Sunday, December 14, 2014

Gaudete Sunday Liturgical Abuse in Puglia

Edit: this abomination just has to be pointed out. The Diocese of San Severo is presently headed by Lucio Angelo Renna, O. Carm., and is located in Puglia, Italy not far from the Adriatic. Recently, this morning in fact, a local priest, Francesco Cicorella, held the following Gaudete Sunday "Mass" at the parish of San Bernardino. It appears the local pastor is something of a Pied Piper. The priest keeps a Facebook account where he published this video.


  1. "Video reved by user." Hmmmmmmm

    1. That was "REMOVED" by user. Sheesh!

    2. I've updated it with the embed from FB.

  2. Visited his face book page ,looks like they do aerobics on the Altar.

  3. Watched it. Absolutely dreadful. I don't think you can reverse this.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Is this what Pope Francis would call an "emancipated liturgy"? It's certainly emancipated from any rule, but also from good taste, sacredness, and solemnity. The clucking gesture is, to be sure, a huge pedagogical improvement over the beating of one's breast.

  6. Such reverence to Our Lord, present in Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity!! Reparation!

  7. Well, since 1969 there have been uncountable blasphemies and sacrileges perpetrated by the invalid Novus Ordo - no wonder they have no priesthood left - only an amateur entertainer-cum-presider prebyterate remains but it is aging and over half of it is past retirement age. Not long to go before most of them vanish for good. Deo Gratias. Then we can look to the traditionalist religious houses and societies for our priests once again.

  8. A few years ago when I was clueless about the TLM and tradition in general I took my 6 yo to the first day of catechism at the local NO parish. The class started with a lady playing the piano while the kids clapped hands, foot stomped, etc. Later, two former (I guess former they didn't wear any habits) tried to explain to my 6 yo some basics of the faith. That was the first, only, and last time I ever went to that mess. I bought a baltimore Catechism to teach it myself.

    Lesson number 1 from the Baltimor Catechism teaches more about the faith than an entire year long balderdash catechism class at the local novus ordo church
