Sunday, September 11, 2016

The Siege of Vienna

Edit: some dates are sealed on the heart of every Christian.  The Muslims certainly remembered.  September 11th, 1683, is a day we must always remember and give thanks to God.

Deus Vult!

John Sobieski blesses his troops before battle
Photo: wikicommons


  1. Maybe that's why the terrorists who brought down the twin towers chose that date. We'll find out on Judgement Day.

    1. Yes Zionists openly mock Western Civilization.

  2. For visitors to Vienna I recommend they take a tram ride to the Kahlenberg Heights where there is a great view over Vienna and the not-so blue Danube, but more importantly it is the location of a small chapel where on the eve of the battle King John Sobieski acted as altar server at Mass performed by the papal legate. Spiritually refreshed he then convened a council of war with the other commanders and princes.

    1. Cool. Thanks for sharing. Although i wonder what will be left or who will be left to remembering years to come Almost all my friends for example, now use their own opinion regarding morality, rather than listening to the Church. One of them told me that she didn't believe that there was a possibility of damnation although she lives in unrepentant mortal sin, because she has thought about it and SHE doesn't believe that "God is like that! It doesn't help her at all that men like Bishop Robert Baron have decided to start preaching that it's probable that as a result of God's mercy, hell is probably empty or that pope Francis, doesn't appear to believe that repentance for sin is necessary to receive God's mercy. Apparently I am just stuck in the past. It's heartbreaking.


  4. Muchos Gracias, Pablo. Watched the short version you linked to and the full version. I didn't even know that the movie was ever made. God Bless you and all those fought the Turk.

  5. Unfortunately, one needs to use the term "Catholic Christian" in this case:

    1. Amazing. But by the actions depicted in this account Protestants demonstrated that they defected, acted against Christ and Catholics for Christ.

  6. Thank you very much. One can also but the dvd.
