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Pope Benedict With the Prince of the Apostles, Peter |
(Vatican) There is an attempt of a paradigm shift of revolutionary proportions in progress within the Catholic Church. "Revolucion Francisco" is how it is being reported by the Argentine television station Canal 9 on the Synod of Bishops. "Is Pope Francis initiating a revolution?" Austrian Broadcasting Corporation hopefully asked today.
The French Revolution, which has yet to happen in the one Church of Jesus Christ is more than two hundred years too late, as Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini once expected. Part of the shock troops of a casuistic rebuilding of the Church's moral teaching, which raises the exception to the rule, is the Jesuit Order. What Cardinal Martini failed at, Jorge Mario Bergoglio has succeeded: the rise of the first Jesuit to the throne of Peter.
A commentary by Giuseppe Nardi
For 17 months a confusing rant about the people of God has been going down: attempts to abolish sin, destroy the understanding of sin, the idea of good and evil leading to absurdity and uplifting the autonomous conscience to be the last instance. A few days ago the Pope called out to the people: "There is no God." The intention of the statement could be awkward to explain. The question of what benefits it is supposed to have, this confusing, yes destructive, statement by the head of the Church, however, is not being answered.
Would the Case of Henry VIII. Have Been "Dismissed" Differently in the Hands of Jesuit Casuistry?
The uniqueness of Catholic charity in the admonition of the sinner, the condemnation of sin and absolution in the confessional with penance is being replaced by a "new charity" of laissez faire and dissolved beyond recognition. The Church is to no longer to penetrate the world, but the world, the Church. The subversion of order in the Church from theocentricity to anthropocentrism is finding its completion. Christ is the comrade , the one who is addressed disrespectfully with a knock on the shoulder as a chum, then quickly disposed of, unnoticed in the priorities of the individualistic egoism. The rest is dialectical self-adulation and the honey of taking their own path. Gilbert Keith Chesterton whose fictional character, Father Brown, however, says about the healing responsibility and importance of the Church and the priesthood: "We must say the word that saves from hell"?
The Synod of Bishops revealed, that in 2014, the Cardinals Kasper, Marx and Schönborn, with papal support, would have dismissed the case against the English King Henry VIII. in 1534. Casuistically. The Martyrdom of Saints John Fisher and Thomas More were not the way of loyalty to the reigning pope, but the fidelity to the teaching and mission of Christ. A key difference.
When Does Benedict XVI. Manifest the Sign of Contradiction?
So the question arises as to whether and when the Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI. will manifest a sign of contradiction and hurry to the defense of the Church's teaching. After all, he carries a substantial share of the responsibility that it has come to this, as it has come. Irrefutable fact is that the 76-year-old Archbishop of Buenos Aires would never have become Pope, had Benedict XVI not declared his resignation. Whatever the background that led to this startling step, we can only speculate. What is certain is that the official explanation must be noted, however, there can be few good reasons for a step of such importance.
Pope Benedict XVI. announced in February 2013 that he would be "invisible for the world", but continue his work in other ways, in sacrifice and prayer for the Church. Come it's different. Because of the radical contrast between Pope Francis and his predecessor, began to arouse the suspicions among the people of God after the conclave at the Vatican, the feeling that between incumbent and retired, there wasn't the slightest difference between the two popes. The results were scenes of encounters of two popes, which triggered much ridicule in the world, and the many faithful people for good reason were irritated more than reassured. A retired existence may understandably conform to the thinking of social legislation of trade unions, however, it is contrary to the commission of Christ, which the faithful feel instinctively.
The end of a great shepherd as remote-controlled sheep?
Rather than remain invisible to the world in sacrifice and prayer, Benedict XVI entered, whomever his successor wants, to be in the public, dumb and as an extra. Through his punctual appearance before the public eye, continuity is mimicked and indirectly conveys the impression that Benedict XVI himself would approve the upheaval being urged on by Pope Francis.
The end of a great shepherd as remote-controlled sheep is unworthy of Benedict XVI. and is just another form of subsequent dismantling of his pontificate. The spectacle of the performances of Benedict XVI., recently presented on the Day of The Elderly, introduced at the senior club of pensioners, gives the impression of a puppet in the hands of a puppeteer. An impression of the exploitation that has something unworthy in itself. Its confusion which culminated this last April 27, as in the controversial, politically correct double canonization of John Paul II., and unmiraculous John XXIII., two popes concelebrated in St. Peter's Square.
Attempt to Lay Hands on the Roots of the Catholic Church founded by Christ
At the Synod of Bishops, the experiment was obviously to overturn the Church's sacraments, and thus to lay hands on the roots of Christianity and the Catholic Church. The unspeakable interim report is eloquent proof. It will be corrected and straightened out for the final report. Should it not be written ex novo, but it will remain a rotten fruit in the matrix. Given these dramatic events in the Church, it would send a strong signal if Benedict XVI., who has received the Papal invitation to participate on Sunday at the conclusion of the Synod and the beatification of Paul VI, would stay away.
He has a lot of other ways only but to withdraw from the choreographic assigned role. Whether as emeritus pope, a role he has ascribed to himself and where it will have certainly meant something, or equipped as a cardinal of the Church, as a bishop or a priest, with his own will, he can lay aside his reticence and silence, but it need not be. Especially not after he has been silent for one and a half years, however, exploited by his successor. Nowhere is it written that Benedict XVI. must not raise his voice. No ecclesiastical provision forbids him.
Benedict's Duty of Fraternal Correction of His Successor
Has he not rather a duty to Christ and His bride, the Church? Does he not also have a commitment to fraternal correction of his successor and the cardinals and bishops? To show commitment as well as visible help and support for all consecrated and faithful people? The claim that one message from Benedict XVI. would involve the danger of a schism in itself, is without any foundation. The truth can never be the cause of a schism, only the error and therefore the deviation from the truth.
As Cardinal Kasper makes his voice heard, so also can Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger as Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI. assert himself throughout, and especially with his whole authority and weight. It was just Cardinal Kasper, who a few days after his resignation and a few days before the start of the conclave against Benedict XVI, uttered a warning which he himself described as "advice". He warned the newly resigned Pope from the pages of the daily newspaper, La Repubblica, who himself would play shortly thereafter an important and controversial role for Pope Francis, not to "interfere in matters of Church government and Church politics" in any way. It was an irony of fate, just as have been made at the time of official moment of resignation, that was for Kasper, the favor of the lucky hour. If the resignation had occurred a few days later, Kasper would have no longer been able participate in the conclave that influenced the election of the new Pope and become, with papal mandate, the spokesman of the "new charity". Kasper can warn, but Benedict XVI. not let them impress him: Wherever he appears, Tu es Petrus must be intoned. Tu es Petrus! This does, however, mean something quite independently from those associated with the resignation and controversial issues.
The abdicated Pope will sacrifice in secret for the Church and pray. But it is also not clear that he truly serves the Church with his silent appearances in public, nor to bring help for the salvation of millions of more or less disoriented people . No authority in the world could disincentive Benedict XVI. from entering into his present position in the Church by other gestures than in the past few months and especially by statements in defense of the truth of the Church's doctrine and maintenance of order. Nobody, except he himself, could also prevent him from celebrating the Immemorial Mass of All Ages in the Vatican or outside.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Corrispondenza Romana
image: Corrispondenza Romana
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
There;s only two possibilities for the actions of Benedict XVI that lead to this disaster of Pope Francis.
One- Benedict XVI, in the midst of the tremendous scandal rocking the Vatican nearly 2 years ago, when secrete files and papers were stolen and exposed to the press and the world revealing the corruption in the Vatican, was threatened to keep his mouth shut about the affair and resign. The excuse he gave about being to frail to continue is B.S.. He was hated so much in the shadowy corners of the Vatican by all the perverts and gays that he had to go. It was a coup. If he had not gone willingly, he probably would have been killed.....in much the same way some people think John Paul I was killed(poisoned).
Benedict XVI has kept quiet, probably because he is still under threat to remain silent.
But I still believe that Benedict XVI will outlast Francis. Francis will die in a year or two, and with him...all the hopes and dreams of he and his cohorts.
Francis has made so many enemies a=mong the Cardinals and bishops with this latest Synod, that the next Pope will be a "youngish" man who is the complete opposite of Francis. He will be a Catholic. He will be more traditionally inclined than Benedict XVI was. He will be much like a Pius XII or even a Pius X....and his reign will be a great return of much that Benedict XVI attempted....but even more in the way of tradition.
The Italian press is already saying that this Synod was a disaster......a total disaster for Francis and his agenda. Good riddance!
This article must be read and reflected upon by each and every Cardinal and Bishoph,especially , those participated in the synod. Will they be true shepherds or would act like wolves ? What a mess Pope Francis has created.
It is true that Pope Benedict Xavi must not have resigned or atleast until the heretic and arrogant Cardinal Kasper had retired . He did play a major role for the election of Pope Francis . Jesus and Mary save us from the wolves.
I might believe this scenario if not for all the photos of glad handing, hugs and kisses between these two "shepherds".
Ratzinger is irrelevant, he has to keep quiet since he´s no longer the pope... and he should be thankful to Francis good will ... maybe with another pope he wouldn´t be allowed to live in the vatican, dress in white or be seen in public.
When did Francis say "there is no God!"??? Source?
If Benedict keeps quiet I think a fair interpretation will be that such silence, following upon his resignation, means that they have got something on him that compels his silence, I.e. Blackmail. I don't give the death threat possibility as much credence because he is served solely by the Memores Domini who are loyal to him, one presumed, so poisoning seems unlikely. Of course there is always the possibility of the "deranged" Swiss Guard, as happened under JPII, no?
What he said was “I believe in God, not in a Catholic God. There is no Catholic God, there is God and I believe in Jesus Christ, his incarnation.” That statement can be found everywhere but here's one: http://www.ibtimes.com/pope-francis-i-believe-god-not-catholic-god-1415620
He also said "there is no God" here, in his usual way of never making any sense, thus making one wonder if he is an intelligent man at all, much less a Catholic:
First, they KICKED HIM OUT!!! - now everybody is calling for him to SPEAK OUT... What a hypocrisy of the same people who most likely applaud Francis... Francis is a mason, Benedict can not speak out, NOT YET... He will when Schism will come. Read this: http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/his-throne-has-been-stolen-his-power-has-not/
One may not resign from opposing evil attacks on the Faith and morality, especially if a priest and bishop. Lord, give us strength.
At the moment Benedict may be speaking through his private secretary, Archbishop Georg Gänswein, who has made several interventions. I can only imagine the furore if Benedict himself started making direct statements or giving interviews contra Francis. It's possible he's holding back to try to prevent a more serious fracture than there already is. In his role as Pope he could have stamped on the modernisers/dissenters but didn't. That, sadly for the Church, was his contribution to the present problem.
YES!!! Sunday, October 19, 2014
Pope Benedict’s private secretary speaks on Synod, divorce, same-sex relations
LifeSiteNews) Pope Benedict’s private secretary has given a surprise interview on some of the hot-button issues at the Vatican’s Extraordinary Synod on the Family, advancing views aligned with those expressed by Pope Benedict during his time as cardinal and pope.
In the interview published in the print edition of Chi magazine last week, Archbishop Georg Gänswein said, "The Church has always declared, based on the Scriptures and tradition, that homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.” The acts, he said, “are contrary to natural law, because they prevent the gift of life, the purpose of the sexual act.”
Gänswein went on to acknowledge that for people experiencing same-sex attraction the inclination can be a trial. “These people,” he said, “are called to live the will of God in their life and if they are Christians, to unite their sacrifice to the cross of the Lord, with the difficulties they meet because of their condition.”
The remarks echo the language of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which was published in 1992, when Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger headed the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF). They also bear marked similarity to the language of the 1986 Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons, published by the CDF and signed by Cardinal Ratzinger.
“Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that ‘homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered,’” says the Catechism. “They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life.” http://www.sanctepater.com/2014/10/pope-benedicts-private-secretary-speaks.html
Benedict is one of the architects of the present Church. STOP THE INSANITY. PLEASE!!!!
It is not over till the Synod's over next year. It has been nicknamed the SinNod.
How many more Faithful Cardinals will Francis remove of his own volition ?
How many more heretic Cardinals will Francis promote?
The fact that the Church is even thinking of approving mortal sin is beyond belief.
Pope Francis is the only one in control.
Sacred Scripture -
“Thou shall not commit Adultery” – GOD’s Commandment
Ex 20:14; Deut 5:18.
“Thou shall not covet thy Neighbor’s wife” – GOD’s Commandment
Ex 20:17 ; Deut 5.20.
Teachings of JESUS about divorce and remarriage – Mk 10:6-12; Mt 5:32.
Teaching of JESUS about adultery, mercy, and required repentance – “Go and Sin NO more” - Jn 8:11.
Teaching about homosexual acts:
Gen 19:1-29; Rom 1:24-27; 1 Cor 6:10; 1 Tim 1:10; Jude 1:7
St Paul – 1 Cor 11:27-30 about condemnation for receiving Holy Communion unworthily.
CCC: ” 81 Sacred Scripture is the speech of God as it is put down in writing under the breath of the Holy Spirit.
And [Holy] Tradition transmits in its ENTIRETY the Word of God which has been entrusted to the apostles by Christ the Lord and the Holy Spirit.
It transmits it to the successors of the apostles so that, enlightened by the Spirit of truth, they may faithfully preserve, expound and spread it abroad by their preaching. “
We all must keep repeating that it is NOT Pastoral, nor Charitable, nor Merciful to condone, or affirm anyone in Mortal Sin.
Un-repented Mortal Sins send Souls to Hell for eternity, and that is not the job of the Church.
The new heresy is called "GRADUALISM" - that if you accept the mortal sins of others and allow them to receive Holy Communion unworthily, eventually they will become good Catholics.
This calls Jesus a Liar - when he said "go and sin no more".
I wonder if Peter, Matthew or John said anything about Judas?
Remember that Christ heads our Church. Things may continue to deteriorate until it appears that evil has won and defeated our Church. That is the moment the great prelate will arise to lead a Holy Catholic Church. Never lose hope no matter how desperate things look. We must always trust Jesus Christ true Lord true God and constantly seek our Blessed Mother's consolation.
Pope Francis is setting the stage. He wants to disregard mortal sin, and disregard the need for repentance. He wants to pretend that repentance is not important to obtain God's mercy.
CCC: " 1451 Among the penitent's acts contrition occupies first place. Contrition is
sorrow of the soul
and detestation for the sin committed,
together with the resolution not to sin again."
CCC: " 2092 There are two kinds of presumption.
Either man presumes upon his own capacities, (hoping to be able to save himself without help from on high),
or he presumes upon God's almighty power or his mercy (hoping to obtain his forgiveness without conversion and glory without merit).
CCC: " 1861 Mortal sin is a radical possibility of human freedom, as is love itself.
It results in the loss of charity and the privation of sanctifying grace,
that is, of the state of grace.
If it is not redeemed by repentance and God's forgiveness,
it causes exclusion from Christ's kingdom and the eternal death of hell,
for our freedom has the power to make choices for ever, with no turning back.
However, although we can judge that an act is in itself a grave offense, we must entrust judgment of persons to the justice and mercy of God."
GRADUALISM includes knowingly allowing those obstinate in mortal sin to receive Holy Communion unworthily.
Not only will they continue to commit their mortal sin, but will also add the mortal sin of sacrilege. They will not be obtaining any sanctifying grace to help bring them in the future.
When a Bishop, Priest, or Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion - gives Holy Communion to someone publically known to be obstinate in the state of mortal sin,
they participate in that sin of sacrilege,
and sin of scandal, plus the publically known mortal sin.
They aid and abet in those sins, and participate in sacrilege and scandal.
CCC: " 1868 Sin is a personal act. Moreover, we have a responsibility for the sins committed by others when we cooperate in them:
- by participating directly and voluntarily in them;
- by ordering, advising, praising, or approving them;
- by not disclosing or not hindering them when we have an obligation to do so;
- by protecting evil-doers. "
Don't let Pope Francis, Cardinal Kasper, Cardinal Danneel, Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Bishop Blasé Cupich (newly appointed by Francis to the Chicago Diocese), and others deceive you, because they are trying to change Church teaching - even though they deny it.
They are duplicitous, by wanting to give Holy Communion to those known to be in obstinate mortal sin.
CCC: " 1385 To respond to this invitation we must prepare ourselves for so great and so holy a moment.
St. Paul urges us to examine our conscience: "Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of profaning the body and blood of the Lord. Let a man examine himself, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup. For any one who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment upon himself."
Anyone conscious of a grave sin must receive the sacrament of Reconciliation before coming to communion. "
It is time to be realistic Benedict XVI will probably never say anything, he is too old and frankly I don't think he will last much longer.
If we ever hear anything about what Benedict XVI thinks of Francis and his "reforms" it would probably be after his death and probably only hearsay.
I hope I am wrong, but I don't see it happen, his age and weakness is showing more and more and I don't think he has much left to go.
Everything is like it has always been... in God's hands.
We must go on and remain faithful to what Holy Mother Church has taught for the past 2000 years and hope the Lord will come soon because we now have a mess in the Church that is it hard to get out of.
Pope Benedict already has been challenging Pope Bergolio, publicly, as noted by Genty above but it would be nice to see something more definitive:
Exactly, he was SOLD OUT, then KICKED OUT. Why are there people out there, especially traditionalists (who are the ones presumably commenting here and writing pieces here) don't grasp this I do not know. Pope Benedict IS the Holy Father and yes he was coerced and since that is the cases, he's STILL the Holy Father. Don't think he's not controlled and silenced either, Lord only knows how they're doing that but my guess he's a virtual prisoner. When you're dealing with men this vicious don't worry, anything is possible and those carefully staged photo ops are just that..staged. Oh and btw, he's about what? 86 years old? Lets not fault the Holy Father, pray for him and pray for him some more. Oh and what the status of this Bergogilo guy is? I haven't a clue, I'm not a canon lawyer and the one who would have flat out told us (Fr. Hesse) unfortunately isn't around to tell us.
"The French Revolution, which has yet to happen in the one Church of Jesus Christ is more than two hundred years too late, as Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini once expected."
What does this mean exactly? I read and re read this passage but I can't figure out the logic behind it. The French Revolution in the Church occurred starting in 1960 and was fully implemented in 1970. Please if anyone denies that you have no clue about what the French Revolution was and why it occurred and what Vatican II was and why it occurred.
Careful though, it's never "approved". It's written somewhere in a passage, swirled around with confusing double talk, maybe even "dropped" from the text. But then when the text shows up, there it is and miraculously, like the heretical Novus Ordo mass, it's implemented EVERYWHERE, OVERNIGHT. So there's the lie, it's "just incorrect in it's implementation." If that's the case why is it EVERYWHERE in every Diocese and Church overnight.
In this case as Cardinal Burke said why won't Francis tell us his position? And the answer is because he wrote it but like all the heretical Vatican 2 committees of clowns in the past they do it in secret and don't sign their name to it but have no illusion, it's now the de facto law of the Church. We know God's law rules supreme in the end but these pagans are going to have their little party for the next few years trying to take as many souls down as possible.
He said it during that whole "God spray" gibberish rant he spoke about two weeks ago. I have read it, he did say it but it's in the most confusing bunch of gibberish I seriously wonder if the man is on drugs.
Martini didn't think so, and he's a deceased Cardinal. At the risk of sounding impatient and annoyed, in not sure why what you think is so real.
Benedict cannot speak out officially because you cannot have two Popes simultaneously acting as the head of the Catholic Church.
As other commenters have already pointed out, Abp Ganswein seems to be timing the moment to express his opinion rather well...
In all honesty, the pressure on Benedict, Ganswein, Guido Marini and anyone in the Vatican loyal to the Benedict camp must be close to boiling point, in the sense that they've had to watch it all happen.
I realise Benedict is an elderly man, getting older everyday, but he seems to have shrunk so. He must have an inner kind of serenity, and of course, faith, that can spill over to others, helping them all get through it. Me, I would have burst a blood vessel by now and zimmer-framed all the way to Casa Santa Marta...
A holy priest or prelate will try and do the best in the pursuit of his own spiritual life, but then will no doubt worry about the salvation of all those that he is responsible for and if he is solicitous enough regarding their care. It must be nightmarish for Benedict, Ganswein, Marini et al at the moment.
I know who Pope Benedict is are you possibly referring to Monsignor Georg Ratzinger the Pope's brother? I'd hate to face our Lord one day and answer why I said his vicar on earth is irrelevant.
Here is your source, Vatican radio:
October 9, 2014. Exactly 56 years since the death of Pope Pius XII. Vatican Radio publishes a summary of the “Pope’s” latest homily, quoting him as follows:
So often [people ask]: 'But do you believe?': 'Yes! Yes! '; 'What do you believe in?'; 'In God!'; 'But what is God for you?'; 'God, God'. But God does not exist: Do not be shocked! So God does not exist! There is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, they are persons, they are not some vague idea in the clouds ... This God spray does not exist! The three persons exist!
(“Pope at Santa Marta: What we dare not hope for”, News.va, Oct. 9, 2014)
Get a clue, it wasn't just Caesar who was betrayed in Rome.
Cardinal Suenens thought so and he's a deceased cardinal and the irony Is he was a leftist. Below from Archbishop Lefebvre's letter courtesy of the SSPX website:
"It was Cardinal Suenens who exclaimed, “Vatican II is the French Revolution in the Church” and among other unguarded declarations he added “One cannot understand the French or the Russian revolutions unless one knows something of the old regimes which they brought to an end… It is the same in church affairs: a reaction can only be judged in relation to the state f things that preceded it”. What preceded, and what he considered due for abolition, was that wonderful hierarchical construction culminating in the Pope, the Vicar of Christ on earth. He continued: “The Second Vatican Council marked the end of an epoch; and if we stand back from it a little more we see it marked the end of a series of epochs, the end of an age."
Pope BENEDICT Broke my heart when he was force out by the same ?XY! #@%% that carried JPII the ill and dying poor man to every dog pony show these modernist put on. So we have the bishop of rome Francis the hertic..
Well lets just hold on a minute there. JPII was quite healthy at Assisi, the voodoo priestess thing and dozens of other moments like that, he was quite happy to do those things, nobody forced him. Lets not compare Pope Benedict to "I can't do anything, only God can renew his Church" Pope JP2 the awesome.
To paraphrase another leader of our time, "Benedict has a phone and he has a pen." Any Cardinal will be happy to listen to anything Benedict has to say. But if Bergoglio is "cunning" is not Benedict moreso? He is not so foolish as to make a grand stand. Those who want the advice of his wisdom, he will surely share.
There are so many "Anonymous" posters here. Who the heck is who?
To the first Anonymous,
The mainline Italian secular press are calling it a disaster because the liberal heretical propositions failed ...and that "Francis' ideas was frustrated.
The Mayor of Rome "legalised" 16 homosexual "marriages" on Saturday ... this would never have happened under Benedict or John Paul.
This present pontificate is more than creepy...I pray that we will be free of it soon...how can heaven bear to watch what's happening? cBesisdes I don't want to be identified by the present hierarchy ...such an embarassment and disgrace...
I mean we are supposed to be trying to get others into the Church ...with a hierarchy like this ...how do we explain this mess to newly converted without putting them off...?
People have a right to right under anonymous.
Please don't forget that.
If you want to reply to someone just read their comment and reply.
It is time for his Eminence Cardinal Burke to take advantage of the wind of the Holy Ghost at his back and step up to the Throne of Peter.
He has the support to send this Pope into retirement and when he makes his move, more people will step up to support him.
He needs to create TWO retired "ex-popes". Send this one back to a comfortable retirement in Argentina with a one-way ticket.
I could restrict anonymous comments and it would be easier if people used some kind of moniker beneath their comments to distinguish, but I want people to be more free comment in the first place, keep things coming in.
Still, I'm always open for changes.
Of course you have the "right" to post anonymously! But you made a good point ~ we can just reply to the anonymous person easily. If confusion comes in further on down the thread because of a multitude of anonymous posts, oh well.
This is a laughable article based on the premise that Benedict XVI is a traditionalist which he definitely is not as anyone who bothers to read his works and what he even says about himself. He is an ardent liberal modernist & was ready to use The Latin Mass to hybridise the failed NO rite. His silence is approval for this disgraceful era of the papal incumbent who can't keep his mouth shut. The ignorance and sheer wishful thinking about the last pope is utterly absurd.
False, it's based on the premise that he's Pope and has an obligation to defend the Catholic faith, which he has done in the past as a Cardinal, bishop and priest.
Could Benedict XVI be subjected to political blackmail from the "superpowers" and forced into this "prison"?
No he has not as any reading of Pope St Pius X's analysis of liberal modernism will inform us - they are enemies of the faith because they have a very distorted interpretation of what it constitutes.
The lib-mods have constructed an entirely new paradigm based on old heresies and schismatic ideologies. They also have a fabricated liturgy to accompany that. To expect such people to defend The Faith of The Roman Catholic Church is an impossible expectation. He said he was liberal and had not changed as others had. He has been complicit in scattering; dividing; destroying and covering up. His interest was not in defending what pre-conciliar papacies had defended and propagated. Like his immediate predecessors and his successor, he stands for primacy of conscience, collegiality, ecumenism, religious liberty & its subsequent indifference, interconfessionalism and by his own implicit admission, the pantheism of Teillhard de Chardin.
Everything we witness now under this Argentinian pope is a logical extension of what he stood for,viz-z-viz the councils and the post-conciliar paradigm: the alleged hermeneutic of continuity which is an extension of "tradition" he presupposed but which he and his successor reject. As Francis has claimed himself, outside of The Vatican City he has no responsibility for what happens. There we have it in a liberal modernist nutshell - with responsibility for only what happens in the Vatican City with all its corruption and current immorality, and not outside, they have effectively issued a disclaimer.
Most people,any of them faithful Catholics, believe he's Pope, and I'm not interested in analyses, however convoluted and self-interested, which contradict that.
But this piece is talking about Martini.
Confused, aren't they?
I believe he's referring to Georg's baby brother Josef, who used to be Christ's Vicar on Earth but abandoned that office and now isn't.
It must be horrendous for anyone in the Vatican loyal to God and His Holy Church.
The truth, particularly the moral truth has been outlawed not only in the debauched secular world, but in the Church too.
What better way to destroy souls? The Devil is very clever. Blessed Michael defend us.
My comments on PJ2 were meant to picture his situation towards the end of his life. I am no fan of JP2. But Benedict is no trad. He freed the true mass and he slowed the modenist down now they they are back in full force.
I've just complely blew you out of the water in this debate by pointing out what an asinine, absurdly incorrect statement "the french revolution has yet to happen in the Church" by giving the testimony of the French masonic primary Architect of Vatican 2 and you come back with "but this piece is talking about Martini"?
You lost Tancred, I know it's your blog but win some lose some, be gracious in defeat and move on to the next battle.
People have been converting to the Church from the time of 1st century heresies until now. People don't convert because they like the Pope. Know your Faith, be able to defend, it, and most importantly, live it. (And please don't confuse living it with the modern sentimentalist mush put out by principalities and powers-that-be we are all combatting). Your living it attracts people.
IMHO. the soberest and wisest comment yet.
Rose, in 20 years, ask yourself if you're more serene than when you wrote this comment. I can promise you that if you have tried to learn from your mistakes, repented of your sins and changed your ways, did what you could from the moment you are reading this, both for Christ and for yourself, your good self, that is, then you will be as serene as Benedict , and as ready, maybe more so, to face Christ. Your serenity can spill into others, just like anger can. But people will complain noisily about the latter, and not thank you for the former, which, really is a gift of the Holy Ghost.
It was nice of you to answer me ...but that's a pathetic reply ....
and VERY presumption as regards me - with " And please don't confuse living it with the modern sentimentalist mush put out by principalities and powers-that-be we are all combatting). But that is the risk of blog comments .. "
You don't know me anonymous person ...go take a Catholic hike to Compostella or the like..
Pompous windbag...
Thank you Tancred for being the voice of reason, as well as the commenter above who points out that Benedict, really is out of the picture. And I think the commenter who complained about anonymous postings had a strong point, but sometimes the comments come in simultaneously, sometimes the commenter thinks he's the only one, and sometimes the commenter can't think up that <> witty handle.
Anyhow, say what you like about Ratzinger, he changed his ways when he came into the CDF. As has Mueller. And please give Wojtyla a break-- he took a gamble, based on Christian teaching, did Assissi, then never did it again, at least to my recollection. this misjudgments will be forgotten in 50 years, especially as non-Christians don't understand the concept of "reaching out."
Lastly, why the rush to canonize John XXIII et al? Padre Pio Mother Teresa, Sr. Faustina and Benedicta, I can see quick canonization for them, no one had anything worldly, i.e., Church politics, to gain from them. But Popes? Cardinals and Archbishops? To me, fast-tracking would mean "maybe let's talk about it in 100 years,"
Not irrelevant, but seemingly absent, although he has confronted Francis on at least two occasions and I expect that his intervention had that interview with Scalfari, the atheist, removed from the ordinary magisterium and the Vatican website.
Good job!
You can invent and fabricate what you like about Cardinal Ratzinger aka, Fr Ratzinger but he is a self-confessed liberal modernist and as culpable of wrecking the church as his post-conciliar predecessors as this latest edition. He hid behind collegiality like they and so does Francis. As far as they are concerned we are all free to choose what religion our consciences dictate - even JP II stated this publicly. Both Francis and Benedict have exonerated themselves from direct responsibility in all the disgusting ecclesiastical scandals by claiming they have no authority outside The Vatican. This form of self-confessed external sede-vacantism is indeed more than just symbolic but it is rather an effective admission that they stand for protestantist individualism in matters of faith and ecumenism in spiritual orientation.
To expect Benedict XVI to defend what a true Roman Catholic defends to the death is beyond all realism and reasonable expectation. He is not a true Roman Catholic dedicated to "Eternal" Rome - read "Pascendi...." by Pope St Pius X and understand - you cannot have your Roman Catholic cake and eat it with liberal modernism and its disorientated and disorientating philosophies. The last 5 popes are not Catholic by action and by admission - they are protestant pantheist ecumenical liberal modernists - enemies from within; scatterers and the wolves who have entered the sheepfold and scattered the sheep. they offer stones for bread and serpents for fish. Who in their right mind would listen to anything they say without the deepest suspicion and discernment?
Padre Pio was canonised rapidly so that the subversive regime in Rome could take control of the popular devotion to him. Anyone seeing the appalling brutalist structure that houses his remains in St Giovanni understands immediately he inspired the modernists there with fear - he knew well enough that The Vatican was disorientated, masonic. Fr Luigi Villa leaves us all an everlasting & formidable testimonial - all the post-conciliar popes are defective one way or another and all of them singularly unworthy of veneration let alone sanctification. To believe they are saintly is a grotesque injustice to the true faith.
He most certainly is. Why would that surprise anyone who knows what monstrosities these popes of the postmodern era have unleashed on us all? They are compromisers, compromising and compromised. Our Blessed Lady admonishes against this according to Her revelations at Akita. This lukewarmness is loathed by Our Blessed Lord.
Dear Anon at 11:42, thank you for replying and I certainly will take your advice to heart. Serenity is something I need to cultivate, as I am prone to a fiery temperament and my life does feel like one long militant crusade at times. I still believe in defence of the faith, and if that be best done in a serene manner, then so be it, but defended it must be.
At the moment it feels as though the rock of faith is being pulverised by a very noisy pneumatic drill. Perhaps it needs to be countered by a kind of silence. Funny though, whenever I've thought of what it would be like if I became a nun, I always think of the silent contemplatives.
That's His Holiness to you.
I'm beginning to appreciate why Rorate closed down its comments.
Ratzinger knows Kasper better than anyone... Look for the Kasper- Ratzinger debate...The moment Bergoglio started to mention Kasper, Ratzinger knew exactly where the Church would go...
If you restrict anonymous comments then you would not allow people to freely express their opinions because once you know that a person with a moniker is not to your liking you won't be always censor them.
Blogs and bloggers are loosing this way because you cannot only publish comments that agree with you it kills real conversations and debates.
And of course I am not implying to let the comments of trolls but if you restrict anonymous comments you will eventually only damage your blog.
No Tancred ..you are doing the right thing. I respect you for it.
If you restrict anonymous comments then you would not allow people to freely express their opinions because once you know that a person with a moniker is not to your liking you will be always be censoring them.
Blogs and bloggers are loosing this way because you cannot only publish comments that agree with you it kills real conversations and debates.
And of course I am not implying to let the comments of trolls but if you restrict anonymous comments you will eventually only damage your blog.
Know your Theology. Apart from his modernism, Benedict was still the true Successor to St Peter. If he wasn't, you'd be a sedevacantist, and that doctrine is false because it is absolutely full of self-contradiction. "IF" there is question of the legitimacy of the Office of the Pope, it begins only with the elction of Benedict XVI because under established jurisprudence, legitimacy is compromised by restraint: If he was FORCED out, then Francis would be an Anti-pope. Benedict might even believe he legitimately resigned, however if he was COMPELLED, then there is a legal IMPEDIMENT to the legitimacy of Francis' papacy. BLACKMAIL is just such an impediment to legitimacy and Francs would still be an antipope. Now i believe this as the son of a distinguished lawyer. One needs the opinion of a TRADITIONAL canon lawyer. For instance, its possible that Benedict might even believe he gave up the papacy, but Francis might still be an Antipope.
Excuse me, I meant to say that if there is question to legitimacy, it begins with Francis.
Of course our Holy Father, Benedict would speak out if he was able to. Pray that he will be moved to a safe haven and that the apostates will be exposed
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