Monday, May 11, 2015

The Hypocrisy of Father Nicholson

Edit: this is the clerical version of Mark Shea. A real ecclesiastical potty mouth and venomous as well.

We've been supportive of CMTV in the past, especially when they've been unjustly attacked by heretical laity, like the ones at that steaming vat of disinformation, Patheos.

Yet if it's not vile enough to attack the zealous and kindly Father Gruner shortly after his death for what he describes as a failure of ecclesiastical discipline, Father Nicholson is himself disobedient.

Hope he doesn't get in trouble with his bishop in Ontario, Canada!

Here is Louis Verrechio's account:

"The so-called “Missionary Preacher of the New Evangelization” from Canada, Fr. Paul Nicholson, a man who is perhaps best known for calling attention to himself by hurling outrageous invectives at sincere Catholics, has descended to new a low.

"Lately, he’s been working overtime trashing the memory of Fr. Nicholas Gruner, a good and holy priest whose sudden passing apparently struck Fr. Nicholson as a golden opportunity for a little shameless self-promotion.

"The very day after Fr. Gruner’s death, the classless Fr. Nicholson reached deep into his storehouse of calumnies for a video entitled, “Should a priest disobey lawful ecclesiastical authority?”


LeonG said...

This title is a curious contradiction of terms - "Missionary Preacher of the New Evangelization" - new church with its new evangelisation has ceased real missionary activity as it no longer proselytises, nor steals sheep, nor believes that we need to be Roman Catholic to be saved. In fact, we can be anything as long as we are 'good'.

Anonymous said...

These Canadian clerics should be careful or they will get a reputation for being bullies, ala Rosica, as opposed to our home grown leftists like Cardinal Dolan. Oh, I forgot, he actually sent his thugs out to push a journalist away, all the while maintain that good old boy smile. The whole crew seems to be getting a wee bit aggressive. There was, of course, Cardinal O’Malley bad mouthing Bishop Finn on national TV – on a Sunday, no less. Pitiful. We need be wise as serpents, and gentle as doves. I won’t pursue this any farther, although it could be done. Thankfully, not all have gone down this path. Nevertheless, the wolves have gathered. What a way to write of our priests…

Anonymous said...

The diocese of London, Ontario is the most liberal diocese in Canada. They're also one of the diocese forcing people to stand up after Communion.

Fr. Nicholson, like many of his peers at the diocese of London, are heavily under the influence of the demonic. You can "feel" the aggression, pride and hate radiate from these priests just by looking at their picture. When you hear and see them speak they amplify that hate and aggression to 11.

This attack on Fr. Gruner (R.I.P) by Fr. Nicholson is based on jealousy and envy. Fr. Nicholson, by his own admission, is jealous that Fr. Gruner received more donations than him and said "why not donate that money to me?" and coined the term "A Dollar for my Collar". Fr. Nicholson committed the mortal sin of calumny (again) by implying Fr. Gruner was living a lavish lifestyle and some sort of a con-man, which he wasn't, Fr. Gruner was very frugal and everyone who ever knew or met him knows that. With all these facts in mind, and the facts presented in the article, it would seem that Fr. Nicholson is psychologically projecting his own intentions onto Fr. Gruner, the whole "town drunk accuses everyone else but himself of being a drunk" mentality.

You cannot reason with these toxic priests like Fr. Nicholson, they're under the influence of the demonic so only prayer and fasting will help them. Please pray for the conversion of Fr. Nicholson. We must fight his demonic hate with Godly Charity.

Anonymous said...

In fact, we can be anything as long as we are 'good',

I don't think we even have to do that anymore either.

I guess we should count ourselves lucky to have been born in this era. The bar for entering Heaven is pretty low these days. We can do a lot more things than people in the past could do and we'll still make it.

The party's on!


Anonymous said...

"of the New Evangelization"

I always feel like vomiting whenever I read an article about this. It is such garbage.
The only real "new evangelization" that will produce good results is the "old evangelization" and Holy Mass that the Catholic Church cherished and maintained for 1.400 years. Any other new experiment or innovation will be a complete it should be.

Anonymous said...

Fr. Nicholson is the same priest who said "Are you checking out my ash?" and "Get your ash to church!"

Why are a great number of Novus Ordo priests obsessed with money and sex? Seriously. Oh and lets not forget those totally groan inducing and sacrilegious jokes they make to impress the hand full of teenagers that are forced to go to Mass by their parents/grandparents.

Fr. Nicholson is stuck in "rebellious teenager" mode, he's 2edgy4you. I think he only says outrageous and "edgy" things to get a rouse out of people, to get people's attention. But underneath the attention seeking is a young and lonely boy who is starved for love.

This is why sensationalism is prevalent in modern society, people come from broken homes and they need the love and attention that they didn't get from their parents. The subconscious anger at their parents, fueled by pride, manifests itself when people try to be "shocking" and "edgy", it's a cry for love. Fr. Nicholson is a microcosm of modern society, an ecclesiastical Lady Gaga.

If he gives us vinegar, let us give him honey in return.

Anonymous said...

"New Evangelization " is code for "Everyone goes to Heaven except Traditional Catholics".

In my experience it's impossible to convert people through the Novus Ordo, most especially if they're Muslim! I'm pretty much forced to bring people to the SSPX chapel because the Novus Ordo instantly removes any curiosity that they had about Catholicism. The Muslims also feel more at home since the people have big families and the women are dressed modestly (including head coverings), contrast that to the Novus Ordo where the women are topless (aka no head covering), the men dress like slobs, the women dress like they're at a nightclub or yoga studio and where everyone chit-chats instead of praying in silent reverence.

I can give other examples with Hindus and whatnot but, needless to say, the Novus Ordo Ecclesia is anti-missionary and anti-evangelical in its liturgy and in its dogmas on ecumenism and so-called dialogue.

The Novus Ordo liturgy is spiritually dry and you can't even pray while Mass is being said! You're forced into a dry and monotone dialogue with the priest or layperson, there is never any silence during the entire Mass - there is always someone talking! Mental prayer, rosaries and Mass devotions (e.g. Sacred Heart, Little Flower, etc.) are impossible! It was done on purpose to destroy the prayer life of Catholics! Even in non-Catholic religions the most popular forms of prayer are mental prayer and prayer beads. The Traditional Latin Mass is truly universal and can appeal to all nations, the Novus Ordo on the other hand only appeals to presbyterians who are about to go extinct.

Anonymous said...

"presbyterians who are about to go extinct"

HAHAHAHA! This is so true. Statistically, there's almost less than 1 million left of them in the USA. Down about 2.5 million from the early 1960's. There are other smaller Presbyterian groups in the USA too, which accound for almost another million. But they are way down too.

There are 5 closed Presbyterian Churches in my general neighborhood/township and only 1 that is functioning.. Of the closed churches, one is now an Armenian Catholic Church, one is a convent and day school run by young Korean nuns who wear a beautiful long dark grey habit and white veil, one is a new Planet Fitness Gym, one is a new CVS drugstore, and one is still vacant and derelict. Good riddance.

susan said...

I wouldn't go high-fiving your pew-neighbor just yet; the stats are pretty sobering for us too (at least in Europe and the U.S.)....

Anonymous said...

“Should a priest disobey lawful ecclesiastical authority?”

Anonymous said...

These comments are fascinating, and reflect a reality I’ve seen far too often. I don’t have much faith in psychological screening for candidates to the priesthood. The perversion of reality inherent in secular analysis seems to filter out too many young men who could be nourished into reverent, holy priests, but opens wide the doors to aggressive ego driven individuals, burdened with a stunted development, requiring a stage upon which to display. Unfortunately the substitution of egoism for holiness of life has allowed a generation of these maniacs into positions of authority – even the most supreme.

Anonymous said...

Leon, it' "as long as we're 'nice'".

Gabriel said...

Anon 9:13 AM,
Who's 'we'?

Gabriel said...

Lefebvre died a schismatic, outside the Church. Guner died spiting the obedience he pledged at his ordination and disobedient to the later directives of Pope Benedict and other Vatican authorities.
Hardly a role model.

Tancred said...

Your role models are hardly Ultramontane. Consistency and integrity must be the hobgoblin the "narrow minded" and "obscurantist" types you love to deplore.

Gabriel said...

Isn't it interesting Tancred just how fluid are the notions of 'consistency' and 'integrity' and how they are judged to be virtues in disobedient characters such as the devout Gruner when during the thirty five years of JPII and Benedict, those who dissented from their particular style of governance were deemed by those at the conservative end of the Catholic spectrum as modernists and heterodox dissenters.
Some would call it a kind of moral elativism. I certainly do.

Tancred said...

You believe in a god who suits your vanity.

Gabriel said...

While others bend the knee to the ideology of their own convenience, don't they Tancred?

Tancred said...

The Catholic Faith is not convenient for you.

Gabriel said...

What a load of presumptuous nonsense, shallowness and monumental, infantile ignorance.

Tancred said...

That's the usual response of fruity mercenary custodians of the institutional church to the Catholic Faith.

LeonG said...

Phenomenologically, "good" depends on what you feel it means. The liberal modernist popes have been driven and guided by this form of reasoning.

Gabriel said...


Anonymous said...

Gabriel expresses similar thought patterns of a fascist or a scientologist, regardless that type of mindset will remain no matter what medium he uses to express his desire to control and dominate other people.

Please remember that Gabriel has a mental health sickness, which is no different from a physical sickness, please treat him with the same charity you would a sick person and pray that he may accept the Will of God in all things and that he may receive the grace to forgive those who have hurt him in the past.