Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Highest Court Confirms Judgment in the Case of the Franciscans of the Immaculata

Franciscans of he Immaculata Before the Commissar Came:
Ordination of Nine Deacons in 2010
(Rome) The Supreme Court in Rome has confirmed that the founder of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate and the lay organizations related to the Order are guilty of doing nothing wrong.  The confiscated real estate property must be returned to the lay organizations.
In late June, the rumored reason for the provisional administration of the Order of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate had dissolved into nothingness."Rumored" because was no reason was named for appointing an apostolic commissioner by the Vatican until today. Behind closed doors rumors were spread that it had allegedly been an irregular shifts of assets, including the suggestion that it might be someone who was enriched. It was a slander  which was directed against Founder Manelli to discredit him. A court sentenced Commissioner Volpi to pay 20,000 euros compensation for the false claims.

When the Commissioner Came with the Prosecutor

After the first Commissioner, Father Fidenzio Volpi from the Capuchin Order, could not lay his hands on the real estate owned by the lay organizations affiliated with the Order, he  summarily confiscated the real estate ownership by the public prosecutor. In June  the competent Judicial Senate of Avellino  established that no irregularities were present and ordered the release of the seized property.
Shortly before the verdict of Avellino, Commissioner Volpi had died and been replaced by the canon lawyer Fr Sabino Ardito from the Salesian Order. It  had been hoped there would be a relaxation. But Father Alfonso Bruno was still a driving force in the conflict applies Father Alfonso Bruno in the Franciscans of the Immaculate, who had rebelled against Founder Father Stefano Maria Manelli. After the dismissal of the General Government under the Superior General, Father Manelli,  Pater Bruno then became the Secretary-General and therefore became the right hand of the Commissioner.

Return of property ownership is legally binding

In any case an appeal was filed against the judgment of Avellino, on behalf of the Commissioner. The Second Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court in Rome has rejected the appeal, thus confirming the judgment of Avellino. The release and return of the seized property ownership to the lay organizations of the Order is now final.
Part of this property is also that of the religious house in Rome, where Father Alfonso Bruno is domiciled. "With the decision of the Supreme Court the last word in the matter,"  said Alfonso Rocco, the legal counsel of the Lay Association Mission of the Immaculate Heart.

A thriving religious order of tradition was unbearable to the Congregation of Religious

The order launched in 1970 by Father Stefano Maria Manelli  is committed to tradition. Under Benedict XVI. the Order became, according to the motu proprio, Summorum Pontificum was pastorally birituell and internally old ritual. Since the Order was not under the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei for old rite communities, the Congregation of Religious  made it ​​an exception in the Church. Under Benedict XVI. it was regarded as an attractive model, which aroused the interest of young members of other religious orders, since the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, despite their strict habit, had a large following.
This combination of factors is thought to be in close religious circles  as the real reason for the provisional administration.  A thriving, tradition related Order, which grew in the midst of widespread vocations crisis,  had become unbearable for many.  But Pope Benedict XVI. held his protective hand over the young religious. Under Pope Francis and his declared aversion to tradition,  the conditions were established to take action against the Order. Four months after taking office, the Order was placed under provisional administration.
The parents of the Founder are recognized as a servants of God. The beatification process is running.The Order was gagged by the provisional government, but not the lay organizations related to the Order.  They continue to see in Founder Manelli their reference point. With the court ruling, their position relative to the Commissioner has been significantly strengthened.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Mil
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com


John the Mad said...

What a complete mess! This outrageous injustice can be laid at the feet of Pope Francis. He is responsible for the destruction of a young, vigorous, and growing order of devoted Catholic priests, for the "crime" of being traditional.

Netmilsmom said...

This is why the SSPX will grow to be the last remnant of the Latin rite.

Gabriel said...

I wish all a very happy Christmas and a New Year full of God's blessings.

Anonymous said...

I knew it would all work out. Viva il papa! Thanks to Our Lady!

Geremia said...

Thank God for the State bringing justice!

Anonymous said...

agreed... extra Ecclesiae nulla salus.

Eirene said...

God's Right Arm is not shortened by the machinations of the devil and his cohorts! Those who sought to destroy this Order have irrevocably declared themselves
and it has been recorded in heaven. God's Justice has
prevailed. Kyrie Eleison.

Unknown said...

so are the friars now allowed to say mass in the extraordinary form?

Nicolas Bellord said...

It is intriguing how some clerics in pursuit of their aims are quite happy to ignore the ordinary decencies of life and the law of the land. However much some of those liberals are acting in good faith the manipulations that took place in the Synod of the Family have utterly disgraced them.

B flat said...

It is embarrassing, when one is judged guilty of wrongdoing. For the Modern Church which models itself on worldly standards, it is surely shameful. In any organisation which feels itself accountable, those guilty of wrongdoing are sacked.
In the Dicastery for religious life, under Pope Francis, this is turned on its head. The innocent and successful by any standards are sacked, and imprisoned or exiled. What happens to those guilty of this injustice? They continue happily in post continuing their evil work.
What real comfort have we from this kind of Church administration? Pope Francis loves the "reformed" protestants. He fails to see how closely he is mimicking the heedlessness of despotic Renaissance Popes in failing to correct the evil at work within the Church by his support of this perverted policy. Or does he, in fact approve it?
Christ began, like John the Baptist, in preaching Repentance because the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. It is now surely closer. If neither Pope nor the Roman Congregation responsible chooses to repent their actions, the consequences are clear to all, if unspoken. Who am I to judge?

Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.
I thank God that He made death a consequence of sin, so that evil may not continue to be done without limits. Witnessing this horror, drives away the will to live.

Anonymous said...

"I knew it would all work out. Viva il papa! Thanks to Our Lady!"

The expression "Viva il Papa" has no place in this discussion, since it was under the direction of Pope Francis himself, the radical, the heretic, that the destruction of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate was initiated.
God's justice might take time, but it prevails in the long run. Many of those who persecuted this growing and exemplary new religious Order of devout traditional Franciscan friars, sisters, and cloistered monks and nuns are either discredited, or dead.
Pope Francis does not deserve the expression "Viva il
Papa" in that he was behind the scenes responsible for this mess. It is a time honored salutation I have been told that is rarely if ever heard in Rome these days...so much is Francis disliked. The applause that former Pope Benedict XVI received at the opening of the Holy Door a few weeks ago, was an embarrassment to the die-hard radical lovers of Pope Francis who were present.
For all he has said and done in nearly 3 years, the expression "Viva il Papa" is totally inappropriate for a man like Pope Francis. For Benedict XVI, yes. Francis, NO way!

Damian Malliapalli

Anonymous said...

No, they are not, the FFI are no more a religiuos order.

Anonymous said...

The SSPX aren't thee only traditional order.There are many many different orders of traditional catholics.

Anonymous said...

Everyone needs to hear Fr.Michael Oswalt's latest interview on www.truerestorationradio.org.
It's about this very subject.

Tancred said...

The FFI can still say the Mass, but they have to apply for local permission to say it.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone really doubt that Francis is the architect of this destruction? If you do, you are afflicted with willful blindness or insanity. Francis is the Grand Destroyer of the Church, and being dictatorial, nothing happens without his meddlesome fingers playing a role. I wonder whether the social contract notion of the liberals of the "Enlightenment" (as in Locke and Hobbes) does not have an older, Christian pedigree that would, according to reason and decency, preclude any allegiance to a leader as amoral as Francis. I cannot believe---and God will judge me on this---that Christians can have no earthly recourse to someone who acts like a wolf rather than a shepherd. Francis practices treason at the highest level of the human sphere; this would seem to warrant a loyal (to the Faith and the Church) rebellion on the part of bishops, lower clergy and laity. RC

M. Prodigal said...

Anonymous at 4:36 is wrong. The FFI is still in existence although there is a big meeting in January among 'superiors' so we will see if the persecuting ones have their day. Yes, the pope is behind all this. And a hatred for Our Lady from some too. There have no ordinations since the present pontiff came to power. Holiness does is not in line for 'mercy' apparently. But heaven knows the truth and the truth WILL win the day in God's time. I fully expect Padre Manelli to be a canonized saint one day. He is taking all this slander, persecution, and calumny with a calm peace and trust in Our Lady.

LeonG said...

Defeat for the unholy cause - liberal modernism is so humbug; so multi-faced. It will eventually be defeated completely.

Unknown said...

"Viva il papa" is like applauding the criminal culprit in this scandalous injustice.

You are a scoundrel and I mean that in the most "charitable" way.

Sean said...

Where are the 13 Cardinals, where are the other orthodox bishops in all of this?

Jack said...

In my opinion the FFI should exonerate themselves of any permission to say the TLM since the Motu Proprio of Pope Benedict explicitely says that every priest of Latin rite is allowed to say the TLM WITHOUT the permission of his hierarchy.

Jack said...

The worst that was inflicted by the commissar Volpi (the fox, in italian) to the poor friars is that they are not given the permission to leave their Order to be incardinated in the ordinary of a diocese as simple parish priests. They are spiritually jailed.

Eirene said...

Not half as spiritually jailed as is the departed Volpi who caused these deprivations to be enacted upon these good friars!

Anonymous said...

Franciscans of the Immaculate hand over property

James said...

It's all in the toilet with Pope Francis.

Anonymous said...

Now some friars are being given a leave of absence. Perhaps permanently? There are those who want the death of the Institute but the frustrating thing is that there is no crime to be found. The sin of disobedience from some, yes, but there are no grounds for suppression. And being pontifical rite, it has to come from the pope.

Anonymous said...

The SSPX were the first though, like it or not they did pave the way.

Ben said...

A very happy and blessed Christmas to all.

Anonymous said...

Yes indeed Anony 8:45pm Long live Pope Benedict.
Merry Christmas

Anonymous said...

Sure it does, Long Live Pope Benedict! Can't say it often enough

Unknown said...

No they were not even the First. Check your facts.

Tancred said...

If the legislation means anything, they really ought to do as you say.

Anonymous said...

The SSPX were late in the game.There were many traditional clergy years before them.
Bishop McKenna,Fr.DePauw,Bishop Kurz,Fr.Fouhay,etc..

Gerard Brady said...

'All shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.' There have been evil Popes in the past but they did not bury the Church and neither will the present incumbent disgracing the chair of Peter. The more I hear about Fr. Manelli the more I am impressed. I offer prayers for him and his work and pray he lives to see his Order grow and thrive. I wonder if those who have betrayed him feel any pangs of conscience at this stage?

Anonymous said...

Pope Francis has declared a year of Mercy. The Franciscans of the Immaculate have received Mercy. Not from Francis but from a civil court. Sadly this does will not bother Pope Francis because when he inflicts suffering on the innocent he never tries to make things right. Great news, not from the Modernist leaders of the Church but from a civil court. Benedicamus Domino. Deo Gratias!