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Pope Francis has chosen his resting place |
(Rome) Pope Francis is preparing his grave, as the press agency I.Media reported. Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi SJ confirms the report. This is neither "mysterious" nor something "special", says Lombardi.
The selection and preparation of a tomb is part of the earthly life cycle of a human being, said the Vatican spokesman.To that effect, the selection of the tomb chosen by Pope Francis is in the Vatican Grottoes.
Vatican spokesman: "Little more availability"
The crypt below the St. Peter's Basilica and the further underlying necropolis is known as the Vatican Grottoes. Numerous popes were buried in the crypt, some of whom were laid there in the Vatican Basilica in the course of the Causes of Saints.
I.Media published the picture of a tomb. It's then not certain this really is the final resting place Pope Francis desires himself, as Tiscali reported yesterday and published its own photo.
Vatican spokesman Lombardi reported on Saturday that it is the only unoccupied chapel at the moment in the Vatican Grottoes, which is why, in principle, the question arises, where the ceremony will be held in the future.
"Pope of gestures" will be buried in the grave of the "Pope of the Council"
As "Pope of gestures" Francis wants to use the former grave of John XXIII. in which the "Pope of the Council" has lain for 38 years, from 1963 to 2001. Soon after the beatification in September 2000 he was translated into St. Peter's Basilica. Pope Francis chose, bypassing the rules for the canonization for his miracle-less elevation to the altars in 2014 together with John Paul II. The Polish pope was canonized through the recognition of a second miracle within a regular canonization.
From 2005-2011 John Paul II had initially been buried in this grave until he was transferred to St. Peter's Basilica.
John XXIII. let himself be buried in a simple sarcophagus of travertine in contrast to his predecessors. The grave inscription reads only Joannes PP. XXIII . Since then, all the popes have been buried in simple manner.
John Paul II., following the example of Paul VI. who found his final resting place in a grave sunken into the ground. On the marble slab in gold letters, which was even more spare, is Joannes Paulus II with the birth and death date.
Cardinal Comastri: "Holy Father, it is yet to be seen who comes first"
The grave niche in the Vatican Grottoes has been unoccupied since 2011. Recently it has been cleaned and "is ready to receive the mortal remains of Pope Francis," said Tiscali. The Argentine Pope let the Archpriest of St. Peter's Basilica, Cardinal Angelo Comastri, know that he wishes that grave for himself. The ideological commonality stressed with a hidden agenda between John XXIII. and Pope Francis found is to continue in the grave.
Cardinal Comastri confirmed that Pope Francis expressed his wish two times. The cardinal had replied: "Holy Father, it is yet to be seen who comes first." The reference was to the Emeritus Benedict XVI. whose ideas for grave locations are yet unknown.
Near the niche selected for Pope Francis, a white marble sarcophagus was recently placed. Whether it has been prepared for the German Pope remains speculation for now.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Wikicommons / Tiscali / MiL (screenshots)
Image: Wikicommons / Tiscali / MiL (screenshots)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Wishful thinking Jorge, your remains will be thrown in the Tiber.
The 2nd vat council should be buried too!!God Bless.
It can't happen fast enough.
HAHAHAHAHa! I know it's probably wrong to laugh, but it is amazing how many millions of good, faithful Catholics would not be sad if Francis suddenly died. Personally, I don't wish him dead, but I don't want him around much longer either.
The problem is, who will be the next Pope?
Francis probably isn't well....and a priest I visited, and a seminarian, both who would know more than me...both told me that he is not at all well, but continues to do his work (such as it is).
I still say that the next Pope will be the total opposite of Francis. He will be very much like Benedict XVI, or even more so. He will dress and act like a Pope in the style of Benedict....and everything Francis supported etc. will be quietly ignored.
The next Pope probably will not be young.....more like in his mid-late 70's. But the new Pope will appoint plenty of orthodox, tradition respecting Cardinals to udo the damage of Francis, and to ensure that the next Pope after him, will not be another lunatic like Francis.
I would not be surprised if Francis is either dead, or retired (because he is actually ill), before 2016 is out.
Damian Malliapalli
True colors, all.
You demonstrate the attitude of a gutless Nemo who wishes such a thing on another human being. And Tancred lets it go unchallenged!
This kind of thinking belongs to ISIS, not to Christians.
Grow up, Vincent.
You're correct Joseph, unless he has his road too Damascus and converts I will God willing always show my true colors against bergoglio which means I oppose everything he says and does and wish nothing else for him except that he converts. I don't wish him ill, I don't wish him death (God forbid I were to think this way) True colors? Mine are to oppose him on everything? And given the path he is on, yes, his remains will be thrown in the Tiber, historically this has always been done with antipopes.
When Francis dies....probably very soon....it will be amazing to see how little turn out of mourning there is in Rome etc. for him.
I read that many in Rome are furious at him, because he has not followed the traditional Ash Wednesday procession to Santa Sabina like Popes have done for many years.
Is he too sick for the procession? I would not be surprised.
Damian Malliapalli
Good grief, it's worse than I thought.
I don't live in the rectory basement like you do, Vincent, so one has to earn his daily bread.
After you, Ann.
If P.F.is keen about his grave to be ready right now ,there is something serious and doubtful which Rome is hiding. It may be one of the reasons that there will be no Maundy Thursday liturgy. How long they can hide it.
He will be judged by the Almighty and he will receive his reward as per his life. Our hope is in God that he will not abandon us. Our Blessed Mother is there to intercede for us and let us turn to her through prayer and fasting.
Something serious has happened or happening now that it is kept as a secret. May be a secret planning is going on to cover up everything .
Don't hold your breath, he could be in office for another ten years. It is not rare fr people today to live into their nineties and very common for then to live into the mid eighties.
I think he's going to retire. Then you'll have 2 emeritus "popes." Another head from the hydra of evil cardinals will likely take his place. If a halfway orthodox one is actually elected, he will be secretly replaced like Siri was or he'll be killed off quickly. The cardinals are mostly freeemasonic, progressive liberals and most are are likely homosexuals as well.
I no longer want anything to do with the church of Vatican 2. Done.
Neither do I. The Church of Vatican II is nothing but filth and corruption. However, I agree with P.J. David. I believe that Pope Francis is actually suffering from a very serious problem that, although perhaps slow to manifest itself, is nonetheless progressive and ultimately fatal. I do believe the Vatican will cover everything up....it is in keeping with Pope Francis' clique of like-minded radicals to give the impression that their leader is in perfect health, when in fact he is absolutely not.
I do NOT believe that the next Pope will be another like Francis, or worse. I believe that he will be very much more like Benedict XVI, or even more traditional. So many Cardinals and Bishops across the globe have been outraged by Francis and his actions and agenda, that I do not believe they would pick another like him. Fracic's "Crown Prince" Tagle doesn't stand a chance....he is hated by too many of the Cardinals who know what he stands for.
I predict the next Pope will be an Italian (after almost 40 years), someone unfortunately in their mid-70's ...unless the Sacred College has a majority who is truly brave and picks a man in his very early 60's who by office should be a Cardinal, but who has been denied the title and rank out of shere corrupt radical liberal bias and prejudice of Pope Francis.
I still think that Francis will either retire because he is terminally ill, or die before this time next year,
Damian Malliapalli.
I don't have high hopes for the next Pope or things doing an about face within the Church because the rot of modernism and Vatican II has metastasized too extensively at this point.
Nevertheless, in view of the day and hour (known only to God) when Pope Francis dies and the news breaks or I get a phone call in the middle of the night: I have a bottle of nice champagne in my refrigerator.
You and Incognitus (a) will find Econe a genuine refugium fidelium.
God will confirm his burial place--in Hell!
It sure is Joseph, much worse, just read one of Jorge's daily statements or watch him was non Christian women's feet this week.
I would never presume to judge where Pope Francis is going when he dies, but by the damage to the Church he has done, and his associates and their agenda in three years, I hardly think our Dear Lord Jesus Christ would be pleased with his latest Vicar on earth.
Damian Malliapalli
I agree Vincent. Can you picture Our Lord saying what Anonymous said (and which Tancred approves of) to someone He didn't like? What a scandal to the Faith! Jesus showed love for even those who crucified Him ("Father forgive them for they know not what they do).
I'm quite sure Our Lord wouldn't have said " Personally, I don't wish him dead, but I don't want him around much longer either." Even if you consider this Pope your enemy, the quoted sentence does not exactly exemplify "I say to you, love your enemies".
So I can only imagine what you think of Someone who would, for example, eat with sinners.
"Presumption is a crime of the teraphim."
Unless he reverses course and dies a Catholic pope, and if God's holy people have a say, I believe he still retains his Argentinean passport ...
It's one thing to eat with sinners, and another thing to contradict the religion you claim to represent on a day-to-day basis.
I hope he goes to heaven soon.
Vatican insider, Leo Zagami says that Pope Francis will retire this summer if he goes to Argentina. Regarding Francis being an anti-Pope, I think Canon Law says that even if the Pope's election is invalid, once he is recognized as Pope by the people, he is the Pope. This should be a very interesting year.
His remains will be thrown in the Tiber if he stays on his present course and doesn't stop attacking the faith and continue undermining it every day. This is a long tradition in Rome, it's been done many times. This upsets you? Our Lord said a tree produces bad fruit and what is it good for? To be cut down and thrown into the fire no? What about with the merchants in the temple?, how did our Lord treat them? I've got a newsflash for you, the Catholic faith is a religion of peace AND justice. You need to head down and sign up with the Quakers with your misguided notion about the faith.
Is Leo Zagami a valid" Vaticanista", or is he one of those people on the fringe of the Catholic Church, somehow connected with either sede-vacantist or bizarro Catholics who hold all kinds of weird opinions are are basically nothing but false gossip mongers.
I saw Leo on one of his videos, which was affiliated to a right wing Protestant "Rush Limbaugh" type radio host. The host was very respectful of Catholicism, and basically trashed Francis as a heretic. Which is obvious. But is Leo valid, or just a self-promoter seeking a moment of fame with false stories?
I ask this, because Francis wouldn't accept a vist to Fatima for 2017, if he was thinking of quitting.
Damian Malliapalli
Vatican Insider is Tornielli.
francis will never give up power voluntarily, but Daniel, Ezekiel, and Revelation all display the eschatological green leaves on the tree of which our Lord spoke in reading the signs of the times. If francis keels over anywhere from Aug-Dec of this year, run for the hills.
"...and another shall rise after them; he shall be different from the former ones, and shall put down three kings. He shall speak words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and shall think to change the times and the law; and they shall be given into his hand for a time, two times, and half a time. But the court shall sit in judgment, and his dominion shall be taken away, to be consumed and destroyed to the end."
Until then...he's gonna get a whoooooole lot worse....buckle up.
"given into his hand for a time, two times, and half a time. "
Forgive me if I sound stupid with this, but how long/how many years tdoes this actually add up to? If it means 2 1/2 years, that's already done and gone.
Hopefully it means that Francis' time is almost up.
Damian Malliapalli
If someone were a pre cursor for the AC and the AC only has 3.5 years then it seems to me 3.5 years would mean something.
Leo XIII and Pius XII, both before Vat II's Verbum Dei, warned against this kind of distorted, a-contextual, biblical fundamentalism.
nothing distorted about eschatalogical fulfillment...learn the senses of Scripture you fop.
and just for you Onree....
3 1/3 years Damian.
and Anon, bergoglio is the false prophet warm-up for the AC who's already here and active....I think the only logical candidate is G. Soros...his money is funding EVERY evil, putrid, perverted initiative on the globe.
I think he's the destroyer Saint Francis mentioned actually. "minor" chastisement dead ahead and Lord willing if we survive that, we get to enjoy the "age of peace" how long it lasts the prophecies differ. Then, the AC.
From the explanatory note to Rev 11:2 in The Navarre Bible New Testament Compact Edition: The three and a half years' persecution of the Jews by Antiochus Epiphanes 168-165 BC had become the standard time of persecution. Three and a half years = 42 months = 1,260 days (verse 3).
I absolutely think he's the destroyer cited by St. Francis, but I also think that destroyer and the False Prophet are one and the same. I disagree with you on the AC appearance though...there are differing interpretations. It is an interesting time to be alive...would dearly love a little 'boredom' about now, ya know?
Then Francis' time is almost up. Maybe he actually knows it, which is why he's already picking out his tomb in the grottos of St. Peter's. Let's all pray....because maybe, just maybe, this time next year we weill be rejoicing that Francis is gone, and we have a new Pope who is actually a traditional Catholic....one who looks, acts, dresses and speaks like a real Pope..someone who respects and promotes Catholic Faith, and at least respects and appreciates Catholic tradition and praises it (even if not a traditionalist himself).
The only problem is that some of this AH Francis' gestures (like foot washing of women and Muslims), will be hard to repudiate by the new Pope because it was such a break...something that would now be expected to continue.
Damian Malliapalli
ahhh Damian, the whole point being, if I'm correct in what I'm postulating, then we only mark the demise of the false prophet and the rise of the antichrist...we would only be half way thru the tribulation. the whole francis-thing will look like a child's tea party compared to what comes in the following 3 1/3 years. Stop the pipe-dreaming. The whole musloid thing is gonna factor into the increasing punishment and tribulation....it is going to get B.A.D., as in much MUCH worse.
Pietro è una piccola pietra. Pope Francis speaks, Catholics scratch their head. - https://thewarourtimebitsandpieces.wordpress.com/2017/08/29/pietro-e-una-piccola-pietra-pope-francis-speaks-catholics-scratch-their-head/
Wow. And you people have the hypocrisy to call yourselves Christian's after saying such hateful things. Oh well, always good to see that that whole 'loving one another' etc. schtick is being lived out so faithfully.
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