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Does sport make you stupid? Dr. Ludwig Schick broke out in a cold sweat just thinking about PEGIDA. Absent from the document above is the fact that His Excellency is an Archbishop. |
Archbishop Schick For Islamization?
"Christians should not participate there," said Archbishop Schick against the citizens' initiative "Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West" (PEGIDA).
Archbishop Schick wants to intimidate the sheep connected to country. Catholics should (as in Syria and Iraq) should have no future and no hope.
The Central Committee of the Church-tax Sectoids
The Bamberg Archbishop, Schick, is a member of the Central Committee (Bishops) of the separatist German Tax-Church Sectoid which in many ways adopts its own national exceptionalism in many matters of faith and deliberately separates from the Roman Catholic Church worldwide.
However, the sheep of this sect may not have a national identity. For the sheep of the anti-German Tax-Church sect it suffices solely to believe in the "New World Order" (quote Angela Merkel).
Killings in the Name of Allah
PEGIDA is a movement that does not find it okay that Muslims have murdered millions of Christians for 1400 years in the name of Islam.
With Muslims, who in the German Empire of anti-fascism (in Essen) shout "Jews to the gas!" And "Heil Hitler!" or chant "Adolf Hitler" chants, there seem to be no problems either for the judiciary nor for the archbishop.
Complicity in the Murders of Christians
With his denunciation against PEGIDA, Archbishop Schick makes an accomplice of a political ideology, which has killed each year more than 100,000 Christians worldwide.
Nevertheless Pope Francis offers help by suggesting Christ and Allah identical:
- " Thou shalt have no other gods before me "(kreuz-net)
Jihadist Onslaught
Around 600 "German" Mohammedans are pilgrimaging already in the Middle East to be consistent with the Koran and to kill Christians there in masses.
About 60 "German" Muslims have so far fallen in Syria and Iraq in an attempt to establish an Islamic state. (These 60 dead Christian murderers, have been promised at least 4,320 virgins in paradise.)
The Murderous "Islamic state" (IS)
The identity of the Islamic State (IS) is defined by mass murders and religious "cleansing". The necessary weapons donations for this come from US allies Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Jordan, etc.
Return of Muslim Terrorists
About 200 Muslim head choppers are now back in their German "home" back (presumably for further conquest). Even in urban warfare they are fully trained.
Many German Muslims hold the Islamic state for their home, who are ready to build it (currently still in Syria and Iraq).
The most brutal terrorists of mankind were trained in secret CIA training camps in Kuwait, Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, etc., to hunt down Christians. Thus, in order to make this fight even more effective, US President Barack Hussein Obama has asked Congress for another $ 500 million for Syrian rebels.
Archbishop Loyal to the Regime...
The Archbishop loyal to the regime should not forget that even the warmongering Chancellor ripe for resignation, stated: "The approach to multiculturalism has failed, absolutely failed!" This isn't the only truth Archbishop Schick tries to suppress.
PEGIDA participants must protect women and children from the attacks of counter-demonstrators, and the church-tax has called for counter-demonstrations as well. As part of this counter-demonstrations, leftist thugs have been unleashed against the family and state.
... Citizens Far From Faith
One sees in that the demand by Archbishop Schick ("Christians can not participate there"), however, is likely to fall on barren ground, as it thanks to the progressive arrogance of the Tax-Church Sectoids that there are hardly believing Christians in Germany.
Conversely, it's more likely: Christians would not take part in the opressive Tax-Church Sect.
Considering the irreverent statements by the Archbishop of Bamberg about PEGIDA ("Christians can not vote there"), it seems as Schick believes in a victim-reversal. In truth, Christians would like to join PEGIDA in the Middle East, but they don't live there any longer because they have fallen victim to the Muslim Jihad.
The churches emptying Bamberg Archbishop, Ludwig Schick rejects the native movement PEGIDA with an uncompromising "no ifs and buts". Of the activities of the experts in the performance of Christians heads the well remunerated by the FRG GmbH Bamberg Archbishop Ludwig Schick has not distanced.
Fear of the system before Conforming Patriots (PEGIDA)
The establishment of Germany Inc. seems afraid of (PEGIDA) patriots, to have as yet taken no offense against the Muslim persecution of Christians, 100,000 of whom fall victim worldwide every year.
The unpatriotic Archbishop is concerned about German pushback against the flow of Muslim murderers of Christians into the Middle East.
These supply lines seem threatened by the movement of the "Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West."
What is the Bishop's Word for Islamic terror?
About aid for the victims of IS-terrorism the Islamophilic Archbishop has said nothing, but he makes no secret of his contempt for the native Christians.
Many are wishing the German well-paid, tax-subsidized Archbishop a nice PEGIDA festival!
From the formerly Bamberg Villach
On the fourth Sunday of Advent a 24 year old Mohammedan in Villach (Carinthia) pursued and attempted to strike an 80 year old woman 's skull with a clever as she was attending the Massr from behind.
From 1007 to 1759 large parts of Carinthia belonged, like the fortress Arnoldstein, to the diocese of Bamberg.
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Like the rest of the neo-catholic episcopate - Archbishop Sick would be a better name. Sick papacy; sick church; sick presbyterate and sick novus ordo liturgy.
A group of Catholic Monks has revealed that Pope Francis is Petrus Romanus the last Pope.
A group of Portuguese monks says Pope Francis is Petrus Romanus because Pope Francis abandoned the Papal residence inside the Vatican to live in a hotel called Santa Marta House, which is on the on the border with Rome.
So is confirmed Pope Francis is Petrus Romanus the last Pope.
Reminds one of how the French bishops urged thei flock not to vote for the only party that opposed abortion and upheld France's glorious heritage.
Felix M
The Church of Ecumenism will cause the downfall of the West. They bow to Islam for fear of the "Nazi" label whereas ISIS is more vicious than Nazi Germany ever was, particularly toward women. The feminists, however, are blind to this. Hopefully PEGIDA will become a growing force of sanity.
Western sunset or suicide, as you prefere, a former german cardinal (the Cardinal) said long time ago that Europe hates herself, hates her religious roots, her history and her past, Europe feels a huge guiltiness, all that is european is to be swept out, no hope for future is a slow agony, waiting for the sky to fall on our heads. Sad, very sad, muslims have no mercy' trace in their Koran.....God bless+
Did you by chance say sick, LeonG? :-)
I agree. The Catholic Church in its human institution is gravely ill...both mentally and physically...
But the question is - where will all this lead? What's to become of Holy Mother Church - the foundation of western civilisation? ..The madness from Rome wants to obliterate it at a fast rate...under Pope Francis this is clear. Even if the other post-conciliar Popes were not "traditional" in the sense that I hold to and most of us here on this traditional Catholic Blog and others ...I never saw this wilful destruction in any of them even Pope Paul VI who wrecked the Mass. I read in Iota Unum that he REALLY and TRULY beleived it a good thing to change to the vernacular etc., and understood the sacrifice that was made in shelveing the Old Rite .
It's all so ----mad..
Prayers and may the Good Lord Jesus have mercy on us all, What times!
Dear Anon @1.11 am
"more vicious than Nazi Germany ever was, particularly toward women." Not sure about this. Many women were raped by German soldiers in Poland and brutally raped in Russia. I have read that women were dragged by their hair to be raped in Smolensk. The Poles were classed as Sub-mensch. And I believe the Nazi regime began ethnically cleansing Poland as soon as it invaded (lapanka). They had quotas, which they couldn't meet, so they declared all Poles living in what was Prussia as Germans. It was to do with Hitler's Lebensraum theory. ...But then there were the raping of women by the Soviet army and German women were raped by the Allies, in fact allied-army soldiers' wives had to wear uniform in Germany just to prevent them from getting raped. Honest to God, it makes you want to be a man.... Why do men have to do all this raping?
"With his denunciation against PEGIDA, Archbishop Schick makes an accomplice of a political ideology, which has killed each year more than 100,000 Christians worldwide.
Nevertheless Pope Francis offers help by suggesting Christ and Allah identical:
•" Thou shalt have no other gods before me "(kreuz-net)."
Freemasons = Communists = New World Order = 'whited sepulchres'. Totally dead to the One True Faith and the King of Kings and especially Christ's Presence on Earth, the Blessed Sacrament.
"About 200 Muslim head choppers are now back in their German "home" back (presumably for further conquest). "
Why, oh, why, do they let them back in...?
"The most brutal terrorists of mankind were trained in secret CIA training camps in Kuwait, Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, etc., to hunt down Christians. Thus, in order to make this fight even more effective, US President Barack Hussein Obama has asked Congress for another $ 500 million for Syrian rebels."
Go figure, what a farce, an in-your-face-insult. How on the planet is this $500 million justified today, right now?
I think the PEGIDA marches originated in Dresden because this part of Germany used to be East Germany and people there aren't used to the mass-immigration. The ex-Satellite states of the USSR have only been free of Communism for about 30 years. These ex-Satellites just haven't experienced the influx of Middle-Eastern and African foreigners as have other parts of Western Europe. Ironically, Communism probably saved these countries from mass-immigration. Another example, would be that as far as the last century is concerned, Communism in Poland probably was responsible for a golden-era for the Catholic Church and Mass attendance.
Notwithstanding the obvious fact that every country that dumped Catholicism for Protestantism is now over-run/threatened by Islam.
you are absolutely right we have to fight hatred with hatred and violence with violence Jesus just didn't get it People like Archbishop Schick are caught up in a romantic view that the teachings of Jesus would still work in today's world. the Church needs to get with it This Pope is leading us to the self-destruction of the West with his naive notions that love can defeat the kingdom of Satan. Only hatred and prejudice can protect us
No one has advocated violence that I can see. You must be one of those special people that reads the tea leaves.
Anonymous said " (the Cardinal) said long time ago that Europe hates herself, hates her religious roots, her history and her past, Europe feels a huge guiltiness, all that is european is to be swept out, "
Damask Rose said "Freemasons = Communists = New World Order = 'whited sepulchres'. Totally dead to the One True Faith and the King of Kings and especially Christ's Presence on Earth, the Blessed Sacrament."
I can only think of one very mislead group that wants Europe to hate her Catholic roots, that has the financial and media clout to enervate that hatred, and that has ties to Freemasonry, Communism, the NWO, and all the while, explicitly rejects Christ.
But I'm just an ignorant peasant, seeing tie-ups that just aren't there...
Why you bitching, the only Victorious force in WW2 was Atheistic G-d hating communism!
The Tribe?
@DamaskRose, actually, rape was severely punished in the Wehrmacht. I'd have to question whether what you're saying is true, and I doubt it is.
Are you forgetting the rape,pillage,death,destruction of German citizens and over half of Europe at the hands of the Catholic killing Red Army Soviet Union?
Germany invaded Poland because genocide was waged upon ethnic German's in Poland.The Nazi Army was disciplined and rape wasn't tolerated.What bolshevik college professor taught you this lie?
Don't forget duping western society to embrace and flaunt feminism,fatherless families,abortion, and public sodomite s&m parades down main street.
I stopped reading upon your wiki quote
You quote wiki & expect to taken seriously?
The Pols were killing innocent ethnic Germans.Hitler didn't want war with the west.He called for peace between Germany & France/Britain before invading Poland.The Germans were going east until the freemasonic western powers declared war on Germany.
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