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TV2000, the Broadcaster of the Catholic Bishops (the photo is from a broadcast of June 6th) |
TV2000 promotes homosexuality and refers to "Amoris laetitia"
The figure responsible for the media of the Italian Episcopal Conference (CEI) is none other than Bishop Nunzio Galatino, the Secretary-General appointed by Pope Francis to CEI and close confidant of the Pope. The "Christian LGBT" not only feels attracted to persons of the same sex, but are practicing homosexuals and make the claim that the Church has to adapt their lifestyle, since "Love is Love".
"God does everything" - embezzlement of Church teaching
Among the guests were also a nun were without religious habit and a priest, both "convinced" of the fact that God, "because he loves us", accepts all that people do. In this blithe manner, homosexuality was declared "acceptable" on the television channel of the Catholic bishops of Italy in just 20 minutes. The change in direction of 180 degrees was justified by the Apostolic Letter Amoris laetitia of Pope Francis. For this purpose, paragraph 250 was quoted as saying: "to ensssure a respectful assistance, so that those who show homosexual tendency can get the necessary help in order to understand the will of God in their lives and to fulfill it completely."
Not a word of the Church's teaching was mentioned, what is the will of God when it comes to homosexuality, which is referred to in Scripture as "blatant sin." Some theologians go so far as to say that because of the choice of words of Scripture that it is the worse among the deadly sins in God's eyes, because it is a direct attack against the divine order that God's nature is based.
Colleen Bayer defends Catholic doctrine and criticized Cardinal Schönborn
While the television station of the bishops courted homosexuality, embezzling Church doctrine to accomplish this, and the resulting darkening existential drama, there rose simultaneously in Rome a courageous voice in defense of doctrine, which is entrusted to the Church by revelation and taught by it for 2000 years, Colleen Bayer, Chair of Family Life International from New Zealand said in a lecture at the same time on June 6, which is used as video recording on the Internet, some episodes that have to do with the gender ideology and homosexuality.
Bayer began with a critique of Vienna's Archbishop Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, who presented Amoris laetitia presented on April 8, to the world public. This had been a "huge mistake" of Cardinal, to speak of "positive elements" in the context of homosexuality. This erroneous view had been aired by the Cardinal already in an interview with the Jesuit magazine Civilta Cattolic in 2015 when he said: "It is not for the Church to look in the bedroom in the first place, but in the dining room." Such arbitrary and unrealistic statements were "rubbish , pure trash," said Bayer. "A priest friend of ours lost his life because of what happened in the bedroom. Please pray for his soul."
Existential Drama - gay orgies among Roman seminarians
The woman then told the story of a young Anglican who converted to Catholicism in Rome entered a seminary after he told his superiors about his concerns and efforts, what his interpersonal relationships were, and that he was concerned because he felt attracted to men. Nevertheless, he was ordained a priest and sent to New Zealand five years of the priesthood where he was unable to overcome his mental turmoil and his desires.
At that time, the priest learned of the Bayer couple, confided in them and asked for their help.
"He told us, 'You do not know what we have done in Rome on Friday night. We met ... ', and they did do what homosexuals do. "On this occasion," he revealed to us the Roman parties on Friday evening with other seminarians "who" ended in homosexual orgies."
At this moment you have the revelation "almost a broken heart," said Bayer. "Until then, I thought that we all worship God in the Church under the dome of Rome, and a trip to Rome is a journey home. To learn that such things happen in the seminaries of this city ... "
The young, desperate priest revealed "the devastation, the dirt and things that have happened that are terrible ..." Bayer then inquired of those responsible who take such psychically torn people into the seminaries, and described the fears of the young convert and Priest of the inner contradiction of his life which eventually led to suicide.
"How in God's name could such a thing happen under the dome of Rome? So how can a Cardinal of Rome maintain something like this?"
People with a homosexual inclination have an identity problem, which could be an existential drama for them. They must be helped to find their identity. They should not be encouraged to fall into a perversity.
Existential Drama - Violent lesbian relationship
Bayer reported then about a pregnant girl who was abused by her feminist, pro-abortion "fiance". The sexual relationship between the two women had been violent and possessive: "When I saw the body of Jackie, my heart wept. She was covered with scars and fresh cuts and other injuries. Terrible violence was done to her in her life in a terrible manner." That was not done independently of the sex of the partner.
Bayer came to the conclusion that the doctrine entrusted by Christ to the Church that warns against homosexuality and rejects this, is more human, honest and compassionate than any arbitrary, ideological or some stirred up worldly sauce, which is passed off as an alleged "love of God." It is enough to read Luca Di Tolve, who after his conversion and a Christian psychotherapy, finally found his true destination in love for a woman.
In his book "I was gay. I Found Myself in Medjugorje", Di Tolve described the compulsive drive for satisfaction, but unfulfilling nature of homosexual relationships, the drifting into despair: "The deep motivation that drives homosexual behavior is always the same: the search for the male traits, which can not be expressed in one's self. "His own sex could not unfold properly in himself for some reason.. Homosexuals, therefore, have a broken nature. "A man and a woman seen in the difference how much they complement each other to form the foundation of a family, a whole. Two men or two women can never reach this supplement and perfection. A mature man and a mature woman do not remain at the level of a mere impulse for satisfaction like immature teenagers who don't grow up.
Christ and the Church Denounce Every Lie, to combat delusions
"Therefore," said Di Tolve, "I could never find peace in sex with men." He found the strength to seek a way out, and went in search of masculinity in itself, rather than seek his own in other ,"So I found my identity. With my identity and therefore with myself at peace, I was able to leave homosexuality behind me and I finally engage in the opposite sex and got to know my wife."
"Christ and the Church have a great heart's desire," says Bayer, "that every lie, the delusions, are fought with courage and strength."
It seems that the current penetration of homosexuality in the Church, has penetrated through fifth columns and weak resistance, has shown to be true what the Blessed Mother said in 1995 in Civitavecchia, where a statue of Mary cries blood. The phenomenon is maintained by the competent Bishop Girolamo Grillo for real. An official decision by the Catholic Church is still outstanding. The Mother of God had said at the time:
"My children, the darkness of Satan has darkened the world and also darkens the Church of God. In Rome, the darkness sets more and more about the rock that my son Jesus left to build up his children, to educate and to grow spiritually. "
Given the apostasy, says Bayer, "one has to be conscious of the claws of Satan and seek God's hands and hold them" so that God "can us lead out of the swamp" by "men and women of God" and by "orthodoxy".
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: TV2000 (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Link to Katholisches...
Image: TV2000 (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Link to Katholisches...
This evil is the fruit of Pope Francis and his papacy, and his advisors.All the "good" Cardinals and Bishops who stand by sand say/do nothing against Francis and this filth, (Burke, etc). are just as guilty.
I for one, am ashamed to be Catholic when I read this type of story, and know in all sincerity that the root is Francis and company.
Damian Malliapalli
Damian Malliapalli
Burke has raised his voice against this papacy, anyway....
O the contempt for souls. Jesus, Mary and Holy St Joseph. Mercy, mercy.
I think Francis is gay. I was a fag hag in college and have pretty good gaydar. You don't surround yourself with and promote a bunch of fags like Francis does unless you have a vested interest in the lifestyle.
This is true. I was part of an industry (which I didn't know at the time I started), was dominated by homosexuals (LGBT). Call me naïve and stupid, but I got a job in an industry which pays huge...HUGE money if you are the type they want. Apparently I was, and signed a contract for a huge deal where I went around as the image of certain products(clothes, cologne, fitness products). I got paid huge among of money, and found that if I kept at it, I could retire when I was 40 (that's still 12 1/2 years off though) :)
But the longer I stayed, the more my eyes were opened to the kind of people who made the rules, called the shots, gave the assignments, etc. They were 75% gay (men and women). If you wanted to be seen, promote yourself, and get ahead, you went to their parties (some of which turned into orgy-like occasions, like described at the Francis' style Roman seminary). I ignored all of that for awhile, happy that I was in a job where I made tons of money, traveled, and vacationed while other friends I knew were sitting doing data entry or some other mindless, boring task in a cube.
But aftew a few years (less than 5 I was in it total), I became appalled by their lifestyle, and their example that almost to them there was no morality or sin.....everything was ok. God forgives everything ( just as Francis says).
I knoew these people were wrong and immoral, so when my 5 year original contract was up....I quit. I saved enough so that I have enough to last till I;m 65, but I went back to school, got my M.A. and teach in highschool for 10% of what I used to make :)
I did not have a "vested interest" in the gay culture and agenda that unfortunately in just underneath the surface of the industry I was in. I was appaled and disgusted....and even scared when certain people wanted me to join in and "have fun". No thanks.
This is the kind of lifestyle this "Bishop"Nunzio Gallatino, Francis, etc. secretely (or not) have promoted.
I have said that I thought Francis was crazy, or a lunatic. There is more to him than that. He is evil. And people who still cheer him and go to his audiences, and call him a tile he doesn't deserve "Your Holiness", promote that type of evil.
Many don't see it as such. But I was in an industry where there is a lot of it....and I got out.
I wish the good Cardinals and bishops and priests etc. would group together and force Francis out....a coup to save the Church.
Damian Malliapalli
Do we smell the flesh of a burning martyr?
at best he's cleared his throat.
the abomination of desolation. sodomy was ALWAYS their end game...divorced/remarried is just a stepping stone.
And 'unknown' @ 8:54, no doubt francis is a freak of the first order...just like obama. You will know them by their fruits.
All of this has just just happened in the past 3 years; it has been present but more hidden for many years. Ever read Windswept House? And none of the post conciliar popes have been able to clean up the mess!!! Only retirement,death, or civil authorities have removed the bishops. But before that the sodomites have brought in their own. Yes, I once communicated with a man who claimed to be gay and a Buddhist yet had gone openly through seminary where his homosexuality was known and he was ordained. He actually could not continue to live the lie and quit the priesthood. We have MANY unworthy men who have no true vocation in the clergy. And we have paid the price. In Goodbye Good Men, we see that many seminaries in the U.S. were corrupt and debauched and that was about 20 years ago and had been going on for a long time.
oops...has NOT just happened in the past 3 years...
more like in the past 50 years.
In history, whenever the Church has sunk the lowest, there has always been either a Pope, or a religious Order which by good example, helps pull the Church out of a crisis.
There have been Popes like that in the 12th, 13th, 16th, 18th and 20th centuries. Pius V and Pius X were two. Benedict XVI half-way tried to be. But he was thwarted by the clique which forced him out and brought us ,their Man.
After Francis, I don't think we're going to get one of his clones in training (Tagle etc.) I think we're going to get a surprise....someone very much more like Benedict XVI in style and substance. And he will sack people like Nunzio Gallatino in a heartbeat.
Damian Malliapalli
Pretty much like Obama who was a fixture in the bath houses in Man's Country in Chicago. As a matter of fact, that was his name, "Bathhouse Barry." Loot it up.
So we simultaneously have a gay Pope and a gay POTUS.
What are the odds?
Don't be ashamed to be a Catholic. The Church is not diminished by the trouble makers. Soldier on faithfully and proudly continue to serve God.
He has stated that the Pope doesn't have the power to change Catholic doctrine.
I sincerely pray for a day when the precious Church of Christ is not run by faggots.
...and water is wet.
If you think the Cardinals aren't doing anything about Francis, you probably don't read this blog.
By then (1960) it will be more clear. -Our Lady to Lucia. I maintain it started 87 years ago with the Lateran Treaty.
Tancred...I read this blog all the time (as you well know). I admire you and your yeoman's work. But seriously my dear dude...how much more decimation are the invisible cardinals-with-a-backbone of which you speak going to allow francis to commit? really...the house is well-engulfed in flames, and at most I've heard a couple weak, w.e.a.k. chirps and cheeps.
Perhaps you don't think public contradiction of the pope and his lackeys by many bishops and Cardinals is significant, but it is.
Does anyone else hear the crickets chirping???
Hardly, Bergoglio has made several absurd statements in the face of their resistance which get increasingly unhinged.
their (all 3 of them (VERY slight exageration)) 'resistance' has been weak, tepid and feckless; even Caffarra caved....bergoglio doubles down on the blasphemy and unthinkable utterances by the day. Did any of these shadow cardinals respond to the jihad-equals-the-Great-Commission?...did any stand up against the whole 'contaception is ok if the baby might not be perfect' thing?...did any demand a retraction of 'the joy of sodomy'?.....Schneider came closest, and he stands alone. Burke's 'resistance' comprised of upbraiding the faithful and saying that an apostolic exhortation isn't Magisterial teaching, so just ignore it...BS! The most that was done were the 2 books on marriage, but Amoris Leatitia stands, Chapter 8, footnotes and all.
There ought to be an uprising in the curia....a special council to call this Argentine ass out. Let the lines be formally drawn, simply and clearly using the words of the Deposit of Faith. It would be butt-ugly in the short term, but nowhere as ugly as what's coming if he keeps going; and he just said he has NO intention of 'retiring'. Good bloggers have been doing the work that the cowardly College should be doing, cause when it comes down to it, it's still the same ilk of which JPII said, when extolling the fortitude of Mother Angelica calling out Mahoney,..."Mother Angelica has the guts to tell him what we do not.”....the same ilk. Oh for an Athansius!
They have all the work done for them in this site....
...if they just had the guts and Faith to present it, and PUBLICLY DEMAND a sensus Catholicus from bergoglio.
But instead, sorry Tancred, virtual this....
Nobody caved. The resistance to this pope is unprecedented. Don't ever recall a Cardinal calling an Archbishop a heretic.
I tend to agree with Susan here. I mean, perhaps the resistance movement is growing, and the Cardinals have bigger things planned. I hope so! It could hardly be smaller, thus far. Unless word gets to rank and file Catholics, it's all academic. Most Catholics aren't reading Catholic blogs of any kind. Let's face it, thus far, it's been quiet, and that may be the most discouraging aspect of this whole sorry papacy, the crickets.
"The resistance to this pope is unprecedented." You're kidding right?...you're a funny guy; this is Brit humor, right?
Muller didn't even have the guts to say it clearly and use Fernandez' name...it's all inuendo and romanita. Let me ask you this...he round-about called fernandez a heretic...what's he gonna do about it?...I'll save you the trouble of another inane post....n.o.t.h.i.n.g. The head of the CDF and watchdog over the Doctrines of the Faith will do precisely nothing to or about a clerical heretic who just wrote a abomination of an apostolic exhortation at the invitation of the pope (!!!)
We are in hell, and the cardinals, by and large, are whistling past the grave.
It seems like somebody would have blabbed on both of these scores. I have heard it said of Barry.
me too.
And BTW, just an FYI...this was 'Tucho' Fernandez' first breakthrough hit (before "Heal Me With Your mouth").....
Save me the hysterics and tell me the last time a Cardinal called an Archbishop, heretic, or when bishops public ally attacked the pope? It didn't really happen before B16.
What's he gonna do about it Tancred?
And as to the second part of your question....do I really have to point out that we've NEVER had the likes of bergoglio squatting over the Chair of Peter in the 2,000 year history of the Church?
It's an answer to your question. bergoglio is a whole different species unto himself....his situation requires unique, unequivocal, and brave action on the part of bishops and cardinals as a group to protect the doctrines of the Faith, and the eternal souls under their charge. It is a unique time in history, and we would appear to have mushy quisling officers under a worse than Capt. Queeg....who BTW's middle name was, ready?....Francis. yep! ;)
Maybe you could be pope?
Save your attacks for the sedevacantists like myself, Tancred. Susan is just lamenting the obvious.
Seattle kim
Surely, there's something wrong with the divine plan, so we need some people to step in and fix it.
Does everyone have to be opening his mouth all the time? Cannot people work tacitly, tactfully, and tactically behind the scenes, especially Cardinals of a Christian demeanor? You have to turn off the TV and reconsider your gripe.
Good idea, Barnum. Now go back in time and tell St Catherine of Sienna to shut her yap too.
Seattle kim
Cardinals of a Christian demeanor? Haha. I think we're down to one--Sara.
geeze....et tu Barnum? and fyi, we haven't had TV in 5 years. Can't wait to see those "cardinals of a Christian demeanor" make a move before francis actually places the goat-statue on St. Peter's high altar.
Tancred, seriously, pull your head out; you're a smart guy, but you're making yourself look like an ass.
thanks Kim.
and unknown...you are dead-on right.
How easy do you think it is for a cardinal or a bishop to organize his fellows against a Pope? Just finding a like-minded set of fellows and agreeing on a course of action would be difficult enough, but the Pope's holding all the "title deeds" and the threat from the new law which, which seems to allow the Pope an "at-will dismissal" of bishops, leads to the conclusion that any response must be confidential, accurate, and swift. Then, why does any Cardinal or Bishop owe you people a play-by-play of how he is trying to neutralize or counter AL or anything else?
Bergoglio and Muller didn't like each other before Benedict resigned and they surely don't like each other now. Astonishingly, Muller has, like Cardinal Ratzinger before him, been transformed by his office in ways I didn't expect. Levada seems to have just used his appointment as an excuse to see Rome and share a nice villa with his life partner, but I digress at this point.
Sorry Barnum, they sure as hell owe 'us people' a public display of orthodoxy and defense of the Faith, rather than an upbraiding of the scandalized faithful and a laughable redefinition of magisterial teaching. They've had 3+ frickin' years to 'organize'...doesn't seem too 'swift' by any definition of the word, and frank just gets more and more emboldened.
They're working behind the scenes to 'neutralize and counter' bergoglianism just like the feckless repubicrats are working behind the scenes to 'neutralize and counter' obama. What a joke!...you're defending a straw dog.
And Tancred, I will acquiesce to your point about Muller....he has certainly surprised in many ways, though an Athanasius he ain't.
One thing is sure that unless the Almighty God permits it, be it Pope (Francis ) or even Devils , cannot do anything ,we believe in it.
It is the anger of God that the Devils are let loose to test the faith finally and to sift the grains from the chaff. God wants us to repent, pray and seek him through penance.
The infidelity of the the whole humanity from upper hierarchy, Bishops ,,Priests,nuns down to the lowest ..
The essence of Fatima message and warnings not heeded and our arrogance and selfishness bring upon us what we deserve. False prophets
and antichrists are everywhere to deceive us and to destroy our souls.
What else is ? On top of everything the Holy Sacrifice of mass ( have become mere like Cain' s offerings , invalid Sacraments and corrupted Catechism ....we do not receive the sanctifying graces of God ... So the results !!!
Looky here everybody! I think this novus Ordo priest has A.L. all figured out. Note the subtle image of 2 men holding hands thrown in is vid.
Seattle kim
Unless each and every Bishop and priest, becomes like John the Baptist , live like him, preach the truth boldly and lead the faithful in prayer ,penance and repentance ,ready even to beheaded urgently it is very hard and impossible to correct the grave errors and deadly sins of millions of souls ; will perish without salvation.
They will be judged by Christ Jesus much more severely and condemned to the very bottom of the HELL as many Saints have prophesied . Let us pray for their conversion ( it is the duty of every baptised person) to save souls entrusted to them ,as the chosen one by their calling and save their own salvation. May the help of our Blessed Mother Mary be sought earnestly for her Mercy.
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