The Church's Treasures on the Sidewalk |
Edit: A day after the Mass for the beheading of a Catholic priest, Catholics are being manhandled and rousted by Socialist police. Their church, Saint Rita is a church which practices the Gallican Rite in the 15th District of Paris and does not belong to the Paris Archdiocese. It's known as the Church of the Animals because of the blessings there every year on St. Francis' Feast. It is to be demolished because its owner is unable to procure the three million euros. In the meantime, protesters, including local political representatives, have occupied the church but were removed by force this Wednesday. It's priest was dragged unceremoniously from the altar. Marine Le Penn wonders on her twitter why they won't attempt to do this to a mosque.
From RT:
NT: Expulsion of the holy church Rita: Catholics continue to defend their church face the Socialist police!
Remember, this church was occupied for several months by Catholics to prevent its destruction which was to lead to the construction of a parking place ...
The Church was also in days past a Templar Chapel.
Its all very simple. Turn the Church over to the SSPX. The Society does not compromise and does not let anyone stand in their way. Not even Pope Francis. What should be demolished are all the Mosque's in Europe.
https://youtu.be/S12veSmNSgs watch this video
Does the SSPX have €3 million lying around? (For what is France charging them €3 million, anyways?)
No, don't demolish mosques; Catholicize them.
Have you ever read E. Michael Jones's Ethnos needs Logos? It's about his trying to persuade Duke to become Catholic.
When you say they practise the Gallican rite, it is in fact the schismatic Eglise Catholique Gallicane.
Google "Max Krah"
Yep. Thanks.
Yes and I'm glad David Duke didn't convert to M.Jones brand of Catholicism.
M.Jones is 100% correct on many issues EXCEPT religion.
I gather this church was no longer in the hands of the Eglise Gallicane, but had been taken over by a group of Catholics under Fr Guillaume de Tanoüarn, trying to save it from demolition.
DS, you are absolutely correct. So much misinformation it's pitiful but you have it right. Fr. Guillaume de Tanouarn is from the IBP who has been saying Mass there for several months. It is true that the police would not have intervened if hey had been Muslims.
I already explained that the group is not associated with the Archdiocese.
According to this old post on Rorate Cœli, Fr. Guillaume de Tanoüarn is an ex-SSPXer who joined the IBP and his blog is ab2t.blogspot.com.
Is IBP similar to ICKSP? (Novus ordo Indult)
The National Institutes of Health has proposed to life the ban on the creation of chimeras, which are animal-human hybrids. Please go to my blog to sign a public petition against this. There will be a comment period of 30 days.
yeah, well, this ain't a Catholic Church (although like the SSPX it LOOKS like a Catholic Church). Heck, there was a group in Ojai, CA which had a beautiful Traditional Liturgy and female altar boys among other problems doctrinal.
Looks can be deceiving, eh SSPX Prots?
ha ha......Steve again..........
yeah, well, this ain't a Catholic Church (although like the SSPX it LOOKS like a Catholic Church). Heck, there was a group in Ojai, CA which had a beautiful Traditional Liturgy and female altar boys among other problems doctrinal.
Looks can be deceiving, eh SSPX Prots?
No, they are in full communion with the Catholic Church. The IBP, different from the SSPX, isn't in any kind of irregular situation. They are an officially recognized society that celebrate the Mass solely according to the 1962 missal. As far as I know, they have no ties to the gallicane rite and this was a big misunderstanding, caused because other people were using the church before.
The IBP isn't very active in english speaking countries, as far as I know, but here in São Paulo at least they have a somewhat strong presence, celebrating the Tridentine Mass in two different churches, one of which celebrates it everyday except saturdays.
Really? Where has Mr. Jones been wrong about religion?
He is wrong about Catholicism in every way.He wants you and me to support the very men who have destroyed Catholicism.
Do they the IBP have novus ordo bishops ordaining their Priest's?
Just curious..
@Alex..I hold the sedevacantist position.Why are you going on about the SSPX?
To the first question, I think so, though I am not sure which bishops have ordained before. They had the ordination of two priests and two deacons here in Brazil last year, which I think was the first one using the Tridentine Mass in decades. They were ordained by Bp. Athanasius Schneider. I understand they frequently work together.
To the second question, I mentioned the SSPX because the founders of the institute were former members of that society. I just wanted to make it clear that their position in the Church isn't like the SSPX, which is somewhat nebulous as far as I understand.
No problem thank you for answering.
I went to an FSSP Latin Mass that was said on Saturday evening in Indianapolis, so we Catholics could get to the race track early on Sunday without missing Mass.
There is a biblical prophecy about animal human hybrids fighting in War.
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