BILD: Tebartz van Elst will now take up the post of Secretary to the "Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization" in Rome
Rome (kath.net) Obviously, there should be a "comeback" for the former Limburger Bishop Franz-Peter Tebartz van Elst after 15 months of a forced break. This was reported by the Bild newspaper on Friday. According to the newspaper, Tebartz van Elst will now take up the post of Secretary to the "Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization" in Rome. Two weeks ago, there was apparently a discussionin the Vatican. Tebartz van Elst's spokeswoman Eva Demmerle was unable to deliver on a BILD request to make comment.
This is actually a great thing. Pope Francis, even by his own admission, is not going to be around for long. He said last year he expected only another 2-3 years. Now it's down to 1-2......perhaps alittle more.
But regardless, Pope Francis and his agenda will be gone.
Look for this good man in the new pontificate, to be included in a group of new Cardinals. He's only about 52, so he has years yet to go...God willing.
Actually I pray Jorge Bergoglio has a road to Damascus type experience.Imagine if we woke up next week to headlines like 'Pope Francis, being re-ordained/concecrated?This comes after his statement that Vatican 2 is not catholic and the church needs to learn Latin, fast!'Other than hearing Gretchen Carlson's irritating voice,this would be amazing wonderful news.
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