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New Centralization for Religious Communities |
(Rome) For the future establishment of institutes of consecrated life of diocesan right, there will need to be approval of Rome.
Institute of diocesan and pontifical right
The Church distinguishes between institutes of diocesan right and those of pontifical right. While the latter are built by the Holy See and "directly and exclusively subject to the authority of the Apostolic See," the former are established by a diocesan bishop in his own diocese and are also subject to his supervision and responsibility. However, the bishop decided this by virtue of its jurisdiction authority.
As a rule, a small community of believers forms who want to live together collectively for a certain charism. They call on the diocesan bishop in whose diocese they live for canonical recognition. He checks the precepts, and the community for compliance with Catholic doctrine and ecclesiastical discipline. He examines especially the sustainability of the community. It's a process that takes several years until an acknowledgment is completed, as an institute of diocesan right. The recognition is first provisionally limited to a few years. After probation it is then unlimited.
After another year of positive development and spread of the Order, most ask for recognition as an institute of pontifical right. What a renewed evaluation period means and is again initially provisional and an indefinite probation.
Pope curtails rights of the bishops: the decree of establishment without Rome's consent null and void
With Pope Francis' new centralization determination, the agreement of Rome's future is essential for the establishment of an institute of diocesan right.
Pope Francis chose a rescript ex audientiaa curtailment of the powers of the diocesan bishops. A diocesan bishop who wants to establish an Institute of diocesan right must obtain the consent of the Holy See. The Rescript firmly necessitates Rome's consent ad validitatem. Above all, it holds the decree for an institute of diocesan right, which was established without the approval of Rome, null and void.
The Rescript dated on May 11, was only published in yesterday's edition of the Osservatore Romano by Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin. It says:
"The Holy Father Francis in the audience, which was granted to the undersigned secretary on April 4, 2016, determined that the prior consultation of the Holy See is understood as necessary ad valididatem for the establishment of a diocesan institute of consecrated life, under penalty of the annulment of the decree establishing the institution itself. "
The rescript will enter into force 1 June 2016th
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: comboni.it/Osservatore Romano (Screenshot)
Image: comboni.it/Osservatore Romano (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Surely this is all about control. Recall well Pope Bergoglio’s conversation with some religious weeks after his election, his diminishment of pronouncements from Rome to religious. What was it – “Don’t take them too seriously.” Then, the Franciscans of the Immaculate were given a good lesson on what should be taken seriously. They have endured a grievous injustice – even during this Jubilee of Mercy.
Be well aware, we don’t want institutes emerging that might appeal to the classical forms religious life. Asceticism. It might even provide an impediment to the celebrations for the quincentennial of the protestant revolt.
It all comes down to control. You can do whatever you want as long as it finds conformity to the notions of the powerful, and always in the spirit of the council. Give me strength.
Thus actually is a good thing. Some traditional Catholics might think of this as an attempt to curtail the establishment of traditional/traditionalist religious Orders. But instead, it is an attempt to prevent Orders forming which either have either no concrete apostolate or rule or model (and there are dozens of these groups...many in the USA)or groups which have adopted their own bizarre rules whish just are ridiculous. For instance, the Legionaries of Christ had a rule on how to cut a sandwich (diagonally, not in the center), and rules how to sit at table. There is a rumor of Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate(rumor only) being forced to eat rancid/spoiled food as an act of penance/poverty. Other orders were totally bizarre such as the Intercessors of the Lamb (a group suppressed by the Bishop when an investigation discovered that it was more like a charismatic cult centered on the founder..a certain "Mother Nadine". The cult of the founder is a big reason why the Legionnaries of Christ were under investigation. Another group which slipped by on John Paul II's watch, a peculiar Order based in Peru called the Sodalitum Vitae Christinae will probably be suppressed after allegations of sexual abuse by the founder, etc. just like the Legionaries.
Nearly all of the "new" Orders which have had tremendous scandals were founded after Vatican II -except for the Legion--(big surprise, huh?). Other groups which have been under investigation were the Servants of the Paraclete (which largely escaped to the Phillipines), the infamous Society of Saint John (unfortunately a Tridentine inspired group), and many others.
Orders come together in small groups starting off, sometimes with as few as three. They petition the Bishop, and after an investigation he gives the OK. This must now be done by Rome. This is good for another reason. Some of these diosecean "Orders" were founded with 3-4 members, and thirty years later, still have only 3-4 members. Obviously they should be suppressed.
Another good thing in this, is with Roman oversight, there might be less sex scandals, money scandals, and lifestyle scandals that have been all too common in so called "new groups and movements". Don't be surprised if many of the "new groups" approved so quickly under JP II are suppressed under Francis and his coming successors. Benedict XVI was wary of these new groups also.
I don't think it's an attempt to keep new traditional/traditionalist groups out, but rather to put an end to scandals, losse living, no concrete apostolates or rules, inspiration, etc. It'll be a housecleaning season. The viable groups will be approved. The groups which after 25+ years still struggle with less than 10 members and have a huge drop out rate (unfortunately the Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word Friars fits this), will likely be suppressed. This is good. It's not fair for an Order of 10-12 members to seek to be called an Order, and send out mailings seeking donations....when they as an Order have not grown, and have no prospects of doing so.
Damian Malliapalli
There is nothing to stop the bishops suppressing such orders where necessary. This is clearly a case of centralization in a papacy which claims it is all about de-centralization. Why would they go against their stated principles unless it were to gather power and control to themselves?
They want to hold back the spring and kill off sapling religious societies at the root.
I wouldn't read anything evil into it unless they start going after only the good, solid, traditional groups and letting the radical slide in. Then I'd think there's an evil motive for it. Which is very possible with Francis and his associates in the Vatican.
Damian Malliapalli
You're so right. They really haven't gone after traditional religious orders at all...
The Franciscans of the Immaculate have been targeted, very unjustly. Can anyone else thiunk of other traditional Orders subject th Vatican oversight lately. They should go after the Neocatecumenical Way(spelling, excuse me). And also the guy who founded what is called the Bose monastic community. I forget his name. But that'll never happen. They are both Francis favorites.
Damian Malliapalli
The Voodoo from the Hoodo Guru never lets up.
Wait a minute, weren't they talking decentralization near the end and shortly after the Synod? Or was that only for the German Bishoppersons and their aberrounderstanding of marriage?
There is a rumor of Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate(rumor only) being forced to eat rancid/spoiled food as an act of penance/poverty
It's calumny.
And if you wanted reassure traditionalists that this is not aimed at their orders, you just picked a horrible example for your argument.
And Legionaires didn't "slip by" on JPII's watch.
After have read a very insightful and informative post on the website "Rorate Caeli" about this issue, I'd like to 1) apologize if I sometimes sound like pontificating about a topic (I know a lot about religious life, having helped a traditionalist priest from France write a book about the destruction of religious Orders since Vatican II)
2). Take back my original post where I stated that this doesn't sound like a bad thing. according TO Rorate, it is a very bad thing, and they think it will be used against traditional communities wanting to be formed.
I appologive for being long winded in my original post. I was wrong, and this is most likely not a good thing at all.
Damian Malliapalli
Anyone know if the Nuns from the order of St.Michael (the order in which a famous Spanish model joined) are liberal or traditional catholic types?
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