Wednesday, February 17, 2016

From Empty Seminaries to Full Seminaries -- Ordinations at the Society of St. Peter

(Wigratzbad) Last Saturday, Bishop Vitus Huonder of Chur ordained 11 subdeacons of the Fraternity of St. Peter. At the same time the Bishop of Chur ordained 15 seminarians in the traditional rite to minor orders as porters and lectors. Five seminarians were ordained exorcist and acolyte. All ordinands are preparing for the priesthood at the International Seminary of the Society St. Peter of Peter (FSSP) in Wigratzbad in the diocese of Augsburg near Lake Constance.
This coming February 20th, there will be another 13 subdeacons  ordained at the second international seminary of the FSSP in the US. "Therefore, there is a realistic prospect that in 2017, 24 new priests are to be ordained for this old ritual community," said Messa in Latino .That would be twice the average of the past twelve years.
"Perhaps we should make the Holy Father aware that there are not just empty seminaries, but also full seminaries when he complains of the lack of priests next time. And that there will be a reason when there are the seminaries of tradition that are full," says Messa in Latino alluding to the speech of Pope Francis last February 1st, to participants at the conclusion of the Year of Consecrated Life .
At the Pontifical Mass, Bishop Huonder was assisted by Father Arnaud Evrat, the General Secretary of the Society of St. Peter, Father Jean-Laurent Lefevre, House Master of the Establishment at Fontainebleau, and Father Christian  Jäger, Administrator for the Apostolate of the Society of St. Peter in Munich.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: FSSP Wigratzbad (Screenshots)
Trans: Tancred


  1. 24 new priests is a full seminary?

    Too bad FSSP is just a fancy dress VC2 costume party. They are fasting 2 days this lent just like VC2. Ladies wear pants (and if men wanted to could wear dresses), worship w/their head uncovered (men could wear ball caps) and all put out their hands if they chewze. Fast 1 hour (during mass) for the happy meal. And get the same VC2 sermons about being nice and fweeding the poor and the same confessional bypass of VC2 of sexual/ecumenical sins. Not to mention the constant brainwash that VC2 sacraments & priests are valid and the changes were necessary (esp women=men) and don't say anything to anyone as they fornicate and adulterate their life away. Just pray (while you're in a state of mortal sin and stinking to high heaven yourself). Just pray.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. I have to say you're pretty close to the mark unfortunately. There are exceptions and the FSSP does have a few outstanding priests, and it's still better than your average NO priest. But you are right about the sin talk (or lack thereof) and the whole female immodesty/feminist thing. I've noticed this problem particularly in their French parishes. My experiences of the FSSP have been sadly disappointing. I hope the same isn't true of the ICRSS.

    3. Is there a way of recounting the weaknesses of an organization without being unreasonable, shrill and unjust about it?

    4. I've also never heard a "V2 sermon" and 24 priests is often what's ordained in entire countries which once produced 100s of vocations a year.

      Wigratzbad has 100 plus seminarians in formation now. I can't imagine any other seminary, traditional or otherwise, which holds more.

    5. I thought Wigratzbad's capacity was only about 75 which they are at now? If they have expanded then that's good news I guess. The FSSP still needs at least one much larger seminary for English speaking seminarians. Denton isn't even half big enough for all the applicants they get. Not sure what the holdup on that is as there's plenty of vacant former seminaries and monasteries in North America alone and they certainly get more than enough applicants to fill one.

    6. I thought It was similar to Denton, but fssp now has about 140 total semnarians. The whole Society itself only produces about 14 priests per year, so 24 would be a significant increase. Many countries don't produce that many vocations in a year. How many vocations does Holy Family Monastery produce every year?

    7. I can't find any answer to this question on the Internet.Why doesn't the FSSP/ICKSP have a bishop with traditional orders to ordain their priest's?
      Please understand I am not being rude just curious.

    8. Tancred, the Bigard Memorial Seminary in Nigeria is the largest seminary in the world, with over 1000 students.

    9. I don't keep up with these group's.Anyone know if they will ever receive a bishop with traditional ordination/consecration orders so he can ordain their priest's?
      It's impossible to find out why they weren't given a Bishop on the Internet.

    10. @Tancred..Do you know the name of Bishop who ordained Fr.Ripperger of FSSP?

    11. I looked around Google for a piece, but couldn't find anything. My guess is +Bruskwitz.

    12. Unless you refuse the Last Rites the FSSP, founded by St John Paul, will be able to administer them and assure your eternal rest. Do you still have a complaint? Ingratitude is a mark of unhappiness.
      Lighten up!

    13. I oughta punch you in the mouth for calling Holy Communion "happy meal"

  2. I attend the FSSP chapel and a local indult. The immodesty I rarely see, the pants and uncovered heads unfortunately yes I see too often and it's very annoying. It's such feminist pride and perhaps some ignorance but what can a diocesan priest say? First thing the "greatly offended" woman does is complain to the bishop. Until the entire Church reforms, that's going to be there. I even saw Bishop Fellay in some absurd picture with an immodestly dressed women recently at some statue or ribbon cutting event. Until the great chastisement I think you can forget about wiping out the pants/immodesty thing. As far as confessors go, my FSSP confessor is the best confessor I have had, he bores in on the sin to find out it's full extent, an absolutely outstanding and tough confessor, the kind that makes your stomach nervous before going in.
    The FSSP tries, they're trying and trying hard under a difficult papacy that has taken at least one traditional order and cast it to the wind. The FSSP priests preach on the last things, fatima and always tell the real tradition. On occaison I have heard one or two of their priests mention divine mercy and Faustina, oh well, they're just mistaken on that one IMO.
    Perhaps the FSSP chapel in Florida I visit is an exception but in my experience they have excellent priests who work hard to maintain tradition and I personally owe them a debt of gratitude.

    1. what kind of an autistic nerd gets annoyed at women wearing pants holy crap


    2. TancredMay 12, 2017 at 10:00 PM
      Unfortunately, legitimately curious people who want to "come and see" who aren't Catholic bring their pants and uncovered heads to Mass. Naturally, I'm put out and sneer at them to make them incomfortable. O.O lol

  3. I think John above may be referring to a wonderful priest, Fr. Fryer, in the Fraternity of St. Peter. He is tough, kind, learned, and true blue. He used to be in Harrisburg but later transferred to Florida. He is a gem, but not all in FSSP are. They do have a number of slackers who say a monotonous mass and an even more monotonous sermon, as if their priesthood were a burden. But I will not name names. Harrisburg now has a strong, wonderful rector for St. Lawrence---and he is working with a rather difficult congregation! I am glad about their increase in vocations. Erasmus

    1. I believe you're right. Fr Fryar, now in LA, is one of the good ones, along with Fr. Jackson, Romonoski and de Malleray. Although I had the impression the Harrisburg congregation is one of the better behaved ones, not with the problems I named above? Correct me if I'm wrong.

      That being said, I've noticed a trend in the Fraternity's younger priests. The less orthodox and traditional they are as you go younger. Funny how it's the opposite trend of Novus Ordo priests. The FSSP needs to seriously clean up whatever is going on in their seminaries that's producing this problem.

    2. I was not referring to Fr. Fryar, he has been out of Florida for a few years now and I agree, he is an excellent priest. He drove a long way one year to bless my home one year for Epiphany. What a blessing and huge impact the FSSP has had on Florida. Florida has been a wasteland of bad bishops for years. There hasn't been a serious hurricane in Florida for over a decade, I believe it's related to the worthy mass of all ages being offered around the state now.

  4. Strange...our FSSP parish abides by the modesty guidelines of Pope Pius XI, encourages the traditional fast, condemns modernism in all of its forms, and our priests are constantly calling us out to live truly virtuous lives. How can you condemn the FSSP as a whole in one comment, anonymous, and then turn around and defend "some" of the priests in another? <3 the FSSP
