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Podemos Chief Pablo Iglesias |
Acts of vandalism against churches and religious institutions, but also verbal attacks against high church officials, have characterized the time before the early Spanish general elections which are to take place on 26 June.
One of the most prominent victims of the attacks is Antonio Cardinal Cañizares, Archbishop of Valencia and former Cardinal Prefect of the Roman Congregation for Divine Worship. In mid-May he had defended the natural family of a man and a woman with children against gender ideology. The cardinal had called "the family founded on marriage," a "precious asset" which need to be defended against attacks. At the same time he criticized the gender ideology as "the most insidious that there has been in the whole of human history."
Since then representatives of the Left parties have romped against the leading church representative.The attacks and the anti-Church propaganda are of such hardness that observers see it as a test run, for those who want to muzzle the Church and silence it. At the same time the same parties are pandering to the followers of Islam.
Among the attackers, there are representatives of the socialist PSOE, which last ruled from 2004-2011 Spain and during this time one of the most liberal abortion laws, which introduced "gay marriage" and muzzling laws that allow freedom of expression was restricted.
The sharpest attacks came from the ranks of the new radical left party Podemos by Pablo Iglesias. The architect of the Party founded in 2014, Juan Carlos Monedero, insulted Cardinal Cañizares as a "Monster" and mocked him by belittling his attitude as "repressed homosexuality". Monedero is a professor at the Pontifical University of Comillas and thus employee of the Church, which make the attacks particularly explosive.
Vatican spokesman has denied meeting with Podemos boss
In the parliamentary elections in December 2015 Podemos with 20.7 percent was straightaway the third strongest. Since formation of a government failed, early elections will be held on 26 June. Podemos has formed part of a list combined with the traditional radical left around the Communist Party of Spain (PCE). Under the name Unidos Podemos, Podemos is forming part of the United Left and Green as a radical leftist united front with the aim, if not then at least to be the strongest force in the country, to be strongest left force before the PSOE, which looks realistic according to opinion polls.
When rumors were circulated that Podemos boss Pablo Iglesias would be received by Pope Francis, Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi SJ denied it. It was a denial with a quick expiration date. Directly from the Pope's circle, InfoVaticana has received confirmation that Iglesias, "as planned", will be received next September by Pope Francis.
The incident with the wrong denial further undermines the already fragile authority of Vatican Spokesman, Father Lombardi in this pontificate.
Podemos represents - like the entire radical left - positions to the field of "non-negotiable values" that are in open contradiction to the teaching of the Church. They represent on the subject abortion, artificial insemination, contraception, euthanasia, homosexuality particularly open and radically, a "culture of death".
Point 17 in the party program of Podemos is:
"Abortion. Podemos promises that the abortion in the public health system will be guaranteed. Likewise, all women will have access to all contraceptive methods. Artificial insemination is available to all women without restriction. "
This deadly opposition to the teaching of the Church and the nature of man does not seem to be disturbing to the Church's head. The precondition for the alliance forged with the radical left was the extensive disposal of "non-negotiable values" in the storeroom of the papal programmatic. It was declared by Pope Francis in September 2013, and so it has since been maintained the Church leader.
Contact by Pope confidant Gustavo Vera
According InfoVaticana contacts between Iglesias and the Vatican were prepared by Argentine deputies Gustavo Vera, a close friend of Pope Francis. The social activist Vera belonged to 2014 the now broken left-liberal Frente Amplio UNEN . Two years ago he founded the party Bien Común (Common Good). The choice of name go, according to his own account, back to a quote attributed to Pope Francis:
"The power is common good. If it is self-interest, it is corruption."
Vera represents his party in the city council of Buenos Aires.
He met recently with Íñigo Errejón, the Group Chairman of Podemos in the Spanish Congress of Deputies, to discuss the last details for the meeting with Pope Francis.
Errejón's father, José Antonio Errejón, was active in the Maoist Workers Party of Spain (PTE), belonging to the founders of the Greens in the mid-80s and in the mid-90s among the founders of the Anti-Capitalist Left . This leftist group belonged, until 2007 to the Communist led United Left (IU). In 2014 he joined the new radical left party Podemos where his son made a brilliant career.
Sanchez Sorondo: Architect of the Pope's radical left axis
The fine work of the meeting between Podemos boss Iglesias and the pope was accomplished by the Argentine Curial Bishop, Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, who met a few weeks ago with the Mayor of Madrid since June 2015, Manuela Carmena. Carmena belonged to the party which was only legal until after the end of Franco's rule, the Communist Party of Spain (PCE). As a lawyer her membership was dormant until she got a job as a judge in the 80s under the PSOE government of Felipe Gonzalez. In 2015 she was the victorious top candidate of the left electoral alliance Ahora Madrid between Podemos and the PSOE.
With the reception of Pablo Inglesias, Pope Francis continues his intensive international contacts with representatives of the radical left, while ignoring representatives of the political center and right. The architect of the contacts is the Pope's close confidant and Chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo.
Sorondo applauded with obvious satisfaction, as the radical left, gay, Italian philosopher, Gianni Vattimo on 13 March 2015 Teatro Cervantes in Buenos Aires in front of all the prominent left radical figures, to form a new Communist International, which he dubbed the "Papal International" because was supposed to be led by Pope Francis.Vattimo said at the time:
"Pope Francis is the only one who is capable of a political, cultural and religious revolution to lead against the superior power of money in the Civil War, which is already raging in the world, and is disguised as 'the fight against terrorism' , but in reality is the class struggle of the 21st century against the large number of the critics of capitalism."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: InfoVaticana / La Alameda (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.clom
Link to Katholisches...
Image: InfoVaticana / La Alameda (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.clom
Link to Katholisches...
This kind of favoritism of the radical left, in politics and religion by Francis should, at the very least, bring outrage and condemnation from faithful Catholics, as well as Cardinals, Archbishops, and priests. Where is it?
If the so called "traditiona;" or "faithful" cardinals such as Burke, and others do not stand up against Francis, then the Catholic Church has become, rather than the Church of God, the "cult" of the Pope whereby no one dare oppose or confront the "Holy Father".
No one deserves that title less than Francis.
Damian Malliapalli
Damian, I am outraged and I condemn this, but there isn't much one can do about it. The Church is infested by godless men in power.
There is a lot orthodox prelates could do if they had the fortitude, faith and manliness of Marcel Lefebvre and Antonio de Castro Mayer. But most just want their synecures veiled under loyalty to "the Holy Father." The Church has been turned into a cult of pope worship. Antoninus
There's a petition running in support of the Cardinal. I don't know whether this link will work. http://citizengo.org/en/sc/35192-radical-leftists-want-criminalize-cardinal-being-christian?m=5&tcid=23951000
Si Si ? No No !!!
I've lost all trust of Pope Francis. All we can do is wait for him to die and for the next conclave to elect someone who might try to salvage a few scraps of the once great Catholic Church.
Nothing new under the modernist sun in Rome.
This reminds me about his predecessor Paul VI who eagerly welcome the vietnamese communist "Vietcong" delegation in the Vatican while in the same time refusing the catholic president of the South Vietnam Republic, together with his wife, an audience.
I'd take "blessed" Paul VI on his most moody, mopey, conflicted and distraught day over Pope Francis..
Francis has the diabolical energy of the fanatical, radical liberal. As a university professor I have lived with this type of pathological individual all my professional life. Paul VI was a weakling although of the same ideological ilk---it's just that the cancer of Modernism was not in its advanced stage when he was pope. Let us remember who elevated Bergoglio to the cardinalate and thus made his election to the throne of Peter possible---"Saint" John Paul II, also a quieter dismantler of the Church of Christ now supposed to be venerated as a Catholic saint. Can it get any more disgusting than this? RC
I would never bash John Paul II, because he did do some good things in the Church....not much granted...but he did do some. He smashed Liberation Theology until Bergoglio came around to restore it. But John Paul II was not a saint. Still, I would never trash him like some do, because that man had courage....religious courage and otherwise. How could anyone suffer like he did, and still keep going? His deep personal belief and prayer life. I was almost 17 when he died....to young to know much about him, but even then, I couldn't believe how someone could be is so much pain and still have a smile on his face. If not a saint...and he probably wasn;t/isn't, at least he had a deep prayer life that I hope I have when I need it.
Damian Malliapalli
Don't let your memories and emotions get the best of you.
Woof woof. At'em Devil!
If someone asked him why he was supporting the extreme left, Bergoglio would presumably deny that he was doing anything political. After all, that's what he said, in his usual insulting manner, when he was asked about his meeting with Bernie Sanders.
Which raises the question whether Bergoglio is stupid or a liar. Personally, I'm inclined to think he's both.
By the way, a question for any medical people. Would the fact Bergoglio only has one lung mean that his brain doesn't get enough oxygen? Might this help explain his behavior?
Sadly I cannot disagree about the cult of the pope thing. As for others not facing him down: what do you want them to do? They are in between a rock and a hard place. They know the damage he is doing and the confusion (not from God) that he inspires. What do you do with a pope like this and all the many in power who are of the same agenda? Not enough to depose him I am afraid. We must wait on the Lord.
I don't know if you know it, because it was a day or two ago, but the Vatican and this loud-mouthed idiot Francis are embroiled in the biggest, most serious scandal of his papacy.
Two or three days ago, Bergoglio made off the cuff remarks about marriage.....insinuating that most marriages in the Church and civil are invalid because the couples have no conception of the fact that marriage means "forever". He was even implying that Catholic marriages in church are invalid. Worse still, he implied that co-habituating couples not married are, if they show commitment to each other in stable relationship, are for all intents and purposes..."married".
This has caused enormous scandal in Europe...and now here. I can't lift the article and paste it here because I don't think it's legal....but check out FOXNews....their political and religious commentators/reporter is calling on Francis to resign. FOXNews is calling him the worst Pope in centuries, and someone who should go.
I knew it would get this far eventually!!! Let's hope this scandal spreads, and the dirty little cabal of associates of Francis can't contain it, Lombardi S.J the Vatican spokesman can't cover it up, and Francis will have to resign in disgrace. Out with him, and all his associates! Really, if this gets big enough, it could force him out. Pray for it!!
Damian Malliapalli
Yes, and Jesus met with the Pharisees. SO?? God reaches out to all His children, not just the ones "on His side".
It's obvious from your comment that the Church has not been turned into a cult of the Pope. Or aren't you Catholic?
And don't disagree with the Church when She canonizes someone. You sound like a Lutheran.
Pope Francis is so terrible and destructive. Things get worse every day with his scandalous, heretical words and actions. Please God help us and strike him dead!
Canonisations are not infallible
It certainly seems as if they are not.
Do you worship the pope?
Never sure if you're serious.
Don't wish him (or anybody) dead. If he dies, that's God's will....and the timing would be great. If he is forced to resign, that would make the Church look terrible, but hopefully they would pick a real Pope in a year or two. The damage done by Francis and company will take 10 years at least of the new Pope to erase.
But don't wish him dead. If he passes on his own, fine. If he can't stand the outrage and quits, even better.
Damian Malliapalli
There would not be a Francis without a John Paul II. There would not be a John Paul II without a Paul VI. There would not be a Church crisis without Pius XI and his Vatican Bank.
"They would pick a real Pope" is contingent on the Holy Spirit inspiring them toward the right candidate. It looks to me like the Holy Spirit has backed away and left the Hierarchy to their own devices. I believe that is the essence of the Third Secret of Fatima.
Forget Jesus Christ, the Trinity, the Mysterium Fidei, we (some) have the Magisterium of the Third Secret of Fatima.
Rewrite the Catechism and don't forget to rewrite the Gospels,
Jesus told them "Sin no more...".
By this upcoming meeting with the lunatic Spanish radical, and by his totally reckless and wrong statements about marriage last week, Pope Francis is going to bring himself down and out. He's going to have to resign. Don't; be surprised if a large group of faithful Cardinals are planning behind the scenes to go to him one day and say "Francis, you have to go...
Today, not only FOX NEWS, but hundreds of Catholi theologians, and commentators are all condemning Francis and his comments on marriage. The Vatican isn't even trying to cover it up.....they can't.
As the Romans say:
"E' odioso e ignorante, gli piace ascoltare se stesso parlare.... ( I speak Italian....they say Francis is "obnoxious and ignorant and likes to hear himself talk?"
Everyone knows that!
Damian Malliapalli
It's Sunday. The start of a brand new week. I wonder how Pope Francis will scandalize and damage the Catholic Faith this week?
God is surely planning a big one for you 8:03 AM.
With respect, you have been saying the Pope is about to be forced out for years, it's not going to happen.
We wil have Francis with us for years to come and the college of cardinals will be shaped accordingly. Lets engage with what his holiness is saying - the good and the bad, rather than focus on his end, as he will be our Pope for years to come.
Also FOX news is certainly not the barometer of catholic public opinion..
He's going to be 80, I don't think he'll be here for years to come. It's not just FOX news, but now hundreds of respected Catholic commentators and theologians. If Francis does stack the College of Cardinals with people like him, rather than with Catholics, then I think that's the end of the Catholic Church....except in small pockets like the SSPX and even sede-vacantist groups.
Damian Malliapalli
Steve Will you please stop blaming Pius XI banker as the sole cause for the complete downfall of the institutional Catholic Church.Its impossible one or 2 men are singlehandedly responsible for the downfall of The Catholic Church and subsequently Western Civilization.
The infiltration has been going on for hundreds of years.
Not being rude but it seems you bring up Pius XI banker constantly.No doubt he had a small part to play but he's a small piece of a multiple centuries puzzle.
If you want to blame banks, blame the Hospitalers then.
The Wolf Boy is sniffing glue again.
Steve has a point. Easy enough to disregard his comments, but he's right.
El pontificado de PF no es màs que otro paso en la consolidaciòn de una estrategia global que apunta a gobernar la Iglesia Catolica como si fuese una republica bananera, protecciòn y hasta promociòn para los amigos del Supremo, sin importar lo malo que sean, pero persecuciòn para los que esten en la lista negra, sin importar lo buenos que sean.
Steve---here is what I believe is happening:
Seattle Kim
8:05, are you saying the Canonizations of J23 and JP2 can be reversed, cancelled or annulled?
Pope Francis is likely praying for the success of Podemos, if Pope Francis prays. If there was any attempt to dismiss Mr Monedero, Pope Francis would veto it. I think it likely that Cardinal Cañizares will be retired for somehow pushed aside. The only sin, the only heresy for Pope Francis is 'rigidity' which simply means being sincerely Catholic.
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