Lake Alban
(Rome) The papal summer residence of Castel Gandolfo could soon be transformed into a museum and will be made available to the public for the payment of an entrance fee. According to the Spanish news site InfoVaticana Pope Francis has been fostering concrete plans in this direction. Shortly after his election, Pope Francis was aware that he did not intend to make use of Castel Gandolfo as a summer resort.
In fact, the Argentine Pope hasn't spent a single night in the castle in the Alban Hills. Only three times has he visited the place. The first time, to visit his retired predecessor, Benedict XVI., the other two times each on August 15 on the Solemnity of the Assumption. A festival that has been traditionally celebrated in the city in the presence of the reigning Pope, who is at this time at the retreat there. In order not to disappoint the people of Castel Gandolfo too much, Pope Francis has come at least once to this festival in the city.

Gardens of Castel Gandolfo
Favorable climate in a fantastic area
The area of the Castelli Romani in the Alban Hills is valued for its mild climate. Castel Gandolfo is one of those places that is majestically above the steep slope to a crater lake, the Lake Albano, an extinct volcano. The great families of the Empire who were in ancient Rome, built villas here to escape the summer heat of Rome. The villa of the emperor Domitian (81-96) forms the basis of the current Pope's summer palace. Soon after 1100, the Gandolfi, a noble family of Lombard descent, hence the name Castrum Gandulphi, purposed a castle around which arose the present town.

Benedict XVI. prays the Rosary in the garden of Castel Gandolfo
In 1596 the castle and land went over to the Holy See. In 1624, Pope Urban VIII. used it to create today's Palais des Papes. In the Lateran Treaty, it is recognized as the Papal Palace and thus extraterritorial area. Several Popes, including Pope Pius XII. and Paul VI. died there. While Benedict XVI. often appreciated the climate and the rest in Castel Gandolfo, Pope Francis has taken little pleasure of the plant with magnificent baroque gardens, and since 1936, the seat of the Specula, in the Vatican Observatory.He is of the opinion that the Vatican is "the last Royal Palace of Europe" which is what he wants to leave.
The castle and gardens include an area of 55 hectares. In March 2014 Francis had opened the gardens open to the public. Now he wants to also open the keep and turn it into a tourist attraction and relieve the revenue the Vatican finances.
In the Vatican, there are some concerns. If future popes might otherwise regard Castel Gandalfo than Francis and again want to use it as a summer residence, a recovery would be difficult.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: InfoVaticana
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
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I was there a couple of months ago. The local people told me they are heartbroken that he never goes near. Well done Holy Father! Bringing cheer and solace to all your children.
Well... to give them credit, at least they are trying to help the tourism industry the Holy Father has callously disregarded.
I thought His Holiness would sell it off piecemeal to Muslim immigrants... or the homeless or some nonsense like that. Glad to see it's being preserved for the next Pope.
But he will celebrate Maundy Thursday with convicted criminals in prison. Nice comparison to the Apostles I suppose, who were imprisoned for the Faith, not for being petty criminals. This is the new MERCY!
Let's hope he doesn't read this blog and get any ideas from the comments.
Francis the Destroyer
By the time His Holiness is through, The entire Vatican will be a museum. We can go tour and see what it was like to Be Catholic.
Always Forward! Never Go Back!
That Free Mason wishes to weaken the Faith. Only when every church is a museum or accommodation for Moslem migrants will he be happy.
When will this nonsense stop? The Catholic Church is not Bergoglio's play thing. He doesn't get to remake everything in his phony "I'm so humble" image. Maybe Castel Gandolfo is a trivial point to some, but it is part of the papal history. Traditions are supposed to be cherished, not discarded.
In NBC's coverage of Benedict's election in 2005, George Weigel noted the Church does not reinvent itself with each new papacy. Well, once again Weigel was wrong. That's all that's happened since Vatican II. And now we're getting "The Vatican Extreme Makeover Edition" staring Jorge Bergoglio.
Every day I hope there will be a story that gives me hope this madness will soon end, but that hasn't come. And this story indicates to me one won't be coming anytime soon. If there's been one accomplishment in Bergoglio's first two years it's that he's routed the conservative wing of the Church.
I fully expect him to reign for another decade or so and there will be nothing left at that point. St. Peter's may still stand, but it will be the home to a Billy Graham style spirituality that's may focus is serving the poor. All the while Islam will grow stronger and stronger.
What to you may be madness is wisdom to others.
Would you approve if he sold Castel Gandolfo to the Knights of Columbus, Legatus , the Acton Institute or as Italian headquarters of the SSPX?
Wow. Some petty sanctimonious commenters here. If you have a problem with the Holy Father, take it up with the Holy Spirit.
God permits evil for sure.
If the Holy Spirit can allow a Borgia Pope, then the Holy Spirit can make a mistake with Bergoglio as well.
I would prefer a Borgia Pope over a Bergoglio presidency any day.
Next thing we will hear, he has sold the silver.
He's giving it back to Gandolf the Grey.
The Holy Father is God the Father, not Bergoglio. Stop blaspheming by calling him that.
He's going to give away all the statues of Mary for use as fashion dolls for young Muslim girls. And the ones that are life sized he's going to donate to French bazzars to serve as manikins.
I'm starting to wonder if I haven't been a little hard on the Borgias.
If he thinks that CG is the last royal palace in Europe he is pretty ignorant about European royalty.
Well said. The Jews were exiled to Babylon for 40 years. They were invaded numerous times. All as chastisements for disobeying God. No one should fool themselves into thinking that the Church is not susceptible to the same. Pray, Fast and do penance for the restoration of the Church.
"I fully expect him to reign for another decade or so and there will be nothing left at that point. "
I don't think so. Bergoglio himself said that he thinks his pontificate will be very short.
Second, sometimes he looks terrible.
Third, my friend's Dad is a MD, and he went to see Bergoglio at a Papal Mass at Christmastime. He said he looked terrible then, and has all the classic signs of chf (congestive heart failure)---weight/fluid gain (except in the face), poor coloring(either pale and chalky or in advanced stages actually greyish), shortness of breath, and slurring words.
Anyway, I hope Bergoglio/Francis is gone in a year or so....not a decade.
An interview came out today in which Bergoglio said he wants to retire like Benedict and be a Pope Emeritus, concerning which he said it should "not be considered an exception, but an institution."
Its all over the place, like for example: All Pope Francis wants is to go out for a pizza and Pope Francis Expects Short Papacy, Leaves Open Possibility of Retirement.
I guess in the future there will be so many Popes Emeritai that instead of cardinals ex-popes will be electing the next pope.
Pope Francis has expressed a personal choice just as Benedict did and exercised it by abdicating.
You're just trotting out distortions and self-serving hyperbole
So, Gabriel, you think it will be a good thing if all the popes from now on "abdicate" and stick around with "pope" still in their title? Its like that awful new Star Wars movie Attack of the Clones. Only now its Attack of the Popes Emerituses.
The sooner bergolio goes... the better.. we need another Pope St Pius X. Every pope since and including John 23rd has been DISASTROUS.
I wouldn't go that far, but I'm on the same path.
Oh wow, I hear and understand the sentiments, but reading them all one after the other, I just broke out in a fit of giggles. It is a tragedy, but sometimes one just has to laugh....in desperation ,perhaps?
On a serious note, given that the man is here,we must pray for him . No matter our personal feelings. Our Lord fully expects that we do so. After all he will face God's justice for whatever his sins are, but we will face Jesus' wrath.
Priests are targeted by the devil so much more than we can comprehend and we have to pray and sacrifice for the bishops of the Church so that they will be able to resist the temptations put before them. Especially those of pride and arrogance .
OK , enough preaching from me, just wanted to remind......done my duty
Every Cardinal and Bishop ,especially those who elected Pope Francis ,do they sense the blunder they have committed and betrayed the Body of Christ to such a test that our hearts are broken and suffer the agony. Do these comments are brought to the knowledge of the (false) of Christ that he resigns ??? Mary our Mother intercede for us ;your messages given at Fatima are warnings that we pray much and hold on to our Faith till the end.
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