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Cardinal Burke |
(Washington) This past September 13, Cardinal Rayond Burke, who was removed by Pope Francis from the Roman Curia for being the spokesman of Kasper's critics, spoke in St. Louis about "the truth of Christ in marriage." The Cardinal Patronus of the Sovereign Order of Malta addressed the spiritual, social, doctrinal and canonical aspects of the crisis, in which marriage and the family in Western culture find themselves. The cardinal spoke of a great confusion and rebellion inside the Church.
Cardinal Burke stressed that in "our" increasingly secularized and a hostile world the greater responsibility lays on the shoulders of parents to mold the children by word and example, and to teach them the true meaning of Christian marriage. Along with the authentic, always valid teaching of the Church, the healthy family formation for children and young people will prove to be the main source for their guidance, as a key means by which Christian truth will be passed to the next generation.
Resistance to Kasper Proposal - New Nullity of Marriage "Could Cause Problems" "
The cardinal suggested the book was published in 2014 shortly before the Synod of Bishops "Remaining in the Truth of Christ" of five cardinals, including Burke, for reading. In Saint Louis, he reaffirmed his categorical opposition to the proposal by Cardinal Walter Kasper, allow divorced and remarried to the sacraments.
The Cardinal Patron, an excellent canonist, also expressed that there could be some problems because of the new provisions announced on September 8 by Pope Francis on the nullity of marriage. The new rules, says the cardinal, would require a lot of caution and a particularly attentive interpretation in the light of the long canonical and doctrinal tradition of the Church.
A negative example Cardinal Burke mention the suspension of the double judgment for the nullity of marriage in the United States during the period of 1971 to 1983. The American "experiment" of "rationalization" [Streamlining] of the marriage annulment process has led in practice to general laxity that had become perceived as a "Catholic divorce". That was one reason why the Code of Canon Law of 1983 had restored the duty of appeal in the second instance, as it had been introduced in 1740 by Benedict XIV..
Divine law will be, "only more Ideal"
To spread "confusion," says the cardinal, it is also put in effect that today the divine law would put marriage and chastity down as mere "ideals", that demand a need for heroic holiness in ordinary Catholics. Such an attitude, in turn, leads to false ideas about "mercy", as well as the admission of Catholics to the sacraments, who are in the state of mortal sin, because the ideal is unattainable anyway.
Cardinal Burke stressed however, that the teaching of Scripture and the Church says that God's gift of grace are always sufficient to resist any temptation and to obey His commandments. For this, however, there is a condition: The faithful must turn in humility, with trusting faith and unceasing prayer to Him.
At the end of his speech he replied to the question of what Catholics should do if it should come to a "strange twist" at the upcoming Synod. Cardinal Burke's prompt response consisted of only two words: "Remain true!"
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Mil
Image: Mil
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotail.com
Remain true. Nothing more need be said.
"This past September 13, Cardinal Rayond Burke, who was removed by Pope Francis from the Roman Curia for being the spokesman of Kasper's critics..."
That is false.
As to the remainder of the article...Yes, remain true. Remain in communion with the Vicar Of Jesus Christ.
Mark Thomas
Have we all noticed we have in Mark Thomas a serpent in our midst? Britomartis
No, remain true to the Catholic Faith, which Pope Francis is about to deny at the October Synod (notice his hand-picked appointments) and has in fact already implicitly in the two sacandalous motu propios streamlining the annulment process---rendering it in fact a "Catholic" divorce. Cardinal Burke knows what is coming,and he is preparing the Faithful when the terrible moment arrives of having to choose between the Catholic Faith and papal adulation cum sectarian idolatry of the person of the pope. He knows Bergoglio very well from before the conclave that elected this Modernist. AB
What a strange twist this Mark Thomas's appearance is. How new, how fresh, how insightful, unlike that strange turn Gaybriel person that keeps popping up with his tired old act. In fact, I am sure that in his haste to support the Church, Mark Thomas meant to add after "... in communion with the Vicar of Jesus Christ..." the rest: "and the Magisterium, from Pentecost to now, and ever." If he had even more time he would have cited Paul's admonishment to Peter "I resist you to your face."
Please write again, Mark Thomas, but don't feel any rush, we can bet you are busy. Remember, "whole contexts, appropriate situations."
Mr. Thomas is like Gabriel. Maybe they are one and the same? Anyway, they sound alike !
Cardinal Burke will he a star at the next conclave which will be sooner than even I thought by the looks of Pope Francis. If anyone saw a pix of him arriving in Cuba.....one shot had him looking really,really bad. Tired and sick looking. I'm not wishing it on him. He just looked that way.
Won't be around long. Looks way worse than he did in the early Spring.
Anyway, Cardinal Burke is highly respected and even loved in many circles in the USA and in Rome. Many in Rome feel he was treated unfairly.
Look for him to get a big reward at the next conclave. I'm not saying the Papacy, but he will be highly promoted because of his scholarship, his zeal for Catholic truth and the liturgy, and his holiness.
Damian Malliapalli
I am,Mark thanks and may God grant Pope Benedict many healthy years.
Very good. I also pray that God may grant many happy and blessed years to Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.
Mark Thomas
Who's "we", Barnum?
"We" are still presenting extraordinary high levels of obsessive compulsive paranoia about Gabriel, don't "We"?
"In case"?!! It's been turned the wrong way from the outset, as was the intention in calling it.
++Burke was given the privilege of being Patronus to the Knights of Malta because there was no one else as qualified as he is to exercise such a noble office.
He is and will continue to excel in this position but the papacy is not his calling, IMHO.
Oh, dear, snapping you out of Gaybreality really gave you an ouchie! We'll get you over to medical tent stat!
I find Raymond Cardinal Burke a holy man and true son of Holy Mother Church.
But it is interesting to me that he has a large following among "Traditionalists" in that Cardinal Burke is unwavering in his support for Vatican II and the Novus Ordo. After all, many Traditionalists don't take kindly to Vatican II and the Novus Ordo
"RadTrads", of course, denounce Cardinal Burke as a NewChurch, Novus Ordo Modernist.
But then, "RadTrads" believe that they alone are the True Catholics. They go as far as to insist that Bishop Fellay and SSPX priests are liberals who are determined to sell the SSPX down the drain to "modernist" Rome.
Therefore, with such a frightening line of thinking in place, I understand as to why RadTrads consider Cardinal Burke a modernist.
But even more benign Traditionalists denounce Vatican II and the Novus Ordo as destructive elements that have sunk the Church. That is why I am surprised as to the strong support that they accord to Cardinal Burke.
Five months ago, Raymond Cardinal Burke declared his unwavering support for Vatican II. He made it clear that he has been formed as a priest via Vatican II.
Cardinal Burke was asked the following question:
"Another of the charges against you is that you are against the Second Vatican Council."
Cardinal Burke replied: "These labels are easy to apply, but there is no basis in reality.
"All my theological education in the major seminary was based on the documents of Vatican II, and I am still trying to study these documents more deeply.
"I’m not at all opposed to the Council, and if one reads my writings, he will find that I quote the documents of Vatican II many times."
Anyway, as a Catholic who favors the TLM, I have great respect for Cardinal Burke. But I believe that as long as the Novus Ordo remains in place, that the Latin Church will remain in a state of collapse.
Therefore, I wish that Cardinal Burke would offer the TLM exclusively. However, I realize that he won't.
Nevertheless, despite my desire that the Latin Church restore the TLM as Her primary Mass, I view Cardinal Burke as a holy man (far holier than I) who upholds and promotes the True Church's teachings.
That is why he has made it clear that he doesn't oppose His Holiness Pope Francis. We must remain in communion with Pope Francis and such holy men as Cardinal Burke..
Mark Thomas
Knee-jerk 101. QED.
Oooh! My goodness, you really are tired, Gaybriel. (Must have been a hard day of singing Haugen at Mass this afternoon.) Maybe you can recharge your batteries, not to mention "ton esprit," overhearing snatches of conversation and witty talk as you bring the NewChurch French, Swiss and Germans at the Synod their coffee.
You are utterly full of crap 'Mark Thomas', and a HUUUUUUUGE gasbag to-boot.
(seriously gaybriel, this is your stupidest Sybil personality yet)
Mark Thomas is a fake name. He is a coward because he will not use his real name. Cardinal Burke is a Latin Mass Catholic, period. Yes, he gives lip service to the novus ordo, also known as the "bugnini mass". He is being very charitable when he does so. Mark Thomas has this completely backwards. The Latin Rite Church is growing by leaps and bounds. the Vatican II, novus ordo, homo sect, is in a complete state of implosion. There is a 9 percent attendance rate worldwide of the novus ordo for Sunday obligation. Now, Pope Benedict XVI remains the true sovereign Pontiff. There is absolutely nothing wrong with him. He was forced out under threat of assassination. (See CBS news report on the Plot to Kill Pope, which aired the summer of 2012.) Approximately 6 months later, he stepped down. Bergoglio, is the last in a long line of anti-popes. The last anti-pope will be the false prophet from the Book of Revelation.(See The Prophecy of St. Francis of Assisi, prophecies of Blssd. Anne Catherine Emmerich, Our Lady of La Salette, and finally the speech Ven. Archbishop Fulton Sheen gave, circa 1950, about the apocalypse and the false prophet and his counter church he was building.) Bergoglio cannot be validly elected for 2 reasons : first, he is a confirmed freemason, and second, he was elected on the 5th ballot. According to Canon law, you may only have 4 ballots per day. When he apostatizes, he and his followers will be in schism, not us. Christ is the head of the Church. Not bergoglio or any other pope. We remain faithful to Christ and his teachings(also known as doctrine/dogma). I hope I was able to help you out, Mark Thomas, whatever your real name is.
Antipope Raymond will lead many souls into danger.
Amen to that 829!
Poor anonymous, another coward who will not use his real name. so sad. Cardinal Burke will lead The True Church in exile. anonymous sounds like a Vatican troll. We don't use profanity on this blog.
unhinged vulgarian....you amply expose yourself as what you are.
Tancred, question....do you have the ability to look at the computer signature of posters? If so, are posts from gabriel/michael/jozef/mark thomas/psycho-anonymi/bernardin-wanna-be et al. all coming from the same computer? (or 2, knowing lots of people have a laptop in addition to a desk top). If so, it would be interesting to know that; this flaming flamethrower is interested only in calumny and discord. He's a huff-po, occupy rat, of the very sort Paul warned Timothy about.
The greatest contribution that Raymond Cardinal Burke could bring to the effort to end the horrific crisis of faith that has gripped the (Latin) Church is the following:
A declaration from him that the Latin Church must restore over time the Traditional Latin Mass as Her primary Mass.
I don't know whether Cardinal Burke believes that the TLM should be restored as the Latin Church's primary Mass.
Raymond Cardinal Burke has at least recognized that there are major problems inherent in the Novus Ordo. However, he has declared his support for the Novus Ordo.
The following is from an interview last year with Cardinal Burke:
Question: Juridically, the Novus Ordo and the Traditional Latin Mass are the same rite. Is this also your factual experience when you celebrate a Pontifical High Mass in the new or the old rite?
Cardinal Burke: "Yes, I understand that they are the same rite, and I believe that, when the so-called New Rite or the Ordinary Form is celebrated with great care and with a strong sense that the Holy Liturgy is the action of God, one can see more clearly the unity of the two forms of the same rite."
Without question, a great many Traditionalists reject the notion that the TLM and Novus Ordo are simply "two forms same rite". That is unacceptable to many Traditionalists.
However, his support for the Novus Ordo shouldn't prevent Cardinal Burke from insisting that the "two forms" of the "same rite" simply switch places.
The TLM would return to its ancient status as the Latin Church's primary Mass and the Novus Ordo would serve as the Extraordinary Form.
The good news is that during the interview in question, Cardinal Burke declared that "on the other hand, I do hope that - with time - some of the elements which unwisely were removed from the rite of the Mass, which has now become the Ordinary Form, could be restored, because the difference between the two forms is very stark.
"The rich articulation of the Extraordinary Form, all of which is always pointing to the theocentric nature of the liturgy, is practically diminished to the lowest possible degree in the Ordinary Form."
That is fantastic. Now, with those declarations in mind from His Eminence, it would not require much from Cardinal Burke to take just one additional step...and that step would spur him to declare that the Latin Church must restore the TLM as the Latin Church's primary Mass.
Forget about any contribution that Cardinal Burke may make from afar to the pending Synod. There won't be any "surprises" at the Synod. That is, His Holiness Pope Francis declared in August 5, 2015 A.D. that divorce and remarriage is contrary to the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony.
Pope Francis has also upheld the Church's teachings related to the sin of Sodomy.
The Synod will uphold the Church's teachings. But even should a faction of bishops promote unorthodox teachings, said bishops will be pushed aside by powerful orthodox forces within the Church.
Again, forget about the Synod in the sense as to how Cardinal Burke could best safeguard Holy Mother Church. .
My hope is that Raymond Cardinal Burke will lead the charge to restore the TLM as the primary Mass of the Latin Church. Please do so, Your Eminence.
That would be your greatest gift to helping to rebuild the Latin Church which, sadly, is in a state of collapse.
Whatever path that he may take in regard to the issue of restoring the TLM as the Latin Church's primary Mass, Cardinal Burke is a holy man and wonderful son of Holy Mother Church.
I thank Tancred for having permitted me to post to his blog.
Mark Thomas
If you say it's not so, that must make it true. Great.
It's not a very important post.
Mark Thomas, By implying that Pope Francis did not seek the destruction of Cardinal Raymond Burke, you are creating a ludicrous myth. Pope Francis removed Cardinal Burke from the important position of choosing Bishops and it obvious it was because Burke chose only good priests to become Bishops. That did not fare well with Francis. Francis also removed Burke from the Apostolic Signatura, a position of great importance in which the most qualified Churchman for the job was Burke. Why would Francis take such a man with a superior knowledge of Christ's Church and a Holy Cardinal away from these positions and place him in an insignificant position? Please don't spread falsehood in place of the obvious facts. The Catholic world is not stupid nor gullible, both Traditionalist and Modernists know exactly what Pope Francis did to Cardinal Burke (Francis done the same to so many others).
Mark Thomas, if that is your real name, you are incredibly naive at best. bergoglio has been talking out of both sides of his mouth for decades. that is his m.o. in order to cause confusion, but, more so, that he cannot be hemmed in by the truth. he always takes both sides of an argument. it doesn't matter what he says, it is what he is doing. that was a nice little reply you had about cardinal burke, but, the fact remains that bergoglio is not the true sovereign pontiff, Benedict is. this little circus that bergoglio put into motion, silly synod parts 1 & 2, will be to circumvent church teaching and allow for heresies of all kinds to take place. bergoglio has done nothing to date to dismantle the homo-mafia that is running wild inside the Vatican. the 300 page report that benedict left him regarding this matter, went right into the trash can. bergoglio had promoted even more homo's and homo friendly clerics to high positions. you certainly sound like a Vatican troll and a novus ordorite in disguise. nice try.
Jeff Klump, According to the part of Canon Law that governs a Conclave, if in a voting session there are more Ballots than there are electors then that voting session null and void, not at all valid. The election session that elected Bergoglio there was one Ballot more than there were electors. Though that ballot was blank it still invalidated that voting session. Take this important information into consideration, when a Pope is elected in a Conclave, within a few days a Canonical Decree declaring the election Canonical is issued concerning the new Pope. Its been almost 2 years and 5 months since the election of Bergoglio and still no Canonical Decree. Many are speculating that there is some arguing about Bergoglio's Canonical election, there could be no other reason. Remember St. Francis of Assisi's prophecy, "A man not canonically elected will be raised to the Pontificate. In those days Christ will not send them a true Pastor, but a DESTROYER!"
Who's "We", Jeff?
And your hills, Jeff, are alive with the sounds of 'Econe.'
The schismatics, Gabriel
Martin, I am not familiar with econe.
Man, Fr. Rosie's so mad he can spit!
You can bet on no year of mercy is in store for the dishing divine once he is "outed!"
File this under "More gay gifts to the Church."
Let us all pray for the health and well being of Cardinal Raymond Burke. From the last Conclave the Cardinal electors now realize their grave mistake. At the next Conclave they will be on greater alert and the Traditionalist Cardinal Burke most likely will emerge as the Sovereign Pontiff. For now God has him resting up and preparing for the Papacy.
Where is the genuine charity we are obliged to give go one another in some of these comments? This is becoming an example of what I call the Catholic circular firing squad. You are shooting one another while this Prechristian age cries out for the fullness of the Gospel.
There is no charity without a love of truth. People who make irrelevant, unhelpful, insulting comments and don't sign their posts get deleted.
This "Gabriel"/"Mark Thomas" is clearly insane and probably writing from an asylum for the criminally insane. Please find a way to block his venomous absurdities, as he seems to have all the time in the world which the rest of us productive people do not have. This should be a blog for real Catholics who detest the Modernist rape of their Mother, the Church, at the hands of the reigning Modernists---not for people afflicted with pathologies. Catholic in Bermuda
True, true.
Anonymous 5:31
Are you talking about commenters here or Fr. Rosie? I'd guess you've never seen his act.
Too long, didn't read.
Dear friends! There is a free e-book about modernist tendencies in German Church, written by Polish traditional catholic. You can download it at: http://www.pch24.pl/we-are-not-a-branch-of-rome--download-the-e-book-by-professor-kucharczyk,38174,i.html Feel free to share it!
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