Saturday, April 16, 2016

Pope: For an Answer on "Amoris Laetitiae" Read Cardinal Schönborn's Synopsis

Francis expressed himself in another "flying press conference" not only on "Amoris laetitiae" but also on the Syrian refugee families who came along with him, sealing off of Europe and the meeting with Bernie Sanders

 Vatican City ( Pope Francis appealed to journalists that when reporting on his  Apostolic Letter "Amoris laetitita" they should also read the synopsis that Cardinal Christoph Schönborn had given at the press conference at the Vatican.  When asked by a journalist at the "flying press conference" on the flight from Lesbos to Rome on Saturday afternoon, if the document on the subject of marriage and family opened "new opportunities for the divorced and remarried," the Pope said "I could already say yes, but that would be too short a response. If you read the introduction by Cardinal Schönborn, who is a great theologian, to the text, then you have the answer," said Francis, [Apparently, Pope Francis said "I can say yes.  Period," in the Italian, "Io posso dire sì. Punto.."] according to Vatican Radio. Besides questions about "Amoris laetitiae" the journalists wanted to talk about the Arab refugees traveling in the Airbus - three Syrian families - the sealing off of Europe and the meeting with Bernie Sanders.

The Pope said that he was still moved in the wake of his visit to the refugee camp Moria in Lesbos: He had "to cry" about the encounters he experienced. Francis showed reporters pictures the children had painted and presented to him: "What the kids want is peace? Because they are suffering." On one of the pictures a weeping sun can be seen: "If even the sun were able to cry," said Francis, "then it would do us some good to shed. I would also invite the arms dealers to spend a day there in the camp." That would be "healing" for them.

In terms of the twelve traveling Syrian refugees who are Muslims, the pope insisted that it was "a purely humanitarian matter" and not to connect "any political speculation." The idea had come up a week ago with some of his colleagues in the Vatican, "and I accepted this immediately." He had "seen that it was the Holy Spirit who was speaking." The action was coordinated with the Greek and Italian authorities.

Francis quoted Mother Teresa: "It may be that this is just a drop in the sea, but the sea is not the same because of these drops." When selecting the refugees to take to Rome, he had "not made a choice between Christians and Muslims," ​​Francis said. "These three families had their papers in order and could get it. There were two Christian families on the list, but their papers were not in order. So no privilege." The twelve refugees he wished to take care of in the Vatican, were "all God's children".

On European refugee policy the Pope said: "I understand the people who feel a certain fear. I understand that we have great responsibility in receiving a great responsibility, and one of the aspects is how to integrate these people." He also reiterated that he considered walls as "no solution" and that bridges lead further. "We need to build bridges, but intelligently, with dialogue and integration." Europe must "urgently address their admissions policy, integration, growth, jobs and economic reforms."

All these points are "bridges" that reach into the future. "Europe must now return to find the ability to integrate, which it always had." That some "people born and raised in Europe," the "sons or grandsons of migrants", had committed the terrorist attacks in Paris and Brussels had, which shows in this view, "that there has been no integration policy."

On his decision to meet with the democratic US -Präsidentschaftskandidaten Bernie Sanders, Francis said that he met and greeted Sanders in the morning when he had left the residence of Santa Mart where he lives on an entire floor. The Marxist Pro-Abortion Sanders came to address Congress on the social encyclical "Centesimus Annus" in Rome.

"It was a simple greeting, nothign more. That's called manners, not meddling in politics. If someone thinks that a welcome is the same as mixing in politics, I recommend him a psychiatrist," said Francis word for word.

Another journalist asked about "Amoris laetitia," namely, why Francis had been hiding the subject of sacraments for the divorced and remarried in a footnote? The Pope explained that he had done so, "because it was already in Evangelii Gaudium," the programmatic Apostolic Letter of 2013. By "One of the last Popes" - Benedict XVI. was meant - "Has, as he once spoke of the council, there have actually been two of the Second Vatican Council, one of the Council of the media," said Francis about the totally different weights of certain issues.

So it will not probably not be registered, "that the the Communion is not the main problem of the family and Church." "We have a declining birth rate, at which one can only cry, lack of jobs and salaries, so Mom and Dad both have to work, and the children grow up alone. These are the big problems," Francis said.

Edit: and as usual, you're welcome LSNs.


  1. In case folks are still skeptical:
    On Change for Divorced and Remarried, Pope Francis Personally Says “Yes”.

    Today on the plane press conference on the way back to Rome from Greece, Pope Francis was asked a very direct question about the exhortation by Frank Rocca (Wall Street Journal):
    "Some maintain that nothing has changed with respect to the discipline that governs the access to the Sacraments for the divorced and remarried, and that the law and the pastoral practice and obviously the doctrine remains the same; others maintain instead that much has changed and that there are many new openings and possibilities. The question is for one person, a Catholic, that wants to know: Are there new concrete possibilities, that did not exist before the publication of the Exhortation or not?"

    His answer, though it went on longer, contained an emphatic affirmation:

    “Io posso dire sì. Punto.” In English: “I can say yes. Period.” He then went on to say to the reporter to read Card. Schonborn's presentation of Amoris Laetitia.
    Min. 21:10 mark

  2. What an unappealing man. A wise guy. A taunter. A soft sadist who enjoys diddling with people's faith. His hide and seek game is soft sadism. I just can't get past how sneaky and downright cruel he is.

    1. You have said it exactly.

    2. I agree entirely. He is cruel and taunting. The stunt with bringing no Christians to Rome - even though they are persecuted not only in their homeland but in the refugee camps - is beyond the pale.

  3. And that's who Fellay wants to appoint a new bishop for the SSPX...

    1. God forbid!!! Lord, have mercy on the SSPX!!!

    2. What Bishop Williamson has said about bishop Fellay..I believe. Everyone can make errors in judgement of course we're only human so we shall see.

    3. Yes, this pope is a mean-spirited, anti-Catholic punk. But that changes nothing with regard to the situation of the Church. Bishop Fellay (along with Bishops de Galarreta and de Mallerais) must continue for the good of the Church as a whole. Just as the holy Archbishop did. They will try, and it IS possible, to come to the aid of all the Faithful while they are being given this "juridical authority". Otherwise...just what would be the point? They hold and teach the pure and entire Faith. They are very good shepherds. They will not not ignore a LEGITIMATE chance to save the lambs from the Hirelings.

      The fact that the SSPX has not been acting freely within the juridical structure of the Church all along has been because of the injustices of previous popes, not Francis. (Especially the Koran kisser.)

      It is long overdue that this injustice against the SSPX and to the starving faithful lambs is brought to an end. That it might end at the hands of a flaming anarchist does not much matter since an anarchist was pope when the Society was formed in the first place. Both popes were destroyers unworthy of trust. I see little difference between then and now.

    4. So if the V2 Church is no different than a heretical sect why do you care what happens and what the popes are like? I don't see this site rail against protestants and their beliefs. So if there's no difference, and the V2 Church is in heresy like a protestant church, why do you care?

    5. I agree with you, South. That's why I attend a sedevacantist chapel---comprised mainly of ex-sspxers.

      Ga peach stuck in Seattle

  4. Anonymous above has spoken the absolute, horrifying truth: Francis is a true sadist, a cruel man to the core. In my opinion he calculates on a daily basis how to subvert the Catholic Faith and how to weaken the faith of Catholics. And the cowards in the hierarchy do nothing---out of fear or papolatry (and I am not including those who are his accomplices). No wonder he is always boasting about his mercy: all too-typical of hypocrites and wolves who know how to hide under lamb's clothing. The Church is in the hands of an evil man and all the calculated preaching about false "love" and "obedience" has yielded its intended fruit: the emasculation of orthodox Catholics and the emboldening of heretics of every hue. It is shameful, dishonorable these days to be a Catholic. Edward

    1. The good news is that more and more people are waking up to the fact of his evil character.

    2. "Not a true pastor, but a destroyer" -- Saint Francis of Assisi

    3. Burke's one of the famous twelve. Where are they now?

  5. Pope Francis is a nightmare. He is destroying the Catholic Faith. Doctrine is not supposed to change. Now what? This is impossible to spin.

    1. I thought V2 destroyed the Faith. At least that's what I've read countless times on this site. So if it's a heresy it will disappear due to its own dissonance. If not, then it is from God.

  6. Pope Francis is saying that doctrine has changed based on the new moral and salvation theology approved by Pope Benedict and which is being taught in the pontifical universities and seminaries for a long time. So Cardinal Burke and Fr.Zuhlsdorf could probably also say that there is no change in doctrine.
    Pope Francis could mean that there are known exceptions to the traditional teaching on mortal sin.Last month Pope Benedict announced via Avvenire that there are known exceptions in Vatican Council II to the 16th century interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

    So the new moral theology is that the conditions for mortal sin mentioned in the Catechism edited by Cardinal Ratzinger and Schonborn, refer not to hypothetical cases, known only to God ,but to defacto, objectively known cases which can be identified by us humans. So even if someone is in objective mortal sin,we cannot say so, since there could be 'known factors' which make the case an exception.

    So the two popes like Cardinal Burke and Fr.Z and the numerous religious who have had their formation at the Angelicum , Anthonianum etc in Rome will say that there is no change in doctrine.

    Cardinal Kasper has already given an interview to the Tablet saying that everything has changed but there is no change in doctrine.

    However if Cardinal Burke and Fr.Z said that there are no known exceptions to the traditional theology on morals and faith, since humanly speaking we cannot know of any exceptions,then would they be excommunicated?
    If they said that there are no known exceptions to the moral teaching on concubinage, adultery and mortal sin, so there is nothing in Amoris Laetitiae to change the teachings of the Church would they be in trouble?

    Cardinal Burke has said that AL does not change the traditional teaching.However he does not affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) like the 16th century missionaries.So for him there are exceptions in Vatican Council II. If there are exceptions then it means that there are known exceptions.Since if something is not known, not visible, it cannot be an exception. So for him there are known exceptions to the dogma EENS and the traditional theology on salvation.

    The same is true also for Fr.Z.

    Now AL 301 says that a mortal sin is not always a mortal sin, or concubinage is not always a mortal sin. So it means there are exceptions.This is the new moral theology being taught at pontifical universities for a long time.It was probably part of the priestly formation of Fr.Z.I do not know about Cardinal Burke.

    Cardinal Burke would have sent seminarians to the pontifical colleges and they would have been taught that there were exceptions.

    So now could Cardinal Burke and Fr. Z say that there cannot be any known exception to the traditional teaching on mortal sin ?

    Could they say that the conditions of mortal sin mentioned in the Catechism of the Catholic Church refer to hypothetical, theoretical cases. They cannot be defacto known .We cannot say that someone living in objective mortal sin, will not go to Hell due to ignorance or some social factor.This is something only God can know. So it is always hypothetical for us.

    However if they do say- this will they be excommunicated?

    We must remember that Fr.Leonard Feeney in Boston said there were no known exceptions to the traditional teaching on the dogma EENS and he was excommunicated.

    Archbishop Richard Cushing maintained that there was known salvation outside the Church e.g invincible ignorance etc, and he was not considered by Rome to be irrational or in heresy.

    Today priests who say that there are no known exceptions to the dogma EENS, cannot be incardinated in Rome.

    So when Cardinal Burke and Fr. Z say there is no doctrinal change in Vatican Council II ( interpreted with exceptions) or in AL ( with known exceptions) are they really protecting themself ?-Lionel Andrades

    1. Vatican II is has many teachings which are a break in continuity with the past and represent ruptures in the Tradition: Gaudium et Spes, Reintegratio Unitatis, Dignitatis Humanae, parts of Lumen Gentium. Sacrosanctum Concilium and Nostra Aetate and a few other elements too.

  7. Cardinal Burke is a hypocrite. I learned that after reading his weak response to "Amoris Laetitiae". He's probably afraid of being downgraded by Francis again. So many people admired Burkem when the a.h. Pope Francis booted him out of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura for speaking up against Francis and Kasper's evil agenda. But now, I think a lot of people will think of him as I do....a whining little two faced jellyfish.
    Pope Benedict XVI was the same, or else he'd stood up to the conspirators in the Vatican, sacked them all, and he'd still be in office.
    Damian Malliapalli

    1. So I guess Jesus was wrong and the true Church founded upon Peter disappeared. Guess He was wrong, right?

    2. The Church will continue forever. Four bishops and several priests were excommunicated for not accepting Vatican 2. Others followed them. A line of bishops and priests have come down from them.

      But, Mr. South, even if the Church was reduced to one old grey haired woman living in a cave, it would still be Christ's glorious Church.

      Seattle's Ga peach

  8. Let's give Cardinal Burke the benefit of the doubt,I am sure there is a lot of discussions going on behind closed doors I am sure that's not all we are going to hear from Cardinal Burke on this matter

  9. The SSPX convert these Romans? What an illusion! Again, Fr Schmidberger has little to no idea of the deep perversion of modernism which he is up against. It is not “normal” for Catholics to submit to modernists. “Exile” need not mean loss of the sense of the Church. No important doors would open in Rome. The Faith does not need bishops approved by modernists. Any anxious modernists are naive – the real modernists know that they will convert the Society and not the other way round, once they can close the trap. And finally the Church crisis will certainly not be solved by a deluded SSPX joining Rome, but only by God, whose arm is not shortened by the wickedness of men (Isaiah, LIX, 1)

    1. Like it or not, Bergoglio is the legitimate and true pope, although there are clearly some pretty astonishing irregularities to his election and he does not act like one, except perhaps in his non-collegial decision making.

    2. "A pope who is a manifest heretic automatically (per se) ceases to be pope and head, just as he ceases automatically to be a Christian and a member of the Church. Wherefore, he can be judged and punished by the Church. This is the teaching of all the ancient Fathers who teach that manifest heretics immediately lose all jurisdiction." (St. Robert Cardinal Bellarmine, De Romano Pontifice. II.30)

    3. What is "manifest"? Who is going to make the call that he is in "manifest" heresy? It's catch 22.

    4. Here's a good place to start:

      John Salza and Robert Siscoe cover this in their new book True or False Pope? Refuting Sedevacantism and Other Errors. This book is essential reading for every Catholic.

      Do yourself a favor and order 2 copies - one for you and one for your pastor or a friend who needs to read it.

      I hope this helps you.


    5. Manifest: Make evident. Publicly say/do something heretical.

    6. "Like it or not, Bergoglio is the legitimate and true pope," Is he actually? How do you know that and what is your definition of "legitimate"? I'm trolling I'm being quite serious. Professor Stefano Violi who is probably the one of the foremost experts in the world says he's not and that Pope Benedict never resigned.

    7. Sorry, "not" got dropped there, I'm not trolling is what it should have said. Here is a link to the article citing the work of Prof Violo. There is no papal "diarchy" such a thing does not exist

    8. Because he was elected as pope?

    9. Yes, that's what they told us, have the authorities in Rome proven trustworthy and faithful? You will forgive me if I take the word of Professor Violi over yours.

    10. You can believe in lunar cheese if you want.

    11. Evidently so can you, and I see you're so petty you don't want a poster to get a last word.

  10. Hello Anonymous (April 16, 2016 at 4:30 PM). I just used your quote as the title of a blog post. Since you are anonymous, I figured you wouldn't mind, but let me know. Obviously I thought it was a great analysis.

  11. Mons. Fellay: «[...]Esortazione terrificante che fa tanto male alla Chiesa»

    Terrifying exhortation that does so much harm to the Church.

    1. But he is still going to go ahead with the regularization with Francis...
      Go figure

    2. You people never respond when I ask you. What's the worst thing that could happen if the Kasperians try to turn back the clock to 1978 and send a visitor to check the Society's criticism of V2?

    3. Uh idk, the Kasperians kill the visitor?

    4. I am not SSPX but hypothetically speaking the worst thing that could happen is..
      The Novus Ordo visitor stops the criticism of V2 on such a routine basis,your SSPX ends up accepting or by silence condones the V2 Heresy.
      I didn't say the SSPX did anything,this is an answer to your question.(a hypothetical 'worst thing that could happen')

    5. Most of SSPX will capitulate to Rome within ten years, while the hard line factions will be extinguished completely within ten-fifteen years.

    6. The hardline factions will simply switch to sedevacantist chapels. Most are already chalked full of SSPX-ers.

      Seattle Kim

    7. I'll take your expert word for it.

  12. God help us. Pope Francis is a wrecking ball.

  13. This is what happen when you elect a Communist pope

  14. What a waste of space this man is! I do not intend to dignify the ramblings of the Exhortation by even reading one sentence. I have just gone to the blogs to find out what it REALLY says. That has been enough for me to know he has "come out" as a non-believer! OK?

  15. We are in the darkest night of the Church. This is worse than the 60's and the 70's. Who would have thought that things could get worse than those days?

  16. It may very well get worse when Francis dies and the pampered moron who passes for archbishop of Manila (presently being groomed and promoted by the mafia that intimidated Benedict and catapulted Francis into the Chair of Peter) is elected. Erasmus
