Wolfram Schrems *

The intention was to stand up for marriage and against its perversion, for the promotion of the family, for parental authority and against the seduction of school sex education, to gender mainstreaming and the inviolable right to life from conception.
Rally at Stephansplatz
A few hundred people were gathered at the beginning of the rally at 15.00 in an area the cordoned off by the police. The the police released in a number to OTS "about 200" which is clearly a huge underestimate. As film reports make clear, there were at least twice as many. Groups from Upper Austria, Salzburg and Carinthia had arrived. The latter was led by a very meritorious priest.
There was also a group of young Poles living in Vienna.
Children were also present, which, given the aggressiveness of the counter demonstrators, of course did not appear to be wise.
The organizers planned several speeches. Contrary to the announcement Representatives Gabriele Tamandl (ÖVP) and Carmen Schimanek (FPÖ) had not appeared.
The first speaker was the Syriac Orthodox priest and Choral Bishop Dr. Emanuel Aydin. He is a holder of the Grand Golden Medal of Honour for Services to the Republic of Austria. In sharp words he turned against the seduction of children by school sex education and against abortion. This he likened to the infanticide of Herod. In the words of the Apostle Paul, he reminded that "effeminate and homosexuals" will not enter the kingdom of God (1 Cor 6,9). In his Aramaic language, the language of Jesus, he blessed all those present.
Member of Parliament Dr. Marcus Franz (ÖVP), his occupation is doctor, who assisted the cause in matters big and small. But he pleaded for dead lines (which was also against the expansion of abortion by its complete removal from the Criminal Code) and the Reproductive Medicine Act. This he described as painful compromise that is better than a legal vacuum. He spoke out against the manipulation of children by sex education.
District Chairwoman Ursula Stenzel (ÖVP) referred to in her speech demonstrations being increasingly held in the first district, and particularly on the Ringstrase as an "abuse of the right to demonstrate". Some of them are also based purely in commercial interests. "But your rally is not an abuse of the right to demonstrate," she told the rally participants. Stenzel addressed a request by a journalist on the objectives of the march.
The lectures and TV appearances well known to many of the Classicist and Dominican Sr., Dr. Katharina Deifel defended, as a widowed mother, and nun, the plan of creation of gender polarity.
The last speaker was the former Slovak Minister of Justice and Prime Minister Dr. Jan Čarnogurský who had been involved in the late 80s as a Catholic activist prisoner of the communist regime and with many like-minded people contributed significantly to the 1989 coup. He compared the totalitarian gay propaganda nowadays with the communist propaganda in his home 30 years ago. As the latter had disappeared, so the former will soon disappear. Incidentally, it will be the children and grandchildren of faithful Christians who will pay the retirements for childless homosexuals and left-wing activists.
During the rally police pressure to shorten the event could be seen as the operational control and compete the march early. This pressure, which is most likely due to political requirements was resistend by the organizers, however.
March - the Usual Provocation
However, the original demonstration route was not realized due to an unapproved counter-demonstration.
There came to the barrier on Tuchlauben corner there was a " very aggressive "attack on the police, who had to use pepper spray. According to police, there were two arrests, a third person was still in detention on Saturday. Several complaints were filed in accordance with the administrative or criminal law.
There came to the barrier on Tuchlauben corner there was a " very aggressive "attack on the police, who had to use pepper spray. According to police, there were two arrests, a third person was still in detention on Saturday. Several complaints were filed in accordance with the administrative or criminal law.
Protesters and provocateurs kept coming up close to the demonstration throughout. Incomprehensible hatred was visible here. In curses of all kinds were hurled in choruses ("you should have been aborted").
Final Rally at Minoritenplatz
The spokesman of the Vienna Akademikerbund, Mag. Christian Zeitz, pointed out in his very emotional speech on perversion that of all the Ministry of Education (located at Minoritenplatz and flying a rainbow flag) developed the plans for sexual manipulation of children and adolescents. The Minister is himself childless, so will never be able to understand the concerns of the parents.
Even though the event was not intended as a religious, but was called for the values of natural law, the proportion of Christian activists was of course very large. Some clergy, priesthood candidates and sisters were visible, as well as a priest of the Society of St. Pius X gave his blessing at the Minoritenplatz.
Thus, the event ended at about 17:30.
Thanks to the "man-made global warming" the temperature did not come about 15 degrees out with frequent rains. This had the positive side effect that kept the shamelessness with the concurrent orgiastic parade through the ring in limits.
A look beyond the borders of Austria
Here is quite good news to report:
At the same time the Vienna march for the family about one million people were gathered, namely, in Rome for the Family Day in front of the Lateran against the perversion of marriage ("opening" for homosexuals) and against the political forces, "who want to massacre the family" (as Ex Maurizio Gasparri -Minister). The event had been called by Catholic associations.They were supported by secular forces and opposition parties.
On the following day, Sunday, 21 June, in the same cause of defense for children more than 4500 people had gathered in the center of Stuttgart. Given the massive terror of the omnipresent counter-demonstrators, it was a considerable contingent.
A brief comment
1. Apparently many parents are not aware of the importance of moral attack, otherwise many more times would have appeared as participants at the rally.
2. It is incomprehensible and scandalous that the Catholic hierarchy basically shows no interest in protecting the faithful entrusted to them. The ecumenism proved once again to be unusable. Where are the shepherds, when you need them?Only Choir Bishop Aydin rescued - in addition to the participating Catholic priests - the honor of the clergy.
3. It was a pleasant surprise that the ÖVP politicians identified with the objectives of the march. Especially the participation of District Chairwoman Stenzel was perceived as pleasing. One can only hope that it will also bring the party leadership to rethink their position.
4. It has been shown once again how much the radical left and elaborate "anarchist" demonstrators, serve the prescriptive policy agenda from above. Here the degree of astonishment indoctrination, hatred and - paradoxically - even self-contempt. The latter is recognizable where many chanted slogan "Your children will be like us". Apparently, these misguided people, usually in their third or fourth decade of life, have no high opinion of themselves as they put themselves as a negative example. So one wonders with considerable anger, who has managed to turn young people into such undignified zombies. Particularly unworthy are those people who you know, are always screaming against "Bullen" [The Pigs] even after calling after the police. Since many of those are screaming with a Federal German accent, you have to realize with horror how successful the "character wash" or "reeducation" has succeeded in the third generation now.
5. The terror in the streets stands in connection with police behavior: Although the individual officers act quite professionally, as a rule and enabled the exercise of the right to rally, at least ideologically political instructions to the police line are noticeable. It is clear that politically unpopular rallies are in a difficult position in "Red Vienna". Summary
Thanks and appreciation to organizers, co-organizers and participants. It was worth it. And it will go on!
* MMag. Wolfram Schrems , Linz and Vienna, a Catholic theologian and philosopher, ecclesiastical sent catechist, many years of experience in the protection of life
Picture: Platform Family
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Breaking Bomb News!!!....Pope Francis meets top Freemasonry leaders at the Vatican!!!
Some goodness in a country with such evil "Churchmen". The "counter demonstrators ought not have been allowed near them - their vicious diabolic behaviour is assault. The police in Dublin allow this shocking behaviour too, allowing them to get right into the faces of the Prolife marchers with their screaming and fulty abuse and spitting and physical attacks.
The All-Ireland Rally for Life is on Saturday, 4th July, at 2 pm.
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