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Saint Patrick's College in Maynooth |
(Dublin) The Archdiocese of Dublin confirmed Wednesday that Archbishop Diarmuid Martin "temporarily" has prohibited the admission of new students in the largest seminary in Ireland. Reason for the hiring freeze is that the archbishop suspects that a "gay culture" has taken at the seminary. The hiring freeze is only a measure to combat the homosexualization of the seminary.
On Tuesday Archbishop Martin told the state broadcaster RTE that he was "uncomfortable" because of anonymous charges against a significant number of seminarians of St. Patrick College of Maynooth, which were written and published on the Internet.
As the archbishop affirmed, claiming the accusations that the seminary a "homosexual milieu" exists and students using a "homo-app" called "Grindr", says the Archbishop, to intiate "Homo-dating".
The archbishop takes the allegations seriously and wants to make a clean sweep. "The allegations are serious," he told the press on Tuesday, "even more serious, however, would be if they correspond to the facts." This is what he wants and he'll clarify.
"The use of such apps would not only be inappropriate for someone who is preparing to become a celibate priest, but also because such an app promotes sexual promiscuity, which in no way corresponds to a mature attitude that you expect in future priests," said Archbishop Martin.
The admission year 2016, according to the Archbishop's decision, will not to include studying at Maynooth, but at the Pontifical Irish College in Rome. The measure will stay active until the allegations in Maynooth have been clarified. Similar studies had already begun, says the Archbishop. But there was no immediate charge because at the moment there is only anonymous material that will only be checked for authenticity.
The Saint Patrick's College Maynooth, about 25 kilometers from Dublin, was founded in 1795 and became the largest seminary of the island with up to 500 seminarians. Since the 60s the figures have been declining due to the ongoing crisis of vocations.
"Anonymous accusations are poison," said the archbishop, so he preferred to "move my students to study in another place." He does not recommend that other bishops follow his example, but he will inform them.
Simultaneously with the announcement of the measures the archbishop expressed hopes that will prove the allegations to be inaccurate. "We will clarify." At the same time he deplored excessive "conveniences", the seminarians would have enjoyed in Maynooth, and demanded that the conference make corresponding "changes".
Homosexuals may not be ordained priests in the Catholic Church or not even be included in a seminary, as Pope Benedict XVI. with the Instruction on criteria for vocational discernment of persons with homosexual tendencies in view of their Admission to the Seminary and to Holy Orders.The measure corresponds to the theological understanding of the sacramental priesthood and the natural law with respect to men and women. The instruction was also part of the papal action against the [so-called] pedophilia scandal, since the vast majority of the clergy who have been guilty of the sexual abuse of minors had aberrosexual tendencies. Thus, the instruction with the consecration and recruiting prohibition also form a protective barrier against an attempt by the "homo lobby" in the Church, about which Pope Francis spoke, attempting to bring about by means of the general social climate in the Church, a position change when it comes to homosexuality.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
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Image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
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Funny that Martin was angrier about the seminarians who anonymously revealed what was going on with these letters, rather than with the sodomites themselves. Blowing the whistle creates a "poisoned environment"? Please. We all know exactly what's creating the poisoned environment there, and we also know nothing will be done about it by Msgr Connolly or anyone else.
I would not be surprised in the least either if it was the homosexual subculture inhabited by a large number of FFI that cause the Vatican to take action against them.
These allegations should be investigated by an experienced, cynical, and devout police detective. But any "investigation" will, of course, be undertaken by a limp waisted cleric and will conclude that there's no cause for alarm.
Chas Hart: I think you need to be careful before making such patently libellous statements. Have you any evidence for your statement about the FFI?
Such allegations have been proven true in hundreds of seminaries...many in the USA. And it's usually not the cassock-wearing, Tridentine Latin Mass loving traditionalist seminarians, but rather the Pope Francis style radical dissident progressive seminarians that have been a part of these homosexual cliques in seminaries. Likewise, the army of radical liberal dissident priests in diosecean chancelleries, and even in the Vatican, are proven to have been dominated by homosexuals. Even Benedict XVI mentions the homosexual subculture in the Vatican in his latest book. But Francis apparently tolerates, approves, and promotes these people in the Vatican and elsewhere.
The rot and filth of these people began right after Vatican II, even in the Vatican.
Damian Malliapalli
I can't imagine anything solving this problem. The church is apparently filled with homosexuals, and of course many seminaries are filled with homosexuals. Until homosexuality is identified as a primary cause of our weakening church, not to mention the main reason so many poor boys and young men have suffered immensely at the hands of men in our church, nothing will change and these men will go on destroying Catholic teaching and souls.
We never did feel the homosexual problem was properly addressed, and it has been maddening to observe. Once the John Jay Study came out the guessing was over. Since 81% of the victims of sex abuse by clergy have been males, the obvious conclusion is this is a homosexual predator problem, certainly not "pedophilia". Most of the victims are in that pederasty "sweet spot" for homosexual men, boys between the ages of 12 and 17. This sickness has not been properly addressed by our church, including our popes, and we all saw it, because nothing changed as far as acceptance into seminaries. It was never identified and addressed. Even Pope Benedict gave it a pass. We needed to see moves such as booting out the dykes and effiminates as seminary directors, who are purposefully filling the ranks of seminarians with as many homosexuals as they can find, and tormenting good seminarians to the point they leave. We needed to see Catholic teaching on homosexuality supported and reinforced, but we never did. Our church leaders, including the popes, tucked their tales under and backed off.
What, besides divine intervention, could possibly at this point do anything to address this rot within our beautiful church. Truly it is like a cancer that is now in the bones.
Who is Chas Hart? As someone close the FFI, I have NEVER ever seen as much as a hint of sodomites. But perhaps you were being sarcastic???
Everyone start praying for the end of the regime of Pope Francis, and the election of a true, orthodox, tradition leaning Pope who will clean out this filth. Pope Benedict XVI was charged with this task at his election, and he failed...he proved to be a wimp.
We need another Pius XII or Pius X, or even a Pius V!
Damian Malliapalli
And it's not impossible we'll get a great Pope the next time. We got garbage this time, maybe they learned a lesson.
Brave man, Damian. Thank you for courageously doing a Voris and outing yourself as an invert.
Chas Hart is obviously Gaybriel stirring up trouble like he always does.
Don't understand what you mean Anon.
I know who Voris is, he's a neo-con Catholic masquerading as a traditional Catholic....but I don't understand the rest of your comment, like Huh?
Damian Malliapalli
Why would someone like Gaybriel go to the trouble of making up fake names, when all the comments sound like him anyway....or is Gaybriel a fake name for someone else too? HAHAHA
Damian Malliapalli
Uh,we got the Pope the Holy Spirit wanted. Or are you saying that the Cardinals can overrule God?
"Anonymous accusations are poison," said the archbishop, so he preferred to "move my students to study in another place."
In short, His Excellency is taking action because he is more concerned about seminarians making anonymous allegations than he is about seminarians hooking up to have anonymous (gay) sex.
Pray for good and faithful priests and bishops to return to Ireland.
Chas Hart,
"...the homosexual subculture inhabited by a large number of FFI"
What are you talking about?
The Holy Spirit doesn't elect the Pope. That is a pious myth.
In fairness I think you should read the Archbishops full comments on this. He was actually quite clear on removing his students to Rome not only because of accusations at the college but specifically in relation to Homosexual activity including the use of a particular Gay dating site that was being used. He also referred to the promotion of promiscuous Gay activity by the site which is not compatible with the faith.
To Anonymous 2. Perhaps you could be taken more seriously if, like Damian, you signed your comments. Frankly I have no time for commenters hiding behind anonymity. If you have belief in what you say, sign your nam!!!!
I, personally, don't have a problem with homosexual clergy - providing they are not practising!! If I did have a problem it would equally apply to heterosexual clergy - if they were practising!!
That's just Gaybriel. He covets Damian's heteronormativity.
David if you don't have a problem with homosexual clergy, then you have a serious problem yourself. Homosexuals, practicing or not, are forbidden to even enter the seminary, let alone be ordained a priest. The fact that there are so many in the Church today is one of the greatest evils in its history. Yes I'm sure there are a few practicing heteros as well, which of course is wrong as well, but homosexuality is a thousand times more evil and thus a greater scandal especially when in the clergy.
Saying "for me personally" is like saying, I don't care about morality, not really.
Himself, I reckon.
Anonymous. Why should we not accept non practising homosexuals yet accept non practising heterosexuals? Homosexuality cannot hurt the Church unless it is practised, but heterosexual practised behaviour in the clergy not only has an effect on the perpetrator but on his partner too. By the way I am a practising HETEROSEXUAL with a daughter & 2 granddaughters &, following the death of my first wife, am very happily married so I don't have an axe to grind.
I also have great difficulty accepting the worth of comments from 'Anonymous' commentors!!
That doesn't change the fact that you're the one who's wrong. Sorry.
David, homosexuals are not to be admitted to the clergy whether they're practicing or not because what they have is a DISORDER. A serious inclination to a vile evil which will cause problems even if they're not actively committing sodomy.
Does this seriously have to be explained to you?? Read the Catechism or any one of the hundred saints who have spoken about this subject. Before stating your own opinion is correct as if the millenial teaching of the Church is wrong, please do some reading up first. Good grief.
And 'Saying "for me personally" is like saying, I don't care about morality, not really.'
That's a splendid piece of eisegesis by one who has perfected the art. Congratulations.
Augie/Gaybriel really? Tancred, just delete his asinine comments. He manages to ruin just about every thread.
Anon 3:30: weak minded dullard.
David O'Neill, you are correct about the matter of chaste, non-active homosexual priests. If Church authorities were convinced that these men should not even be admitted to seminaries and later to ordination, then probably somewhere around 40-50%, or even more, present bishops and priests should be cashiered from the priesthood as well including Benedict XVI.
Retrospectivity in the matter would be an interesting exercise too.
Good. Cashier each on of them, making them run the gauntlet on the way out. Let the Renewal begin.
David, were the pre Vat-II anti-homo rules in place because the hierarchy felt like being nasty? Read this month's Culture Wars, Mike Jones has a two-parter on Voris and homosexuality in the clergy. See what you agree with there.
BTW, the cashiering of the homo priests will be offset by stimulating the self- deportation of many self-styled Catholics to the compassionate, loving, open United Church of Christ, Episcopalianism and its variants, Libby Lutheranism, and what-not. Don't let the altar railing gates hit you in the fanny on the way out! It'll hurt, and you won't get much help under HillaryCare.
My guess is you won't be hearing from Chas "Catching the Red-Eye to Rome" Hart.
Isn't your eithegethith itself a little ironic, Frauggie?
You will, Frauggie, let us know if they use those gay dating apps in Rome, won't you?
If the allegations are anonymous, how will they be clarified? "Similar studies" prior to the allegations? I'll bet they were studying.
Or if they were straight-up studying, how diligently?
Read the book "Goodbye Good men"
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