Saturday, January 23, 2016

The New Mercy as Interpreted by a Sexual Predator?

[Collegeville] what happens when a canon lawyer with all of the appropriate degrees is also a credibly accused sexual predator?  Saint John's Abbey houses what just might be the  largest concentration of free ranging sexual predators in the world. It was once the largest monastery in the world, but its numbers have dwindled considerably, and when encountering the monks, clear and distinct ideas develop as to why.

Father Dan Ward is going to attack the sacrament of marriage using his credentials in the appearances of legitimate ministry.

Ward has been credibly accused by former college students on four occasions of sexual exploitation. One by a young monk, and one student who came to St. John's Abbey for a visit after high school.

Now he's going to help stage manage the New Mercy in the annulment process, away from objectivity to the murk of sentiment.

Some Bishops have been dismissed and hounded out of their positions for far, far less. How about some mercy for the Church and take a long exile in the desert or leave the ministry entirely?


  1. I firmly believe if mankind rejected our current sinful lifestyles and returned to traditional catholic faith,a lot of the activity mentioned in above article would stop.

    1. It was rampant in the Middle Ages, but there were remedies then as now.

    2. Of course some monasteries were worse than others.

    3. The remedy back then was being burned at the stake.

    4. When you think about profound evil like this. It suddenly makes a lot of sense.

      See Giles de Rais.

    5. Lock the doors with the filth inside. Burn the whole damned thing to the ground.

      We need a new Inquisition.

      Catholicam vel mors!

  2. A "sunday at the abbey" with that creeper? No thanks.

  3. Lots of religious orders became corrupted, decadent, and perverted during the time of the Vatican II "New Springtime".

    1. Don't forget the one founded by John Paul II's favourite Mexican, the Legionaries of.....
      And there are others too....

    2. Yes, a paragon of oerthodoxy and traditionalism, that.


  5. 31 October 2016, commemoration of the anniversary of Lutheran reform in Sweden, starring the BoR and many other protestant ministers.....all for one and one for all!
