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What does Pope Francis Think of the Council? |
The people involved in the matter are:
Luis Badilla Morales, the chief editor of Il sismografo, a Chilean who "was a Minister of the Allende government and since 1973 in political exile in Europe" (Terred'America) and has worked for many years at Vatican Radio;
Luis Badilla Morales, the chief editor of Il sismografo, a Chilean who "was a Minister of the Allende government and since 1973 in political exile in Europe" (Terred'America) and has worked for many years at Vatican Radio;
Massimo Faggioli, church historian and a leader of the progressive "School of Bologna" along with Giuseppe Alberigo, for whom the Second Vatican Council was a positive "break" and "new beginning" in the Church's history;
Agostino Marchetto is a Curial Archbishop, former diplomat and weighty critic of the "school of Bologna" - and longtime friend of Pope Francis. Marchetto is a representative of the "hermeneutic of continuity" within the understanding of Pope Benedict XVI.
"The pope knows no uncertainty, how the Council is to be interpreted"
On January 14 Il sismografo published an enthusiastic interview with Faggioli, which Badilla and the editor of the website, Francesco Gagliano led.
Faggioli herein alleged, Pope Francis "speaks very little of the Council," because "he makes it, continuously transforms it, and the most amazing thing is that he has never shown an interest in the question of hermeneutics of the Council". Rather Francis was "the first pope, who has no uncertainties about how the Council is to be interpreted." The conclusion, therefore, is that the Pope, accordingly as Faggioli follows his thinking about the Council: "We have it now in hand and we interpret it, without undergoing recurrent disputes from the previous 30 or 40 years".
The enthusiasm of Faggioli and his two interviewers "is explained because they equate the 'School of Bologna' equate with the interpretation of the Second Vatican Council by Pope Francis,'" says Vatican expert Sandro Magister.
"Not true," that Pope Francis has no interest in the issue of Council-Hermeneutics
Curial Archbishop Marchetto, who had undertaken a systematic review of the "school of Bologna" and their interpretation of Vatican II promptly reacted. Only three hours after the publication of the interview, the editorial board of sismografo received a reply from Msgr. Marchetto, which was published without comment.
Their representatives ignored the letter, however, and continue to claim Pope Francis as one of their own and thus when it comes to things of the Council see a congruency of papal thinking with that of the "school".
The website Il sismografo seems not to be among the official media of the Holy See, but that is its direct foundation. It is managed and operated by journalists of Radio Vatican and is under the supervision of the State Secretariat, from the new communications secretary under Prefect Dario Viganò, to the former director of the Vatican television channel CTV, are ready to be of use.
Abandoned neutrality in favor of partisanship
The task of the sismografo established at the end of January 2012, is fully incorporated to take and disseminate articles from other media about Pope Francis and the Holy See in five languages . Until recently, this was done without their own contributions and without comment.
"But for several months, things have changed. Luis Morales Badilla, the main figure responsible for the page, intervenes increasingly with his comments which are anything but not neutral," says Magister.
He was commissioned from the start to lead the site and is omnipresent for several months at TV2000, the television channel of the Italian Bishops' Conference. He was appeared especially industrious as he was present during the Synod of Bishops last October. He makes no mystery about which side of the barricade he stands.
On the other hand, however, he spread the "unveiling" by the papal house Vaticanist, Andrea Tornielli, of an alleged "conspiracy" against Pope Francis. He portrayed the "thirteen cardinals" as "conspirators" who presented Pope Francis with a letter, questioning the rules of procedure of the Synod of Bishops and the against the impression, that they were only waving aside the "fabricated results." They told the head of the Church, that the Synod of Bishops was being manipulated.
Faggioli may demand prison for Cardinal Sarah in the Vatican media
As Sandro Magister insists, as the alleged "conspiracy" position was revealed, the wrath of the Pope's entire entourage came to a massive explosion, because the Cardinals had brought the original synod's plan basis. Even Badilla could not hold back any longer and wrote several personal, "very polemical" comments against the Cardinals, who signed the letter to the pope, and who belonged to the voting Synod fathers, who were opposed to the admission of remarried divorcees to communion and the acceptance of homosexuality.
Badilla received help from Faggioli, who teaches history of Christianity [sic] as the University of St. Thomas in Minneapolis and teaches theology at the Villanova University of Philadelphia. Faggioli attacked the Synod Cardinals even more sharply and went so far as to suggest that one of the thirteen signatories, Cardinal Robert Sarah, the Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship, should be sent screaming into prison. Faggioli presented himself with foaming at the mouth as an informer, claiming the African cardinal had told him things privately in the Synod Hall things, "which are criminally relevant in some Western democracies."
Faggioli fired his broadside from the columns of the Huffington Post. Badilla assumed the underhanded demand to throw a cardinal of the Church and Prefect of the Roman Curia, for making a non-public statement in defense of the Church's moral teaching, in jail without comment in sismografo, an unofficial site of the State Secretariat.
Slugfest: Liturgist Grillo mocks Pope's letters
Faggioli should have thus actually discredited himself for any cooperation with religious institutions. But at Badilla he is still a welcome guest and interviewee, as recently a few days ago. A common sentiment welded together.
Attention was drawn to the relationship between Pope Francis the Second Vatican Council through the interview. The day after the slugfest between Faggioli and curia Archbishop Marchetto an article published in sismografo without comment concerning the opinion of Andrea Grillo, a well-known theologian and professor of liturgy at the Roman Academy of Sciences at the Benedictine House of Sant'Anselmo.
Grillo rushed to Faggioli for help and went beyond to make jokes about Pope Francis' two letters, which he dismissed as mere curial products. Pope Francis was "not a traditionalist," said Grillo, but a "post-liberal". Specifically, the liturgist meant that the hermeneutic of continuity as represented by Marchetto and Benedict XVI., was a "traditionalist" interpretation of the Council. But to bring Francis in connection with "traditionalism" is, after all, really ridiculous.
Francis: Second Vatican Council states, "to read the Gospel in the light of contemporary culture newly"
"In fact, it is easy to find clues in the words and gestures of Francis that rather place him rather closely to the theses of the School of Bologna," said Magister.
An explicit clue is afforded in an interview of Francis in the Civilta Cattolica of September 2013. In it, he described the Council as "a service to the people", which consists in "re-reading the Gospel in the light of contemporary culture."
"After this interview was published, the Pope confidentially noted that the abbreviation of the Council on such an understanding is at least, imprecise, if not 'false'," says Magister. This anecdote of the Pope came from Curial Archbishop Marchetto, who was in fact the "Immigration Minister" of the Vatican earlier and therefore had to deal with immigration issues. It's an issue that Jorge Mario Bergoglio already found important and so the two got to know each other. "The two became friends in mutual esteem," says Magister. Marchetto lives in the Roman clergy house in Via della Scrofa in room 204. Bergoglio earlier took the number 203, when he was in Rome.
Francis had explained for his friend, the criticism of his interview statement. From that followed the letter to Marchetto, with which the Pope revised his September statement, allowing the publication of the letter, which Marchetto did on 13 November-2013.
Fight for the right of interpretation of the Council
But the "School of Bologna" does not give up. After all, it is about the interpretative authority of the Council, which was earned with years of elbow grease. Only through the election of Benedict XVI. was it opposed by the highest authority and put their monopoly into question. It was a monopoly which was not insignificantly enjoyed the support of the German Bishops' Conference.
The letter to Marchetto was a clearly written statement, but precludes a number of other words and gestures. Thus, the ambivalence of Pope Francis was not resolved in dealing with the Council. The "School of Bologna" can in turn refer to papal gestures in their favor. This includes the recent appointment of Corrado Lorefice, a representative of the "School of Bologna", as the new archbishop of Palermo.
Lorefice wrote a book about Don Giuseppe Dossetti and Cardinal Giacomo Lercaro. Dossetti was a former left Catholic politician who then became a priest and at the Council, was a technical organizer of the progressive "Rhenish Alliance." Due to his party political and parliamentary experience, he tried to control the Council on the Rules of Procedure. One aspect was that the vast majority of Council Fathers were so unfamiliar with it that he was not even perceived by them.
Cardinal Lercaro was archbishop of Milan and the Italian chief representative of the "Rhenish Alliance". Lercaro was one of the four council presenters and from 1964-1957, President of Consilium ad exsequendam constitutionem de Sacra Liturgia, the Council on the implementation of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy. The Secretary of the Council who is responsible for the liturgy reforms of 1965 and 1969, was Father Annibale Bugnini. Lercaro was indeed in 1967 after a speech about the Vietnam War, due to international diplomatic complications with the USA, dissmissed by Pope Paul VI. as President, but remained as an advising member.
Paul VI., Giuseppe Dossetti and the "Rheinische Alliance"
Church historian Alberto Melloni and current head of the "School of Bologna" had recently made a new slogan. Even Pope Paul VI. had apprised Dossetti and his way of voting until the last vote to create a new "synodal" Church. Previously, Paul VI. was an object of hate by the "school". Pope Montini is alleged to have got stuck halfway in the radical reconstruction of the church and a "restorative" phase under John Paul II. and Benedict XVI. had become possible. Moreover, Paul VI. had already taken a path in a "restorative" direction, slowed the reforms and consummated a "throwback" with the encyclical Humanae Vitae.
As Melloni, two days after the conclusion of the Extraordinary Synod of Bishops on 21 October 2014 constructed this thesis for Corriere della Sera , Msgr. Marchetto disagreed with him even then. The Curial Archbishop quoted from the unpublished diary of Curial Archbishop Pericle Felici, General Secretary of the Council, who because of Paul VI's undoubted animosity proceeded against Dossetti's maneuvers. Felici, later elevated to cardinal, on 16 October 1978, proclaimed the election of Pope John Paul II to the world as cardinal deacon.
Marchetto's diary was published in November 2015 by the Vatican Publishing. This is an important new source, documenting a comprehensive history of the Council. Magister quoted it to underline three points.
The Council Moderators I"As the moderators were selected in the persons of Agagianan, Lercaro, Döpfner and Suenens, I was permitted by the Cardinal Secretary of State (Amleto Cicognani) to point out that this was avowedly being handed to partisan men who were, therefore, not very suitable to act as moderators.' The Secretary of State replied with a certain resentment. Ultimately, and after bitter experiences, he was the first who recognized the mistakes made in the choice of people."The Council Moderators II"Unfortunately, the moderators have gone their little clever more than once. They have begun to act on their own, they went by the General Secretariat and to serve the work of Don Dossetti , presenting Cardinal Lercaro as secretary of the moderators. I granted this until the problems became evident ... Then I protested to Cardinal Agagianan and recalled that the Secretary of the moderators, according to the Rules of Procedure, is the Secretary-General and I would allow no substitute, except if the pope wants it, and that I consider to be null and void what had previously been done by Don Dossetti. I said the same to Cardinal Döpfner. The Pope, informed by me about it, said categorically that he did not want to post Don Dossetti anywhere, even less so that he should return to Bologna."The Council Moderators III"It is worthwhile to remember how much I had to work, thus referring to the approval of formulations of the decrees by the pope, not those concepts of false collegiality that were included, which were the subject of the vote from 30 October. They wanted to reduce the Pope with the already decided vote.The Pope, to whom I reported the matter, commented: 'It is they who must be in accordance with me, not me with them!' Optime dictum."
The "School of Bologna" in private audience with the Pope
On June 23, 2015 Alberto Melloni was received together with a representative of the Institute headed by him in Bologna a private audience with Pope Francis, "letting them to again to believe, that he stands on their side," said Magister.
A few months later, on November 9, Francis wrote yet a second letter to the Curial Archbishop Marchetto, which begins with a warm praise for his edition of the Council Diary of Cardinal Pericle Felici and thus giving to the "most radical contradiction to the theories of a 'break' and 'new beginning' of the Second Vatican Council," said Magister.
To calm things, Luis Badilla and Francesco Gagliano also offered Archbishop Marchetto an interview about the "interpretation and implementation" of the Council. The five questions and answers were published on January 18 by Il sismografo.
But what really does Pope Francis think about the Council?
Less clear than ever is the attitude of Pope Francis about the Second Vatican Council. According to the letters and statements of Curial Archbishop Marchetto Francis would reject the hermeneutics of rupture and is instead decided on the line of the hermeneutic of continuity of Benedict XVI. This impression is conveyed, however, only in the two letters to Marchetto, otherwise neither by his statements or actions nor is it confirmed in his assurances to the representatives of the "School of Bologna."
Ultimately, one could get the impression that the Pope wanted his respective interlocutors to "like" him and make them happy. Is Archbishop Marchetto, who praises him and stands at his side. Are they the representatives of the "School of Bologna", he praises them and stands at their side. Is it just a form, a way to get a disturbing discussion out of the way? Or is the Council for Francis simply "water under the bridge" as a progressive Vaticanist mentioned in the sense that the progressive agenda can no longer be stopped?
So what does the pope really think about a key issue of recent Church history, about which the opinions could hardly be more contrasting. An event, which one side sees only "half" implemented, while the other claims "no alternative" and speaks of the "fruit of the Council", the others despite effort nowhere to be found and some consider it even as the accelerant of the Church Crisis An event ,
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Picture: CR / TV2000 / vatican.va / Romano Prodi (screenshots)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Picture: CR / TV2000 / vatican.va / Romano Prodi (screenshots)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Faggioli LOL!!
Puff and flummery.
The sons (and daughters) of the Devil never sleep, like their father. These leftists have always known that the main obstacle in their utopic destructiveness has been the Church of Christ, so it had to be transformed if not (preferably) destroyed. Clearly they have been operating for a long time, as Bella Dodd had warned us that they were. That the Church has been transformed into a left-wing house of horrors (almost like the mainline Protestant sects in America) is for all to see---except, of course, the neo-Catholics and glassy-eyed clericalists of all sorts. I don't know about others, but my conscience clearly tells me that if being a Catholic means being a liberal leftist (ironically repeatedly condemned by the Church herself as inimical to the Christian Truth), then I cannot and do not wish to belong to it. Perhaps my decision has to be to join with the real Catholics in exile in the independent chapels away from the false counter "church"; but we really have to become better organized and more vocal all the time and everywhere and not on traditional blogs. I cannot believe Christ would want me to be a leftist, utopic dreamer. If He did, then the Church has been lying to us all these centuries. Such is the dichotomy these liberal monsters have created for all of us. Archimago
Please God! As fast as possible: SAVE US FROM POPE FRANCIS THE DESTRUCTOR!!!
Amen to that!!! However, he must fulfill all prophecies related to him, namely destruction of the Catholic Church as we now it. He is a false prophet of the Book of Apocalypse... http://biblefalseprophet.com/
Another verse from the Apocalypse that seems to describe John Paul II and Benedict XVI as the false prophet:
[11]And I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns, like a lamb, and he spoke as a dragon. [12] And he executed all the power of the former beast in his sight; and he caused the earth, and them that dwell therein, to adore the first beast, whose wound to death was healed. -Apocalypse 13
John Paul II's wound was healed and Benedict exercised power in the sight of John Paul II as head of the CDF. Benedict caused the first beast to be adored (venerated) by having JPII beatified.
The Pontifical Biblical Commission constantly warns against the dangers posed to faith by misguided people who proof text to support their agendas.
The only danger to Faith in this blog is you, Sean, as you try to whitewash heretics and muzzle true Catholics not afflicted with effeminate cowardice and/or papolatry. You may be happier reading the Jesuitical "America" or the "National 'Catholic' Reporter," which has just nominated as Catholics of the Year the gay couple responsible for the Supreme Court suit legalizing sodomite marriage. Such are the great fruits of that perfidious council---no proof texting necessary to know it but only honesty, a modicum of intelligence and the Catholic Faith. You appear to lack all three. RC
I wish Vatican II had never happened.
The Church was in bad shape before V2.Why do you think it imploded so quickly right after 1962-1965.The foundation was rotting long before 1965.Secondly,we can wish all we want but it happened and we need to deal with the reality present.Rome lost the faith decades ago.Will you follow Jesus Christ & his church or the counterfeit leftist political machine aka the novus ordo?
Vatican II was just the full bloom of the rot and the triumph of the vermin who'd been causing it so they felt triumphant and came out of hiding to be crowned throughout the world with mitres and prominent positions in the Church.
God's will...
The counter message to Christ began when Constantine made Christianity respectable, comfortable and part of the socio-political mainstream.
"The Church no longer condemns freedom of conscience or freedom of the press (Pope Gregory XVI, Mirari Vos, 1832). It no longer expects that Catholicism be made the established religion of the state; it acknowledges that non-Catholics can openly practice their religion; it allows that people should be at liberty to express their ideas (Pope Pius IX, Syllabus of Errors, 1864).
It no longer forbids Italians to participate in elections, either as voters or candidates (Pope Pius IX, Non expedit, 1868). It no longer denounces democracy, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, historical analysis, ecumenism, literary criticism of the Bible, and the study of the early Church Fathers (Pope Pius X, Lamentabili and Pascendi, 1907)."
-Jeanne Follman responding to an article on conservatism by Ross Douthat of the NYT.
That point of view is very popular among those who hold themselves above the common rung, and none of them I've known are actually Catholic, invariably agnostic products of Harvard Divinity or its bastards.
Tancred, you give the mediocrity who is Sean (could he be a reincarnation of "Gabriel") too much credit. Not even in the cesspool of heresy which is Harvard Divinity would this fool be allowed. I recommend you find a way to edit out his agitation. The Church always taught us that error has no rights. Archimago
Or its bastards? I've been remiss in scraping these incorrigible barnacles of the hull of the blog. Sorry!
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