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Bishop Oliveri of Albenga |
(Albenga / Rome) Pope Francis seems to be continuing his cleansing against tradition. "Ruthless and relentless" says Messa in Latino . Reasons are not known. A stone is thrown into the pond and yet it never lacks worthy men who would not grab it. Francesco Colafemmina, combative art and cultural critic, therefore, speaks of the purges and their claques.
The Purge and the "Allegations"
An accusation, whether valid or less, you find against every man, and of course every bishop. However, going to a visible pattern behind the intervention of Pope Francis that is directed against bishops and communities in the Church who know how to appreciate and rediscover what the Church taught before the Second Vatican Council and the associated understanding of the Church. There is tolerance and understanding for those who content themselves exclusively with the past 50 years. However zero tolerance goes for those who preserve and maintain what the Church taught over 1950 long years instead - well founded - rather forgo the innovations of the last 50 years.
In short: a traditional Bishop is replaced, or traditionally woven community (outside the domestic enclosure Ecclesia Dei ) is reprimanded, the Vatican is silent on the reasons. There are the cheerleaders, who provide more or less behind closed doors for the spread of "dirt".There is now a kind of standard list of accusations available that can be fished out at any time.
The Battle for the Sacramental Priesthood
The allegation of lack of care in the selection of seminarians is particularly popular here, mostly smugly garnished with the catchword of homosexuality. Added to this is the allegation of irregularities in the diocesan finances.
The first argument is particularly perfidious. The seminaries of progressives are empty, gradually abandoned and merged between diocese. The reason is not the often cited lack of vocations, but rather a lack of understanding of diocesan leaders and parts of the officiating clergy for the sacramental and also still celibate priesthood. Appeals are not supported. In some areas one could get the impression that they intentionally wanted to let the priesthood die and prepare insidiously for its replacement by married deacons, the demand for abolition of celibacy, deacons and deaconesses, including pastoral assistants, who already occur in some parishes in priest-like robes, preach and stand at the Eucharistic prayer next to the priest at the altar.
The Disturbing Evidence of Tradition
Tradition proves that God calls a sufficient number of men to the priesthood today. The existence of flourishing seminaries of tradition in addition to the dissolving seminaries of progressives belies all analyses, justifications and latter lies. Their anger is directed not so much against those individuals and groups that are labeled with the stamp "tradition" and tolerated in the special room of "Ecclesia Dei", but are controlled simultaneously and marginalized within the Church, the anger is directed against those who preach the progressive understanding of the "real" Church, like the Franciscans of the Immaculate, a Novus Ordo Order, which discovered tradition and became what some perceived as threatening precedent.The same is true especially for diocesan bishops who turn to the tradition, like Bishop Livieres of Ciudad del Este and Bishop of Albenga-Imperia Oliveri. They provide evidence that tradition is not only the model for a few diehards, but is suitable for the whole Church.
A hostile faction in his own diocese and mostly among neighboring bishops deliver "dossiers" that provide fewer arguments, but the welcome opportunity to intervene. Bishop Oliveri has "a quarter of the diocesan clergy against him, which is progressively minded, who constitute a real faction that defies the bishop," said Chiesa e Postconcilio . And again, the daily newspaper Il Secolo XIX , "which is closely connected with Ligurian Freemasonry and fought for years against Bishop Oliveri performs" and it is not by chance that it plays a not minor role. From the diocese of Bishop Oliveri incidentally, comes the layman Mario Castellano, who belongs to the troika today in the Order of the Franciscans of the Immaculate and sets the tone (see Troika determined by Franciscans of the Immaculate - but Who is Mario Castellano )
The Dingy Corner as Part of Defamation
The accusation of homosexuality is brought into play with enjoyment, though the progressives can be particularly accommodating to that, but not tradition. The propaganda lie is that there was a "connection" between the Old Mass and and homosexuality [see David Berger's alleged "tell-all" book], who are up to mischief. Like every propaganda lie, it is sufficient to repeat it frequently enough. Something is always hanging. In German-speaking countries, this "theory" was represented by a particularly tragic figure whose personal homosexuality gained the upper hand and fighting the tradition and led to the Church itself.
Ultimately, the "allegations" should only distract from the actual motives distract from the fundamental and hard battle for the right understanding and orientation of the Church. Which is reprimanded by the Pope or cleared is to be placed in a dingy corner. A particularly unsavory slime action, which says a lot about the opponents of the tradition. This just because those who are purged are proven to be of particular, usually of comparatively outstanding personal integrity, such as Bishop Livieres and Bishop Oliveri, with the remaining examples already mentioned.
Financial "Irregularities" in the Diocesan Coffers
The accusation of "irregularities", i.e. inappropriate use of diocesan finances is too loose, so that it is unusable without specific designation of allegation and proof of responsibility. Except of course when willingly self-assembled chorus of cheerleaders. This argument is familiar with the German Church in the cases Tebartz van Elst and Mixa.
To show the insignificance of this "allegation" the art and cultural critic Colafemmina put together a "quick" list. It relates to some bishops who were outed at the Synod of Bishops in their respective areas as progressives who were all guilty of allegations of dubious dealing with the diocesan finances, but all continue to sit on their posts.
This Colafemmina concludes, that in view of papal purges, the allegations put forward are erroneous. What seems crucial is which orientation you belong, to be dismissed and praised. Here is his "quick" list:
Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia Curia
Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia: "Change is initiated, there is no turning back". At the Synod on the Family to the resistance to Communion for remarried divorcees and the extra-marital partnerships, he said, "can not change the way that has now been trod." "The mission of Francis has been respected: accept it and go". An excerpt from the interview by Vatican Insider with Archbishop Paglia of the Community of Sant'Egidio. Paglia is none other than the President of the Pontifical Council for the Family, and thus the "family minister" of the Holy See. As such, he was present at the recently concluded Synod of Bishops. He has not yet been confirmed by Pope Francis in his office. In 2012, he was Bishop Paglia of Terni-Narni-Amelia.
The weekly magazine L'Espresso wrote on September 26, 2013: "the Monsignor emphasizes that in Terni there were two different matters that were not reconcilable: On the one hand the debt of my diocese, on the other hand, the history of the castle, with which the media and the public prosecutor have engaged. I am aware that in my years of episcopate in Terni, the bank debt of the diocese has grown to eight million euros today from what it was then.' (...) As Espresso was able to find a few weeks the Vatican bank IOR granted an interest-free loan for the Diocese of Terni in the amount of 12 million euros, with which the bank debt was to be covered. "
Vatican Insider wrote on April 16, 2014: "That little problems' is a hole in the diocesan budget of more than 20 million euros, the result of real estate transactions, which was determined by the prosecution that occurred in the years when Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia was bishop, who is President of the Pontifical Council for the Family since 2012. Should the hole be covered with 12 million euros by the Vatican bank IOR, which should be 'repaid without interest in ten years, as the prelate himself announced. Once again the same sum is to be gauranteed by an advance from the Fund " 8 of 1000 " provided by the Italian Episcopal Conference."
Colafemmina: Ironically, Paglia is the author of a recently published monumental "History of Poverty", which was reviewed by "Pope" Eugenio Scalfari personally.
Diocesan Bishop Domenico Mogavero
Monsignor Domenico Mogavero. "The protest of the bishops against the proposals for the recognition of gay partnerships are unfounded: a secular state can not make religious decisions and the Church can not interfere in the area of civil law." An excerpt from an interview by Vatican Insider with Bishop of Mazara del Vallo, acting since 2007 in that capacity.
The weekly magazine Panorama wrote on June 16, 2014: "The small Sicilian diocese is led by Monsignor Mogavero.. It has 231,000 inhabitants, 70 priests (many of them quite old) and a total of 131 women religious. Within seven years, debts of almost six million have accumulated to exactly 5,598,090 euros. The thing exploded April-May when the bishop had no more euros in the kitty to pay the banks and creditors. Therefore, the matter will particularly cause concern because Mogavero was sent to Trapani as Apostolic Visitor (a kind of inspector) in 2011 because of a hole in the diocesan fund of one million Euroa. The inspection then led to the dismissal of Bishop Francesco Micchiché. This time it is Mogavero, who has to answer for one financial hole that has grown at least five times as large as that of Trapani. "
Colafemmina: Approximately three million euros were for the construction of new modern(istic)Church of Pantelleria set in the sand. Bishop Mogavero, who openly opposes Summorum Pontificum to this day, publicly attacked Benedict XVI. for the re-admission of the traditional rite, and also for the lifting of the excommunication against the bishops of the SSPX. For this, the bishop has a particular fondness for the haute couture and wearing Armani. The fashion designer Giorgio Armani designed the Sicilian bishop his own chasuble for the inauguration of the new sacristy of the church of Pantelleria. Since when do they inaugurate vestries?
Archbishop Reinhard Marx Cardinal
Cardinal Reinhard Marx: "If there is a homosexual relationship that holds for 30 years, I can not say that this is nothing." said the Archbishop of Munich-Freising for Vatican insider . "The majority of the German bishops agreed to the Kasper's proposal," the cardinal said at the Synod of Bishops on the issue of admission remarried divorcees to Communion. The church is "not a system of abstract ideas," but must "provide answers to the realities of the people," says Marx.
The Huffington Post wrote on October 24, 2013: "Cardinal Reinhard Marx of the Archdiocese of Munich spent eleven million dollars for the reconstruction of the archbishop's residence, and an additional 13 million dollars for a guest house in Rome."
The Munich tabloid tz wrote on March 13, 2012: "The location is excellent, the price is: € 9.7 million for the Archdiocese of Munich-Freising in Rome has bought a new guest house. Evil tongues have already assigned the property a nickname: Palazzo Marx '(...) ". The restoration of the palace [of the archbishop's residence Palais Holnstein in Munich] cost 8.1 million euros."
The Süddeutsche Zeitung headlined on April 12, 2012: "Our Palace in Rome". And further: "For a long time rumors have been circulating among Church workers in the Holy See that Cardinal Reinhard Marx had a "palace" in Rome," A "completely normal house," justified the press man of the Archdiocese of the purchase. The "Roman branch" for stays of Cardinal Marx in Rome was to belay criticism, by calling it a "Meeting House".
Colafemmina: No comment.
Edit: His massive wreckovation project must also not be forgotten. The cost of 51 million euros far outstrips the defamed Bishop Teberst Van-Elst.
Edit: His massive wreckovation project must also not be forgotten. The cost of 51 million euros far outstrips the defamed Bishop Teberst Van-Elst.
Archbishop Bruno Forte
Archbishop Bruno Forte: "Guaranteeing the rights of homosexuals, is a question of decency". With these words, Vatican Insider quoted Archbishop of Chieti-Vasto in connection with the controversial interim report of the Synod of Bishops, whose passages about homosexuality sprang from his quill, as Cardinal Erdo confirmed.
Chietitoday reported on 26 November 2011: "The Church by Mario Botta in Sambuceto will be ready in three years. The agreement was sealed. 'On this Artwork '- said Msgr Forte - 'I encountered the harmonious cooperativeness of all. As all know, Mario Botta has given me the project under the condition that the Church can meet the people, because the Church is an expression of the people of God in a given area. I am convinced that this will be a work that will bring the religious soul of the whole Abruzzo people to expression.' The work, which will cost between eight and ten million euros, is financed by 45 percent of the Italian Episcopal Conference, by the community and committees, including one of entrepreneurs and business associations and a parish committee."
Colafemmina: For criticism of the church building project see the comment .
Introduction / Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
image: MiL / Fides et Forma / Vatican Insider / Wikicommons / Fradernidade Arca de Maria / SZ (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Link to Katholisches....
image: MiL / Fides et Forma / Vatican Insider / Wikicommons / Fradernidade Arca de Maria / SZ (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Link to Katholisches....
And thanks be to God as He makes a mockery of the Novus Ordo lie and empties out all their faithless and sexually deviant seminaries as well as their liturgically abusive temples. He has even given them a bishop of Rome who doesn't want to be pope and who doesn't know The Roman Catholic Faith or its sacred language. Indeed, as the Cardinal once said, we live in strange times.
Whoever hates the TLM and the beautiful traditions of the Church has evil lurking in his heart.
The time is long over due that the gloves come off when dealing with those bishops in Roman and Germany and Austria and Washington DC who are trying to impose heresy on the Church. It is time to play hard ball against evil men. Everyone has a phone with a video camera. It's time that those faithdul Catholics who live and work inside the Vatican start using the play button on their cameras. Modernists hardly live a live that is in conformity with the Faith. Example: the recent episode,with Cardinal Kasper and Edward Pentin. Obviously the only way to stop the impending evil is, in addition to prayer and fasting, to show them in action on video tape. Someone has to do their duty and start recording what oes on behind the walls as the Vatican Motel 666. And then show it to the world. Start recording. And if someone in a high position has, let's say, a drinking problem.......maybe the world should see that in all is "wonder".
Anon 10/25 2:52 pm - I agree w/you. I would go one step further - all who say don't give to CCHD etc. but give to your parish or another charity should take the money and hire private detectives to get the goods on these creeps. They kowtow to Planned Parenthood and pro-abort politicians because these people have the goods on them already being privy to police reports etc. If these bishops are homos, the evidence is out there. Let's get the pics and put them on the internet (papers like the Washington Post refuse to out Cardinal McCarrick & Wuerl though they've had the goods on them for years - and I understand in Pittsburgh also).
"Whoever hates the TLM and the beautiful traditions of the Church has evil lurking in his heart."
I can name on in particular with evil in his heart....pure evil. POPE FRANCIS.
"those faithdul Catholics who live and work inside the Vatican" - name one anonymous - yes, that is one who is entirely faithful to The Roman Catholic Faith devoid of any subversive liberal modernist philosophies and pastoral/liturgical machinations.
The "Pope is evil" bandwagon needs to stop. Pope Pius IX had a change of heart (albeit circa loss of Papal States) and pretell why can't Pope Francis?
More prayer, less talking. Soon there will be 3 Popes so the Church's enemies are very content to see many declaring Pope Francis as an anti-Pope it makes their job easier. 3 Popes, Pope B., Pope F, and very soon the anti-Pope. It is the Age of Apostasy gird your loins things are going to go warp speed in confusion.
I'm sure if you're going to set the bar reasonably high.
It is always interesting to look at past events in the light of history. To connect the "Old Mass" to homosexuality is well beyond disbelief. The move toward acceptance of homosexuality by this pontiff can now be said with certainty. The savaging of the legacy of P. John Paul II goes without saying.---This article sure buttresses the fact that "Amoris Laetitia" is a clarion call for the abdication of sin.
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