The shepherd has consulted the police about to a letter to him with a bullet.
Zurich (kath.net/ KNA) The Bishop of Chur Vitus Huonder was apparently threatened after his comments about aberrosexuality. The dioese has been advised by the police about the safety of the bishop, said the "Neue Zürcher Zeitung" (Sunday). Among others Huonder had received an anonymous threatening letter with a bullet, diocese spokesman Giuseppe Garcia told the paper. The diocese has ruled out criminal charges. The bishop will be praying for those who threatened him.
Huonder had cited in a lecture in Fulda on July 31, among other biblical passages from the Old Testament, the Book of Leviticus. This calls sexual acts between people of the same sex an "abomination" and that they are to be "put to death". These passages quoted alone, said Huonder, "would be enough to give the issue of homosexuality a right turn from the perspective of faith." This triggered strong criticism. Subsequently, the Bishop of Chur apologized "to all people" who "felt hurt" by his remarks on the subject of abberrosexuality. His lecture on marriage, family and sexuality was at one point, "not thought out," he told the Swiss tabloid "Blick". He would now "comment in more detail and the whole presentation when he submits it for further review." (C) 2015 Catholic News Agency KNA GmbH. All rights reserved. Any media use and forwarding only under written agreements with CBA allowed. Photo: (C) kath.net/ sb Link to Kath.net... Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
More gay gifts to the Church.
He ought not apologise for doing his duty to preach the truth on Faith and morals. He is helping sinners gain salvation.
Maybe if Bp. Huonder were a commie he'd get some support.
If he dies, we riot
"Bishop Huonder Receives Death Threat"
His Excellency has no reason to apologize. Sodomy is a sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance. Militant homosexuals are the least tolerant and most irrational scoundrels around.
It was smart for Bishop Hounder to quote the old law on this matter. The Modernists are quoting the old law in order to justify Communion for the divorced and remarried who are living in a state of mortal sin. Why not cite all of the old law and practice it in place of what Christ has solemnly proclaimed to his Church. I believe Bishop Hounder said what he said so that Modernists's could take a good look at their faulty reasoning. He should not have apologized, but should have pointed out that he said what he said as a preparation for the debates that are coming at the upcoming Synod.
At least a god news, we still have a Bishop who is s true Catholic, sin-not or synod, sin is always a sin and hell is real.
Yes, agree.
Bishop Huonder should have armed guards and be armed himself at all times. Violence must be met by violence. I'm sure that the filthy two-legged cockroaches responsible for threatening him will run the other way if it is made clear to them that any attempt to follow through on their threats may very well result in their own worthless persons being left bleeding out on the ground. They're cowards and only attack when they are quite certain that their intended victim is helpless. The pacifist attitude of so many Catholics today is disgusting. We should not treat these enemies of God with anything but unmitigated contempt. Instead of always trying to placate them and make concessions we ought to say "We spit on you infidel cockroaches, if you good for nothing pieces of filth want a fight you can have it!" That is the only way to deal with these beasts.
I agree with what you say. In short we Catholics must stop being wimps as the modernists have programmed us to be for 50 years.
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