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White House Lit With "Pride" Colors |
Edit: Pride is a cardinal sin, indeed it is the queen of all sins. From the Catholic Encyclopedia:
Pride is the excessive love of one's own excellence. It is ordinarily accounted one of the seven capital sins. St. Thomas, however, endorsing the appreciation of St. Gregory, considers it the queen of all vices, and puts vainglory in its place as one of the deadly sins. In giving it this pre-eminence he takes it in a most formal and complete signification. He understands it to be that frame of mind in which a man, through the love of his own worth, aims to withdraw himself from subjection to Almighty God, and sets at naught the commands of superiors. It is a species of contempt of God and of those who bear his commission. Regarded in this way, it is of course mortal sin of a most heinous sort. Indeed St. Thomas rates it in this sense as one of the blackest of sins. By it the creature refuses to stay within his essential orbit; he turns his back upon God, not through weakness or ignorance, but solely because in his self-exaltation he is minded not to submit. His attitude has something Satanic in it, and is probably not often verified in human beings.
Photo: AP
A minor point: In Catholic moral theology there are Cardinal virtues and deadly sins.
The hell pig Obama is in his glory, celebrating the victory Satan has delivered for him and all the homosexual deviants who worship him. The hour of darkness is here. The United States and all nations who legalize and celebrate this filth that cries to Heaven for vengeance best enjoy this now while it lasts. The Day of Wrath is approaching. The US is officially dead morally and has been for a long time. We should prepare for our just punishments. Domine, miserere nobis.
Dare to say something to them on Twitter and see what happens...
Motus in fine velocior......Europe is back on the road to heathenism.....
With regard to Europe and heathenism, it is true. There actually is a growing movement to restore the old Norse gods (a sizable group in Sweden worship Thor and Odin, and Freya again....rather than go to Lutheran Church.....LOL!
In Greece, a tiny group seeks to restore worship there of the Olympian gods (Zeus, Apollo, Hera, Heracles, etc.) That would be fascinating, but also sad because the Greek Orthodox Church is a totally noble and magnificent witness to Christianity, and to abandon it for paganism would be tragic (as of 2015, there are roughly 20,000 "pagans" again in Greece worshipping the old gods.
Though heathenism(paganism) is small in Sweden, on the other hand, only 2% are churchgoing Lutherans...no one really bothers with it anymore except the elderly.
Regarding Lutheranism, maybe the Swedes bringing back Thor would be an improvement.
If Vatican II had never happened in the Catholic Church, it would be a fine position to reap a great harvest of souls for the Lord in a return to the True Faith.
The public promotion of the most grave of evils is diabolic - a pronouncement of war against God and His Faithful.
Pride comes before a fall ,the bigger the pride ,the harder the fall.
“Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Jehovah, Allah. These are all names employed to describe an entity that is distinctly the same across the world."
If this quote is genuine, Apostate FREAK just said that (the son of God) Jesus Christ is the same as (the prophet) Mohammed!
How about that for marriage equality!!!!!
Where is the self called Catholic blogosphere? If this quote is genuine, anyone who remains in the Novus Ordo will be held accountable -- there is no way to deny that this is apostasy.
Reading the article in the Washington Post I doubt very much that it is a genuine quote having regard to the other views attributed to Pope Francis in that article such as his supposed approval for artificial contraception.
I would believe it. It is something this guy Francis would say.
He's going to go too far with his radical liberal comments some day, and before he knows it, all the faithful will turn their backs on the guy and all his goons (Bruno Forte, etc) and go elsewhere for their souls.
The SSPX is experiencing great growth since Francis, as people turn away form hm....so are other traditionalist groups , even if they are smaller than the SSPX.
This statement is fully in keeping with that he would say.
Don't try to rationalize it, or blame misquotes.
He would say it......guaranteed.
"During his hour-long speech, a smiling Pope Francis was quoted telling the Vatican’s guests that the Koran, and the spiritual teachings contained therein, are just as valid as the Holy Bible.
“Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Jehovah, Allah. These are all names employed to describe an entity that is distinctly the same across the world. For centuries, blood has been needlessly shed because of the desire to segregate our faith"
READ THIS AND WEEP. This came out of the mouth of someone who is supposed to be the Pope....a Catholic. This is blasphemy and aPOSTACY.
Someone, or some group, should force Pope Francis to resign.
I think this single quote made by this man, WILL be enough to cause so much scandal and outrage in the Church that his papacy can be considered to be finished.
He is a fraud and a heretic who must be stopped and forced out.
Francis calling Almighty God, and Jesus Christ "an entity".....he doesn't even use the word GOD.
An entity......sound like reference to some space alien,
Can you point to any other source than the Washington Post for these alleged sayings of the Pope? I remain astonished that the Washington Post should have published it if it is not genuine. I know nothing about the Washington Post but I always imagined that it was a fairly respectable newspaper where journalists checked their sources. I remain perplexed.
If in fact this is a true statement of his, yes this is by far the most outrageous heresy babbled by him. I've often wondered of he is mentally healthy or if he may have some sort of dementia going on. Whatever is going on, the Cardinals need to step in and stop it however necessary.
Where and when is this quote from? Can you share a link?
Forget Obama singing Amazing grace...Pope Francis sings now!!!!
Hoax? http://corbiniansbear.blogspot.com/2015/01/pope-hoax.html
I couldn'nt find a link that would open, so I just typed in the bar "washingtoin Post, Pope Francis, Islam", and it came up. Sometimes some newspaper websites allow for their articles to be accessed for one a day or so and then expire.
But the comment was made, THIS WEEK, NOT A YEAR OR SO AGO.
Calm down everyone. Washingtonpost.com.co is a satirical, fake news site meant to resemble WashPo. Just look at the articles on their homepage. National Report is satire too. Now take a deep breath. You harm the Body of Christ by spreading nonsense like this.
I'm sure it was not intentional. Pope Francis has earned our every suspicion by the evil that has already come from his mouth. It would be easy to believe that he had said these words.
Thank you for that clarification. It goes to show one should check and recheck sources for this kind of thing before publishing a comment.
His public heresies abound. There is no need to refer to false quotes. Lord, have mercy.
Thank God some of these characters mouthing off against the Pope and taking pretence and allegation for truth are not in charge of the criminal justice system.
Maybe they are ISIS sleepers because they have nothing in common with Jesus Christ.
Yes, Francis by himself is enough, no need false quotes, he speaks for himself, and it's such a disgrace for RCC......till the Master will come and say tha last word, let's wait and pray. God bless+
Even if Francis did not make these remarks....and we are not sure he did not....his reputation is so bad that any normal, thinking, faithful and traditional Catholic would automatically think the worst.
That is the tragedy, that we have a Pope now that even if some satirical website posts a false statement attributed to him, very many believe it because it is well within his nature and ideology to say exactly what they fabricate.
I wish Benedict XVI had never resigned....he is not is such bad shape that he could not have continued.
I hope in a year or two (or less :) that we have a new Pope, a traditionalist man very much in the mold of Benedict XVI, or even more hardline and devoted to the Catholic tradition.
As an aside, that idiot Cardinal Tagle of the Phillipines already is prancing around here and there as if he'll be the next Pope, What's the old saying, something like "Pride cometh before the fall" etc.
Francis did not make the remarks; however, his inclusion of other religions in Vatican prayer services and his attendance at many non-Catholic religious services---says as much. Sometimes when I'm not utterly loathing him, I feel sorry for him. He is merely a product of Vat 2 (Nostra Aetate in particular) and he offers a Mass that Paul VI required 6 Protesrant ministers and a Jew
to create. It is the new order mass for the new world order indeed.
Seattle Kim
If the papal speech has no date or other identifying information that you can look up then be suspicious, even if it seems like something he might have said. This particular "report" is fake.
Amen (!)
Ironic how PRIDE is the first and deadliest of the vices and most damnable in certain cases.
“Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Jehovah, Allah. These are all names employed to describe an entity that is distinctly the same across the world."
No one in his/her right mind should believe that Pope Francis ever made such a statement, which everyone knows, particularly people in the Vatican, would be offensive in the extreme to Muslims. One thing Vatican officials do not want to do is to irritate Muslims. Muslims do not equate Mohammed with Allah. Pope Francis might say some remarkable things, but this is not one of them.
It's called Monotheism.
My motto now is not so much to listen to what he says, but to watch what he does. It is the same thing I put into practice with our so called President. Only if you have watched, it seems he has at the very least strayed from tradition. He has invited all faiths for an 'ecumenical prayer service'. He has called for this infamous 'Synod on the Family' and surrounded it with heretics that want to change the course of Catholicism. He has actually written an Encyclical that is questionable at best and Pagan in tone at worst. (yes, a few lines represent true Catholic teaching, but they are disjointed and seem irrelevant) He has also conferred at length with atheistic U.N. Officials that are notorious for their Population Control, and highly promote abortion, euthanasia etc. and at the same time prohibiting reasoned voices about climate change to be even heard within the walls of the Vatican. (or at least allowed those around him to disallow them) He has invited pro gay groups to the Vatican on a number of occasions, but I guess one could argue to 'evangelize' them, although I haven't seen any evidence of this. Guess you could say the same for appointing a well known Homosexual sympathetic Priest to a high position in the Vatican I'm sure someone else could even come up with more outrageous 'doings' as these are only things that come to mind that he has 'done' without speaking a word. It does seem to me that his constant mantra about 'mercy' is missing the 'judgment' part. The 'go and sin no more' part that is so very crucial to God's mercy....the repentance part. These are only the things that we have 'witnessed' and not actually 'heard from his lips' so at least for me, this is enough to be at least suspicious of his end game. I would think by this time, even Catholics and Catholic media that have been hiding their heads in the sand would be having reservations just by watching him. I wouldn't think they would even need to worry about 'misquotes' or 'misinterpretations' or media taking his comments out of context. All any sane person would have to do is watch what he does.
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