Monday, July 18, 2016

Gänswein: No Ambition to Head German See

Curial Archbishop: A long-time employee of the CDF, as secretary of Cardinal Ratzinger and Pope Benedict he obviously  bears a "mark of Cain".

Ravensburg ( Curial Archbishop Georg Gänswein has in his own words, no ambitions to occupy a German diocese. "Do you think that a cathedral chapter should my name ever appear there, would choose me? Hardly likely. This also does not offend me," said the Prefect of the Papal Household and personal secretary of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. on Monday for the "Schwäbische Zeitung" in Ravensburg. "The ecclesiastical establishment has a negative image of me.  I do not belong among their favorites."

As a longtime employee of the CDF, as secretary of Cardinal Ratzinger and Pope Benedict, he obviously bears a "mark of Cain"  Black Forest native Gänswein added. "This has somehow managed to have me branded in public as a right winger or hardliner, without naming for offering concrete examples." Conversely, "the cathedral chapters are indeed not just known for having the highest loyalty towards Rome."

In the Catholic Church in Germany, the cathedral chapters outside Bavaria have some say in the selection of bishops.

(C) 2016 CBA Catholic News Agency. All rights reserved.
Photo Archbishop Gänswein (c) Lorleberg


  1. He'll very quickly be elevated to Cardinal by the next Pope in a few years!
    Keep praying and hoping for a new one soon.
    Damian Malliapalli

  2. 'Altar Girls'...utterly pathetic.

  3. The Catholic Church has been the leader in trangendering.

  4. "Girl" altar boy is more appropriate

  5. Great observation!!Forgive my lack of modern gender fluidity awareness.

    1. chicks are good as female altar boyz........during the collect, the more nubile ones can use their rack as a bookrack!

    2. Yes, the tall lacy boy with the purple beanie, shawl and playing with himself cuts a very striking figure as King of the Kids.
