether he wins or not) will send a clear message to Trump, Hilary and all good Americans

  9. Bravo to the priests and those in this parish who speak TRUTH...sadly those in the hierarchy in this diocese do not back up true sheperds and can they possibly condone murder of defenseless tiny humans growing in the womb and deny their entering life as God has created them for? Murder is mortal sin...and it will always be...abortion is murder! uNbelievable we have bishops and higher who do not back that up and speak the truth!

    1. For fear of the the words of Scripture.
