"How many deaths does it take, how many severed heads, for European leaders to understand the situation in which the West is?"
Robert Cardinal Sarah, Guinea, prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments of the Catholic Church in Rome, on the murder of Abbé Jacques Hamel and the Muslim perpetrators in the past Wochen.verübten attacks in France and Germany.
Image: MBI (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
What about the Jewish Rebbe who stated on European TV "We consider Muslims our Brother's in Europa"?
Two sides of the same coin. They have their rivalries and disagreements but at base they are united in their hatred of us and Christianity.
Please! Please! We Christians have the same God as Jews. Not so with Islam whose god is a god of blood, hatred and vengeance. Do I detect an undercurrent of anti-semitism in the writer's comment?
That's it, mate...I'm reporting you to Tell MAMA
Christians have a God who loved the world so much that He assumed human flesh, became one of us and died for us. Both Muslims and Jews hate Him - neither has the same God as us.
Anybody who claims that Jews and Muslims have the same God as us obviously does not believe that Jesus Christ is God.
Well we can start there but we also need to examine our good Shepard and why he does not defend the faith nor protect the faithful. Cardinal Sarah is wonderful and has great courage.the church needs him and more like him.
This is simply the continuation of the war against the West that was suspended on September 11, 1683, when the mohammedans were repelled from the gates of Vienna.
Most in the West are totally ignorant of this battle along with the battle of Lepanto and the battle of tours.
The strong suit of the West seems to be stupidity and ignorance.
A G.K. Chesterton quote:
"It's not that when men cease to believe in God that they'll believe in nothing, they'll believe in anything."
Pope Francis is such a jerk. I just finished watching ABC World News Tonight with David Muir. They had a report about the priest that was murdered by two 19 yr. old Muslim terrorists. The banner headline said on way to Poland, "Pope says this is war". For a second I was surprised, and was stupid enough to think "Good for Pope Francis, finally he said it!!!".......only to be disappointed when the piece actually played. Apparently What Francis did say was, "The world is at war, but it is not about religion."
I just lost any and all respect for Bergoglio....period. The best thing he can do is pass on, or do everyone a favor and quit.
With a comment like that, he's in for a rough time in Poland. They know how to stand up for the Faith. Bergoglio doesn't.
Damian Malliapalli
To Anonymous at 12:39: I thought we Catholics worshipped a Triune God? Do the Jews actually believe in the Blessed Trinity? I had not heard that.....
Child of God, the Jews are God's chosen people, the Old Testement is the precursor to the New. The Old Testement leads up to God's fulfillment of a Savior and the beginning of the New Testement. The triune God was revealed by Jesus who is the Christ. There is a reason why Moses and Eliah appeared with the transfigured Christ at the transfiguration. All the prophets of the Old Testement are pointing to the coming of the Christ. That is why in the Roman Canon the priests prays: "accepted the gifts of your servant Abel, the sacrifice of Abraham, our father in faith, and the bread and wine offered by your priest accepted the gifts of your servant Abel, the sacrifice of Abraham, our father in faith, and the bread and wine offered by your priest Melchisedech."
The Jews rejected Jesus as the Messiah out of jealousy that they would lose their power and standing with the people.
They were legalistic in the extreme and emptied the old laws of the Spirit making their rituals empty and mostly concerned with external observances. Jesus scolded them for their hardened hearts and lack of true spiritual worship of God.
"Please! Please! We Christians have the same God as Jews." But, is that so? The Second Person of the Blessed Trinity revealed Himself, and the Holy Ghost, to mankind. One God in Three Persons. Do Jews believe that?
Pope Francis's remarks that this is not a war of religion and that all religions are religions of peace are truly mind-boggling. I really wonder what on earth goes on in his head.
The NWO religion, that's what goes on in his head......this morning he fell down at the altar......evil omen indeed
He says what he is told to say. He also sees himself as a 'cool' sage. His controllers have difficulty restraining their laughter.
"this morning he fell down at the altar"
....why, cause he actually tried genuflecting to the Lord?
OH!...I just pulled something from laughing so hard.
he's an evil old goat...his latest sell-out of Christians is truly from the lips of satan. I pray that Cd. Sarah replaces him....SOON.
Firstly, simply because the Jews do not believe in the Triune God, does not mean they believe in a different God. Pope Benedict XVI speaks of the Jews as "our fathers in faith". We do not know everything about God, but this would not mean that I don't believe in God. Jews also believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (the same God we believe in as Catholics); however, because they don't know this God fully is no reason to suggest they believe in a false god. That is overly simplistic. I am not saying they are all going to heaven or to be Jewish is the same as being Catholic; that also would be overly simplistic. Unfortunately, many people that believe in the One, True God do not make it to heaven. At least, I believe this. However, we continue to pray for them in order that they and others might enter into full communion with the one, true Church. I do have a problem when people suggest that Muslims believe in our God. They are not missing part of the story like the Jews, they are claiming a god that is utterly different in his attributes, qualities, and essence. To me, this is a different God.
In response to some of the comments against Pope Francis: I sympathize with those have a difficult time with his words and teachings. I myself have struggled with a fair amount of his comments concerning, marriage, mercy, reception of Holy Communion... However, he is the holy father and we should watch our words. To disagree with a statement is one thing, but to suggest that he is completely controlled by the devil or is hateful or evil is certainly another. Be careful so as to not cause scandal, lead others to sin, or sin yourself by what you say regarding the pope. I think Cardinal Sarah is awesome and I would love for him to be the next pope; however, I highly doubt he would have any part of this conversation or some of the comments above regarding the pope. Trust in God and His providence, not in our own shockingly limited grasp of what is happening in the bigger picture. God bless yall. May we humbly seek truth everyday.
"Be careful so as to not cause scandal"
that's extraordinarily rich in a rebuke of someone speaking the truth about this squatter on Peter's throne. Do I really need to rehash the myriad (and I mean MYRIAD) things this man has said in direct variance of Christ's own words and 2,000 years of Magisterial teaching? To not call him out for what he is, is the scandal. Do you understand how much he is putting Christianity at risk? I trust MIGHTILY in God, but I also know that God calls us to fight the good fight, and that I will. Quietism is quite frankly nauseating.
My point is not to be silent. I never said to not stand up for truth. I am also very frustrated and shocked that so many off-handed comments have come from the pope. However, we do have people like Cardinal Burke, Cardinal Sarah, Archbishop Chaput... who have proven themselves willing to stand up for truth in the face of backlash and persecution. yet, none of these men condemn the pope to be a puppet of the devil or evil. The pope has never taught anything falsely EX CATHEDRA. This means he has yet to attempt to actually alter Church doctrine. I agree that he has confused many people, canon lawyers and priests. I agree that he has taught things that have made people think they have a license to sin and live in sin. This is sad and I pray that these vague and often incorrect comments cease and are made clear and appropriate. However, comments that are suggestive of the pope being controlled by the devil causes division not unity. Having a strong argument as to why a comment from the pope was inappropriate and/or false can lead to unity. If the pope ever actually teaches false doctrine EX CATHEDRA, then the attempt of the gates of hell trying to prevail against the Kingdom of heaven will be evident. Then, a direct, heinous, and intentional attack of the Catholic Church will be manifested. If this happened, I believe you would have to get in line behind Card. Burke, Sarah and many others in calling for the deposition of this pope. God bless and thank you for the conversation.
I am - I cannot even articulate accurately what outrage I feel right now...I just read this on Life Site News - and I certainly do not want to read the lessons nor view the slides or videos - it was sickening enough to read the article. I keep saying this is a dark world getting ever darker - by the minute so it seems! The evil that is so rampant..and now - this sex-ed program has been given out at World Youth Day?!! WHAT?!! This has to be made known to every single Catholic parent who have children - to know what is to be taught to their children, and how corrupted and evil it is! Lord have Mercy!
I am - I cannot even articulate accurately what outrage I feel right now...I just read this on Life Site News - and I certainly do not want to read the lessons nor view the slides or videos - it was sickening enough to read the article. I keep saying this is a dark world getting ever darker - by the minute so it seems! The evil that is so rampant..and now - this sex-ed program has been given out at World Youth Day?!! WHAT?!! This has to be made known to every single Catholic parent who have children - to know what is to be taught to their children, and how corrupted and evil it is! Lord have Mercy!
I agree we should most certainly NOT be silent! Sadly it is the majority of Muslims & their leaders who do not denounce these jihadists & punish them with their form of excommunication. But, wait, wasn't the situation similar in Ireland when many priests & bishops did not condemn the IRA for their atrocities & indeed buried them with the full ceremony of the Church?
There is absolutely no doubt that the ancient Israelis worshiped the same God. Perhaps an argument can made that the modern-day Jews do not. What we know today as the Jewish religion actually solidified between the first and third century. It was formed in opposition to Christianity, and is explicitly anti-Christ. It is not based upon the Torah (1st 5 books of the Old Testament) but instead, upon the Talmud. The Talmud (and related) is a compilation of traditions, sophistry, and "Babylon mysteries." At any rate, our "Elder Brethren" became Catholic. Today's Jews are actually a jealous younger sibling, if related at all...
I do believe that is a better argument. Some Jews are rather opposed to Christ. This would change things obviously. However, it is very difficult to speak of the Jews collectively because there are cultural Jews and religious Jews. Even within those two factions, several others divisions exist between the orthodox, Hassidic, liberal... I am no scholar on the Jews; however, I do believe that some more conservative and orthodox groups do live at least more closely to the Torah. Some groups are also less opposed to Christianity and do believe Christ was a very good man. The more important question would be if they seek, speak and act truth in their actions. If they live a life that is directed towards love and service of others, then they are living truth. Christ is Truth. Though they may not know to profess Him as such, they are nonetheless still living Christianity to some degree or another. This of course is not to say we should not evangelize and pray for them to convert into full communion. Christ started 1 Church and many Jews have an easy transition into that since Christ's Church is the fulfillment of the Old Covenant and the Jewish prophecies and laws. Oftentimes, they even have an easier transition than many Protestants. May all come to know Christ through His Body, the Church.
Jews are Antichrist just like Muslims.
The difference is Islam was basically a replica of the Nestorian heresy.
are you freakin' kidding me? Get one single solitary clue out of the 60,000 surrounding you sunshine. Amoris Letitia is abject HERESY....it most certainly CHANGES Church teaching (if it is accepted and followed)....written by a papal hand-picked poofster. Cd. shonborn declares it is binding magesterial teaching (what a load of horse hockey!) bergoglio TEACHES every day, and has claimed that it's binding, and MUCH of it is in direct opposition to 2,000 years of Magesterium and even Christ's own words. I am not wasting another hour of my time to re-post the MULTI-multiple heterodoxies of francis. These aren't off-hand comments...they are core beliefs, with an agenda to change the Church as Christ set It up. I don't worship a man in a white polyester dress who has set himself up as the chief enemy of Christ....way worse than Luther, whom he is getting ready to laud, praise, and no doubt canonize soon. Keep the blinders on as long as you like, but to call a heretic a heretic is no scandal...it is duty. To play that all is OK cause a handful of Cardinals have whispered a few times that "gee, he needs to be a little clearer"...on the heresy(!), and then promptly shut-up and disappear, is the true scandal. SOULS ARE BEING LOST; the Church is being raped (yeah, that's a fact), and I for one will not bow down before the rapist because he squats on a sacred throne. He is an enemy of Christ and an enemy of the Church...that is profound evil.
Dearest Susan. Your sounding a lot like another radical (A B) who forgets to pray daily for the conversion of pope Francis. If you disagree then your best recourse is to retreat to prayer. But I caution you to be careful what you pray for.
As a human being I am horrified by the murder of the French priest. Why has this act become a focus when for years priest, religious and laity have been murdered in the Middle East? Is it because it's happened on European soil?
Recently I read that Islam is not a religion, it is in fact a political system. All Muslims are expected to follow Sharia law which governs all private and public behavior. No other system of law supersedes Sharia. When we grasp this fact it will be clearer and easier to deal with Islam.
I think there were/are several ill omens that have accompanied Pope Francis on his trip to Poland.
First, there is the weather. It was bright and sunny immediately before Francis arrived. It is scheduled for rain, hail, and thunderstorms during most of his visit to Poland.
Second, the fact that he fell at the holy Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa (Jasna Gora) in Poland. He fell right at the altar. The Vatican claims that he just missed a step, and that he has sciatica, a chronic nerve problem in the lower back. But if you look at the replay of the fall, right before the fall Francis' face looks odd....like he's suddenly feeling ill...or dizzy etc. Then he falls. I think it was something graver than just a missed step. Also, he could have a health problem from the fall in a few days. Elderly people who fall like that, even if they don't break anything and appear fine, often have internal damage that can go unnoticed for a few days. One of our neigbors tripped over a footstool in his house. He is 81 and two days later, he was in the hospital for atrial fibrillation (irregular heart rhythm). He came home, but is a lot frailer now.
I think the fall is somehow a sign that Francis is in for some bad health problems....and that we should all pray for the eletion of a traditional and orthodox Catholic to succeed him soon,
Damian Malliapalli
Dear BD....how do know that I don't pray for him every day?
And you flatter me in calling me a 'radical' in defense of Christ and His Church...I wear what you intend for ill as a badge of honor.
And if you're saying that as laity prayer is our ONLY mandated recourse....you are just simply wrong.
Come on 'Anonymous' don't hide behind that nom de plume. Surely if you believe what you write you should be brave enough to acknowledge it!!
There are some real jokers who comment on here anonymously, but I don't fault anyone for having a nom de guerre.
Just saw a magnificent article at AKA Catholic....he covers a lot, and it's well worth the entire read, but this bit (in direct response to Cd. Burke's assertion that islam isn't a religion but, but rather is "fundamentally a form of government") is pure gold....
"Islam is first and foremost a false religion; one that directly opposes the reign of Christ the King and the Holy Catholic Church that He established for our salvation. As such, Islam labors to institute a system of worship and governance according to the diabolical ravings of the warmongering pedophile “prophet,” Muhammad, in service to the false god, Allah....A Catholic view of the Muhammadan menace is to realize that the Church must confront and condemn Islam for the evil that it is, and to labor for its eradication by way of conversion as she carries out the mission that was given to her by Christ the King."
Why can not one, JUST ONE of our prelates say this?...not a PC stream of bubble gum and unicorn farts, but THIS. Then, let all the poisons in the mud hatch out. The boil has got to be lanced boys....else you surely will be.
Abbé Jacques Hamel....Priez pour nous.
Louie's on a roll....this is one of the very BEAST things I've ever read on the topic.....
this one is good too....
and Barnhardt highlights a great comment, and piece of the puzzle....
It all links, and it's all spiritual at its root, and none of our secular leaders or prelates (who should be saying it the loudest) will proclaim it....puts modern meat to the bone of Matt 13:14-15, eh?
If you never read anything else I link to, be sure to read the first Verrecchio link in this post. It is magnificent.
I agree with your first few paragraphs 100%.
If we had an honest govt,some govt official somewhere would say these very words you just typed.
Louie is a self-referential wanker.
Louie makes a living out of turning the novus ordo into a never ending soap opera.
Not only that but he reports what is already glowingly obvious.
I have no grudge or ill will toward him,just stating the obvious like Mr.Verrechio himself. :))
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