Edit: picked up this story from Reviewbrah and thought it might be of interest. The following report is from Portale Italradio, dated from the end of July.
No more short waves fort two of the most followed lithurgical broadcasts of Vatican Radio. As from 1 August 2016, Latin Mass at 05:30 UTC and Rosary prayer at 18:40 UTC will be broadcast on the usual frequencies only on Sundays and catholic holy days. No motivation is until now available.
The decision has been taken earlier this week by the Vatican Secretariat for Communications.
Both broadcasts were especially meant to reach isolated people, travellers and all those who are prevented to attend a Mass in their country or to have a free access to the Internet.
Italradio express deeply concern for a totally inexplicable decision, a "hertzian-suicide" as we define it in a word.
As from 1 August the Mass is broadcast on SW only on Sunday and holydays: 15595 kHz. 3975 kHz
6070 kHz at 05.30 UTC. The Rosary prayer on 11625 kHz, 3975 kHz, 6070 kHz, 9660 kHz, 9755 kHz at 18.40 UTC.
Those who hate the Latin Mass hate Jesus. I cant wait intil this vatican 2 craze blows over.
Sveopća molitva pape Klementa XI
Vjerujem, Gospodine, ojačaj mi vjeru;
Nadam se Gospodine, učvrsti mi nadu;
Ljubim te Gospodine, ražari mi ljubav;
Kajem se Gospodine, probudi mi kajanje.
Klanjam ti se kao prvom počelu;
Čeznem za Tobom kao za posljednjim ciljem;
Hvalim te kao vječnog dobrotvora;
Zazivam te kao branitelja i pomoćnika.
Svojom me mudrošću vodi, pravednošću uzdrži, dobrotom tješi, moću štiti.
Prinosim ti svoje misli da budu upravljene k tebi;
Riječi da govore o tebi;
Djela da budu po tebi;
Trpljenja da budu za tebe.
Hoću što god ti hoćeš i zato jer hoćeš,
Hoću kako ti hoćeš i dotle dok hoćeš.
Molim te, Gospodine, prosvijetli mi razum, zagrij volju, očisti srce i posveti dušu.
Daj da oplačem dosadašnja bezakonja, odbijem buduće napasti, ispravim krive navike, uzgojim prikladne kreposti.
Dobri Bože, daj mi ljubav za Tebe, mržnju na mene, revnost za bližnjega, prezir svijeta.
Da se trudim biti poslušan pretpostavljenima, služiti podložnicima, pomagati prijateljima, praštati neprijateljima.
Da požudu svladam strogošću, lakomost darežljivošću, srdžbu blagošću, mlakost revnošću.
Da u odluci budem mudar, u pogiblji postojan, u nevolji strpljiv, u sreći ponizan.
Uči me, Gospodine, sabranim u molitvi, trijeznim u jelu i piću, marljivim u službi, ustrajnim u odluci.
Nadahni mi brigu za unutarnju neokaljanost, izvanjsku čednost, primjerno vladanje, uredan život.
Da ustrajno i budno krotim svoju narav, gajim milost, opslužujem zakon, zaslužujem spasenje.
Nauči me, kako je neznatno sve zemaljsko, uzvišeno sve božansko, kratko sve vremenito, trajno sve vječno.
Daj da se pripravim na smrt, uplašim suda, izbjegnem pakao, postignem raj.
Po Kristu Gospodinu našem.
The novus ordo church and its masonic bishops and false pope will mercy itself out of existence, then the smaller purer remnant true church will return.
Francis and his satanic ecumenism will eventually lead to an apology to all heathens, pagans, satanists, heretics and schematics for the Catholic church still being in existence, and he will then hand it over/ transform it into the one world pagan religion, led by himself and the very soon to be revealed antichrist. Not long now.
So I guess the Holy Spirit does not act through the Cardinals to select a Pope anymore? Didn't know the Cardinals fooled Him this time.
Www.SGG.COM has daily webcam Tridentine Holy Mass around 10:30 or 11am.
It used to be that the Church, the Vatican and the Pope were concerned about the salvation of souls and reaching to places where the practice of the faith was difficult. Not at present.
The Cardinals do not surrender their free will in the conclave. The Holy Ghost is not a puppet master.
Www.SGG.ORG (sorry)
Well...it's lost the faith..what do you expect?
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