Friday, October 10, 2014

Anglican Bishop: Most Look to Rome to Stem Islamic MIlitancy

Edit: important that the Ordinariate in Union would bring this up, for there is surely a strong point of ecumenical interest involved.  
[Our Lady of Walsingham] The prominent Anglican Bishop, Michael Nazir-Ali, formerly the Bishop of Rochester, has spoken of the overriding importance of the Catholic Church's global voice for the future of Christianity in a world threatened by Islamic militancy and secularism. 
He said the Catholic Church potentially had "a great future and a huge opportunity" in the emerging world order and that it now had allies in upholding orthodoxy, even in unexpected quarters. However, he said that how effective it would be depended on how Rome viewed its own position and on its willingness to address its approach to certain issues. He identified these as culture and language and discipline. 
Bishop Nazir Ali, who has both a Christian and a Muslim family background and is now President of the Oxford Centre for Training, Research, Advocacy and Dialogue (OXTRAD), made his remarks to the clergy of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham - the structure set up by Pope Benedict to allow Anglicans to enter the full communion of the Catholic Church, bringing with them elements of their Anglican patrimony. He was speaking on the subject: "A Global Christianity in the Making" to the Ordinariate clergy's plenary session at St Patrick's Catholic Church in Soho Square, London (on 2 October).

Continue Reading at Our Lady of Walsingham...


  1. The Pope is a weakling, and while he sees this as strength of some sort, he will disappoint a great number of people who expect him to launch a Crusade.

    After all, he is a part of the generation that abhors war, maybe even in the spiritual dimension.

    But truth is, while he and like-minded bishops have no interest in war; war is always interested in them, and those they neglect by their peacemongering.

  2. Funny how the Anglicans look to Rome to defend against Islam -- but not against sin. Anglicans have brought us divorce, nationalization of church property, contraception, abortion, refusal to obey the Church and its priesthood, refusal to believe in the Real Presence, disregarding celibacy, gay priests, women priests, gay marriage. If I were an Anglican I would be more concerned w/those who can kill the body and the soul (i.e. God) than Islam.

    1. Exactly, they don't want the 'One, true Faith', but want Catholics to fight for them. I think we already died for Protestants in the Reformation.

  3. Reminds me of Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban's speech... "I wish the Church were stonger"
    (and he is also a Protestant, ex Communist)

  4. They can keep on looking because I don't think anything anti Islamic will come out of Rome anytime soon.

  5. "Anglican Bishop: Most Look to Rome to Stem Islamic Militancy"

    When I saw this headline I started laughing. Maybe the Papal Rome of the 1930's, 1940's and 1950's when we had real Catholic Popes and a true Catholic Church, yes. But the Rome of Vatican II....the Rome of the supreme dialoguer and apologizer John Paul II and now this worthless Pope Francis.............they've got to be joking!! HAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!

  6. "Bishop" Michael Nazir-Ali suffers from loss of reality. as the "Rome" to which he looks up.
