Wednesday, September 21, 2016

+Dolan to Host Clinton and Trump at Smith Dinner

NEW YORK, September 21, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – The Archdiocese of New York's annual $3,000-per-plate Al Smith Dinner is generating controversy again this year over its election year practice of hosting the presidential candidates from both parties.

The Archdiocese will give a speaking platform at the October 20 event to both Donald Trump and strident abortion advocate Hillary Clinton, a representative of the event’s foundation confirmed for LifeSiteNews.

The annual affair benefits Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York and is held at the Waldorf Astoria. It is named for the late former New York governor and first Catholic presidential candidate. It features high-profile guests along with joint appearances by opposing presidential nominees who roast one another in humorous speeches.


  1. Dolan and his kind need a set of horns next to their names, not a +.

  2. The irony of these events in honor of Alfred E. Smith is astounding to me.

    When Smith ran for President in 1928 he was demonized in political cartoons as a Papist who was trying to subvert the United States. Even the wiki entry for Al Smith shows one of these cartoons, and there are more available if you search.

    wouldn't it be nice to have a Catholic politician who wasn't a Neoliberal/Neocon bootlicker--as most Republican Catholic candidates are, or a tacit eugenicist abortion supporter--as most Democrat candidates are?

    Now this Al Smith dinner is likely going to be another back-slapping event with Donald Trump who is certainly not a moral exemplar, and Hitlery Clinton--the woman who accepted the Margret Sanger award from Planned Parenthood in 2009.

    IMHO this political indifferentism mirrors the religious indifferentism of so many prominent Catholic prelates worldwide. It's sort of an analogue to the Assisi meetings where all religions are put on an equal standing with Catholicism.

    Whenever I see stuff like this I keep thinking of Luke 6:26

    Woe upon you, when all men speak well of you; their fathers treated the false prophets no worse.

  3. Catholic Charities brings more illegals into the US than all other groups combined. If I were Trump, I'd make Catholic Charities pay for The Wall.

  4. A good bit of change, $3000 per plate. There is something profoundly wrong about a Catholic function with that kind of money attached to it. Catholic clergy sitting around rubbing elbows with rabid abortion apologists? Wow. Would Jesus attend a $3000 per plate dinner? Maybe with a whip of cords.
    And for Catholic Charities no less. Great. That ought to enable lots of Muslims to invader our country further.
    As pretty much a lifetime Roman Catholic, who attends Holy Mass weekly and has for decades, I could not feel more disconnected from the Catholic leadership, the pope, the Bishops, than I do at this current point in time.
    And any Catholic who would even entertain the idea of voting for Hillary, or who can't see that Donald Trump is a completely reasonable choice for president, in my opinion has lost the ability to use logic and reason and is allowing pop culture to make their decisions for them.

  5. It is a scandal that Cardinal Dolan invited Clinton to the Al Smith dinner. It gives an perception that Dolan condones her anti-Catholic beliefs. Perception is often more important to people than facts. What a great opportunity Dolan missed to not invite Clinton. The message would get attention.
