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Pope Francis in Parque del Bicentenario in Quito: "Which Liturgical Color is that?" Asks Secretum meum mihi |
(Quito) The Spanish writer and former chief editor of the daily newspaper La Gaceta , Eduardo García Serrano, views the preaching of Argentine Pope Francis in Quito as a "victim" of the "black legend". In German-speaking lands, one would speak of historical falsification, which sometimes has legal repercussions.
Pope Francis spoke in Parque del Bicentenario of Quito on the independence of America. "Although Pope Francis is Argentine he is Latin American," in Quito he is said to have "forgotten or ignored" that "Catholic Spain freed the Indians of Latin America with the Gospel and not the Masonic-oligarchic independence movement of the 19th century," wrote Eduardo García Serrano. "It was the Catholic Spain, which struggled to establish laws for the Indies' against the enslavement of the Indians and recognized them as equals among equals."
"It is thanks to Spain, if the church today has an Argentine pope," said the well-known journalist.
Through his address, the Pope had shown "that he is a victim of the black legend with his understanding of Spain and the discovery and evangelization of America." Moreover, he had also shown that his "view of historical development which led to the independence of the Spanish-speaking countries of Latin America, has been contaminated by Masonic propaganda."
Masonic Creoles Wanted Independence From Spain Against the Will of the Indigenous Peoples
Simon Bolivar and San Martín (right) Agreed on 26 July 1822 in Guayaquil, to take military action against Spain in South America
"It was precisely the Masonic Creoles who were at the head of the anti-Spanish independence movement that was against the will of the indigenous peoples, because the indigenous people saw with good reason the best guarantee of their liberties against the Creole elite in belonging to Spain. This centuries-old paradox has been found in the heretical theology of liberation in its most recent expression that praises indigenism as an engine of the independence of Hispanic America by Christ in the appearance of Che Guevara and priests of the leisure and adventure outfit brand of Coronel Tapiocca," said Eduardo García Serrano ,
Pope Francis began his sermon in the Parque del Bicentenario with the words:
"I imagine those modest words of Jesus at the Last Supper as a loud cry before this Mass - we face the common front! - In this Mass, which we celebrate in the Bicentenario Park, the Park of the bicentenary of that declaration of the Independence of Latin America. That was a declaration which emerged from the consciousness of the lack of freedom, oppression and plunder, the subjection to, 'the accidental utility of those in power '( Evangelii Gaudium 213). "
In these few sentences is included the "whole cultural and historical gibberish" of the last 200 years, said Eduardo García Serrano. The Pope emphasized the defense of indigenous people against the oligarchs, but also the falsification of history according to the oligarchs. The first Masonic Lodge was founded in 1812 in Buenos Aires and immediately looked towards "independence" from Spain.
"The Argentine Pope seems to ignore that Spain has evangelized the Americas and that it is thanks to this Catholic Spain, which was not only bleeding in the Netherlands and Germany, as his predecessor Benedict XVI. recognized, that the catholicity was not entirely supplanted by the Protestant Reformation of Northern Europe. Spain defended the territorial and spiritual universality of the Catholic Church as the only true religion," said Eduardo García Serrano.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: InfoVaticana / Wikicommons
Image: InfoVaticana / Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
I made this comment under a prior post, but it seems more appropriate here; forgive me if you've already read it....
great comment from St. Corbinian's Bear....
Oakes Spalding July 9, 2015 at 9:23 PM
It's all a freaking distraction anyway. He told a million people (or whatever it was) that Jesus' words at the last supper were about social revolution. If that's not Liberation Theology, Karl Marx was a Hindu.
In addition, this story, from the man who is now selecting our bishops. God have mercy....the francis effect.....
Lol. Just read the article.
Wuerl said: “He keeps saying, ‘Go out. Go out and meet people where they are. And in that encounter, walk with them, accompany them...”
With reference to the subject matter of the article, this reminds me of those notorious toilet sex 'encounters' one came to understand happens out there...
And as for this...
"56 percent of Catholics support same-sex marriage, while 55 percent of Protestants do not."
Why does this not surprise me.
Regarding Eduardo García Serrano's commentary on this part of Latin American history, let us not forget that sadly thousands of Indians were massacred by Spain, Incas an example, their culture destroyed. Only a few codex (codices?) remain, their counting system lost to us. Think of the amazingly accurate solar calculations the Mayans did.
As per the article, it is to the Indians great credit that they wished to remain under Catholic Spain and surely a grave sinful crime that the Catholicism became so Marxist for these people.
When politics takes over, where is Christ? Watch 'The Mission'.
Just when you thought things couldn't get any more cheaper and low down, there's this from the Daily Mail:
Some gems from the article:
"It also included an advertisement-like image showing the pope beneath a Burger King logo and the words: 'There are visits that don't just bring joy to your spirit, but also feed it."
Loaves and fishes, anyone?
"Minutes later, during his homily, Francis blasted consumerism." [After coming out of Burger King. Lol. Hehe.]
"Even before Mass had ended, the restaurant put a post on Facebook thanking the pope 'for choosing the BK restaurant as your sacristy.'"
Classy. Uh-huh, real classy.
Abp Guido Marini must be suffering a dry martyrdom....
Pity the pope didn't give an impassioned rhetoric on the death of Christians in the Middle East as he did on capitalism, the 'poor' and the environment.
The more the Pope does these type of things, the more the Vatican Curia and many Cardinals are revolted by him. You'd never think so many people in the Vatican who are not hard line conservatives by any means, would be increasingly turned off by this clown Francis.....
In a way, it's a good thing, because even if some somewhat liberal curial members were all for him, and now have taken a more conservative outlook after witnessing the antics of Francis,,,,,so much the better.
It's hard to believe how much he is disliked in the corridors of the Vatican....and so are his goons and stooges.....Dolan,Tagle, etc.
In Bolivia today, the unholy father called unfettered capitalism the "dung of the devil". I haven't read whether or not he had any harsh words for socialism and communism. That being the case, I can only assume he favors both since he accepted a blasphemous image of Christ mounted to a hammer and sickle and never speaks against those brutal forms of government.
Again, I repeat my assertion it's time for Begoglio to be deposed. He has made a mockery of the Catholic Church, its teachings, and the papacy. Even Paul VI would have found this papacy to be a horrible disaster. And as Edward Pentin noted last Spring, had he done and said these things following Pius XII, he'd have been deposed. So why not now?
I'd like to believe we're approaching a breaking point with this nonsense, but I doubt it. Bergoglio is the personification of 50 years of VII idiocy. And regrettably, I think a good number of Cardinals are fine with what he's done and continues to do. After all, only one or two have even come close to challenging him in public. And let's face it. The average "Catholic" probably finds his poverty obsessed, soup kitchen theology to be refreshing.
I knew this would be a depressing papacy, but he's even worse than I thought and that's saying something.
Damask Rose: You wrote "...this reminds me of those notorious toilet sex 'encounters' one came to understand happens out there..." Just what does this mean other than just a stupid remark. Furthermore, can you tell us why is it that you are not surprised by the % of Catholics vs Protestants differ? When you make such remarks it behooves you to provide some answers to the statements you so fortuitously make.
I'd love to believe you, but where's the evidence the Vatican Curia are turned off by this goofball?
The Incas have as good as they got and many other tribes subject to their imperial caprice were happy to be rid of their heavy yolk, just as with the Aztecs.
Also, the Mission is a Leftist fantasy.
The European civilization has the Gregorian Calendar, circumnavigated the globe, built universities, provided Indians living in South America the chance to travel to Spain and attend school at Salamanca, enjoy relative peace and receive the Eucharist, no small group of things in this brief list.
Wuerl is a notorious adocate for the sin which cries out to heaven for vengeance.
If you haven't been completely asleep for the last few months:
They refused to endorse his choice for head of Italian Bishops Conference, and I'm fairly certain they sent info to the cops to get Paglia charged with fraud in connection with Saint'Egidio and some real-estate dealings, among other things.
I guess I've been sleeping more than I thought! Still, it's hard to know whether some of this was nothing more than simple score settling between rivals or whether this was meant to be seen as opposition to Francis' rule.
That's just not good enough. They have a duty to protect the Church and souls from Francis's continual attacks on the Deposit of Faith and moral law. It is not a matter of politics but sacred duty. The bishops and cardinals must meet and formally declare Francis a manifest pertinacious heretic and remove him from office. Millions of souls are endangered by him. The offence to God is terrible.
He is an unremitting Marxist. A modernist, materialist, relativist. He is the synthesis of heresies. Lord, have mercy.
Thanks for replying Tancred. I do agree with your 11.23 comment.
I just wish the people had lived, were converted and worked with more. Think of Incan architecture. I just think that people have something to contribute from their own cultures and that not necessarily one type of culture should be imposed on all. [But then think what the Romans did for us!] I think it's difficult in practicing the faith. I don't believe in lay-leading or Jesuits priests going native and saying Mass sitting down like Indian gurus either. But I find the post-VII Mass Missa Criolla by Ramirez very beautiful, with use of choir and native instruments.*
Yes, I realise this is a rabbit-hole and a discussion in and of itself, but does not each nation have its own instruments? This is why rubrics should be adhered to at Mass and why Masses should not be going AWOL even with instrumental accompaniment. I think the key is beauty and rubrics.
(Sorry, I think I've gone off-tangent here...)
Do I really need to explain? I believe Tancred has replied at 11:26 to you and explained regarding my 'encounter' comment. Indeed, I suppose I was being a tad facetious.
With regards to my other comment:
"56 percent of Catholics support same-sex marriage, while 55 percent of Protestants do not."
Okay, here goes:
1. It is a scandal that 56% Catholics approve of same-sex marriage because they are supporting the sin that cries out to heaven for vengeance and thus condemning themselves (think Ireland recently).
2. It is another scandal because the Catholic Church has not catechised these people to not accept gay marriage/not approve of homosexuality.
3. It is a scandal that the current Catechism of the Catholic Church does not outright condemn homosexuality (yes, I know it says it's a disorder, and I think that it is a 'trial' (correct me if I'm wrong), and that it outright should state that the homosexual should become straight or continuously strive to become straight and should use the full arsenal of the Church through deliverance, confession and exorcism. [I'm fully aware that the Fathers we all read on the Catholic blogosphere, when the issue comes up, go out of their way to exclaim ad nauseam, the mantra that we musn't judge and only the homosexual acts are condemned.]
4. It is a scandal that the Church does not honour God the Father in Genesis.
5. It is a scandal that gay priests and prelates are having gay sex and saying the Mass and dispensing the Sacraments and that such gay priests are allowed to continue in ministry, even after all know they some are openly gay. Any priests that baptises children of practicing gays should be laicised and also those that bless their gay 'unions'.
6. It is a scandal that gay priests have a loop-hole in Canon Law. From what I've read (if memory serves me right), apparently, because the Church does not recognise gay sex ie, meaning, the physical act of it, it seems that it is only the priest who has sex with a woman who is disciplined. Essentially, priests having gay sex are getting away with it scot-free. [Correct me if I'm wrong here.] Yes, the gay priest needs to be sorted out in Canon Law.
7. It is a scandal that good Catholic men in seminaries have been terrorised by gay intimidation, abuse or even rape and have been instructed to tolerate all things gay in the very institutions that train men to become priests to minister to the people of God. At least Benedict XVI issued the seminary document.
Part 2 (Continued)
8. It is a scandal that the Roman Catholic Church has not admitted to the world that gay priests abused the altar boys. If the Church had admitted this, I'm sure the whole gay-marriage/rights would not have had that much traction necessarily world-wide. Thus the Church has sinned against it's own children and the 'heathen' world which being the One True Church it has lawful and heavenly right over. Remember 'error has no rights'. And remember again that we are children of the New Covenant. Jesus said 'Go teach all nations'.
9. It is a scandal that 56% Catholics approve of same-sex marriage because this is clear evidence that the notion of chastity, purity, has gone out the window. John Henry Cardinal Newman talked of Catholics doing an examination of conscience every night before bed-time. People are supposed to be in a state of grace with frequent Confession. I'll reiterate, where is the chastity?
Okay, that's the Catholics dealt with, now the Protestants.
55% of Protestants don't approve of gay marriage. Get that. 55%. That's an awful lot of Protestants. Remember these people are Christians, majority born into their Protestantism. I bet that some of these Protestant branches, sects, are perhaps still slightly puritanical. It may be that some of these Protestants practice their faith black and white. I recall seeing on LifeSiteNews videos of a Protestant protesting at a Gay Pride march having a Bible snatched away from him by gays who then proceeded to tear out the pages of the Bible and another where a Protestant man who had a placard was practically being beat up by a gay man.
In the meantime, do you think the Catholic Church is apostatizing? Do you think that 56% of Catholics would approve of SSM if they still believed that the Eucharist is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the most holiest person on the planet?
I believe, one day, the Catholics who practice the faith in its fullness together with the Protestants who practice their Christianity in its fullness will stand at the Last Battle, and we will all kneel down and worship the Lamb. And the Protestants will understand.
[And please God, the Muslims who acknowledge Isa Ibn Maryam and Maryam (peace be upon them). Our Lady, please bring them to Jesus so they worship the Lamb.]
There is going to be a tidal wave against Francis soon....later than we all hope, but sooner than Francis and his gang od thugs think. Francis will, in very short order, be blindsided by a tremendous scandal involving several of his high profile radical cardinal and bishop Vatican appointees....so much of a scandal that Francis will pull the cowardly maneuver like Benedict XVI did and resign.
Unlike Benedict XVI, Francis' resignation will be in disgrace. He'll slip out if Italy and back to Argentina or some other Lati American spot and die withing a year or two after. His associates who are crowing now will be crying...and going into hiding under the new Pope, who will be 100% the opposite of their hero Francis,.
"That being the case, I can only assume he favors both since he accepted a blasphemous image of Christ mounted to a hammer and sickle and never speaks against those brutal forms of government."
What goes around, comes around. I believe that Catholics should be attuned to Heaven, and I think that Heaven has given us sign after sign with regards to this pontificate, and certainly with Benedict XVI resigning..
Is that the pope? Or a Jewish rabbi? Oi vey already!
Anonymous at 3:58, I'll believe it when I see it.
We are in big trouble when the vicar of Christ blasphemes our Lord by wearing that communist medal mocking our Lord. This is like the Judas kiss to our Holy Lord. As reparation please pray the golden arrow prayer and for the conversion of Pope Francis.
Wonder if Pope Francis will visit the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Success who foretold the apostasy we're living with these days . http://www.michaeljournal.org/goodsuccess.htm
What scandal Anon? These guys are authors of the scandal. The nighmare of this clown won't be over until the civil unrest explodes in Italy and the world. And Jorge will check out taking as many souls with him along the way as he can. That's his job, it's what he's working most to accomplish.
You have just libeled current seminarians. Of course, to you it is most likely not a libelous statement. No peanuts for you.
I have a serious question, please answer seriously and not with emotions..
Is it a sin to pray for the pope to go away? Not necessarily die, but to pray for God to take him away cause he is causing so much scandal?
Why would you want Pope Benedict to go away? If you want this man who calls himself father bergoglio to stop attacking the Church than simply pray for him to our Lord that he can show him like St. Paul what he should be doing. Pray, hope, and don't worry.
... um...? ...
Our Lady of Good Success condemned Freemasonry.
Pray for Pope Benedict. Pray for Jorge Bergolio' s conversion. Time will tell us who the real pope is during this crisis. Don't worry too much, just continue to pray for the pope' s intentions (this will not be his subjective intentions so don't worry about that), pray the rosary and wear the brown scapular. Pax
By Pope, I hope you mean Benedict XVI. This clown Francis is no real Pope. Even his election was a sham. He is a fake and a buffoon...an actor who has his one minute (too long) in the spotlight on the stage of life and will soon fade away, leaving only bad memories and the mess to clean up after him.
Damian Malliapalli
The evil he is causing is of biblical proportions. Think of the countless millions of soul led away from God to evil. Blessed Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle . . .
I e-mail sometimes some relatives in India (I'm 1/2 Indian and 1/2 German/American), and even they say that many people can't believe the way this Pope acts, and the things he says. And they don't mean it in a good way.
As an aside, a cousin lives in the suburbs of Mumbai, near what once was a flourishing Order of teaching nuns. Founded in the end of the 19th century by British nuns originally, the Order grew and by the 1950's, took in 125 girls a year as novices and became one of India;s largest Catholic Orders of sisters.
Even after Vatican II, they kept the old habits up until 1988 when they modified it slightly. Even today, we in the USA would call them conservative habits (white habit down to the floor, etc.).
Their vocations started to go down after Vatican II, but was still acceptable (who wouldn't be happy with 30-40 girls a year entering?), even during John Paul II and into Benedict, they had 20-25 a year.
BUT NOW, with Francis....withing 2 years then have 4-5 enter. The young girls don't like some of what he says....neither do the sisters (they lost 60 sisters who quit last year)
Thanks, Pope Francis ! Maybe it's time you go.
But now, It is time you learn to keep quite.
Damian Malliapalli
Rabbi Bergogliostein. This man is a joke. A very very sad one. Im not a sede but here recently im starting to lean.
How does one say "fetch the rope" in Latin again?
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