Monday, March 9, 2015

Baltimore Archdiocese Celebrates Same-Sex Marriage

Edit: Baltimore Archdiocese has a lot of problems, a poorly catechized canon lawyer, a laity in whose hearts the Catholic Faith in this once Catholic capital has faded. Here's the report from Rorate:

Crisis of Bishops: Archdiocese of Baltimore allows (fake) same-sex "marriage" announcement
We have chronicled the sacrilegious "liturgies" that have taken place over the years at Calvert Hall College High School. What's different with this report, if the brother in question was telling the truth, is that the Archdiocese of Baltimore has tacitly approved fake same-sex "marriages" by formally approving of their announcement in Catholic publications.
A report below, from a reader: Link to Rorate...


  1. Rorate no has a statement from the Archdiocese forcefully disavowing Calvert Hall College's claim.

    This is good, of course. But what will the Archdiocese now do with Calvert Hall College? Will there be consequences?

  2. If the descendants of the Puritans took over Maryland from the Catholics, then these 2 freak show lover boys are helping with secular neo-Puritan mop up. You will know the takeover is complete when this gay school announces the no doubt inevitable soon-to-take-place-adoption by the happy homosexual couple.

  3. Our Lady of La Salette & Our Lady of Good Success predicted these abomination's would occur.
