Saturday, November 7, 2015

Animus Delendi Against the Franciscans of the Immaculate Continues -- Obsessive Micromanaging by Bergoglian Bureaucracy

(Rome) The battle against the  Franciscans of the Immaculata continues. Hardly had Pope Francis mounted the throne of Peter, than the opponents of the traditional rite in the Order felt themselves strong enough, with his agreement, to place the once thriving men's branch of the order under a provisional administration.  The women's branch "only" received an apostolic delegate as an overseer, but was still drawn in sympathy with the men's Order because of its close spiritual and institutional connectedness. With a confidential decree of 19. October 2015, the Roman Congregation for Religious reinforced its resolve to proceed further against the men's and women's branches of the Order. In his decree Pope Francis is obliging the women's order to avoid a "special vow" or "solemn promise." What this involves can be read herein.  

The New Decree

"Because of credible information about a private vow (or promise) of special obedience, which is reserved to some male and female religious to the founder, which has been placed above the general vows of obedience owed to the superior, has prompted this dicastry to bring this problem to the attention of the Holy Father, who has given a special mandate to deal specifically with this problem.

Therefore, the Congregation for the Institute of Consecrated Life and for the Societies of Apostolic Life in enforcing this mandate for the good of the souls of all members of the Franciscans of the Immaculata, and all eventually bound to these institutions, by private vows (or promises) of a special nature to founders or foundresses.

In consequence it will be necessary that in future this vow or promise in future is not practiced either in its current or any future form.

With that this annuls any document, should such exist,  in its value, such that it involves in any way the vow (or promise) named here.  

It is the obligation of responsible authority in both institutes to make these stipulations known in a measured and discrete way to all members belonging currently to the institutes so that they can know how they are to respond if any have been placed under such a vow.

Superiors will be instructed by the Dicastry about the times and modalities for the introduction of this decree.
Released against anything to the contrary, from the Vatican, on 19th of October 2015.
Joao Braz Card. de Aviz
+ José Rodriguez Carballo OFM
Erzbischof Sekretär

The Accompanying Music by  Corriere della Sera

Dekret der Ordenskongregation vom 19. Oktober 2015
Decree From the Congregation of Religious on  vom 19. Oktober 2015

The desired musical accompaniment by the Corriere della Sera

Decree of the Congregation of the Order of 19 October 2015
Decree of the Congregation of the Order of 19 October 2015
The Corriere della Sera gave on  a backgroundn report Thursday for   for the unusual decree. It  took great pains  to make the desired background music in support of the Decree. The Order is made ​​by blending diverse elements under general suspicion. But telling signs can be seen Interspersed between.  
The article refers back to a Franciscan  of the Immaculate, who wanted neither to be named  or photographed. He had stated:  without giving any reasons, that there are new efforts around the deposed Founder  Fr Stefano Maria Manelli and the Vatican in 2013,  to establish a new  Old Rite Order. "They do not want to acknowledge the Modern",  the anonymous brother  who is against these efforts, allegedly told Corriere della SeraThe special vow (or promise) was linked to these aspirations for a new foundation and concerns those men and women religious, who have remained faithful to the Founder.

Aspirations for a New Old Rite Establishment

The Decree by the Congregation of Religious which was in turn adopted with papal approval, says at the outset that there were "credible" reports. The decree itself reveals, however, that the Vatican has adopted it on the basis of conjecture, without having any concrete evidence. The decree thus sounds like a new shot across the bow, which clarifies that the religious congregation remains determined to disrupt  order from recognition and to subject it to re-education.  Anyway, nothing should be remain of  the actual charisma of the Order.
The fact is that there are, since the Autumn of 2013, efforts of monks and nuns to found a new religious in which the true charism lives. That charism of fidelity to tradition and the rediscovery of the traditional rite, which had led the Order to its heyday and was shattered by the raging, appointed in 2013 and now deceased Apostolic Commissar, the Capuchin Fidenzio Volpi.  So far, however, nothing is known about a "special vow." 

Congregation of Religious Unwilling to Allow Reestablishment

The Congregation appointed a new Commissar last June with  Salesians Sabino Ardito, and there was hope that he would lead the Order with a calmer hand. However, the Congregation of Religious does not seem willing to grant such a rest. Above all, it seems to want to prevent the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate from carrying out a new religious foundation. Commissar Volpi had warned  Italian Bishops during the General Assembly of the Italian Bishops' Conference not to take Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate in their dioceses.
As early as autumn 2013. dozens brothers had applied to the Congregation of Religious to be released from their religious vows. The canonically compliant departure from  the altered Order should have given them the opportunity to ask for incardination in dioceses and free them up for the path to reestablishment of an Order. The Congregation has refused until today, however, such a dispensation. Cardinal Braz de Aviz and Pope Francis do not want the Order of Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate 2, since the Order of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate 1 have placed under provisional control ​​and broken. 
Thus, the brothers are forced by the Congregation to remain in the Order, although this is no longer the same Oder since the provisional administration than the one which they were originally committed to.  Should they leave without a dispensation of the Order, which have a number of well done, this puts them canonically in the wrong.  Each Bishop, or superior of another order, and especially by the Vatican could go against them in the field, since they are not in a canonically regular position. In short their lives would be  on end of a  rope indefinitely. It's a situation that brings brothers and sisters into a fitful moral dilemma. Above all, one does not change an order like a shirt.

What is at stake in the matter: A brief review

The ordeal of  Father Manelli's order, who was ousted from the Order until the summer of 2013, so continues. Reminder: The Order of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate was created after the Second Vatican Council. While other orders over abruptly "modernized", Father Manelli went the opposite way and wanted to return to the roots of the Minorite Order, to which he belonged at the time. He joined an increasing number of young men and women, so in 1990 a new foundation was necessary for religious revival of the Order of Friars Minor of St. Francis of Assisi.
Under Pope Benedict XVI.   the young discovered, with the blessing of numerous vocations,  the traditional rite. The priests concelebrated in for reasons of pastoral care in both forms of the Roman Rite. Internally the Order underwent the change from the new rite to the traditional rite. The result was an even more rapid growth of the Order, which would then set up a number of new monasteries and take over  pastoral care in parishes and sanctuaries.
The Order did not belong, because of its development, to the old ritual Ecclesia Dei -communities but was under the Congregation of Religious like all new rite communities.  That made ​​it an anomaly that was before 2013, an example to all th other new rite orders.
Thus arose also a violent resistance within the Order. The resistance of a small internal minority, who would not  tolerate the traditional rite. For the same reason there was also resistance from among other church circles who believed they recognized a hazard in the Order. The Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate had a thriving community, and were viewed enviously by the other orders. Above all, it seemed to be the living proof that the often prostrate  nature of religious orders can be revived even in Europe through the stern austerity, tradition and the traditional rite. The Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate were on the way under Pope Benedict XVI. to becoming a potential model for other orders. It was an idea that came not with undivided joy.

With the papal election of 2013, the problems started

Under Pope Benedict XVI. no one dared openly to oppose the Order. The German Pope had returned the traditional rite with the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum to the universal Church. In implementation of this Motu Proprio, the Order had returned to the traditional rite. The German pope was especially closely connected with the Franciscans of the Immaculate, too closely, so that the envious and chief opponents of the traditional rite would never have dared to lay hands.
With the unexpected resignation of Benedict and the election of Pope Francis, the situation had changed radically in one fell swoop. The Argentinian Pope was soon repeatedly recognized for his dislike of the representatives of tradition and also that he retained the traditional rite as  a passing "fad." Now it happened in quick succession.Citing and in cooperation with the small band of five brothers who complained to the Congregation of Religious, Father Manelli and the entire Order leadership were deposed and replaced by an Apostolic Commissar, the said Father Volpi, and he also no friend of the traditional rite. The Order now lacked the protection afforded by the Ecclesia Dei 's own communities.

The Imposition of the "new Mercy"

To this day, the Vatican has offered no reasons for this serious interference. Only unofficial hints by Commissioner Volpi and the Curial Archbishop Carballo, who has been appointed by Pope Francis secretary of the Congregation for Religious could show that it comes to an ideological struggle against tradition and the traditional rite. This is suggested, since celebration of the old rite was banned for all  priests  by decree of the provisional administration. In open opposition to the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum every priest of the Order had to individually apply for a special permission to celebrate the old rite again. It was a demonstrative act of reducing and downgrading of the traditional rite, with which the Order members  were   shown what is now required under the new conditions in the Vatican and what is not.
Pope Francis withdrew the possibility from the astonished friars the right to appeal against the decree in opposition to the Congregation of Religious. The case would have ultimately landed before the judgment seat of Cardinal Raymond Burke, the then Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, an incorruptible Canon Law expert and declared friend of the traditional rite. This should be avoided. Basically, as well as the  aforementioned rejection of dispensation, shows that Order members should be compelled for re-education.
Pope Francis has dedicated his pontificate to the theme of mercy. Yet he has showed the Franciscans of the Immaculate anything but mercy.
 Text: Giuseppe Nardi 
Image: Mil
Trans: Tancred


Anonymous said...

An unbelieving pope further clamps down on Fr. Stefano Manelli F.I

P.J.David said...

Let us pray to the Immaculate Heart of Mary that she may console and protect every single priest and Nun of F.I. She alone can do great things ,she alone is our Hope . She may send help from Heaven to make Francis silent and to fear God Almighty.

Anonymous said...

Aviz strikes again! I don´t think this wasn´t Pope Francis´s doing.

Why can´t they just leave them in peace?

Well the good Sisters will be obedient and say yes and will carry on as if nothing happened living out the 4th Marian Vow in their hearts and actions.

Anonymous said...

Pope Francis is like Stalin.

Anonymous said...

He obeys and does what They have ordered him to do, a useful idiot,as Lenin called these guys.Memes.

susan said...

anon 11:01; why do you and so many others assume that bergoglio is just some mindless rube blindly 'obeying' his overlords? How is it not patently and manifestly obvious to you by now that bergoglio IS one of the overlords?...he's the ringleader of the cabal. I've said it before and each day proves me to be a little more right:

antichrist=george soros
beast-=barack obama (though this could be hitllary or an as-yet
unrevealed imam)
false prophet=bergoglio

Gabriel said...

My bet is that the FFI will either be condemned eventually as heretical just like the extremist Plague era Flagellati or be required to undergo a period of collective repentance and re-education just like late paedeophile Marciel Marcial's Legionaries of Christ.
Both groups were structured on an extremely dangerous system of authoritarian, non-accountable governance. They are in social composition and spirit sectarian, little self-interested churches within the Church, just like Opus Dei.

Carl said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Aviz is 100% against Catholic tradition, and it is unbelievable he was appointed by Benedict XVI. Aviz succeeded the great Cardinal Franc Rode, who initiated the investigation of USA nuns which, of course under Francis and Aviz was killed off.
This judgement against the FFI friars and nuns is entirely Aviz...with the strong support of Francis.
I wonder if the cloistered, contemplative branch of friars of the Order still exists after all this trouble. There were already 2 monasteries founded in Italy during the later part of Benedict XVI's term,,,,they are the very first Order within the Franciscan heritage of cloistered contemplative friars.
There have always been, since the beginnings in the 1200's with Saint Francis and Clare, the cloistered nuns. There are now some 10,000 Poor Clares and a smaller number of similar Orders claiming St, Clare as their inspiration for cloistered life (some Orders as small as 9 members). But in the whole of Franciscan history there has never been a cloistered,contemplative branch of friars, until the two monasteries were founded ffrom the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate in 2 Italian monasteries. I hope they still exist and are surviving, and maybe thriving.
In Franciscan history among friars, the closest ever come to cloistered,contemplative life for men were the Alcantarine Franciscans, founded in the mid 16th century by St. Peter of Alcantara in Spain, existing until the Leonine Union of all branches of the Franciscan Observant inspiration into one Order....the OFM- Order of Friars Minor. The TOR(THird Order Regular friars, T.O.R.), Capuchins, (OFM Cap.) and Franciscan Friars Conventual (OFM. Conv.) remained independent and untouched from the Leonine Union. But the Union also dissolved the Alcantarine Franciscans, and the Discalced Franciscan Friars, which was a shame.
Damian Malliapalli.

Anonymous said...

Frankie and his apostate sodomite cohort (yeah, they've been doing it in U.S. seminaries for 40 years) are trying to get these priests and religious to quit -- might not be a bad idea and found an order outside the apostasy. Leave Frankie holding the empty bag.

M. Prodigal said...

Ah, Gabriel the troll. You know nothing.

Athelstane said...

This is a confusing set of conflations. The Flagelleti were suppressed because of heresy; the Legion was put into receivership because of sexual abuse and problematic administration and spiritual governance. Otherwise they have little in common with each other. Is it your suggestion that one or both of these issues is implicated with the FFI?

And if both of those orders are like Opus Dei, why has Opus Dei (which is not a religious order) not come in for any such scrutiny? Is it also your position that the FFI is characterized by "authoritarian, non-accountable governance" and "sectarian, little self-interested churches?" What are the defining characteristics of such problems, and how are they present in the FFI?

DJR said...

What heresy would the FFI be condemned for?

It would be the height of insanity to think that an order like the FFI would need condemning while we have nuns in the hundreds running around promoting women's ordination, abortion, and any other evil imaginable, and yet they get thanked by the Holy Father.

And that's not to mention such groups as... well, the Jesuits, for starters, along with openly "gay" priests, et cetera.

Anonymous said...

this explains why the ffi have been persecuted under this "pontificate":

fr gobbi, message #76 july 29, 1975

"satan fears only this: an army of priests consecrated to my immaculate heart and completely abandoned to me.
he knows that through them I myself have accepted the challenge which he has again dared to hurl at my son,
and he now senses that his defeat is at hand."

Lynda said...

The flagrant persecution of the FFI is classic. Their sacrificial suffering offered in reparation for the sins of the Church and the world, will bring great graces. Thank you, stalwart, suffering holy men and women for your sanctifying witness and instructive perseverence and fortitude. May Our Lord and His Blessed Mother protect you all in Faith and goodness.

Gerhardt said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Deacon Augustine said...

The main reason they have fallen victim to the apostates in the Vatican is that they published the works of Bruno Gherardini.

The only sin that cries out to heaven for vengeance in Frankie's Renaissance Court is to suggest that there is anything about Vatican II which needs correcting.

Deacon Augustine said...

You do realise Fr Gobbi is dead, don't you? By saying he has been cast out, do you mean he is in hell?

Anonymous said...

I refuse to formally receive Vatican II. If it had produced Holy results form God, like the Council of Trent did within less than 50 years,,,and there was a great flowering and vitality of the Church, they of couse I would formally receive Vatican II.
But since it has produced the opposite, and in 50 years has helped destroy the Church, culminating with a Vatican II Pope who is bent of destroying evernything Catholic, then yes, I reject Vatican II.
Am I in schism from the "church" of Pope Frankie and his cohorts......that's no loss. LOL!!
Damian Malliapalli

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Pope "Frankie", he apparently had a dizzy spell or something today in St. Peter's Square and tripped up the steps after the audience. He caught himself with his hands, but looked super unsteady when his aides helped him up and was white as a sheet. It's on video .
He probably DOES have something serious wrong with him....even if it isn't that brain tumor they talked about last month.
But the Vatican never denied it either.

Anonymous said...

The one who is in schism from the Catholic Church is "Gabriel," since for him and his ilk the Church began with the subversive Vatican II. They are cut off from Catholic history, tradition, culture, learning and holiness. They are heirs only to a poisonous ecumenism, banal and sacriligeous liturgies, moral relativism, empty nunneries and monasteries, religiously illiterate laity, sodomite scandals of all sorts at all levels, bankruptcies to finance dereliction of duty, and the general mockery of the world even as it (especially the whore press) adulate Francis as they at long last have their apostate pope. What Vatican II contained of Tradition is not its own, but a recasting of Church teaching, and that all Catholics accept without the dubious mediation of Vatican II; what it contains of novelty regarding religious freedom and ecumenism in particular all real Catholics reject as officially condemned by the Sacred Magisterium and contrary to the Catholic Faith of the saints and martyrs. Let no one on this site for a second be intimidated by the usual accusation of schism, hurled at us by the true schismatics and heretics of our day. They turn the truth upside down because they despise the Truth and are cowardly bullies. RC

Anonymous said...

The 4th vow is one of unlimited consecration to the Immaculate, not to the founders. I know.

Anonymous said...

You are "Gabrie," like your Father, a liar. Vatican II does not contain the Magisterium of all preceding Councils---a ridiculous assertion as no council does that, except in the warped, schismatic minds of those who would turn Vatican II into a super council with the express mission of imposing a new religion through its ambiguous teaching on unsuspecting, poorly catechized Catholics. And Benedict makes no such assertion---he, in fact, asserted the opposite: Vatican Council II taught no doctrine and was, as the Council itself declared, a purely pastoral Council whose only binding elements are those it repeats from Tradition and the previous Magisterium. Among those are not Nostra Aetate (an irenicist, quasi-heretical document) or the document on religious freedom which does contradict the Magisterium of the Church regarding the prerogatives of Truth over falsehood. The notion of Vatican II as a super-council is itself heretical and never intended even by the Fathers who attended it. It is a liberal ploy to steal from us the Immemorial Faith and impose theirs. Fight them with all your might, even though in fact they are already defeated in their lies and heresies. Christus vincit, Christus regnat, Christus imperat.

The master of this web really must find a way to block before they are published the heretical, diabolical comments of this so-called "Gabriel" or "Jim" or the other names this evil spirit uses to confuse, to cause upheaval, and to pervert the Faith of Catholics. His true aim is clear to me: he would like to destroy this web site as it unmasks the lies and dictatorship of Francis and his claque of miserable dogs who do his bidding. Remember: this disordered spirit's real aim is not to defend Francis so much, though, as it is to destroy this web site by creating discouragement. Find a way (perhaps through the ID of the computer where the comments come from---experts can do that) to block this maggot before his comments find a way to appear, and thus practice the true Catholic virtue of suppressing falsehood and not giving the enemies of Christ and His True Church a "democratic" voice to which by natural and divine law they have no right. Archimago

Anonymous said...

yes , the FFI make the usual 3 vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, and, in addition, they take the special 4th vow of consecration to the immaculate heart of mary.

Anonymous said...

And your problem is with Catholic Tradition and the Catholic Faith, that teaches that Truth cannot contradict itself. Benedict teaches no such thing and spoke against turning Vatican II into a super-council. It is you and your ilk that would like us to believe that ecumenical irenicism and denying the Jewish people the Truth of Christ which they need for salvation is the hemeneutic of continuity. It is treason to the Faith and bold-faced lying---and by now most decent, rational Catholics know it or at least sense it. Your doom is not far. Archimago

Anonymous said...

I Agree with You Susan
antichrist=george soros
beast-=barack obama
false prophet=bergoglio

Unknown said...

Unfortunately I think we are going to get even worse than this lot. This is just thebeginning

Anonymous said...

Gerhard, what on earth are you smoking? Fr Gobbi founded the MMP, the marian movement of priests (1973).
He had nothing to do with the FFI.

Anonymous said...

The only solution to the problem of the anti-Pope Bergoglio is to depose him. Vatican City has one jail, Bergoglio should be confined to it for the rest of his life. His evil humble mercy has gone too far. How much more can we take?

Anonymous said...

There are actually, stirrings in Rome etc. that Francis should be deposed, that he is unfit. But unfortunately, at this moment it's just gossip. Unless/Until the good Cardinals and bishops make a move to force him to back down and move out, nothing will happen.
Do they have the courage to do so? Probably not. And that is a tragedy.
Damian Malliapalli

Gaston said...

A great encouragement for the Catholic Church in Belgium. The report from The Tablet:

"Moderate named new head of Catholic Church in Belgium
06 November 2015 14:13 by Christopher Lamb in Rome
Pope Francis today named Jozef De Kesel as the new Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels and de facto leader of the Catholic Church in Belgium.
Currently Bishop of Bruges, he is seen as a moderate in comparison to his conservative predecessor, Archbishop André-Joseph Léonard, whose offer of retirement aged 75 has been promptly accepted by the Pope.
Bishop De Kesel, 68, has called for a relaxation of mandatory celibacy for priests and said that women’s ordination is “negotiable.”
At a press conference announcing his appointment in Brussels today, he is reported to have stressed his “respect” for gay people adding that respect for each person, regardless of their sexual orientation, “is a value that the Gospel shares with modern culture."
Traditionally the Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels is made a cardinal, although this did not happen with Archbishop Leonard.
Bishop De Kesel, who served under leading progressive, Cardinal Godfried Danneels, a former Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels, has not, however, been as bold as another contender for Belgium’s primatial see, the Bishop of Antwerp, Johan Bonny, who has called for Church recognition of gay couples.
The archbishop-elect was ordained for the Diocese of Ghent in 1972 and wrote a doctoral thesis at Rome’s Gregorian University on the work of the liberal German Lutheran theologian and New Testament scholar, Rudolf Bultmann.
He has taught at a teacher training centre at the University of Leuven, the seminary in Ghent and was auxiliary Bishop of Mechen-Brussels from 2002-10."

Anonymous said...

No, I have not resigned membership in the Catholic Church, Gabriel. I renounce, reject a Pope like Francis, his agenda and his associates. But I still am a member of the Catholic Church. I have great respect , and admiration and profound sense of loyalty to the traditions of the Catholic Faith, its Magesterium, and the liturgical traditions of our Faith. I also have great respect for the Papacy and for it's service of unity and defender of the teachings of Jesus Christ and of His Holy Catholic Church, the Deposit of Faith that so many thru history have died for.
Since Francis , his agenda and his associates respects ,defends, and represents none of this, I reject them and everything they stand for.
Damian Malliapalli

Lynda said...


Carl said...

There are more than stirrings around many blogs that you are a dangerously disturbed, toxic hate-monger.
Get help.

susan said...

anyone who uses the words "The report from The Tablet:" in a serious and laudatory way has outed himself as a modernist ass (but then I repeat myself), worthy of full derision.

susan said...

evil and error have no 'rights'...crawl back under your rock gaybriel.

And job well done swing the Sword of the Spirit well.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion the gravest mistakes made by Bl. Pope Paul Vl, St. John Paul ll and Pope Benedict XVl was to not excommunicate the Modernist heretics. Bl. Pope Paul Vl said he detected the smoke of satan had entered the very house of God. Its more like demons disguised as rodents has infested the Church on a Huge gigantic scale. The fixture has been entrusted by God to the Immaculate Heart Of Mary. Deo Gratias!

susan said...

Fernando....Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria Montini WAS one of the rodents. He did incalculable damage to the design. If you've never given this a read, do may help to open your eyes to some difficult truths....

and this....

Lynda said...

Yes, Mr Malliapalli, One cannot subscribe to the Catholic Faith and to what Francis promotes. God bless you.

Anonymous said...

Vatican Council II ?
The Catechism(1992) assumes BOD and BOB are explicit : this is the mistake in Vatican Council II (AG 7, LG 14) and the Letter of the Holy Office

jac said...

This same Paul VI suppressed the "antimodernist oath" that every priest was obliged to take on his ordination's day.
He suppressed also the prayer to Saint Michael that Pope Leo XIII had ordered to be recited at the end of the low masses.
And then, Paul VI dared to say that the "smokes of Satan" had entered the Temple of God?
It's a mockery.

jac said...

See what Rorate says about this appointment:
Looks like a different song

Anonymous said...

Oh God have mercy on us! SAVE US from the tyranny and oppression of Pope Francis! I pray that God delivers us from him before all is completely laid waste. HELP US LORD!

jac said...

The VATII council is not binding on the faithfuls since it was only pastoral and it didn't issue any new dogmatical definition. So you are free to ignore it.
In addition you are obliged in conscience to disregard the texts of this council when they are contradicting the Church's Tradition and the teachings issued by the Magisterium or by a previous pope or a previous council in an infallible manner.
For example: The texts about the religious freedom.

Carl said...

Don't worry about any damage allegedly caused by Pope Francis.
You're doing a splendid job doing a termite job on the Church of God.

susan said...

yeah, "yves", nice come-back to facts. If you're not fr. rosica, you're certainly cut from the same lavender damask cloth. Go sing some haugen tunes and settle in with your pomegranate mohito for a rerun of Downton Abbey. Effete putz.

susan said...


Effete putz..

Lynda said...

The demons are enraged by truth. Say a prayer for the souls captured by them.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Lynda very much.

Damian Malliapalli

Anonymous said...

I think Carl is yet another manifestation of "Gabriel"

Damian Malliapalli

Tancred said...

I think we're going to go to moderated comments. Obviously you have nothing to fear, but the demonic people whose comments I have to scrape off the blog daily and sometimes hourly, will have a very hard time commenting in the future. Sorry for inconvenience.

Anonymous said...

That's alright Tancred. I think the majority of us who share with you the same love of Catholic tradition and the teachings of the Faith make our comments not with vitriolic diatribes and snarky insults, but with a reasoned criticism and objection when this Pope and others in his circle promote that which is so obviously a break with the Faith.
I often comment here that I don't think Pope Francis will be here for much longer. After what happened to him Saturday (tripping and falling up the stairs of St. Peters), and now today, practically collapsing (not falling, but rather collapsing....there's a big difference), when he tried to climb the steps at the altar of St. John Lateran and had to be practically carries up the five stairs, at the top of which he clutched his chest and gasped) I truly don't think he will be. There's a few video clips of today's collapse on the stairs. If anyone watched's not a stumble of someone who missteps, rather it's like someone collapsing due to a sudden problem. I think he has a growing problem which will soon be too hig to cover up or explain away by Fr. Lombardi. I'm not hoping for it of course, I just think his time in St. St. Peter's throne is winding down, and will come to a quick, end....something like John Paul I in 1978, I wasn't alive for that, but I remember reading and watching videos about it.
Damian Malliapalli.

Anonymous said...

Damien Malliapalli, I was watching the breaking news at age 19 in 1978 when it was announced that Albino Luciani Patriarch of Venice was the new Pope whose name would be John Paul l. The liberals were disappointed as they all said with one voice, "Another Italian?!". Traditional minded Catholics were overwhelmed as they saw in him a man who would bring the Church out of the darkness that was enveloping it. He was a humble Pope who took the office of St. Peter seriously. He was very honest and spoke to the people in simple terms, but as Pope he spoke in the strong Traditional language of the Church. It was only 13 years after the end of Vatican Council ll. He spoke to the people and admitted that at first he could not accept the Council, but gradually did. This gave hope to those who saw V2 as a catastrophe. We hoped he would lead us to be able to accept the Council. 33 days of great joy. Then suddenly the news that His Holiness died. It was a sad time for those who loved Christ and his Church. Thanks for mentioning him.

susan said...

GREAT move!

Anonymous said...

Damian Malliapalli, I don't think its just a rumor about the talks of deposing Bergoglio. There are 3 things that have been in the news that I consider. First, when a Pope is elected, within a few days a Canonical Decree is issued proclaiming the Pope's canonical election. Its been almost 3 years and that decree has yet to be issued. Second, by Canon Law in a conclave if there are more ballots than electors then that voting session is invalid and not to be taken into consideration, its like it never took place. In the election of Bergoglio there was one ballot more than there was electors, the ballot was blank but that voting session by canon law was null and void. Third, Bergoglio as a Jesuit, like all Jesuits take an extra vow, that vow is made to God that if ever elected Pope he will not accept. Bergoglio broke his canonical religious vow, and that calls for canonical sanctions. He made a vow and he was prohibited from accepting the Papacy. I'm glad you love Christ and his Church, enough to speak out in the Church's defense. God Bless.

P.J.David said...

Damian Malliapalli, I read your sensible and good comments. May God Bless you.

Anonymous said...

I am from Philippines. I was told by a brother who left the Franciscans in 2013 to go back to lay life that a group of Franciscans of the Immaculata established a community in Panpangas, Luzon, PH. Do you know any think about it? Pico