The punitive action against the unpopular opponent by Pope Francis took place shortly before the start of Bishops' Synod about the family in the space following when Cardinal Burke emerged in the months previous as one of the leaders of the defense of the Church's marriage and morality against the "opening" mottos of Cardinal Kasper (see Malta Exile? Final Papal Purge of Cardinal Burke? ). The threat did not intimidate the Cardinal a but. Rather, he was the most visible opponent of the new course supported by Pope Francis at the Synod of Bishops. With sharp words the Cardinal Burke also criticized outside the Synod Hall, the procedure of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops, but also of the pope (see Cardinal Burke: Pope has "Done a lot of Damage" - Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura Confirmed Impending Dismissal as Pope: "Who am I, to judge? "- Burke:" We need to judge acts " ).
Vindictive Retaliation by Pope
Only a few weeks after the completion of the Synod of Bishops the "sending away" of the cardinal appears as revenge and retaliation by Pope Francis. So the reigning pope seems to have acted in quite a hurry. On November 3, just 15 days after the end of the Synod, he approved a Rescriptum of the Cardinal Secretary of State, with the retirement provisions for bishops and cardinals eligible for papal nomination were tightened. It entered into force on 5 November, and the Rescriptum required all Cardinals over 75 (except Cardinal Prefects of the Roman Curia) to immediately offer their resignations.
This also affected the previous patron of the Order of Malta, Cardinal Paolo Sardi. The resignation offered by Cardinal Sardi was immediately accepted by the Pope, thus clearing a space, to which Cardinal Burke could be deported in an "elegant" way to a management function in the Roman Curia with an honorary function.
Praise of Benedict XVI. Did Not Help
The demonstrative praise of Benedict XVI. from his self-imposed exile in a greeting message to the International Pilgrimage of Tradition where the celebrant in St. Peter's Basilica in the Old Rite was Cardinal Burke on October 26, describing "great cardinals," did not help.
The dismissal of one of the most prominent and recent cardinals of the Catholic Church is an affront for a significant part of the universal Church, which is intended by the papal retaliation that Cardinal Burke will be punished.
The measure has confirmed some Argentine voices, which described Jorge Mario Bergoglio since his election as the head of the Church, as very resentful and would not to tolerate criticism of his person and opposition to his plans. They also confirmed that Pope Francis is the actual director behind the "new Mercy", which was represented by Cardinal Kasper as a spokesman.
By deposing Burke from his post as head of a dicastry, he can no longer participate ex officio at the Synod of Bishops on the family in the coming year. Pope Francis has silenced the Cardinal with his "reshuffle" in the Synod. It's a signal that the Argentine Church leader seems willing to make up for in 2015, that which has not been achieved at the Extraordinary Synod of Bishops in 2014 and to push through his "new mercy". A "new Mercy", which can be very cruel.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: MiL
image: MiL
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
He must become the rallying point for the faithful: We have to show our solidarity with the Cardinal and support him, because even death is preferable than compromising the faith.
Pope Francis will get the surprise of his life, when more and more good bishops, and even Cardinals, fight against him.
Jellyfish Cardinals and Bishops, as well as the die-hard radical liberals will flock to Francis, but true Faithful will start to abandon him by the millions.
The next Pope, let us pray he is a traditional Catholic, unlike this worthless Pope Francis, will have the big job of suppressing everything Francis did and stood for. But he will get it done. He won't be a wimp...like Benedict XVI........who if he had not resigned, we would not be facing this.
If Benedict XVI continues to remain silent and bow to Francis.....he is likewise worthless.
There are conservatives who claim that Pope Francis didn't demote Cardinal Burke, but actually promoted Cardinal Burke.
They argued yesterday that Pope Francis is a missionary Pope. Now, Cardinal Burke is free to travel the world to promote Tradition, which is what the Pope wants.
Maybe the conservatives are right.
He's just trying to clear the way for next year's Synod.
Ohh, what a relief, he was just attacking the pope's ideas, not the pope. Whew!
The BoR is nothing if not predictable.
not to be pessimistic but unless divine powers intervene, he will succeeded. the gnostics made a lot of mistakes last synod but will learn from them.
everyone beats on collegiality but that concept was the only thing that saved us last month, thats why francid, kasper, marx et al are all of a sudden ultramontanists with marx pushing for a "reform" of the "outdated" synod system (i always thought the use of "synod" was curious since its sounds ancient and catholic, youd think the liberals would of used some sort of banal corporate language)
The mental contortions are something to behold.
He has consistently followed an apostate path for decades.
He's just trying to clear the way for next year's Synod.
And how exactly is Abp. Mamberti, who replaced Cdl. Burke, more favorable to that agenda?
He's not Burke?
Yeah, maybe…
Someone should re-do that movie scene where Hitler goes off his nut to show how Francis reacted when he found out he was losing the Sin-nod...
in time for them to show it at the Bishop's meeting in Baltimore (while Kasper is talking)
As an American Catholic, I applaud Pope Francis's efforts to open up to new ideas even if he has to go against the current. Thank you Pope Francis for being brave.
These are the actual subtitles:
Dorothy Turczyn, What is an "American" Catholic? Are you open to new ideas that go against Jesus Christ's teaching? If so, you and Pope Francis should go join Satan's church because you and Francis are ANTI CHRIST. Here's a link:
They believe in divorce and remarriage, sodomy, baby murder, "mercy" killing etc. That church leads people to hell. Hope you enjoy it! The Catholic Church, however, has a 2,000 year history of leading people to heaven. I belong because I believe in Jesus Christ and I want to go to His Kingdom. Since you and Francis don't -- GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And stop trying to impose your devil God on us!
The American Catholic Church has wymen prysts.
"Ohhhh, Pope Francis thank you for pushing mortal sin and sacrilege. You are soooo brave to stand up to those old sainted popes who followed the teaching of that stuffy ol' Jesus. They are all just meanies! Who does He think He is anyway?"
You may be American but Catholic you are not.
Oh absolutely! That's our JOB. We hate the sin and love the sinner. We don't attack a person, we attack the action.
There is a major difference between the man who sits in the Chair of Peter and the Chair itself.
Ask the man to clarify, point out that we have no guidance. Because we deserve clarity from the Man who sits in that Chair.
Thanks Dorothy for proving some people's point. You may think your views make you credible as a person and a Catholic, but they don't really.
Sure, the loyal opposition and all that, but I don't think Pope Francis views it in quite that light.
And he's a creature of Sodano's from the diplomatic service, but I don't think Burke was speaking as the leader of the conservatives by virtue of his post as Prefect of the Signatura, either.
Dorothy, It was not a new idea. In the Gospel, we read of how some Pharisees find the teaching of "no divorce" very hard to take, and challenged Jesus that Moses had allowed it in the Old Testament.
To which Our Lord said, Moses allowed it only because of the hardness of your hearts. But in the beginning, marriage was between one man and one woman.
These days, Catholics who are faithful and who defend this teaching of Our Lord Jesus Christ are the ones being called by Pope Francis as inflexible "Pharisees",
Do you think Pope Francis is greater than Our Lord Jesus Christ?
I can't believe the hatred some people are exhibiting toward Pope Francis. If any "liberal" had called for abandonment "by the millions" of JPII or Benedict, the hue and cry for excommunication from the conservatives would have been heard around the world.
Oh God! Save us from Pope Francis! He is a nightmare! He is a South American dictator who is destroying the Church!
"As an American Catholic, I applaud Pope Francis's efforts to open up to new ideas even if he has to go against the current. Thank you Pope Francis for being brave."
Pope Francis isn't brave. He'a a liberal radical AH who is destroying the Catholic Faith. It's time for traditional and faithful Catholics....like Cardinal Burke, other Cardinals and Bishops, and the faithful, to take it back from him and his cronies (Kasper, etc).
Your last name indicate Polish background either of you or your spouse. All great Polish saints, pray for Pope Francis not to lead the Church, Christ's Bride, the wide road to perdition.
Why doesn't Pope Francis say where he stands? I mean Cardinal Kasper and all those like him are pretty frank so if the Pope is indeed of their ilk why the hiding? I can understand why modernists hid their intentions in the last century but what's the point now?
The whole conservative and liberal thing where you think they're just different ways of viewing the world is completely false. There are right sides and wrong ones, and Pope Francis is fully advancing the one while attempting violently to marginalized the other.
Pope Francis is not hiding anything.
Next year we will see how different things are than when the angst-ridden, hand-wringing Pope Benedict the Abdicator was around.
Pope Francis is not angst-ridden.
Pope Francis is not hand-wringing.
Pope Francis is not an Abdicator.
Pope Francis is the just scourge of our sins.
He will not be stopped by hand wringing.
He is a Jesuit and the Catholics had best be ready for persecution at the hands of this apostate Order.
[Pastors] Hebrews 13:7-9a
Remember your leaders who spoke the word of God to you; consider how their lives ended, and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teaching.
Well, we all know it wouldn't happen under him without his approval and we know the awful things he has said however he isn't frank like Cardinal Kasper, etc. What does this strategy do? All I can think of is that it keeps Mr. Voris and others quiet.
Conservatives are going into full sophistry mode.
He views us as donatists if I remember right
Sorry. but I think it's well about time to start attacking the person here....he's made it abundantly clear that he is his actions. Bergoglio is an evil, evil man.
Burke is a self promoting gas bag - and dead wrong about "doctrine" not changing - he of the same ilk as those "theologians" who persecuted Galileo for his heretical, anti-scriptual view that earth orbited the sun. The Pope did the church a big favor...
The donatists meet weekly at the local Krispy Kreme.
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