Thursday, May 12, 2016

Germany Report: More Terror Suspects Among Refugees Than Previously Thought

Terrorverdächtige unter den Flüchtlingen - CDU-Innenexperte im Bundestag, Wolfgang Bosbach: «Die sich daraus ergebenden Gefahren müssen wir sehr, sehr ernst nehmen, was auch die dramatischen Anschläge von Paris und Brüssel deutlich gemacht haben.»

Osnabrück ( With the  refugee influx the "Islamic State" (IS) has brought more terror suspects than hitherto thought into Germany according to newspaper report.  According to new figures from the Federal Criminal Police (BKA) there are currently 369  reports of systematic infiltration  into the Federal Republic by members or supporters of terrorist organizations since the beginning of the refugee influx in the past year, as reported by the "Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung" (Wednesday).

In 40 of the cases investigations have been opened against suspects, as the BKA confirmed to the newspaper on request. The complaints included membership in a terrorist organization and the preparation of a serious crime.

The Federal Police have stressed that the terror threat in Germany and Europe will remain high: "More attacks by Islamist terrorist cells can not be excluded" Concrete evidence of attack plans have  not been presented by the authorities currently.

The CDU interior expert in the Bundestag, Wolfgang Bosbach, warned of the consequences. In an interview with the newspaper he said: "We must take the resulting dangers very, very seriously, which have been made clear considering the dramatic attacks in Paris and Brussels."

Union politicians have pointed out that the identity of many refugees would be unclear; 60 percent have had had no passport  in recent months. 

The Left has warned of "scaremongering". The domestic policy spokesperson in the Bundestag, Ulla Jelpke, said: "The possibility that individual IS- members are among the  large number of refugees, including trained assassins, must not cause us to now put refugees from Syria and Iraq wholesale under the suspicion of  terrorism."

(C) 2016 CBA Catholic News Agency. All rights reserved.
Trams: Tancred

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