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Curial Archbishop Pozzo in the Chiesa della Misercordia of Turin |
(Turin) Until June 24, 2015 the grave cloth of Christ, the most precious relic of Christendom, the visible proof of God in time and space will be on display. Communities tradition organize pilgrimages to see the grave cloth and worship. In the Chiesa della Misericordia you can find in the old town in the recording Arciconfraternità di S. Giovanni Decollato, detta "della Misercordia" (Confraternity of John the Baptist Beheaded, known as "Mercy"). "Mercy" is the motto of the pontificate of Pope. The Church of Mercy of Turin is the center of the tradition.
The Archconfraternity received permission with the Motu Proprio Ecclesia Dei to maintain the traditional Rite. The church was built by the Confraternity founded in 1578 at the beginning of the 18th century. The chancel from the period has been preserved intact.
Around the church, Coetus Fidelium the Association Cardinal G. Saldarini to promote the tradition in the Archdiocese of Turin within the meaning of the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum has been formed. From 30 April to 3 May, the traditional Parisian parish of St. Eugène undertook a pilgrimage together with the Schola of Sainte Cécile to the Shroud. On May 3 Archbishop Curia Guido Pozzo, Secretary of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei celebrated Missa Praelatitia.in the Chiesa della Misericordia,
"Do Not Relent in Pursuit of the Traditional Mass and Resist Any Undue Resistance"
The Association Cardinal G. Saldarini had the opportunity to provide Msgr. Pozzo detailed information on their experiences and also about difficulties and obstacles. The Curial Archbishop encouraged the faithful to persevere in their commitment to the dissemination of the traditional liturgy and to oppose any undue resistance. At the same time he assured the faithful of adequate protection, because it is the right of all believers to come to the traditional Rite without obstacles.
The Arch confraternity was formed for implementing the physical and spiritual works of mercy for the care of those sentenced to death. They took care of their spiritual guidance, for a Christian burial and for the Holy Masses for their souls. Even today, the Confraternity operates inmate care.
Contact and Info for pilgrims:
Chiesa della Misercordia: Tel. + 39-11-817.39.67 (RA Tealdi) - info [a] arciconfraternitadellamisericordia.it
SSPX: Tel + 39-11-983.92.72 - Montalenghe [a]. sanpiox.it
Chiesa della Misercordia: Tel. + 39-11-817.39.67 (RA Tealdi) - info [a] arciconfraternitadellamisericordia.it
SSPX: Tel + 39-11-983.92.72 - Montalenghe [a]. sanpiox.it
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Messa in Latino
Image: Messa in Latino
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
To me, this is what Vatican II boils down to: The reinforcement of the right and responsibility of responsible and laymen to keep the Church on its Magisterial course, which was disrupted by the French Revolution. God bless Abp. Pozzo.
How lucky for Europeans that so many live so near the Shroud, and how unfortunate that so few want to believe in it, or even see it,
Archbishop Pozzo restates a right to all Roman Catholics reassured and reaffirmed across the ages by none other than Pope St Gregory The Great and Pope St Pius V as well as propagated implicitly and explicitly by all popes since the first codification, that is until we arrive at Pope Paul VI's destructive liberal modernist reign of error. Anyone in doubt about this pope should refer to Fr Luigi Villas. The authority for The Latin Rite belongs to Sacred Tradition. No pope can every abrogate this right as it is guaranteed "in perpetuum" to all priests and lay.
The Latin Rite has two forms, the NO and the EF as affirmed by Benedict XVI.
Does the Ordinariate hybrid belong to Sacred Tradition?
It seems that the Tradition is endowed with some elasticity.
1) Who says the Ordinariate is a hybrid?
2) Could your question and second sentence have been more ham-handedly worded?
3) You really are to the Roman Catholic Church what Dr. Zachary Smith was to "Lost in Space," especially the initial episode.
...like watchin' a howitzer take on a popgun.
Fr Christopher Phillips has no problem acknowledging the hybrid nature of the Ordinariate Rite. Try the Brit who runs the 'Mutual Enrichment' blog. Even the name should tell you something, but I'm probably presuming too much.
The rest of your intervention is undifferentiated, pointless nonsense.
QED. Queens exhibiting displeasure. (Talking about the borough north of Kings County, or course.)
Speak for yourself, not Fr. Phillips.
Gabriel, let me be helpful to you.
You clearly have a psychological problem. But clearly to everyone else, you refuse--not can't, but refuse--to recognize that you do have a problem. That makes you dangerously like the kind of person that M. Scott Peck called "evil".
Now if you think that analysis is unfair, I suggest the following. Go show Pope Francis all that you've done on his behalf on this blog. Then wait and hear what he has to say to you.
And isn't this you over at Aleteia promoting sede vacantism in the comboxes?:
Sorry, I don't see what you have in mind about sedevacantism in the writing. Gaybriel, the last guy in a herd of sedevacantist papists, i.e., they support the Pope when it suits them, is the last guy to claim the holy See is vacant; he does seem to be making a claim of "hermeneutic of continuity" al Francesco, and we all know what the end game of this claim of continuity is, just as we know what the result of the shell game on the boardwalk always is.
Claim denied.
Correct, of course. Over here we all know what Gabriel thinks. Over there (Aleteia) they seem confused. Over there, his 'promotion' of sedevacantism is entirely unintentional. To that degree, he seems to be doing the same thing, whether here or there, and is something that he must ponder in self-reflection.
The authority for The Latin Mass as a right perpetually to all Roman Catholics is guaranteed by Sacred Tradition including conciliar and papal decrees. The SP of Benedict XVI restates that right but his statement that the NO and the TLM are mutually dependent is a contradiction of Pope St Pius V perpetual guarantee and the papal and conciliar anathemas accompanying them concerning the impertinent use of the vernacular and changes to the Canon of the Mass. Basically, the SP effectively implies that we were told a string of lies about liturgical abrogation in 1969 & that the new liturgy is a fabrication which has to be tolerated. On the contrary, it is intolerable and objectively damages The Roman Catholic Faith borne out by the empirical evidence of countless liturgical abuses, routine sacrilege and disastrous loss of clerical numbers servicing the NO. We also know Benedict wanted a single hybrid liturgical solution; giving the substance of his SP a very significant element of finality to eventual abrogation of the TLM had he been able to implement such a totally unacceptable liturgical vehicle.
It's no wonder Traditionalists have such contempt for the heteropractic Benedict XVI!
Anon 10:49: "Err, how high do you want me to jump, Barnum?"
QED (Quirviats Eating Dogs) (New York hot dogs, covered with sauerkraut, mustard, and onion, best thing to sell at the circus-- quick to make, easy on the vendors in the stands, nice profit margin. Detroit Coney Island hotdogs,? They're good too, but a little impractical for the vendors, but not overly so. Chicago dogs? Labor intensive, time intensive, low profit margin.)
Oh, did I notice another inappropriate snark from Gaybriel? Inappropriate, because 10:49 was voicing his own opinion, his agreement was more a transitional phrase, and we don't even know each other, so how could we have the relationship you suggest. On the other hand, had you been describing a weekend of yours at the well-appointed pacific coast condo of another liberal bishop very, very concerned for the poor, well, your ostensive self-reported comment would have described the relationship and been rather appropriate.
Get help.
"The Association Cardinal G. Saldarini had the opportunity to provide Msgr. Pozzo detailed information on their experiences and also about difficulties and obstacles. The Curial Archbishop encouraged the faithful to persevere in their commitment to the dissemination of the traditional liturgy and to oppose any undue resistance. At the same time he assured the faithful of adequate protection, because it is the right of all believers to come to the traditional Rite without obstacles."
## Which is all very well, but proves that NuChurch Rome cannot be trusted with the Liturgy, because if what the cardinal is now saying had been the "party line" 40 years ago, when the Old Mass was in effect suppressed - with the connivance of the then Pope - there would have been no *affaire Lefebvre*. The Archbishop was persecuted by the Popes for doing precisely what the cardinal is now saying that Catholics ought to do. There is no way that such blatant inconsistency in the Church's attitude to the traditional Roman Mass can be made consistent. Rome is simply not to be trusted.
Let me put it this way, Gabriel. Wherever you comment, the kind of responses that you draw are the exact opposite of what you seem to intend. One might suppose that this phenomenon is to be expected at this blog here. Then arguably the problem is with those who frequent this blog. But when it's also true at Aleteia, then the problem is most likely with you. So either you are unintentionally sowing discord, or you are intentionally doing so. The latter seems to be the case. You really should go seek help. It is for your own good. I am not surprised that after this public unmasking of the kind of person that you really are, your commentary should degenerate into mere invective. That too is predictable, knowing what you are!
You forget anonymous - Fr Ratzinger always remained a liberal modernist which he insisted upon with his own words. This is well described by Pope St PiusX in "Pascendi..." & " Lamentabile..." so adeptly ignored throughout his and Francis's papacies and not without good reason as it embarrasses them both. Ultimately, Benedict XVI wanted to axe the Latin Mass for a hybrid - impossible and it will never happen. Yes, the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales alongside all the others who died to hear and say The Latin Mass had contempt for the protestantisation of the church in England which included inculturating the Western Rite Latin liturgy. This trend has been anathematised by doctrinal council and by Pope Pius V. They were right in their action to reinforce Sacred Traditional Roman Catholic liturgical praxis without compromise. Look well at where modernist compromises have led the modernist church today: disunity, chaos and systematically abused inculturated liturgical forms. Even Benedict XVI himself criticised it as banal, fabricated and in need of yet more reforms, including accurate translations which most bishops opposed.
The liturgical by-product of liberal modernism is a protestantised anthropocentric liturgy similar in every detail to Cranmer's Mass and using his table as well as acceptable to Lutherans and many Anglicans.. This is frankly speaking revolutionary, un-Catholic and totally unacceptable. Hybridisation is even worse.
Et touché!
Tancred, please remove one of the QED comments-- unintentional repetition
The anonymous one @6:24 AM is presuming that I have posted on 'Aletheia', a place or site unknown to me.
BTW, I wonder is an 'Anonymous' has ever posted on that place?
The main part of the world's bishops lied us when they claimed that the old mass was definitively abrogated by the times the NO was enforced. Benedict XVI with the Motu Proprio said that objectively it never was .
The main part of the world's bishops lied us when they claimed that the old mass was definitively abrogated by the times the NO was enforced. Benedict XVI with the Motu Proprio said that objectively it never was .
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