The celebrant will be Fr. Dominic Holtz O.P. who is currently a professor at the Angelicum.
The Basilica of St. Mary's is a parish which hosts dissent against the Church teachings. Whether it's Father Timothy Bachous O.S.B.,, who occasionally preaches there. Apart from the accusations of sexual abuse against him, his views on sexuality and natural law are not orthodox. Or former catechist Lucinda Naylor. Will they perform an exorcism over the place, beforehand? I'm thinking the church should probably be reconsecrated.
Will Johann van Parys be prepared to assist Father Holtz OP, ? Mr. van Parys once said this:
A few years ago one of our priests delivered one of his strongest homilies ever using only a minimal number of words. After proclaiming the Gospel he walked down to the communion rail and demonstrably closed the bronze gates thus separating the sanctuary from the nave of the church. Standing in the sanctuary behind the closed gates he said. “This is who we used to be.” Then he opened the gates as wide as he possibly could and walked into the nave saying “This is who we are today.” Without another word he walked to the celebrant’s chair and sat down. In response, the congregation stood up and burst out in applause. Now, I am not a great lover of homiletic props but in this rare case it worked and I will never forget the message.
Paintings by aberrosexual activist Lucinda Naylor still hang (Sometimes they take them down when people complain to the pastor, John Bauer.) from the Stations of the Cross in the Church,
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Pastor of Lavender Basilica at "Station of the Cross" |
Our question is as always, why hold an event at a location like this that's reputed to be "orthodox" and sound? The Knights are holding their annual meeting here. What's Una Voce thinking, since they are at least partly responsible for the event? Did St. John's Abbey offer the a deluxe edition of the St. John's Bible?
I was told that they tried to have the Mass at the Cathedral, but there was a wedding already taking place there that day.
If it had been something that uncintroversial, it would have been reported that way. Maybe one of Mark Dayton's relatives got priority?
Why would we expect it to be reported on at all? The fact that it may have been something as uncontroversial as a wedding is all the more reason that I wouldn't have expected it to be reported on. With Cardinal Burke only being in town that weekend, the Basilica was probably the biggest venue they could find on relatively short notice.
It's newsworthy because a Cardinal is saying the Immemorial Mass of All Ages in a prominent national basilica which is firmly in the hands of people who aren't really Catholic.
I suspect that you're making a bigger deal of this than anyone involved ever considered. I'm sure the decision ultimately came down to "well, it's either have it here, or don't have it at all". In a sense, what better place to have it? The gorgeous Basilica needs to be re-claimed for orthodoxy from the filth that has been festering in it for these several decades. Perhaps the mere utterance of some Latin within it's walls will be enough to scatter a few demons from the premises.
Maybe nobody cares about the Equestrian Order of the Knights of Jerusalem, but it does look like they give tacit approval of what goes on at the Basilica.
Perhaps their claims to be equestrian or Knights are as baseless and dishonest as the parish's claims to be Catholic in good standing?
I know that no one cares (At least no one in charge who could stop it) when the site is whored off to the abortion and entertainment media every year for a block party.
I've only ever met one member of the EOHSJ, and he is a very orthodox, traditional fellow. I don't know that he's a reflection of the group as a whole, but I can't see him having joined them if they were that questionable.
Endorsing Collegeville by hosting an event at the Basilica and on the St. John's Bible is pretty questionable.
For accuracy's sake, my name is Dominic Holtz, not David.
Sorry this has nothing to do with Collegeville or the Holy Sepulcher. The purpose of Una Voce is to promote the traditional liturgies.
Will you be reconsecrating the church? There have been very public blasphemies committed here, not to mention that some of the "artwork" promoting sodomy is hanging around the stations.
The Una Voce event seems to be happening in association with the Knights Who Say No, "we don't support modernism, except when we do."
Hope you're ready to perform an exorcism and demand that Lucinda Naylor's paintings are permanently removed, Father.
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