Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Pope Francis Giving More Aid and Legitimacy to Communists

Edit: it's not like they were Communists or anything, and that there was a civil war. Following the Communist in Chief's example, Pope Francis is giving sympathy and support to a Communist insurgency in Argentina that nearly took the reigns of power during the Cold War.

VATICAN CITY - At the request of Pope Francis, material in the Vatican Secret archives relating to Argentina's "Dirty War" is expected to be opened in the coming months, the Vatican spokesman said.

Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, the spokesman, told journalists March 23 that the cataloguing of materials related to Argentina's dictatorship continues to move forward.

"The work goes on regularly and is expected to be completed over the next few months," he said, adding that the timing and conditions under which the material may be studied will be agreed upon with the Argentine bishops' conference.

1 comment:

  1. Pope Francis does whatever his Jesuit puppet masters tell him.
